♡Jealousy ( Victor x hop)

By Katrinia_lol

59 0 3

just about maybe 3 stories on jealousy one of them being heavily inspired by a hop x Victor fan fiction writ... More

dubwools jealousy

59 0 3
By Katrinia_lol

(Most if not all of the beginning is heavily based and inspired by Vannuro story thanks and enjoy)

Dubwool had always been with hop,in fact for most if not all of hops life dubwools been there since he was a wooloo in fact that was the oldest memory the two had..when Victor was put into the picture dubwool had originally been happy and exited to have a new friend.. But when the championships happened and hop lost to Victor wooloo couldn't bring himself to forgive him for taking away hop and wooloos dream although Victor felt bad for defeating hop he accepted it and soon did hop.. Although dubwool would and could never forgive Victor for what he had done.he took away their dream and that dubwool would never forgive. HE didn't know what hop did to get up to the level he did. HE didn't KNOW how much pain and exhaustion hop when through. HE wasn't there when hop was sad and was defeated.... Soon Dubwool got sick and tired of seeing the smiling stupid calm face of what dubwool thought was a murderer of dreams...

One day in the morning of postwick
A boy was just hanging around reading and taking notes, next to him was a sleeping Dubwool the boys name was Hop, soon he got a call on his rotom phone, there, he sees a brunette boy with Hazel eyes and light skin this boy was hops friend, Victor. The two hung out a lot and they had fun today they were going out and heading to Hammerlocke, Dubwool eventually woke up and over heard their conversation..
"So I guess we meet at the lab I need to give Sonia something. "

"Yeah sure see ya in around 15 minutes? "


"Ok see ya"

"See ya"

Call ended

Hop then got up and put away the book he had been reading then took the papers he had and put a paper clip on them and put them in a bag as well as his poke balls and some pens and paper for writing. After packing and getting dressed, he had noticed Dubwool was awake and up.

"Oh, hey buddy"


"Yeah I'm just going out to town with Vic"

"*annoyed Behhh*"

"Hey it's alright we arnt really gonna do much just ya know hang out battle and buy some stuff if ya want you can come"


"Ok do you wanna walk? "



A bit after they talked and after hop said his good bye to his mom, hop and dubwool then walked out and headed towards the lab.

There the two met Victor he was somewhat Crouching waiting playing with his Pokemon, Cinderace

"Heya mate!"

Victor took his gaze off his pokeom to look at hop when he did he smiled that familiar happy grin... Dubwool hated it

Once hop and dubwool got close enough Vic stood up and smiled

"Hi hop"

The both started talking while approaching the entrance of the lab cinderace was put back in his ball and but in Vic's bag and when they got inside hop excused himself to go give the papers to Sonia they chatted for a bit and Sonia took the papers and waved good bye to the two

Hop waved bye and Victor waved a lil with a smile then they went on their way to Hammerlocke, calling a flying taxi.

There Hop and Victor bought a couple cool things like dolls for Fighting and revives they changed their cards and met some cool people others recognized the champion and wanted photos and Victor asked if hop could be in some of the photos all said of course

They had fun and went to get some food at this point it was night and dubwool was getting tired of hearing victors voice and getting annoyed by his existence though he never really talked much it was still obnoxious to see the stupid smile on his face.

After getting food they started to head towards victors house once they did dubwool went through the gate and hop said that he was going to stay behind to speak to Victor dubwool was annoyed but listened.. Hop then closed the gate.

There he was bored and found a lil opening to the gate where he could see the otherside of the gate and once he peeked his head toward where hop and Victor where he could see that hop and Victor were kissing.

dubwool was a bit surprised but then he thought of something genius now that he had known they are supposedly dating he thought of a genius way to get hop to break up with Victor and hate him that way Victor was never in the way to ruin hops or dubwools life...

The next day the three were going to go hang out all night, that was the time dubwool made his move near around 9:00 Victor said he had to go to the bathroom and left hop had spotted a little vending cart and decided to go get some for the three of them and left dubwool all alone that's when he made his move he ran back to a near by bridge and when to the other side there he lined up a maniquin with a similar shirt bag and pants Victor had been wearing and turned it away so then the faces weren't visable he then took another maniquin and put it in front of the fake Victor since it was dark it looks very realistic basically a silhouette of Victor kissing another person and if you take in the details he had the shirt and the pants and the bag.

It was perfect

Soon hop came back but dubwool wasn't there he looked around and saw him but then dubwool dashed away hop then ran towards where he had saw his pokemon and was confused he was on a bridge then he looked below it..
There.. He saw his... Lover... Kissing another person...
Hop was surprised and shocked he just stood there watching it... Observing it... And it was the shirt the classic shirt Victor would wear the ripped jeans he would wear and the most distinguishing feature of all is Victor's dads bag...

it was hard to see but it was convincing enough and thats when hop shut his mouth and grided his teeth he then ran away he was angry that the kiss lasted that long, he was counting, it lasted longer than any kiss they shared and that made him livid, he ran and went to the other side of the park they were at..

