The Boy from Rivia and the Gi...

נכתב על ידי readanlo29

2.8K 114 43

Geralt wasn't always the father of a girl who wasn't his. He also wasn't from Rivia. He used to just be the b... עוד



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נכתב על ידי readanlo29

Blood soaked the ground as I dragged Geralt towards camp. "Please hold on." I kept saying. I just needed my kit from the horses. Finally I reached the camp. The fire was still going. I whistled loudly, calling the horses back. Daisy appeared first, stopping close to us. I set Geralt by the fire and hurried to Daisy. I grabbed my back before returning to Geralt. I gave him a potion. He let out a groan and a gulp. Next I began ripping his shirt open to look at the wounds. He was losing so much blood. My hands ran over the wounds as the elven spell slipped from my lips. I couldn't fully heal him, but I could slow the bleeding if not stop it all together.
"Viv." He groaned, grabbing one of my wrists. His eyes flicked open, revealing the pain he felt.
"Please hold on." He moaned again, squeezing my wrist harshly. I pushed through the throbbing in my wrist as he tightened his grasp. More elven words spilled out of my mouth. Finally, his grasp released and his breathing evened out. He had passed out.

The next few hours were a blur. Roach followed close behind as we rode hard towards Kaer Moren. My heart ached in my chest. Geralt laid on his stomach over my saddle as I pushed my horse to her limits. Every once in a while Geralt let out a moan, letting me know he was still alive. Once we neared the castle, I began yelling, calling out names of witchers. Vesemir appeared first.
"What happened?" He yelled, running down the castle walls towards us as I slowed Daisy and slipped off the horse.
"Wyvern." I explained, yanking Geralt off the horse and slowly onto the ground. Two other witchers appeared behind Vesemir, helping us carry Geralt's unconscious body into the hall. Vesemir began his work on Geralt, potions and bandages flew everywhere. I stood back, pacing. My tunic was soaked in blood. Geralt's white hair, now stained red like roses, clung to his face.

I stood back still spilling elven words in a whisper from my lips. I wanted to help but knew I couldn't do anything else for him. Vesemir worked for an hour with the witchers to try to heal Geralt. After a while he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Go get cleaned up. He will be out for a while. I'll watch over him." He spoke softly before returning to Geralt's side. I did as I was told and went to the upper rooms. I found Geralt's room and slipped in. He had a trunk at the end of his bed filled with clothes. I picked out on of his tunics and tossed it onto the bed. One of the boys had set up a bath for me but I didn't feel like climbing in. I just wanted to cry. I curled onto his bed, stuffing my face into his pillow. His scent lingered slightly in the fabric. The world drifted away as the exhaustion soaked into my bones.

——————— Flashback/Dream ———————

"Viv." Geralt's voice whispered quietly in the darkness.
"Yes, my love?" I responded, my fingers trailing a scar on his back.
"What if.... No, it's stupid."
"What?" I pulled at his bicep, making his roll over to face me as we laid in bed in our new home,
"What if we had children?" The little light in the room reflected off his golden eyes.
"I thought you couldn't."
"No witcher has ever. They say we can't be no one really has tried." He grunted.
"Well, I'm fine with that." I smiled, pushing my head into his chest.
"I love you Vivian."
"I love you too."

——————— End of dream ————————

The calling of birds pulled me from my sleep. I sat up with a jump. I'd slept all day and night. Geralt. I lept out of bed, still in my blood soaked clothes which were now dry and clung to my body. Geralt sat in front of the fire at the end of the bed. He was peeling his bloody clothes from his body.
"Geralt?" I gasped, walking towards him. He let out a small grunt as he looked at me. "Do you want help?"
He shook his head, resuming his gaze at the tub. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault isn't it?"
"I don't know." He grunted again. Finally, he sat naked on the bed, pushing himself into a stance. He walked slowly to the tub and sunk into it. I leaned against the bed post and looked at him as he grimaced in pain. I knew it was my fault. Whatever I was summoned the beasts. I almost got Geralt killed. I picked up the tunic I'd tossed on the bed the day before and walked towards the door. "I'm sorry." I sighed, exiting the room. After changing in another room, I left the castle.

The rest of the day I found myself cleaning the horses, finding herbs for my pack and just keeping myself busy. Most of the witchers avoided me. I don't know what Geralt had said to them, but they didn't even try to make eye contact with me.

I was a pariah. An untrusted person. Someone who couldn't defend another witcher. A monster among those who hunted monsters.... I was what they hated the most....

I returned to my room, packing what little belongings I had. I didn't need Vesemir to look at me. I didn't need Triss to come perform spells. I didn't want to know what I was. I climbed onto my horse and left without another word to any of the witchers. As I rode out of Kaer Moren, I turned to get one last look. Geralt stood on one of the ramparts watching me. He held his wound with one hand, and leaned on the ledge with his other. He said something, but it was unclear to me. I just turned and turned my pace to a gallop into the forest.

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