I Don't Like Her At All... (J...

By FretkaVenus

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Young girl Y/N joined the crusaders! What will their adventures be like? Will the cold Jotaro get along well... More

Main character/ Stand info
1. First Day
2. Holly's Stand
3. Tower Of Gray
4. Silver Chariot
5. Dark Blue Moon
6. Strength
7. Devil
8. Yellow temperance
9. The Emperor and The Hanged Man Pt. 1
10. The Emperor and The Hanged Man Pt. 2
11. Becky
12. Wheel of Fortune
13. Justice
14. The Lovers Pt. 1
15. The Lovers Pt. 2
16. The Sun
17. Death 13 Pt.1
18. Death 13 Pt. 2
19. Breakthrough
20. The High Priestess Pt.1
22. The Whipper
23. 'The Fool' Iggy and 'God Geb' N'Doul
24. Queen of Tears
25. "Khnum" Oingo and "Tohth" Boingo
26. Anubis
27. Confession
28. Set's Alessi Pt. 1
29. Set's Alessi Pt. 2
30. Nightmare
31. Stay quiet
32. D'Arby the Gambler Pt. 1
33. D'Arby the Gambler Pt. 2

21. The High Priestess Pt.2

380 12 57
By FretkaVenus

Pov: Y/N

- We're really gonna scuba dive? I've never done anything like this before.- Polnareff asked as we're putting on scuba diving equipment.

- I know it's not the best timing, but it was my dream since childhood.- I said quietly, putting a diving oxygen cylinder on my back.

- Hurry everyone! Suit up on the double!- Mr. Joestar said while running in place to prepare himself before diving.

- Yare yare.- Jotaro takes goggles into his hand, looking at the whole equipment.

- I just realized I won't be able to suit up in time with this busted hand. Help me out, Jotaro.

- Do it yourself.

- I'll help you, Mr. Joestar.- I said while walking up to him and picking up his oxygen tank.

- Thank you, sunshine.- Mr. Joestar smiled at me warmly.

I helped him put a whole scuba diving equipment onto himself. He thanked me with the same huge grin on his face. I finish putting my own equipment onto myself and turn back towards the others. The whole submarine started moving and I almost fell over but my Jotaro caught me.

- Anyone else getting nervous?- Polnareff shouted, looking around anxiously.

- Try to stay calm. Times like these require us to keep our heads on straight and be prepared.- Mr. Joestar soothed like a father of a group.- So has anyone ever scuba dived before?

- Not me.

- No.

- I haven't.

- Me neither.

- The High Priestess will break through any moment! You have to teach us how to dive now!- Avdol yelled, standing beside the door.

- You have to calm yourself, Avdol. You must never panic, no matter what. This is the most important rule when scuba diving. When you're underwater, for every ten meters you go below the surface, the corresponding pressure increases along with you. The surface pressure starts at one atmosphere. We're 49 meters below the surface right now, so we'll endure five atmospheres of pressure. If we surface too quickly, the pressure will cause our lungs and blood vessels to burst. We have to rise slowly so our bodies can adjust. We're nearing the Egyptian coast. It's best to ascend along the sea floor.- Mr. Joestar explained and I sigh lightly. It'll be a difficult first lesson of scuba diving...- Ok... I'm letting the water in.

When Mr. Joestar started to spin the wheel, letting the sea water pour into the room, I looked up at Jotaro with a gaze full of worry. I don't know why but I feel nervous about the whole thing. But as soon as Jojo looked back into my eyes, he gently grabbed my hand, comforting me.

- You're looking at a regulator. The valve inside allows air in from the tank only when you inhale. The air you breathe out exists through the piece on the left.- Mr. Joestar said and I saw Kakyoin putting his regulator into his mouth, checking if he can breathe through this. He looks cute and funny doing this.

- What about spit? What happens if I need to drool or hock a loogie or something?- Polnareff asked, making me look back at Mr. Joestar, still holding hands with Jotaro. We're doing this out of anyone's sight, not wanting them to start suspicion anything.

- That stuff comes out the opening here. And, this should go without saying, but we can't talk underwater. Instead, we'll use hand signals. Let's keep things simple and use two. When things are going smoothly, we'll use this to say "OK".- Mr. Joestar said, showing the first signal to us.- When they aren't, use this.

