snake in the lions den|| WTM

By KoolInsomniac

224K 6.7K 791

Ada Potter was struggling to get through her fifth year, the trauma of the past events catching up to her, be... More

act two
act three


3.6K 172 10
By KoolInsomniac

An ocean of sleeping bags, finds Ada lying awake, staring at the net of stars glimmering beyond the highest window. A gentle creak is heard and Ada's eyes shift, see Snape pass through the great doors, converge with Dumbledore. "I've done the dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black. Nor anywhere else in the castle."

"I didn't really expect him to linger." Dumbledore nods with a absent look. "Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts castle on one's own, completely undetected..." Snape starts hinting as Dumbledore gazes at the students, refusing to take the bait. "You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor."

Ada rolls her eyes, it was obvious who Snape was implying. Remus had an offended look on his face. Yes Sirius is innocent but he didn't know that at the time, he would never put the students in danger by letting a murderer into the building. Even if he was his husband.

"I do not believe a single professor inside this castle would have helped Sirius Black enter it, Severus." As Snape's eyes glitter darkly, Dumbledore gazes out over the slumbering students. "No... I feel quite confident the castle is safe. And I'm more than willing to let the students return to their Houses. But tomorrow. For now, let them sleep..." As Dumbledore's gaze finds Ada, she shuts her eyes, feigns sleep.

Snape dramatically slams the door open and strutting down the walkway closing all the blinds and pulls down a screen over the blackboard, spins. "Turn to page 394." He tells the students who are just staring at him in confusion.

"Where's Re- I mean Professor Lupin?" Ada asks from beside Mattheo "That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice it to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394." Snape waves and a slide show begins. An Ancient Woodcut of a Horrific Beast flickers at the front of the room. Ron frowns down at his book. "Werewolves?"

"Wow Snivellus I wonder why you chose to teach that topic." Sirius remarks rolling his eyes. Snape glares and says "It's important to teach the students about all the monsters." Remus looks down at the word felling a pit in his stomach.

Ada sent a hateful glare to the dungeon bat. "It's also important for people to know how to wash their hair and yet you seem to be incapable of that." She says while everyone lets out a laugh looking at the greasy man. Snape glares at the floor and grips the sides of his chair so tight that his knuckles turn white. He's so sick of the Potter brat embarrassing him.

"But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione informs confused at the sudden change in topic. "Quiet!" Snape sneers while Ron looks over to Ada and Mattheo "When did she come in? Did you see her come in..." The two just shrug and face their teacher. "Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?"

As the class stares mutely at a slide of an attacking werewolf , Hermione raises her hand waiting desperately to respond to Snape's question. "No one? How... disappointing." Snape tuts obviously ignoring Hermione. "Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind." Hermione says, Malfoy lets out a low howl and laughs with his friends.

"Quiet, Malfoy! Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tellme. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Snape snaps as Hermione looks down with teary eyes. Ada was about to say something but Ron beat her to it. "You asked us a question and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?"

The whole class held there breath, no one talks to Snape like that. Well apart from Ada. So everyone was shocked that Ron would even say something. Snape appears really close to the ginger boys face, glaring at him with fire in his eyes. "Detention Weasley!" He spat causing Ron to flinch back slightly. "Five points from Gryffindor!" He turns to the class "As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it."

While Snape turns his back, Malfoy charms an origami swan and blows it over to Ada. She stares at the parchment. Malfoy has drawn a crude caricature of Ada in her Quidditch robes being struck by lightning over and over. She looks over to Draco who pulls a smug face raising his eyebrows. Ada just rolls her eyes and makes sure snape is still facing the other way before muttering a charm and sets the paper on fire.

Blaise bursts out into fits of laughter, pointing to his best friend. "Great bullying technique there mate, you look like you were blowing her a kiss." He says laughing, Draco gives him a deadpan look when he sees Blaise blow a kiss in his direction.

A lighting bolt strikes one of the golden quidditch rings and the clouds bloom with icy blue light. Far below, in the stands, rain lashes the sea of umbrellas. As one flies free, soaring end over end into the sky, the crowed explodes and two Quidditch squads Gryffindor in scarlet, Hufflepuff in yellow shoot into the air. Twin bludgers fire skyward, and the match is on.

"Lovely day to play quidditch aye." Sirius says bumping his shoulder against Ada's. Ada lets out a fake gasp "I know right." Her voice full of sarcasm as Sirius chuckles.

Ada rising like a rocket through the mist, her robes snapping violently in the wind as she flies, rain falling like needles before her, every dark cloud concealing potential danger. Beaters crisscross his path. A bludger wizzes past, then a second rockets directly at her. Ada swiftly ducks, watches the bludger shatter the broom of a Hufflepuff beater. The Beater goes into a wild spiral, vanishes in the mist.

Ada watches the game with some difficulty till she spots a slight glimmer of snitch. Instantly, jets off Ada closing fast on the tiny, glimmering ball, chasing it through one cloud then another and another until she breaks into a clear patch of sky only to find the Snitch is gone. Angrily, Ada whips the Nimbus back around, searching the horizon frantically, when she spies something in the stadium's highest tower, something enormous flickers briefly in silhouette, then is obscured by a veil of mist. Ada turns.

