Les Misérables - Les Amis Edi...

By roseharpies

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An abridged version of Les Misérables by Victor Hugo that focuses on the stories of les amis de l'ABC, Cosett... More

1 (1.4.1) One Mother Meets Another Mother
2 (1.4.3) The Lark
3 (2.3.3) Men Must Have Wine, And Horses Must Have Water
4 (2.3.4) Entrance on the Scene of a Doll
5 (2.3.5) The Little One All Alone
6 (2.3.7) Cosette Side By Side With Strangers in the Dark
7 (2.3.8) A Poor Man Who May be a Rich Man
8 (2.3.9) Thénardier and his Maneuvers
9 (2.8.9) Cloistered
10 (3.1.13) Little Gavroche
11 (3.2.1-8) Monsieur Gillenormand
12 (3.3.2) One of the Red Spectres of that Epoch
12 (3.3.3) Requiescant
13 (3.3.4) End of the Brigand
14 (3.3.5) The Utility of Going to Mass, In Order to Become a Revolutionist
15 (3.3.6) The Consequences of Having Met a Warden
16 (3.3.8) Marble Against Granite
17 (3.4.1) A Group Which Barely Missed Becoming Historic


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By roseharpies

Note: There are parts of the novel that I will skip over and try my best to summarise, those sections will be italicised paragraphs. The numbers in parentheses in each chapter title are the places of those chapters in the full book.

Les Misérables was published in French in 1862 by Victor Hugo. This translation of Les Misérables was downloaded from Project Gutenberg and is public domain. The translation was done by Isabel F. Hapgood. I have made minor edits from this version.

There are several different abridged versions of Les Misérables, but typically when abridging the book, the amis tend to get cut out or limited. Since they've become a popular part of the story in the couple of decades, this version focuses on them instead of the main plot. This is just for fun, and if you haven't read Les Misérables and enjoy this part of the story, I'd recommend the Barnes and Noble Classics abridged story by Laurence M. Porter, it does a good job at shortening the 2000+ page book into one that comes in at under 900 pages. 

Contents: (WIP as I continue to add chapters)

Chapters 1-9 - (1815-1824) Cosette's childhood.

Chapters 10-16 - Marius's family and upbringing. 

Chapter 17-(#) - Les Amis de l'ABC.

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