ExtraTerrestrial Love (Transf...

By Wolf4dead14

68.7K 1.7K 445

Y/n L/n... A nobody in the town of Traverse City. Like every other person his age, all he's trying to do is s... More

A Shooting Star?
Friendly Faces
Team Prime
Tour of the Autobot Base
A Spider's Web
Relaxing With Team Prime
A Shattering Ride
A Second Medic

Two on Three

6.1K 168 25
By Wolf4dead14

Y/n P.O.V

I let out a loud yawn, stretching my arms upwards in the air which woke me up a little. I had just left my house and began to make my way to the scrapyard to visit Elita 1. I know she said she'd leave early in the morning, but that's precisely why I woke up much earlier than usual. I guess I just wanted to see her off and make sure she was alright. 

It wasn't too long of a walk and I arrived within minutes. Upon arriving, I saw her standing up on her own two feet. She stretched her arms upwards and let out a sigh before transforming into a car! 

Y/n: Whoa! You can transform into a car?! 

Upon hearing me, she reverted back to her robot form and looked at me with wide eyes. 

Elita 1: Y/n? What are you doing here? 

Y/n: I wanted to see you off. Make sure you didn't accidentally hurt yourself from the injury last night. 

She smiled and let out a little chuckle. 

Elita 1: Well, I appreciate the concern. You're a sweet boy, you know that? 

Smiling, I rubbed the back of my head. The compliment kinda took me by surprise. I mean, was I really sweet? I just thought of it as me being a decent human being. 

Y/n: Thanks Elita 1. So where are you headed now? 

Elita 1: I wish I knew. My comms are down which means if there are any other Autobots around, I can't contact them. My only choice is to keep driving and meet up with someone, anyone. 

Y/n: In that case, I hope you find one of your friends. And you take good care of yourself, alright? 

Elita 1: I will. You stay out of trouble too. And if I ever need a quick repair, you'll be my first call. Goodbye Y/n. 

Y/n: Goodbye Elita 1. Safe travels. 

She was about to leave, but we heard the sound of jet engines roar close to us, getting louder and louder. Surprising me, Elita 1 grabbed me and jumped with me in her arms. I didn't know what was going on, but I heard something that sounded like gunfire and explosions. Elita 1 moved one of her arms away and aimed it at something in the air, shooting at it. 

Y/n: What the hell is going on?! 

Elita 1: Decepticons! They must have tracked the pod! Hold on tight! 

She transformed into a car and began to drive off with me in the driver's seat. A seatbelt fastened around me, keeping me in the seat as we drove out of the scrapyard and onto the road. I looked at the rear view mirrors and saw there were three purple jets flying after us! 

Y/n: Oh come on! How is that fair?!

Elita 1: Trust me, it was more annoying back on Cybertron. Just keep your head down and let me handle this! 

She shifted up a gear and went faster, but the Decepticons weren't going to let us go so easily. They continued to fire at us with missiles and machine guns, but thanks to Elita's skilled driving, they weren't able to land a proper hit on us. Surprising me, the roof opened up and a heavy duty machine gun appeared! 

Elita 1: Y/n! We're gonna need to work together on this one! Mount the gun and open fire on those Cons! 

Y/n: What?! I-I've never shot a gun in real life! Only video games! 

Elita 1: Just aim and pull the trigger! Don't worry about being precise! Just keep them off us! 

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and did as she said. I grabbed the mounted machine gun and aimed it up at the flying jets. Once one of them were in my sights, I pulled the trigger, opening fire at it. To say I was shocked at the recoil and force of the weapon would be an understatement. My whole body shook from the hail of bullets I fired. It didn't help that I didn't have any ear protection either. I could barely hear anything else! 

Regardless, I kept firing at the Decepticons. I missed most of my shots, but I was genuinely surprised when I saw I had shot down one of the Decepticons, making them crash and explode on the side of the road. 

Y/n: Holy crap...! 

Elite 1: Nice one! Two more! 

A missile fired at us, but Elita 1 was able to dodge it just in time. The near-hit experience snapped me out of my shocked trance and I aimed at the next Decepticon jet. Once I lined it up with my sights, I opened fire once more. The jet barrel rolled, dodging the hail of bullets, but I continued to follow it. Eventually, I was able to hit one of its wings, forcing it to the ground. However, unlike the first one I shot down, this Decepticon reverted to its robot form and landed on its feet. It then turned its arm into a cannon and fired at us. 

Elita 1 swerved to the side, dodging the blast. I was about to return fire, but Elita stopped me. 

Elita 1: Forget the grounded one! Keep firing at the last flier! 

I did as she demanded and rained fire on the last flying Decepticon. However, this one was much more slippery and flew down to ground level, coming up beside Elita and I. My eyes widened as I saw it get closer to us. I pulled the gun over to the side and was about to fire, but the jet bumped us, sending us off road. I fell back down into the car, banging my head on the dash in the process. 

A low groan left my lips as I felt my vision go blurry. My head ached horribly. The only thing I could make out was Elita 1 grabbing me and pulling me out of her car form, laying me down on the side. 

Elita 1: *muffled* Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?! 

Faintly, I could make out the jet from before, descending from above Elita. I pointed up, trying to warn her. She caught on quick and fired at the Decepticon with her blaster arm. The Decepticon reverted to its robot form and tried to drop kick her, but she grabbed it by the leg and swung it down on the ground. 

Doing my best to ignore the pain, I pushed myself up slowly and saw Elita 1 blast the Decepticon in the face, destroying it. I rubbed my eyes, slightly clearing up my vision. Once I could actually see and once my ears stopped ringing, I stood up, rubbing my head. 

Y/n: Ouch... 

Elita 1: You okay Y/n? 

Y/n: Ehh... I'll live. 

Elita 1: I'm so sorry. I never meant for you to get caught up in this mess. 

Y/n: Its not your fault. On the plus side, we're both okay. Right? 

Elita 1: Yeah. You're right. It could've been a lot worse. 

We turned to the final Decepticon, the second one I grounded, only to see it was gone. It must have fled after Elita killed the third guy. 

Elita 1: That's not good... 

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean? We beat them and that last one retreated. 

Elita 1: That's the problem. He escaped AND he saw you with me. He'll alert the other Decepticons that you're an ally and they'll hunt you down to get to me. 

Hearing that made me realise just how deep in shit I was now. 

Y/n: Oh... That's... Not good. 

Elita 1: Far from it... 

Y/n: So what now?

Elita 1: Well, you can't go back home alone. And I can't really leave you... But I also need to meet up with my allies... 

Y/n: Well... How about we travel together then? I go with you to find your friends. 

Elita 1: That could work. But are you sure? Won't anyone know you're missing? 

Y/n: I can always say I moved out. Or went on a mini-holiday. 

Elita 1: I guess that works. Alright then. Looks like we're going on a... What's that thing you humans call it? When you go on a trip in a car? 

Y/n: Road trip? 

Elita 1: Yeah. That! 

I let slip a small smile and nodded. 

Y/n: Alright then. My first road trip with a giant transforming robot. 

Elita 1: And my first road trip with a small and sweet human boy. 

We shared a small smile with each other before she transformed into her car form again. I entered the driver's seat and kept my hands off the wheel, letting her drive. 

Looked like I was in for quite an adventure...

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