Go easy on me~ Dennis/Arthur

By StylesCS

51.1K 1.6K 1K

Arthur Leclerc, a Uni student and the little brother of F1 driver Charles Leclerc. Ever since 2017 his life c... More

2. I've missed you.
3. Liar.
4. Leclerc?
5. First day to disaster...
6. Who is he?
7. Moody teenager
8. I knew you were trouble
9. Who's he?
10. Bigger Person
11. These high walls.
12. Carried away.
13 Hurting means nothing.
14. You're on your own kid.
15. Monday, School day
16. Texting
17. I can't stop thinking about him.
18. 8 months till freedom.
19. Back home.
20. I remember it all too well.
21. You are not alone.
22. Trust
23. Missing post.
24. You don't know who I am...
25. lies.
26. It's all your fault...
27. Can we still fix this?.... Us?
28. Shall I call him? No. Yes?
29. Welcome in Austria
30. I'm trying
31. They don't want me here.
32. I tried.
33. Headlines
34. Same old situation
35. Getting to know each other.
36. This feeling is something new.
37. Hurt like I did.
38. Who hurts who?
39. There's no fixing.
40. I miss you...
41. Claim him.
42. Drunk.
43. The truth.

1. You can't deny how hard I've tried.

1.9K 42 22
By StylesCS


"Arthur." Says Charles and wraps his arms around his younger brother, who he hasn't seen for almost three months.

"Hello." Says Arthur and press his face against the neck of Charles.

He missed them so much.

It's been a lonely few months. After a year off, Arthur started at the International University of Monaco. He didn't know what he wanted, still didn't, but he hated the year at home, so he chose a study that he is interested in and will see where he ends up. He is studying sports business management.

His love for sports is big and where his interests are, so one and one is two.

"Gosh you have grown so much." Says Lorenzo who hugs Arthur.

"Don't be like that, I haven't grown at all stop that, you say that every time." Laughs Arthur and help them taking the bags out of the car.

"Is Maman not home?" Asks Charles when he walks out of their childhood home again and Arthur stops walking and looks at Charles. He stares and then shook his head and starts walking again.

"What do you mean, no?" Asks Charles.

"I have no idea where she is, probably with a friend again. No idea." Says Arthur, and then swallows.

He doesn't even remember when he sat with her on the couch watching a movie for the last time. He didn't see her much, like in the last few years.

"You don't know, didn't she say anything?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur shook his head.

"Do you want something to drink?" Ask Arthur.

"Don't ignore this. Did you two have a fight?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur sighs and turns around and leans against the kitchen table.

"No, she is going out with friends or whatever she's doing. I don't even know when I really saw her in the last few months. That is not only a hello or goodbye. She's away a lot and I am too." Says Arthur.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ask Charles.

"And then? She's having fun with friends, let her be." Says Arthur.

It's not like she cares about him or his brothers.

Otherwise you wouldn't go away all the time, never answer the phone or messages that Arthur sends.

She doesn't care.

She never saw the emails or the letters that came in from his school.

She doesn't know a shit.

"I will talk with her. Something could be going on with her and you don't even care." Says Charles, and Arthur's eyes widen.

"I don't care? I text her or call her all the time and she doesn't answer. I'm done trying when she doesn't even care." Says Arthur, and Charles rolls his eyes and grab something to drink inside of the fridge.

"So you have been alone?" Asks Lorenzo.

"I'm an adult."

"You're nineteen," Says Lorenzo and now it is Arthur who rolls his eyes.

"Almost twenty." Says Arthur.

"That is still five months away, Petit." Says Charles.

"I can handle taking care of myself, don't worry."

"She's not even here for dinner?" Asks Charles.

"I make food for her every night and I can see in the refrigerator whether she has eaten or not." Says Arthur.

"What? Why didn't we know this?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur sinks into himself.

"You have your own home, you are always on the road. Why would I need to call you when you don't even live here anymore?" Asks Arthur.

"Because your our brother and that is our mum?" Says Lorenzo.

"I'm taking care of everything so it's going well, don't worry." Says Arthur.

"So you do Uni and taking care of the house and all that?'' Asks Charles.

"Why all the questions?" Asks Arthur.

"You are nineteen."

"I'm an adult."

"Not really." Says Lorenzo, and Arthur roll his eyes.

"Don't go all big brother on me. I've been doing this for months and I'm not unhappy or anything."

"So everything goes well at school?" Asks Charles and Arthur nods.

Not really.

But it's not like they need to know that.

"It's a lot, but I love it." Lies Arthur

"Party like all the students?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur laughs.

"Not saying." Says Arthur.

"Not even telling us anything, boring." Says Charles.

"How's Pierre?" Asks Arthur, and Charles rolls his eyes.

