Unpopular {lrh}

By tumblrneymar

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When the most popular guy at school falls for the least popular girl at school but he treats her like trash... More

Not an update
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three


518 14 1
By tumblrneymar

Michael and Cierra walked beside each other in front of me and Luke. They were walking really close to each other. Maybe she sucked him off on the bus???LOL.

Me and Luke didn't speak to each other. We were walking like we were best friends but really, we were enemies.

"Kim Kim Kim, we need to go into this shop!" Cierra pointed towards a really cute clothing shop for women.

"Seriously?" Michael laughed.

"You can come in with us and give us your opinion!" Cierra walked towards the front doors.

"Okay, fine but be quick!" Michael smiled.

"Yeah I'm hungry, be quick." Luke showed a small grin.

"Hungry? It's 9am and we just had breakfast." I asked while smiling too.

"I may look like a breadstick but I eat a lot more than you may think."

Even though I was mad at him, I still laughed. He made me laugh and that's what I liked about him.

We walked towards the clothing department. Cierra was looking for a dress to wear for tonight, the welcoming party.

I thought I might as well too as I had nothing to wear.

She was looking for about 5 minutes when I found the perfect dress!

I was a curvy girl. Not fat. Curvy.

That's why the girls didn't like me, I wasn't skinny enough for them. Kim Kardashian was my idol. She made me feel so good about myself. Being curvy is something I need to embrace, which I recently discovered.

The dress was a cartoon style. It was like a comic book, but on a dress.

Cierra then found her dress. It was a royal blue tight fitting dress, just like mine.

While we were looking, Michael and Luke were playing around with the mannequins like horny 13 year olds.

"Boys come over here! We are gonna try these dresses on, tell us what you think?" Cierra shouted across the shop.

We went to the changing rooms and went in our own cubicle.

It was warm in holland so I didn't need to bring a jacket. All I needed to take off was my jeans, t-shirt, jumper and shoes.

Cierra, being the fast one out of us both was ready first.

I heard the door open.

"That one is so pretty on you. You need to wear that one tonight." Michael gasped.

"You think?"

"I know."

"You almost done Kim?" Cierra knocked on my door.

I opened the door and stepped out.

I walked over to the mirror and turned around to check if my ass looked good in it.

I turned around so see how my boobs looked and that's when I saw Luke. His eyes widened and he was staring at me.

"How do I look in this?" I asked.

"Oh my, you look fuckin stunning Kim. Why can't I have your figure??" Cierra raised her eyebrows as she spoke.

"Are you joking? You are so skinny it's amazing. You have the best figure." I giggled.

"That looks really good on you Kim." Luke smiled.

I started to blush, my hear started to beat faster. A boy never told me that I looked good. It felt so special to me.

"Thanks Luke, i just need to loose 25 pounds and I'm good" I said while I started to play with my stomach.

"You seriously don't." Luke said another comment that made me feel like 10/10.

Even though I hated him, he was the only person that made me feel special. He made me feel so happy. The feelings I had for him came back, I was angry with myself because of it. I didn't want to like him. He was a fuckboy.

I went back into my changing rooms and shouted,
"I forgot to say, happy birthday Luke."

"Haha thanks. I take it you heard the song being sung to me this morning?"

"Yeah, it kinda woke me up. But it's fine."

"Sorry about that, I didn't want them to sing it to me but Michael insisted."

"Michael you are a good friend, I wish Kim was like that to me." Cierra said cheekily.

"Every birthday I sing you happy birthday!" I said confused.

"Yeah, on a birthday card!!"

We all laughed.

I finished changing back into my normal clothes and went straight to the till. Luke followed behind me.

While the lady was scanning my dress and bagging it up, Luke whispered into my ear
"You looked really good."

I just smiled and payed the lady.


For lunch we went to a fancy restaurant. I had never been to a fancy restaurant before. Whenever I eat out we always went to McDonald's or KFC.

