Merthur - Arthur's Secret

By CreamyXD

669K 29.3K 21.5K

Merlin AU Due to Nimueh using sorcery during Arthur's birth, Arthur was given the gift of magic. He has neve... More

Prologue - The Birth of Arthur Pendragon
Chapter 1 - No One Must Know
Chapter 2 - When I Become King...
Chapter 3 - What Will He Think?
Chapter 4 - Jealousy
Chapter 5 - Merlin's Answer
Chapter 6 - The Witchfinder
Chapter 7 - Emrys?
Chapter 8 - I Hurt Him...
Chapter 9 - Can I Still Believe In Him?
Chapter 10 - The Druid's Warning
Chapter 11 - The Beginning of War
Chapter 12 - The Immortal Army
Chapter 13 - Long Live The Queen
Chapter 14 - For The Love Of Camelot
Chapter 15 - Morgana's Hatred
Chapter 16 - The Question of Magic
Chapter 17 - A Normal Day in Camelot
Chapter 18 - Trust
Chapter 19 - It Can't Be...
Chapter 20 - I'm Sorry
Chapter 21 - Ambush
Chapter 22 - Let The Games Begin
Chapter 23 - Love is War
Chapter 24 - Back to Where it All Began
Chapter 25 - Welcome Back
Chapter 26 - I Can Die Happy
Chapter 27 - A Broken Heart
Chapter 28 - Arthur's Sorrow
Chapter 29 - The False Sorcerer
Chapter 30 - The Return Of... Who?
Chapter 31 - So Close
Chapter 32 - Another Problem
Chapter 33 - The First Attempt
Chapter 34 - Nightmare
Chapter 35 - Ari...
Chapter 36 - We Meet Again
Chapter 37 - Home
Chapter 39 - First Week in Camelot
Chapter 40 - Memories
Chapter 41 - The Final Battle
Chapter 42 - Not Again...
Chapter 43 - Thank You
Chapter 44 - Our Ending
Epilogue - Forever

Chapter 38 - The King

7.5K 388 158
By CreamyXD

A/N - I'm so sorry guys! Wattpad deleted the whole chapter the minute I was about to post it so I had to restart the whole thing. 😭 But thank you everyone for 5K reads! I love all of you!


Arthur's POV

"I honestly don't know how much help I can give you," Merlin says with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Just tell us everything you remember," Gaius explains.

"Alright... well... um. I-"


"What was that?" I say, quickly reaching for my sword that hangs from my belt.

I scan the room quickly, searching for what could have made the noise. My eyes soon land on Merlin who's face is turning red.




"Are you hungry?"



He hides his face in his hands. I let out a small chuckle. "Gaius can you make something for Merlin to eat before we continue?"

Gaius grins. "Of course," he replies with a nod of his head.


I sit across from Merlin at the dining table. I shift around uncomfortably on the rather small bench, uncomfortable with the situation. I sent Gwaine and Lancelot away already, now I wish I hadn't.

"So Gaius was my caretaker?" Merlin suddenly asks.

I look up to face him. "Yes, well, you saw him more as your father," I respond.

He nods. "I see..."

Gaius soon walks over, a bowl of piping hot stew in his hand. He sets it down in front of Merlin and sits down beside me. Merlin takes in a big whiff. "Thank you Gaius. This smells amazing."

The delicious aroma from the bowl of stew made up of various spices and vegetables waft to my nose, making my mouth drool. Merlin wolfs down the food eagerly. Not even stopping to take a breath.

Gaius and I stare at him in confusion. He finally stops long enough to remember to breathe. "This is delicious!" He exclaims.

"It was your favourite," Gaius says, still staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I can see why!" He turns back to his meal and begins to inhale the other half.

I turn to Gaius. "Did he eat this much before as well?" I whisper in his ear.

"Yes, he did."

"Where does it all go?"

"I may be a physician but not even I know that."

"What are you two whispering about?" Merlin asks, the bowl now empty in front of him.

"Nothing," I respond quickly with a smile. "Now that your full could you tell us what happened?"