- But, Mr. Joestar, can't we just use our Stands to communicate?- I asked, raising my one eyebrow.

- Oh yeah, I didn't think about that...

- Aww, Y/N! And I was about to say I know a really good hand signal.- Polnareff said before doing a hand signal he was talking about.

- He says "Your underwear is showing."- Kakyoin said, understanding Polnareff's hand signal.

- Yeah!- They made some sort of hand shake or whatever that was. But It looked really cool.

- We could be attacked and killed at any moment! Stop fooling around and let's go!- Mr. Joestar scolded.

- You'll have to teach me this.- I said quietly to Polnareff and Kakyoin, giggling lightly.


- Put your masks and regulators on.- Mr. Joestar demanded and we all did so. Everyone shows the "OK" hand signal but I have trouble breathing.

I tried to show the other hand signal but couldn't as my regulator turned into an enemy Stand. It bites my lip hard, making me whimper underwater. I try to push it off but it's too late. It gets into my mouth and begins its way down my throat.

- Hierophant Green!

- Hermit Purple!

Kakyoin's and Mr. Joestar's Stands caught the High Priestess before it was too far away. They pulled it out and I fell backwards in the water. I can't breathe since I don't have any regulator or anything on myself. I start choking and feel like I'll lose my consciousness.

But then someone grabbed my waist firmly and pulled with himself. I feel the regulator being pushed into my mouth and I can breathe normally again. I slowly open my eyes after a few breaths, looking at Jotaro who is holding me close.

- Are you alright?- I hear his voice in my head. He's speaking to me through his Stand.

- Yeah.- I answered, nodding along.

Jojo takes my hand and we start swimming with the rest of the group. I can't help but look around at the beautiful scenery. The coral reef and all those kinds of fish are amazing.

- Just look at how beautiful it is down here. This would've made a spectacular place to visit on vacation.- Polnareff said through his Stand and I giggled lightly.

- Plan your next getaway another time! We have to surface before we run out of oxygen.- Mr. Joestar said, frowning at Polnareff.

- Think we're safe?- Kakyoin asked and I looked over at him.

- I believe so. The High Priestess can transform into metals and glass, but it can't take the form of bubbles or fish.- Avdol stated.

- Just keep your eyes peeled. If it pursues us, it'll probably transform into a screw on our gear. Be careful of moving pebbles and stones, too.- Mr. Joestar warned us and I pulled onto Jotaro's hand lightly, pulling us a bit upwards, away from the stones.

- Look! I think it's the sea tunnel!- Avdol said, pointing out, towards two huge holes made in stones.

- We're at seven meters!- Mr. Joestar cheered.

- We've finally reached the Egyptian shore! We can swim along these rocks to the surface!

Suddenly the rocks started moving and huge teeth showed. I grip onto Jotaro's hand even tighter when the mouth opened and it started drawing us inside.

- What?!

- Is that the...

- It's the Stand! It merged with the sea floor! And it's gargantuan...

We all get pulled into its mouth, being pushed from one corner to the other. We swirl in the water that has drawn into its mouth along with us.

- You are so slow on the uptake! Didn't it cross your minds that if the rocks are mineral, it would mean the sea bed is mostly mineral, too?- The woman's voice echoed all around us.

- If the Stand is this powerful, the Stand user must be close! And I'd wager she's closer than we think!- Kakyoin shouted.

- You guessed it! I'm seven meters above you, on the shore! But since you're about to be ground to bits by my High Priestess, you'll never have a chance to see my face!- When the Stand blows out the water from its mouth, we fall down. I landed on top of Jotaro, with his one arm wrapped around my waist.

- I can't tell what part of the Stand we're in.- Kakyoin spoke up.

- Seems like we're still inside its mouth. Luckily, we weren't sucked down its gullet.- Mr. Joestar stated.

- Hey, Jotaro! You're just my type, so this is going to be as painful for me as for you. It's too bad I have to make the High Priestess digest you. If only things were different. How sad!- I got so mad when this bitch said something like this. Jotaro suddenly got up and I got pulled along. Polnareff said something into his ear and I looked up at them.

- Yare yare, do I have to?- Jojo asked, making me raise one eyebrow.