Luke thought it would be the better idea as all the other restaurants would be filled with people from our school and he said he wanted to get away from them all for one day.

It was an Italian restaurant and filled with posh people. We felt extremely under dressed.

I sat bedside Luke and across from Michael. Cierra sat beside Michael and across from Luke.

I tried not to become to pally with Luke as I wanted him to know that I wasn't completely over all the shit he had done. I still kept a cold shoulder.

I ordered penne pasta and we all got garlic bread as a side order. Luke and Cierra got spaghetti and of course Michael got the biggest pizza on the menu!

"So what are we doing next?" Michael asked.

"Can we maybe quit shopping because I mean, haven't we done enough? Let's go far out and maybe look at the other side of Amsterdam?" Luke insisted.

"As long as you don't get us lost." I sniggered.

"Let's do it. I'm in." Cierra raised her hand.

"Yeah. There are shops back home anyway." I said while in continued to eat my pasta.

"Okay let's do it. Who has phones?" Michael said while checking his texts.

"I've got mine."

"I've got mine."

"Yeah I've got mine."

"Good, let's take photos. I saw other people taking photos. We need to act like the typical tourist." Michael sipped his dr pepper.

"Michael your voice is everything." Cierra smiled.

Michael acted out the emoji with the girl that puts her hand to the side.

We all started to laugh.


We all finished our meals and Luke asked for the bill.

The bill came back.


We all started to laugh, hysterical at the fact Michaels pizza cost 29€.

He insisted that he payed his 34€ but we all agrees that we all pay the same amount.

We all payed 20€ each and told the waiter to keep the change.

We all got up and headed for the door.

Luke and Michael tried to figure out which way to go. We had no idea where we were and what direction was the best but we went left anyway.

We were walking for 10 minutes when we found a homeless man. Surprisingly he was English and we went over to give him some money.

"If you don't mind us asking, how did you become homeless?" Cierra felt no shame in asking.

"I came out here to work but I found no jobs and I spent all my money on prostitutes. Now I'm a homeless, lost man." He replied while coughing.

It was fair to say he was very dirty. He had a long grey beard and he was wearing an army jacket with three medals attached.

We started to ask him about where he got the medals from and why he couldn't just get the ferry or plane home.

He told us that he fought in Iraq and he lost his left leg. He sold everything to get money for cigarettes and strippers. He was stuck and couldn't get home. He was just wishing that a government officer would find him and deport him for free.

Luke surprisingly gave the man 30€ and we all gave him 20€. We felt so bad. We wanted to help this man out but what could we do? We were just teenagers on a school trip.

For the rest of the day I couldn't get that man off my mind.

He fought for his country and lost a leg in the process. He is now homeless in a strange country.

"Kim, don't worry about it. He has been here for 8 months. He will be fine." Luke reassured me.

"I can't help but worry. Imagine that was my dad but he was homeless in Spain? Maybe that's the reason he hasn't contacted me."

"I'm sure your dad is fine."

"I hope your right Luke, I hope your right."

"Why wouldn't I be right? I'm always right." We all laughed.

We found this statute and all started taking photos.

Me and Cierra got a few photos together and we also got a strange woman to take a photo with us all. We took about 20 photos between us. We did the exact same thing for 2 hours.


We somehow found the supermarket that we were dropped off at this morning and realized we had just walked in a circle.

We then saw the bus and hopped on.

It was 4:00 and we were one of the first groups on the bus.

Mrs Lowell greeted us back.
"I was not expecting you to be back on time, Michael and Luke. These girls are good around you."

We all giggled.

We were always laughing and giggling around each other. It's like we had this special connection.

A/N - I hope you liked this chapter! It's only taking me over an hour to write haha. Thanks again for reading up to this!! I'm so happy that people actually like my book. Exciting stuff is going to happen in the next chapter. STAY TUNED . Xoxo Amy.

I re drafted this outside on the floor when the fire alarm went off. It's always going off so might of not done a good job. Ha.

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