"Good, as always. You don't even care." Says Charles and Arthur laughs.

He felt happy, and he hadn't felt like this in a long time. He's really happy his brothers are here. But he knows everything will be lonely again when they leave Monday for Spain.

"Are you going with me this weekend?" Asks Charles.

"Don't know yet. I have a school trip on Friday, since they have a partnership with Ferrari and F1 so I will see." Says Arthur.

"You do? Why didn't I hear about that?" Asks Charles.

"You're not crashing my school trip. I swear Charles." Says Arthur and Charles laughs.

"But I want to see you with your friends." Says Charles and Arthur rolls his eyes.

Which friends?

"Please, no." Says Arthur

"You are no fun." Says Charles.

"You know I don't want that kind of attention, please Charles." Says Arthur and Charles soften his eyes.

"I know, sorry." Says Charles.

"Do they know that Charles is your brother?'' Asks Lorenzo and Arthur shrugs.

"How do they not know?" Asks Charles.

"Maybe they don't care? I'm glad it is this way." Says Arthur.

"Do they know you started karting as well?" Ask Charles.

"And let them see I failed?"

"You didn't. Papa had to stop you because we didn't have enough money for you two both in karting." Says Lorenzo.

"It doesn't matter. I never told them and tried not to bring Charles into the picture. I want people to like me and not worry about who my brother is, sorry Charles." Says Arthur.

"No, I understand. I will not crash your school trip, and if they say we have to meet you I will ask if they send Carlos instead." Says Charles.

"They will not agree. You are the Monegasque here, so you have to. Just don't embarrass me." Says Arthur and Charles nods.

Arthur would say he's sick, no way he's going with his school to Ferrari. He knows how they are going to react.

"Now everyone will know you are lying."

"It will be awkward for you when Charles is going to meet us and everyone will know that he isn't your brother."

"Poor Charles, you let everyone think you're his little brother."

"You can't be a brother of them, Charles is so much more handsome. There's no way."

And so it can continue.

No way that Nathan will have mercy on him. He's been grabbing every chance he has to make fun of Arthur, or make everyone hate him because of Nathan's stories.

School isn't that much fun when your name is Arthur Leclerc.

"Are you okay?" Arthur starts and looks at his brothers.

"Yeah, sorry I was thinking. I still need to grab food for tonight and the rest of the weekend. What do you guys like? I can try to make it." Says Arthur and he hates the look on Lorenzo's face.


If Arthur hates one thing, it's pity.

"Let me do it, I'm here now, so you don't have to do everything yourself." Says Lorenzo.

"No, I had to do it yesterday evening but I was learning for my exam and I had some struggles so I spent the whole night learning and-"

"Then let me help you." Lorenzo interrupted him.

"Do you still have to learn?" Asks Lorenzo.

"I should, I have to pass this exam." Says Arthur.

"Then you go studying and I will take care of the groceries and dinner tonight." Says Lorenzo.

"We can also go out and go to a restaurant." Says Charles.

"Eating at home is fine, no? It's easier with the money and things like that." Says Arthur, and he feels himself getting awkward.

"Money is not the problem, Tuur? I'm a Ferrari driver." Laughs Charles and Arthur laughs with him awkwardly.

"Wait, you have problems with the money?'' Asks Charles when he reads Arthur's body language.

"Well, I have some savings from last year when I had a full time job, but I don't have much time to work, I try, but Uni is really hard and I don't want to fail so a lot of energy goes into there ." Says Arthur.

"You had to say that! Arthur, I can give you all the money you and Maman need. Why didn't I know this?" Ask Charles.

"But I can do it! I can help her pay for everything with the house or groceries and work. But it's not like I have much left to eat out here in Monaco, everything is so expensive."

"Okay first, we are going to talk about this with Maman because I don't understand what happened that you are paying too for everything on the house and so on. I have enough money to give that to you two. But we are going out tonight and I'm paying. No, don't argue with me ." Says Charles.

"But Charlie, no. I don't want to take money from you. You work hard for that. I will be fine with maman like this, don't worry."

"Art, you are nineteen. Yes you are not underage anymore, but that doesn't mean you have to give all your money to help Maman, you need to safe money for yourself too, for your future. Maman should be here and help you. Plus she knows I want to help."

"I want to help her."

"And that's really sweet but I still don't understand why she didn't come to us." Says Charles

"Plus why Maman is not here." Says Lorenzo

"But I'm old enough to take care of my own. She waited until I was eighteen and was allowed too." Says Arthur.

"Wait, this has been going on since you were eighteen?" Asks Charles, and Arthur nods, not seeing the problem.

"She didn't have to take care of me, I was old enough. So she could go out with her friend and all that. She's not been here much since last year." Says Arthur.