- Just say it!- Polnareff encourages, poking Jotaro's arm playfully.

- Say what?- I look at all the men as they nod their heads in agreement. Only I don't know what they mean...

- Midler, I wish I could've seen your face, if only once. You might've been my type, too. I just might've fallen for you.- Those words hit me hard. I look up at him with widened eyes, wanting to say something but then noticing that he's saying it reluctantly. Polnareff and his stupid plans...

- I bet she's a beauty! I can tell from that voice of hers.- Polnareff said and I rolled my eyes. This really is a stupid idea. But maybe this woman is stupid as well?

- Yes. She comes across as an elegant woman. My fortune teller's instinct senses it.- Avdol added.

- If you ask me, she sounds just like Audrey Hepburn.- Kakyoin said with his usual calm voice.

- Man, if I were only 30 years younger.

- You bastards! You don't mean a single word of that! I'll kill you all!- Suddenly a tongue, we were standing on, threw us into the air and I yelped slightly.

- Holy shit!

- Everyone, look!

- Oh my God!- I screamed as a gigantic tongue was coming at us. It hit Jotaro and threw him at one of the lower teeth.- Jojo!

- Ora!- Jotaro tries to save himself from being crushed between Stand's teeth and I rush towards him. Or rather try, because Polnareff grabbed me tightly, keeping me in place.

- Jotaro!- I keep screaming, trying to get away from Polnareff and go to save Jojo.

- You want to pit your strength against mine, do you?- Woman's voice shouted mockingly.

- Damn, such crazy power...- Jotaro mumbled breathlessly as he kept struggling to hold huge teeth up, so that it wouldn't crush him.

- Jotaro! These teeth are as hard as diamonds! You'll never be able to break them! I'll crush you to death!

- I have to save him!- I pull away from Polnareff, running towards Jojo with my Stand appearing behind me.

- Get outta my way!- The woman's voice shouted again and Stand's tongue pushed me away. My back hit into the hard tooth and I coughed up blood.

- Y/N!- Kakyoin yelled and I opened my eyes to see Jotaro being crushed between Stand's teeth.

- J-Jotaro...

- Jotaro!- All the men shouted anxiously at the sight.

Even though my whole body hurts like hell from being hit against those fucking teeth so hard, I still managed to pull myself up. Polnareff who was standing near me, caught me so that I wouldn't fall.

My heart aches as I look at the teeth, between which Jotaro just died. But I'm not crying, since I'm barely standing on my feet from weakness.

I hid myself in Polnareff's arms, not wanting to look at the spot where Jotaro was crushed anymore.

But then I hear a faint sound of someone's voice from the other side of the teeth. I lift my head up and look in their direction to see Star Platinum destroying all of the Stand's teeth.

- Jotaro!- I yelled with relief in my voice, looking at the scene with widened eyes.

- Oh my God! He's busting all of them!

- He's showing off...

- His Stand's immense power never ceases to amaze me.

- C'mon, I'm getting us out of this hell hole!- Jotaro said before breaking through the rest of the teeth. Polnareff takes me under his arm and helps me swim out of Stand's mouth.- Yare yare. Well, you were right about those teeth being sturdy, but they weren't sturdy enough. Guess your so-called diamonds were a little low on calcium.

I pull away from Polnareff and swim on my own to Jotaro. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, feeling him holding me with one arm while still swimming upwards.

We get onto the shore and I hug Jotaro once more. I looked up at him with soft eyes, as if I was about to cry. I was really scared that it was his end back then. I wouldn't forgive myself for this.

- Yare yare. Calm down, babe.- He purred, realising how he has called me, just after saying it. He tilted his hat down, hoping that no one heard it.

- Hey, there's a woman passed out over there.- Mr. Joestar pointed out and I looked over at her.

- I assume it's Midler, the user of the High Priestess.- Avdol said calmly.

- Should we leave her? She looks harmless.- Kakyoin stated. If it was my decision, I would hurt her more because of saying those things to Jotaro.

- I think I'll go see if she's hot or not!- Polnareff started walking towards the woman, looking over at her. Then he turned back towards us, waving a hand.- No comment! Stop! Don't look! Her teeth are all busted! Don't even bother!