Victor came back from the bathroom to find both dubwool and hop gone he was confused and decided to go look for them..
That is when he saw an angry.. Very angry hop he was facing the other way and Victor was concerned

"Hop? -"

"DONt! -"
Hop swatted Victors hand away surprising him

"Woah.. Ok what wrong-"

"Don't act all innocent! "

"Hop what are you-"

"Were you really at the bathroom?... "
Hop looked at Victor with an angry and betrayed look

"What? of course I was hop what are you-"

Hops sudden words made Victor scared he didn't know what was going on he was concerned and it hurt to see hop like this...

"Hop I dont-"

"Why can't you just tell me the truth... "

"What? Hop I don't know what your-"

"I saw you.. "
Hops fist clenched

"Hop what are you talking about I just-"

Hop looked so sad and broken he also looked more angry Victor had ever seen him



there was silence

Then sniffles

" hop I didn't kiss anyone-"

"Yes you fucking did don't lie to me.. ! "
"Hop you probably saw someone else I was just-"


Hop looked up he looked as if he was going to cry any second now

"Hop please what are you-"

"Go away"

"Hop no please I need-"





the air was tence it was filled with confusion and pain at this point victor was on the verge of tears hop was already somewhat crying

"Hop... What are you..."
Victor said with a heart broken and pained tone in his voice

"Please... Just... Just leave... "
No one spoke after that Victor just nodded slightly and ran away while doing so he was crying just trying to keep his composure he ran all the way home he was in pain panting and coughing and was crying so much he was red he then slammed down and fell he then let out all the tears he had felt he was crying for a while his mom came out and saw him she hurried and brought him inside she gave him time and that kind of was what he had needed..

Back with hop he had watched as Victor had ran away at this point he too was lightly crying and soon he fell and just began to cry he was so heart broken he couldn't believe what he had seen he never thought the person he had loved so much would hurt him like this at this point dubwool would have put away the mannequins and came back to where hop was.. In an attempt to be helpful I guess dubwool nudged him a lil it did nothing..

Hop had messaged Sonia that he would be going out sick for a while Sonia was confused and said if he was ok since hop doesn't get sick that often he said that he was Fine...Sonia was still confused but obliged

Later that day hop just sat on his bed not doing much his mom came to tell him that lunch was ready and hop just nodded and mumbled "ok... "

Later that day Leon decided to show up unexpectedly and when he came to hops room hop wasn't that exited or really even acknowledge that he was even there.

"Hayyy hop whats goin- woah dude you alright? "

Leon recognizing that hop is upset he tries to do what he can to make him feel better and stop what ever is making him sad

"Hey buddy whats wrong- oh crap are you crying? Hey hey what's wrong where's Victor why isn't he here do I need to call him or-"

"We broke up.. "

"What? "

Leon had heard what hop just said but there was 1 question he wanted the most..

"Who broke it off? "

Hop didn't speak he didn't want to

"Hey it's alright was it you or Victor?"

"I did.. "

"Why? "

At this point hop was just ready to cry he didn't move and instead just put his head into his knees and used his arms as covers

"Hop, hey look it's ok, you don't have to-"

"I saw him kiss someone else.. "

Leon froze

Victor when he had told Leon how he had felt and promised Leon he would never make hop cry..

Dubwool knew this
But. He also knew what Leon would or could do to Victor if he did so and that was way too far he just wanted hop to hate Victor he didn't really want Victor to get hurt so then when Leon then got up calmly and quietly and walked out of the room and shut the door, dubwool knew that was bad.

At this point hop was still sad but slightly confused to Leon's sudden change in moods that when he heard a loud bahh..

He looked and dubwool was trying to get his attention

"Oh.. Hey dubwool whats-"
Before he could say anything else dubwool ran to the room door and opened it... That's as surprising to hop he didn't know dubwool could open doors hop then immediately ran after him confused, he then found him at a closet opening the door hop hasn't gone in that closet in a while it was mainly just a storage room and when dubwool opened it....


Were 2 Mannequins...

1... Was dressed like his "ex" lover...


Hop had immediately stopped where he was then he remembered the night at the bridge..

It looked EXACTLY like what it was that night!

Hop was in disbelief
Then.. He was angry.. VERY angry..

"Wooloo... "

"meh? "

.. "Why is there a MANIQUIN dressed like Victor and some random ass DUDE?! "

Dubwool was a bit afraid but kept a serious tone and face up.