"How did you never tell us?" Ask Lorenzo.

"You've been away a lot too. It's normal now."

"So you have been alone since your eighteen birthday?" Asks Charles.

"No, she's been here, you know. To sleep and all that. Maman is still living here. Don't make a big thing about this."

"It's a big thing." Says Lorenzo.

"You treat me like I'm a child. I know what I'm doing, I have been doing it for so long, I know what I can do and I don't need your help or money." Says Arthur.

"But you don't have to do it on your own. Gosh Enzo, how didn't we know this was going on." Says Charles and sits down.

"Don't act like you care so much, you two are here for the weekend and then go away again ever since 2017. And I know how busy your career is and how hard it was, but you two are never home or when your in Monaco I don't even see you. You don't come by or let us know anything about you. We don't see each other like we always did. God, I saw you two times last year! And you came home in February, but that was one day. Ever since dad passed, I lost you two and Maman too and you don't even realize it. So no, I don't need help because I've been doing this for so long. I don't need any Help." Shouts Arthur and his chest feels tight.

Why did he say it.

He's so stupid.

"Arthur-" starts Lorenzo but Arthur shook his head and he runs upstaires.

They weren't supposed to know. It's not their fault they left for Charles his career. It's not their fault that Dad passed away and that he couldn't help their Maman like he really wanted. He was a child, he didn't know how and her friends did. He can't blame her for not wanting to be in the house she built a family with the love of her life who now died.

Why didn't he just shut up!

His brothers are finally home for once and he immediately blew it.

"Arthur, can you please open the door?" He hears Lorenzo's voice and knocking on the door.

"I'm sorry." Says Arthur, but he stays on his bed. He doesn't want to open.

His brother must hate him for saying that.

"Tutur, please?"

With a sigh, he opens the door and then moves back to his bed again. Lorenzo shut the door behind him.

"I'm sorry, we didn't want you to feel uncomfortable,", Says Lorenzo and sits down next to Arthur.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have said that." Says Arthur.

"But you're not wrong. We did let you off in the dark and I'm so sorry." Says Lorenzo and Arthur looks at him.

"You didn't. Charles was building up his career and you are helping him in the management. You two are so busy."

"But you are still our little brother and we weren't good brothers for you."

"I survive and we shouldn't make a big deal out of this." Says Arthur.

"Is Maman really away all the time?" Asks Lorenzo and Arthur nods. He opens his mouth to say something but then close his mouth and looks down at his hands.

"It's been hard, sometimes. You know, when I needed her or just someone to talk with. And then you two didn't pick up the phones when I call. It's lonely but I'm busy with school again now, so it's getting better again."

"You made friends?'' Asks Lorenzo and Arthur nods.

"Yeah, it's been good." Lies Arthur, god he hates his school.

"That's good." Says Lorenzo and Arthur nods.

"Charles really wants to take you out tonight. We have one night to fully focus on you and we want to do that, so let us, please." Says Lorenzo.

"I want to but I can't afford that, Lo." Says Arthur.

"We're paying and then we are going to look into your bank account and we will give you money every month."

"No, Lorenzo I don't want that."

"You don't have a choice. We're doing that."

"I don't want that. Lo I don't need your money, please. This isn't all about the money, I make enough every month to pay for everything, so don't worry. I don't want you guys to feel like I use you for the money!"

"Of course we're not thinking that. We are giving you the money and I want you to take it." Says Lorenzo.

"I don't want your money." Says Arthur.

I want you back in my life. Is that too much to ask?

"We're going to talk about that again, but now, we are going shopping and then look where we want to eat." Says Lorenzo and grabs his youngest brother's hand.

They are walking down and Arthur's eyes fall on Charles who has his phone in his hand.

"She doesn't pick up! Lo she- oh." He falls silent when he sees Arthur and the youngest rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to stop talking you know? I can handle hearing things." Says Arthur.

"Yes I know."

"Do you?'' Asks Arthur and Charles looks at him.

"I forget that you're not that young boy anymore." Says Charles.

"I'm not." Says Arthur and grabs his stuff.

"Ready?'' Asks Charles and Arthur nods.

"Maybe we can grab my car, fewer people will be watching." Says Arthur and Lorenzo nods.

"Good thinking."

"You have your own car? When did you get your driver's license?'' Asks Charles and Arthur stopped walking.

"Last year, before I got eighteen. I sent you a message but you never replied." Says Arthur, and he sees how big Charles his eyes get.

"It's not fancy like your car, but it drives me around." Says Arthur, and gives his keys to Charles of his Renault Clio.

"Thanks. The red one, cool." Says Charles.

"I had to think about you so I had to get it." Laughs Arthur, he gets into the back and Charles starts the car.

