Restrained Affection [Affecti...

By Sarah24SM

405K 18.8K 1K

Advin Martin being the first born is next in line to be an Alpha, all his life he had dreamed to be a good le... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 18

11.6K 581 15
By Sarah24SM

Jasmine hums as she carries the tray carefully in her hands as she waltz around the diner. She never knew she could pull it off but after a week without the pack's help, she was surviving and for that, she was proud of herself. She smiled politely at the customer's as she placed their order.

As soon as she got off of from the bus she had seen this diner, she was scared at first as this was her first time alone without anyone by her side, when she had seen the sign for the waitress job she took the opportunity.

She has been serving people all her life so it was easy for her, the salary was not so bad and she got extra bugs for her famous cookies and sweets.

Living in human world was not so bad, the people here were different from the pack, but the thing she liked the most was no one would judge her for who she was.

She waved at some kids as they were leaving with a cookie she made, each in their hands. She smiled as she turns to take the next order.

"You seem extra bright today missy" comments the cook Bull who as his name was very huge and fat.

She smiles brightly at him.

"I just woke up happy!" is all she say as she moves.

Yes, she was very happy for some reason. For a whole week, she was here without the people she knew but still she was doing better than she had imagined.

It is not as if she did not miss them, the thing was she did not want to think about them and be sad.

Every night she stays awake thinking what, would Scar be doing or Adrian? Was Georgia getting help from anyone in the kitchen? Was Lily still in a room locked up with Lex or was Warren back from his mission?

Above all, of it she thought about him, did he mate or not? If so then was Amery and him happy? Was he already taking his Alpha duties seriously? On the other hand, if he was still with Amery like Lex was with Lily.

That one thought hurt her the most but as long as he is happy, she is fine with everything. May be when things are right between them she can go back and meet all of them again.

May be by then he will have a beautiful boy or girl or both. May be she could visit them too and watch him play with his kids.

She smiles as she imagines him playing with his kids who will look exactly like him, perfect!

After her shift ends at the diner she, walks back home, opening her small apartment door she smiles. It is just a room with attached bathroom but she was happy. She did not need much space anyway.

She puts her keys on the table as she opens the mini fridge to get a bottle of water. She lies on her makeshift bed and closes her eyes tired due to the day's activity.

Tomorrow will be a new day once again where she will enjoy as much as she want not thinking about him and focus just on her.

He is someone else's mate now and she cannot think of him like that. Someone else claimed him and it is better if she stops thinking about him at all. He has moved on with his life and now it is her turn to leave his memories behind and make new ones.

She will have to think about doing something with her life she cannot spend all her life being a waiter, may be when she has enough money she can join some local college or apply for some culinary classes.

She smiles as she thinks about it, now that she is out of the pack house she has to think on her own and make plans. She cannot wait to make changes in her life and do what she likes and wants. It will be a challenge but she will be okay and handle it after all she is no longer a child!

Jasmine pulls Mr. Brown close to her and smiles at her best friend who has always been there for her and now once again she needs his support.

"Now it's just you and me like always let's make Mommy proud of us, okay Mr. Brown?" she talks to it.


Next morning once again she finds herself cleaning the table humming the song in the background, today has been a busy day for her. As one of the girl's did not come in for her shift, Jasmine had to cover it for her. Now, all she can think is of going back home and taking a nap.

She has to go for grocery shopping too, she pouts, thinking about it. As the last hour of the day ends, she takes her leave from the diner and walks to the near shopping center to get what she needs.

As she takes out the list of things she needs, she takes a trolley walking to the aisle looking around. She puts the food on the trolley and wanders around to see if there is something new, which will catch her eyes.

She walks to the music stall and put the headphones on listening to some music as she looks at the cover of the album. She puts the headphone back and turns around only to see her trolley missing.

She looks around to see if it went rolling somewhere, but she does not find it. She runs up and down the aisle in search of it to see if she left it but nope.

Finally, she turns to ask the man in the counter if he could help her find it, when she sees her trolley coming her way at full speed.

She jumps off the way, only for it to crash on the wall and the items in it to spill. She looks at the way the trolley came from only to find more coming her way, so she moves out of the way.

"Anyone there?" she shouts as she rushes from there only to stop when she sees a man.

"Excuse me, can you help me" she asks before stopping to look at him wide eyes as he turns only for her to turn back trying to get as far away as possible.

She runs as she tries to stay away from him, only to bump on something as she watches in horror when he walks to her. She crawls back in fear shaking her head as he smiles at her.

A memory locked deep in her brains clicks as her heartbeats faster and she goes back in the time to when she first saw their kind.

She gets up to run away from him but as she turns, she stops once again they are everywhere just like they were that night.

They laugh at her as she attempts to pass them she can still remember them as if it was yesterday, how they killed everyone she loved in front of her. How they had danced wearing nothing but the blood of her people.

She looks around to find a way to get out as they smiles at her from behind those masks.

She runs around the aisle trying to get something to defend herself but all she sees is food, she grabs her hair as her hands starts to shake in fear, fear that she never wanted to, ever feel again not after that night.

Finally, she sees a fire extinguisher and runs off to it but the light goes out and the whole place is dark. She gulps as she looks around to see if they are there, lurking in the corner. She slowly walks and picks up the extinguisher when she feels him breathe in her neck, she screams before hitting him with the extinguisher.

They corner her at last, there are at least three of them and she is sure there are more around waiting for her. She helplessly looks around as tears of desperation leaks from her eyes.

Her back hits the wall and she feels helpless as they taunt her walking towards her slowly surrounding her.

They grin maniacally, as they know they won but she will not give up with out a fight as she points the extinguisher towards them. They all back out and she sees the chance to run off.

She gets out of the shop looking around to find the street dark and lonely without a soul. She pulls her hair back and run for her life, she can feel them coming for her as she avoids the dark alley and run wishing she could just reach her room safe.

Turning back, she tries to check whether if they are following her or not, when out of nowhere she is crashes into someone, she dreadfully turns around and a blood-curling scream leaves her mouth.

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