- She deserved it...- I muttered, still holding onto Jojo tightly, refusing to let go.

- Well, we've finally made it to Egypt.- Avdol said as we all stand on the shore, looking at the rising sun.

- Indeed. What would've taken a mere 20 hours by plane, ended up taking a whopping 30 days.- Mr. Joestar sighed lightly.

- It's been quite the adventure. We've gone inside a brain, and even inside our dreams.- Kakyoin spoke softly.

- Our dreams?- Jotaro asked, confusedly.

- They don't remember it, Nori.- I chuckled lightly, feeling Jotaro's gaze on me right now.

- You're right, sunshine.- The way he called me made me giggle lightly as I gently cling against Jojo's side.

- Whatever. Let's go.


Pov: Dio

She's getting closer. Soon she'll be mine. Forever. I'll make her my mistress and she'll stay by my side until the end of the world. I won't let anyone else have my most precious Y/N.

Pov: Y/N

While Mr. Joestar is on the phone with his wife, I stay by Jotaro's side. I'm clinging to him, looking up at him, even though he's not returning the gaze.

- Jooty... Everything will be alright. We'll save your mom. I promise that I'll be with you all this time.- I whisper to him sweetly, hoping to make him feel better.

- Thank you. But... Stop clinging right now. We'll do it in the hotel room, where we'll be alone, alright?- He looked down at me for a moment and I nodded, quickly pulling away.

- Jotaro.- Mr. Joestar called and Jojo walked over to the phone.

While he's talking with his grandmother, I'm standing in place, looking down at my feet. I rub my wrist lightly, sighing heavily.

- Hey, cheer up, little one.- A huge, rough hand grabbed my chin gently, lifting my head up to meet those beautiful ocean blue eyes.

- Your grandfather is looking...- I whispered almost soundlessly and he quickly took his hand away.

- It's time to head out, lovebirds! After a century, it's time for us Joestars to bring an end to Dio's grip on our family!

- But you won't do it alone!- I said cheerfully, walking over to the car where the rest of my friends are.


We stopped in a small hotel to rest, after being up all the time on a submarine. Traditionally I share a room with Jotaro.

The two of us walk inside to see a double bed in the middle of the room. I chuckled lightly at the thought of sleeping with Jojo in one bed the whole night.

- Yare yare. I won't get any minute at night without you clinging onto me tonight.- He said, a tiny smile forming on his lips.

- That's right.- I smile widely, sitting on our bed. I take off my hoodie, revealing the hickey that is still visible on my neck.

- We have to talk, Y/N.- He said seriously, looking down at me with a stern gaze.

- About what?- I ask confusedly, looking up at him.

- You reacted strangely when the enemy Stand turned into a razor blade and cut me with it, back on the submarine. What was the reason?

- I just didn't want to see you hurt... That's all...- I lied, turning my head away from him.

- Don't lie to me.- He grabbed my chin firmly staring into my eyes sternly.

- A-Alright... I'll tell you...- I paused for a moment, sighing shakily. Then I continue.- After my mother's death... I was too weak... And... I needed relief... I was cutting my wrists... My father doesn't know anything about it... I never told him, because I didn't want to make him worry...

- Y/N...- His voice sounds shocked and concerned. Soon enough, he pulled me close, hugging me tightly.

- Promise me that you won't tell him... Promise me, Jotaro...- I said as I started to tear up. The bad memories are coming back, making me break apart in his arms.

- I promise.- He said before kissing the top of my head lightly.

I stay locked in his tight embrace for a long while before we end up laying together in bed. I'm on top of him, curling up a bit. I'm calm again, feeling relaxed against him.

- I love you...- I murmured tenderly, holding onto his shirt gently.

- I love you too.

Author's note~

Heyo, my beauties!

I have a few more fun facts for you, cuz why not!

I decided that the main character's mother will be dead because of my own past experiences. My beloved grandmother died when I was just a kid. She was like a mom to me, and I just wanted to put it into this story.

The second thing is that after her death, I had huge problems with myself, and as you can guess, I was self harming. But don't worry. I'm going to therapy and I'm getting better.

Remember that asking for help isn't a shame! If you feel like you need one, go and ask for it! I hope you're all fine.

I love you, guys! Stay safe!

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