"So first, groceries. Do you know what you need?" Asks Charles and Arthur nods.


After they are done at the cash register, also fighting with Charles, who puts his card against the payment machine before Arthur, they drive back home.

Lorenzo has made a reservation at a restaurant and Arthur is now taking a quick shower to freshen himself up.

When he wants to go downstairs, he hears Charles and Lorenzo talking. He knows that overhearing is bad, but he can't stop himself.

"How did we miss this?" Asks Charles.

"I have no idea, but we have been such bad brothers to him. How didn't we notice?" Says Lorenzo.

"We are terrible human beings. We didn't think about him. That says a lot about us, Lorenzo." Says Charles, and Arthur sits down on the stairs.

They didn't miss him. They didn't even notice that they have been distant.

"We didn't even know he had his exam for his car." Says Lorenzo.

"Even worse, that Maman is away all the time and Arthur is doing everything alone! We were away all the time, then papa died and apparently Maman was always gone too. How old was he?" Ask Charles.

"2017 in June, so thirteen." Says Lorenzo and Arthur bit his lip.

It was after his birthday that his mother went away all the time. Going out with friends or came back drunk. He was fourteen.

"I'm ready." Says Arthur and walked into the room, acting like he hasn't heard them talking.

"Yes, we're ready." Says Charles, and Arthur see how sad they looked.

"Let's go." Says Lorenzo and wrap his arms around Arthur's shoulders.


"I'm doing okay, I have good grades." Says Arthur and takes a bite of his food.

"Great to hear, and do you have an internship?'' Asks Lorenzo.

"Yes, I have an internship at the Monalisa Motorsport Gallery, and I get paid for it, so that's great. It's extra money next to my job. They said I can get a job there if I want to when I'm finished and still not sure what I want to do. But I do really enjoy working there." Says Arthur.

"But it's not what you're learning?"

"It's about sport. I do the tours and then talk about the cars, so it kind of is. I learn about leading a team, or how the spotting world works and all that. But I enjoy this part more, getting to know the car more, like what it can do, how fast it can and that kind of stuff." Says Arthur

"Didn't you choose the wrong study then?" Ask Lorenzo.

"No I didn't. I didn't know what I wanted, so I have some pieces of everything. I do all kinds of sports, not only motorsport." Says Arthur.

"But you stick to motorsport?" Asks Charles and Arthur nods.

"Don't you want to try racing again?" Ask Lorenzo.

"Well I'm kind of old aren't I." Laughs Arthur.

"Never too old." Says Charles.

"No, I love working in this sport, but I won't drive it anymore." Says Arthur.

"Maybe you can come with me this weekend and see all the insides in Ferrari." Says Charles and Arthur looks at him.

"You know I don't want that extra kind of attention." Says Arthur.

"But you're my brother and I would really like having you with me this weekend." Says Charles, and Arthur looks down at his food. He goes through his food with his fork.


"I don't want to because I know what people in my class are going to say. Charles, I don't want that kind of attention." Says Arthur

"Are they mean about it?" Asks Charles.

"No, they don't know. I just- I don't want to be the brother of, you know what I mean?"

"I understand that, I really do. But Art, I want you to enjoy this part too. I haven't been here for you, but I know how much you love our sport, so let me take you there. You don't have to be in front of the cameras. I will tell the team not to take pictures of you and us together. I will do everything to keep you out of the light, I promise. Just please, come with me." Says Charles.

“You can arrange that?” Asks Arthur, and Charles nods.

"I can and I will." Says Charles and Arthur nods.

"Okay, then I will go with you, not Friday." Says Arthur.

"School trip, fun!" Laughs Charles and Arthur roll his eyes.

“Boring as hell.” Says Arthur.

"You can go with me from tomorrow already?" Asks Charles and Arthur shook his head.

"I have school in the morning."

"Till what time?''

"One o clock." Says Arthur.

"But I can pick you up." Says Lorenzo and Arthur looks at him.

"I don't know if I get homework. I really need to do that first." Says Arthur

"You can also bring that with you. You can make that in my motorhome. And if you have questions, there are many people that can help you." Says Charles and Arthur nods.

“Alright.” Says Arthur and take another bite of his food.

"Oh by the way. I don't know what you want to show me, but when F2 drives, I need to watch." Says Arthur.

"Yeah? You watch that?" Asks Charles and Arthur nods.

"I do, I really like watching it." Says Arthur

"And do you watch for a driver or just for fun?" Asks Lorenzo.

"For fun. I started watching this season" Says Arthur. "But I really like the driving style of Dennis Hauger."

New story!! I'm really excited to start this one!

I try to update every saturday, that's the planning.

Happy birthday to Charles and late happy birthday to my favorite person in this world, Arthur🥹

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