Merlin wipes his mouth with his sleeve before beginning. "Well, as I said before, there isn't much to tell you. I awoke in a lake. I climbed to shore then headed through the forest only to stumble upon a village. There, I..." he trails off.

"There what?" I ask.

He doesn't respond.


Again, nothing.

I start to worry. I'm leaning over the edge of my seat. "Merlin!" I shout louder this time.

When he still doesn't respond I quickly rise to my feet. I reach my hands over the table and grasp his slim shoulder. I give him a rough shake.

"MERLIN!" I yell at him.

He suddenly bolts up to his feet, shaking my hands off from the sudden movement. I stumble back a little before I see him start to head for the door. I recover from my surprise and quickly grab his elbow, pulling him back.

"What are you doing?!"

He starts to struggle. I feel him trying to wriggle his way out of my grip.

"What's wrong? What has gotten into you?!"

I spin him around. He looks frantic. his pupils are blown wide. He now starts to push my hand off him.

"Gaius! What's wrong with him?!" I call to Gaius, making sure to keep my grip on him.

"I don't know!" He calls back.

"Can you stop him?"

"I can try. Hold him for awhile longer."

I nod and pin Merlin's arms behind his back. I hear Gaius rush over to the shelf. The glass potion bottles clatter against each other as Gaius carefully shoves them out of the way.

Merlin manages to wretch an arm out of my grip before Gaius approaches, placing a cloth over his nose and mouth. Suddenly, he stops flailing. His arms go limp and his eye lids droop. Soon, they shut, his legs give way causing him to collapse towards the floor. I reach out my arms and catch him before he hits the ground. I hoist him into my arms, breathing heavily from the scuffle.

"What did you do to him?" I ask Gaius.

"I administered a sleeping draft. He should wake in the morning. For now you should let him rest in his chambers."

I nod, proceeding to carry him up the steps towards his chamber door. He's surprisingly light in my arms despite the food he just ate. One of his arms dangle from his side, almost reaching to the floor. I push open the door with my back before dropping him gently onto the mattress. I pull the blanket up to his chin before grabbing the small wooden chair from the corner of the room. I pull it across the floor until it's situated beside the bed and sit down, hearing it creak under my weight.

Gaius enters the chamber a few moments later, a candle flickering faintly in his hand.

"You should head back to your chambers as well sire. You need rest. I can send a knight to fetch you when he wakes," The physician says politely, walking in and placing the candle on the nightstand.

"No. I'm staying here," I respond, not looking away from Merlin.

"Arthur, you need to rest. Camelot will still need its king tomorrow. How do you expect to run the kingdom when you can't even keep your eyes open?"

"I can sleep here."

I hear Gaius sigh. "I'll get you a blanket."

I finally look at him, giving him a grateful smile before he turns to leave the room. I look back at Merlin. He's sleeping soundly. The moonlight casts a faint glow on his face, defining his cheekbones. He's curled into his side now, his arms tucked under the blanket.

I gently move a stray lock of hair away from his forehead before Gaius enters again, carrying a blue blanket. He hands it to me before turning around to leave. He stops when he reaches the door. "If you need anything feel free to ask," he says with a smile.

"I will, and thank you Gaius," I say with a smile.

He smiles back before shutting the door behind him with a soft click. I shake out the blanket and lay it over me, pulling it over my chest. I lean over Merlin and plant a small kiss on his forehead.

"Good night Merlin," I whisper. I reach a hand out to the candle, snuffing out the flame.


Travis's POV

I wait patiently atop a barrel as I twirl a dagger in the air with my magic. I watch it flip end over end continuously for awhile before letting it sail across the room and imbed itself in a pillar. I sigh and glance around the broken down castle.

A small strip of moonlight shines through the roof of the building, casting a faint glow over the rest of the room. The stone walls are all blackened with age. Cobwebs line the intricate arches and connect the walls to the ceiling. Pillars stand row by row along the length of the chamber. A black throne sits alone on a short pedestal, raising it higher then the rest of the floor so it's occupant can overlook the crowd.

In the middle of my sightseeing the wooden double doors swing open, revealing Scarlett, her hair a bright torch in the otherwise dark room. She's wearing full armour. The silvery chest plate gleams in the light, covering over the chainmail. An assortment of furs adorn her shoulder as a black cape flows behind her.