Hop didn't have time to care about what wooloo had done he had just remembered that Leon had left after he told him what Victor had essentially did.

Hop then turned to the front door and dashed towards victors house scared and worried for what he may find..

(Time rewind ) Leon had left the house and the second he did he looked up and dashed or well SPRINTED towards victors house he was livid and angry that Victor would not only betray hop but lie and make him cry as well as break a promise. It. Made. Leon.

He ran and once he had spotted victors house he yelled.


inside Victor had been uncontrollably crying, sobbing more like it he felt confused and sad his mom had to go out of town just for a bit so it was just him and cinderace although he didn't want cinderace to see him like this so he was put in his ball..

He heard his name and Leon's voice he was confused he wiped his eyes and tried to stop himself from thinking about things
Otherwise known as Hop..

He opened the door to see a very angry Leon he tried to speak but then a burning hot pain shot through the left side of his face.

Leon slapped Victor as hard as he could Victor reacted only by holding the door harder in an attempt not to fall a bit of tears sprinkles his eyes and then he somewhat let go of the door to feel his cheek he took his hand off and small trickles of blood came off of his face..

He looked up with a shocked and scared expression.
Leon then screamed he yelled and scolded Victor for not only breaking their promises but also cheating on hop

Victor was on the verge of tears even though he should have already been crying since not only is he now thinking of hop but is also bleeding from his cheek and is now being yelled at by Leon.

Leon noticed this and it only made him angrier..
He put his hands on victors sholders and squeezed them very hard pain shot up victors body and tears then fell out pretty quickly... But then.. He heard a voice.. Hops voice

Leon had also too he loosened his grip on Victor Victor was still scared and crying buckets now but he looked at an angry and worried hop he was calling for Leon and running he was now in sight and was yelling for Leon but then..
He saw the helpless person he's been thinking about..

Victor had taken his hand off of his face it was covered in blood but I guess he didn't care the pain still irked him and he was crying hop was then heading straight for Victor he forgot or at least ignored Leon pushing him out of the way

"Holy shi- Victor what happened to you?! Is your face ok why are you-"

Hop then tried to put his hands on victors shoulders but when Victor winced when he did he stopped

"LEON! Did you do this! "

Hop said with an annoyed yet worried tone

Leon breaking from his rage realized what he was doing

"Oh my fuc- Victor I'm so sorry oh crap I didn't mean to-"

"It-its alright Leon.. heh if I had a..brother I'd do the same.. "

Victor then smiled a weak grin

Leon looked at him with a regretful look and said sorry again hop was a bit impatient though

"Leon? "

"Hm?.. "

"Can I have some time with Victor please?.. "

Hop smiled a bit Leon was slightly confused but obliged he had left but not without saying his apologies to Victor 100 more times

Then it was it...

The two were alone

For the first time in a while...

They where alone

Victor attempted to say something still crying but was hushed by a big hug slightly hurting him but the hug felt good hop hugged him and it was a tight one Victor then now crying even harder hugged back they stayed like this for a while just hugging and crying together..

Then they parted Victor still had blood on his face and hop had a bit on his ear he didn't care hop then just apologized..

"Oh my god I'm I'm so sorry Victor it wasn't you it was never you I'm so sorry never leave again please I'm so sorry"

"Hop it's ok im sorry for-"

"For what there's nothing to be sorry about Victor you did nothing! "

"Yes I did I didn't help or do anything when you were sad I'm so sorry I didn't do anything"

"Victor it's ok you never had to or needed to it wasn't you it was just.. Some stupid Mannequins and stuff I thought was you don't ever be sorry! "

"Hop... It's ok"

Victor smiled and hugged hop but then hop pushed him away Victor was confused and a tad bit hurt by this but then he felt a warm sensation..

Hop had kissed him and after a bit of shock Victor kissed back and they stayed like that for a bit they were happy and just held each other and were glad to be with each other again they both eventually pulled apart and after breathing for a bit smiled at each other.

Hop had then realized and took out a napkin from his bag and wiped away victors tears at this point Victor wasn't noticing he was still slightly crying and was slightly flustered and stopped hop the took his hand and hugged him hop then hugged back they parted and when inside to then patch up the scratch on victors face.

Eventually dubwool got the punishment he had deserved and Victor had eventually forgave him and dubwool forgives Victor a tad bit but he still has a long way to go

Hop then invited Victor to go burn the Mannequins and Victor gladly accepted but hop made sure to put and extra amount of gasoline on the other Mannequin.

(SSS:side short story: Leon didn't exactly leave he stayed and watched as both hop and Victor hugged one another and then when they started to apologize he had left and remembered that he hadn't talked to Raihan in a while so he called him and decided to plan a hang out with him

The end (1/3)

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