In the distance, the stray umbrella spins and harpoons a player. Ada's eyes shift. The snitch shimmers like a firefly in the dark underbelly of a cloud. Ada begins to go when the veil of mist shrouding the high tower shifts and for one brief moment a great dog is revealed. As this mist closes, Ada frowns, jets away.

"I fucking hated this game, I just wanted to get it over and done with and sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate." Ada pouts, she hated rain. Well that's a lie, she loves rain however playing quidditch in the rain is not a fun experience.

As Ada pelts after the Snitch, the crowd rises to their. feet Ron grins over the binoculars, watching Ada shred the mist as she urges her broom on. "Come on! Faster! You piece of shit!" Ada yells before a trace of a smile forms on her lips as she closes on the Snitch only yards away reaching out when...

Her lips stated to turn blue at the ice cold temperature, Ada suddenly flinches as some blood trickles down her face as the rain is turning to needles. Needles of ice. Ada glances at the handle of her broomstick. The water sluicing through the grain is freezing. Vapor streams from her mouth and nose.

A dark silhouette passes on her right. She turns. a twin silhouette passes on her left. Ada sees neither. Looks down. The layers of mist are parting below. Lighting strikes. Reveals: an army of silhouette  drifting onto the pitch. A vast legion of them...


Sirius freezes in his spot quickly averting his eyes. He can't physically see a dementor without a huge pit forming in his stomach. He hates it. He knows there's no dementors near him but for some reason he can feel them, they seem to haunt him, draining all his happiness, making his blood run cold.

Remus and Ada notice his tense posture and grab his hands placing them in their own. They didn't say anything knowing he wouldn't want to talk about it, though they will later, when he's declared innocent he is going straight to a mind healer. But they know Sirius Lupin-Black was a man of many words yet he will rarely talk about his feelings.

A distant whistle weaves into the wind, rises in pitch, not a whistle at all, but a... scream. A woman's scream. Ada's eyes flutter, and wisps of Slivery white light floats from her mouth. Her blue fingers go rigid, can no longer grip the broom and... She falls.

The crowd gasp and scream watching Ada, in freefall, drops through one cloud, then another. Plummeting through the circling Dementors. Then... a tall figure rises from the crowd. Raises an open hand to the heavens. Eyes angry but clear. Dumbledore.

"Aresto Momentum!"

"You are never getting on a broom again." Remus tells his daughter. Ada pouts and whines "But dad..." Remus just shakes his head. "But dad nothing, this is the third time you almost or have been injured. I mean you've fallen off your broom every time so far."

"That wasn't my fault though."

"Yes cub I know, but I'm going to have a heart attack here." Ada looks over to Remus and she can see the worry in his eyes, she sighs "I'll be more careful, I promise, but please don't stop me from flying."

Remus has a hesitant look on his face but nods. Ada sighs in relief till Mattheo whispers in her ear. "Wait till he sees what you did in forth year." Her eyes widen as she looks at her boyfriend. Her dad is going to kill her.

"Looks a bit peaky, doesn't she?" Ada hears Ron's voice as she slowly comes to. "Peaky? What d'you expect her to look like? She fell fifty feet." Fred tells his younger brother.

"Yeah, c'mon, Ron. We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking." George says.

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Ada says alerting everyone that she's awake opening her eyes and Ron, Fred, George, Hermione and Mattheo slowly come into focus, standing at the foot of her bed in the hospital wing. "Ada! How're you feeling?" Hermione asks.

Mattheo helps Ada up against her pillow, she sees a nurse removing the spokes of an umbrella from a Hufflepuff player's neck. Ada doesn't look so good herself. "Brilliant." Mattheo smiles at her sarcasm. "Gave us a right good scare, mate." George says.

"What happened?"

"You fell off your broom." Ron says and everyone gives him a deadpan look, "Really? I meant the match. Who won?" Silence. Uncomfortable glances. "No one blames you, Ada. The Dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off."

"How's Oliver?" Ada asks knowing the boy wanted to win before he left school. "Probably drowning himself in the shower. But don't worry he said himself Hufflepuff won fair and square. Diggory caught the snitch before he saw you fall." Fred tell her.

"There's something else you should know, Ada. Your Nimbus -- when it blew away? -- it sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well..." Ron tips a bag of splintered wood and twisted twig onto the bed. As Ada stares, and lets out a small whimper at the sight of her broom.

"I loved that broom." Ada says sadly "We know love." Mattheo says while playing with her hair. "Hey what about the firebolt." Sirius says offended. "Well I love that one too, but the nimbus was my first broom, plus Minnie got me it."

a/n: hey loves sorry it's been over 2 weeks, but last week my grandad died so i hope you understand why i didn't feel like writing. the updates will probably slow for a little while but i'll try to do as much as i can.

anywaysss thank you for the votes and 75k views like wow i hope you have a lovley day/night <3

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