"Ah, Travis! It's good of you to come," she greets with a fake smile.

I shoot her a glare and scowl. She always acted 'nice' around me, making me increasingly suspicious of her intentions.

She fake pouts. "Now don't be like that. You want to destroy Camelot don't you?"

"Yes I do, but you promised to help me search for my friend if I gave you my full allegiance and yet I still have heard nothing from you," I snap at her, not bothering to hide the irritation.

She gives a sigh. "These things take time."

I roll my eyes. I wanted to find Emrys as fast as possible. "When do we head into Camelot?" I ask, turning my attention back to the dagger.

A cruel smile spreads across her face. "That's what I wanted to speak to you about. We leave in a week."

"A week?! Can't we go earlier?" I rise to my feet.

"No. There are still preparations I need to make."

I scoff. I needed to search Camelot for Emrys. That's the place he's most likely to be in. After all, Camelot Knights are the ones who took him.

I hear the click of her boots on the stone floor as she begins to walk away. It suddenly stops and she turns to face me.

"Also Travis," she calls out to me.

I turn to the sound of her voice.

"I want you to lead the ambush group. I can expect you to lead them correct?"

She wants me to lead? That's a surprise. "Fine."

"Good. I'm expecting much from you Travis," she says as she turns to walk out of the room.


Merlin's POV

I yawn, stretching my arms above my head before rubbing my eyes. I look down and realize I'm in bed. How did I end up here?

I sit up and look around the room. It's familiar like everything else in Camelot. I can recognize the two bedside tables and the cupboard beside the door. I recognize the clothes and books thrown across the floor as well.

The last thing I notice is Arthur, who's sitting in a small chair by the bed. I smile at him warmly. He's so caring. I feel bad for not remembering him, because clearly he loves me loads.

I slowly crawl off the bed, careful not to wake the sleeping blonde as I creep over to the door, only to slip on a tunic and go crashing to the floor.

Immediately, Arthur jolts awake. He whips his hand out and grasps the hilt of his sword which rests against the nightstand. He jumps to his feet, getting into a defensive stance. He skirts his eyes around the room for awhile before finally noticing me tangled in the clothes on the floor.

He lets out a breath of relief before sheathing his sword in his belt. He smiles down at me.

"What are you doing Merlin?" He asks, arms crossed over his chest.

"Um... looking for woodworm," I say with a grin.

He lets out a laugh, throwing his head back. I feel a warm sensation rise up in my gut, a blush rising to my cheeks. It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.

"They are the most active in the morning," he says, still snickering.

"Yes they are."

"Come on, get up." Arthur reaches out a hand.

I take it gratefully. He pulls me up and starts to pat down my clothes gently, ridding it of the dust.

"What happened last night?" He asks when he finishes.

"Last night?"

He raises an eyebrow quizzically. "You don't remember?"

I shake my head.

"You were telling us about what happened after you awoke in the lake and suddenly you stopped. You stood up and tried to run out the door. Gaius had to knock you out with a sleeping draft."


I stop. The memories from last night suddenly flood through my mind. I rush towards the door. I'm about to grab the handle when I'm suddenly pulled back. I feel my back smash against the wall. I look up to see Arthur with both his arms braced against the wall on either side of me, trapping me between him and the wall.

"Merlin, what are you doing?" He asks, panicked.

"I-I need to find them," I manage to say before renewing my struggles to get to the door.

Arthur keeps me pinned to the wall. "Find who?"

"My friends, Travis and Ari. I met them at the village and they were with me when I was knocked out by a Camelot knight. I don't know what happened to them. I need to find them," I say quickly.

"Camelot Knight? Why would a Camelot Knight attack you?" He's staring at me wide eyed.

"How should I know!" I'm yelling now, frustrated, "why don't you ask the king? I'm sure he was the one who gave the order!"

"But he didn't."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I am the king."


A/N - Sorry not much happens in this chapter. I don't think the next one will be up until the weekend at the earliest. >.< Finals are all this week. ~.~

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