Feelings Don't Just Fade - a...

By GatsbyGirl97

54K 834 41

They covered up their feelings for so long, until the one night that changed everything. A few years later th... More

Just A Little Note :)
1: Little Do You Know
2: Heaven is a Place
3: We Belong
4: All I Want
5: Arms
6: Where Do We Go From Here?
7: Heat Waves
8: Hold You
9: Favorite T-Shirt
10: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby
11: Anything She Says
12: Somebody to Die For
13: As Long As You're Mine
14: Breathe
15: Beautiful
16: We Could Have It All
17: I'm With You
18: Home
19: Devotion
20: Kisses Down Low
21: All Mine
22: New York City Rhythm
23: Photograph
24: She's Everything
25: It's All Coming Back to Me Now
26: Shower
28: Ends of the Earth
29: Safe & Sound
30: Just AKiss
Author's Note
31: All I Need
32: All I Want for Christmas is You
33: Once in a Lifetime

27: You're Gonna Be

1K 16 0
By GatsbyGirl97

*Friday, August 4th*

What a fucking week it had been, Lucy was dead exhausted as she pulled into the driveway. Ever since she had gone home sick on Monday, Lucy just couldn't get back to 100%, like she never fully recovered.

She was surprised to see the absence of Tim's truck, but didn't think much of it. All Lucy was focused on at the moment was getting inside, that's where the wine was. Inside the house was extremely quiet, not even the snores of Kojo could be heard. Pulling out her phone, she dialed her fiancé.

"Hello gorgeous" his voice was happy as he answered her call.

"Mind telling me where everyone is?" She tried not to sound overly upset, she was actually excited about the peace and quiet.

"Oh, yeah, uhh, Kojo and I took the girls to the park with Genny and my nephews. I told your former puppy to leave a note, but we thought you could use some relaxation after your long week." She wanted to cry, he was so thoughtful.

"Well, that was very sweet of you guys." Lucy held back the tears she felt forming in her eyes, she had been very emotional, though she thought very little of it.

"That's what we are here for, babe. You just rest up and relax."

"Sounds good. I love you and I'll see you guys later."

"We love you too, and don't worry if you're asleep, just get better." And with that they both hung up.

Forgetting the wine, Lucy made her way to the bedroom. Dropping her stuff by the door, on the single chair she had placed there for that exact purpose, she slowly stripped off her day and the clothes she had worn to work. Shedding away the hard day she'd had, and it had been a very hard day at Mid, she turned on the shower in the master bathroom.

When the shower was turned all the way on and steam began to fill the bathroom, she stepped inside, leaning her forehead against the cool tiled wall. The mix of the scolding water and the cool tile almost helped her relax.

Putting aside the stressful cases work had brought on this past week, Lucy couldn't get over her fears from Monday. She and Tim really hadn't been very careful, and they had been doing it... a lot. But, seriously, she was most likely just being paranoid.

This is what she told herself as she towel dried her hair and threw on one of Tim's shirts. She'd become very accustomed to sleeping in his clothes more than her own, so much so she had considered burning her own pajamas. She briefly laughed at the memory of when she'd suggested it to Tim, he had been very upset about possibly losing the silk and see through nightgowns.

Crawling into bed, she grabbed the tv remote, laughing at the fact that ESPN was the first thing to come on, Tim must've been up late. She switched it to True Crime, stoning out lightly. Until her eyes caught sight of the basket Nyla had given Tim for her on Monday. She had yet to go through it, thankfully Nyla hadn't asked her about it.

She crawled out of bed, grabbing the basket and bringing it back to the bed. It was filled with various soups, cold medicines, tissues, but the item that really hit her was the box of pregnancy tests... Of course Nyla would think of putting these here, she thinks of everything, that's what made her such a great detective, among other qualities.

Having had enough of the wondering and the paranoia, Lucy got out of bed again, sighing quite hard. She took the box into the bathroom, along with her phone and a bottle of water. She did her due diligence of downing the water completely before peeing on both of the sticks that came in the box.

She wasn't sure when her little family would be home, but she prayed it wasn't within the time frame set on the box. She set her phone timer and began pacing the small area of the bathroom. Lucy had been nervous many times, especially in her line of work. But, this moment right here, this definitely took the cake. If they were positive, how would Tim react? Would he be happy about this or very upset? If they were negative, would she even bother mentioning it to him?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the irritating sound of her phone timer going off. She took a deep breath. "Here we go.." she took one more deep breath, approaching the counter slightly. Simply put, Lucy was trying to calm her own nerves. She closed her eyes, like she almost didn't want to know. "Not like you have any other choice." She told herself, almost like she was giving herself a pep talk of sorts.

Opening her eyes, Lucy picked up both tests, dropping them almost immediately. Positive. Both of them. "Well, shit.." she looked down at her stomach. "Hopefully, you're not as nervous as I am."

She laughed at the thought that she was possibly talking to no one and nothing, she couldn't be that far along. "But, you're not nothing and I'm sure you're not nervous. You are a new life with not a care in the world." Placing a hand over her stomach, she wasn't sure what she expected, though she didn't panic when she felt nothing, as she thought only a moment ago, it was still very early.

Before crawling back in bed, Lucy made a cup of tea. It was getting dark out and she was sure Tim and the girls would be home shortly, along with Kojo.

Sadly enough, she fell asleep before that happened. Hell, Lucy was out before her tea had completely cooled. That night she curled up in Tim's shirt, surrounded by his scent, and fell asleep to thoughts on how she'd break the news to him. Lucy tried her hardest not to fret over his possible reaction. He did miss everything with Jaclyn... maybe he will be excited to get and experience the whole journey..

That was her last thought before she was out. Her dreams that night were similar to that of Monday's. Sometimes she saw the bundle of blue, sometimes it was pink, sometimes there were even two bundles of mixed colors...


Special little Author's Note: The song for this chapter is by Reba McEntire, it's the song my mom has always considered her and I's song, and I cry every time I hear it.  It's a very special song to me mostly because she says it's the song that has always made her think of me and one day it's the song she and I will dance to at my wedding. I hope it sparks some emotion in you, as it does me.

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