Whispers of Euphoria | Lee Mi...

By whatsgoingonkasturi

637 42 3

"You are beautiful" he said. He grabbed her waist and brought her closer then leaned forward and their lips m... More

Chapter 1
CHAPTER 2 : "Blossoms of promise: Journey of Resilience and Growth"
Chapter 3: "Echoes of Belonging: A Sanctuary Called Tezpur"
Chapter 5: "Unraveling Korea's Tapestry - Adventures in a Foreign Land"
Chapter 6: "A Homecoming and a Departure - The Heart's Crossroads"
Chapter 7: "Weaving Dreams into Reality"
Chapter 8: "Embers of Affection: Bound by Destiny"
Chapter 9: "Beyond Words: The Language of Hearts"
Chapter 10: "A Kiss in the Rain"
Chapter 11: "A Night of Intimate Connections"
Chapter 12: "Whispers of Jealousy and Secret Romance"
Chapter 13: "The private concert"
Chapter 14: "The Perfect Promise: A Romantic Wedding Proposal"
Chapter 15: "Love Across Cultures: the wedding"
Chapter 16: "Whispers of euphoria: dreams fulfilled."
Writer's P.S.

Chapter 4: "Wings of Dreams and Aspirations"

24 2 0
By whatsgoingonkasturi

Having decided to apply for a master's program in South Korea through the GKS (Global Korea Scholarship) program instead of continuing her masters in Tezpur University, Aromi meticulously prepared her application and all the documents needed.

**Aromi:** (determined) "I'm going to give it my all. This is the opportunity I've been dreaming of."

Finally, the day arrived when she submitted her application. The sense of hope and anticipation filled her heart as she waited for a response. She knew that the competition would be tough, but she believed in herself and her dreams.

The application process was both nerve-wracking and exciting for Aromi. She meticulously gathered all the necessary documents, pouring over each requirement with utmost care. Each form she filled out felt like a step closer to her dreams.

**Aromi:** (tapping her pen on the table) "I can't believe this is happening. It feels surreal!"

With her application submitted, Aromi checked her phone incessantly, waiting for any updates. The anticipation was almost unbearable. And then, one fine day, her phone screen lit up with an email notification.

**Aromi:** (nervously) "This is it! I'm going to check the email."

As she opened the email, her heart raced, reading through each word carefully. And there it was, the confirmation she had been dreaming of - she had been selected for the first round of the GKS scholarship program!

**Aromi:** (in disbelief) "I did it! I got in! I've to be more prepared in the next round."

The next step was to prepare for the final round of the selection process - the interview. Aromi left no stone unturned in her preparations. She gathered all the possible interview questions and practiced answering them in Korean, determined to showcase her language skills and her passion for South Korea.

**Aromi:** (practicing her answers) "I am ready for this. I'll do my best."

The day of the interview arrived, and Aromi's heart raced as she sat across the interview panel. With confidence and grace, she answered each question in Korean, impressing the panel with her language fluency and in-depth knowledge.

**Interviewer:** (impressed) "You have done exceptionally well, Aromi. We are impressed with your dedication and passion."

**Aromi:** (grateful) "Thank you. This opportunity means the world to me."

Days turned into weeks, and the wait for the final results felt endless. And then, the call came. Her heart pounded with anticipation as she picked up the phone.

**Caller:** (excitedly) "Congratulations, Aromi! You have been accepted into the GKS scholarship program."

**Aromi:** (overwhelmed with joy) "Thank you so much! I can't believe it!"

With the acceptance letter in her hands, Aromi began the process of completing all the necessary formalities. From booking her flight ticket to obtaining her visa and passport, every step was filled with excitement and anticipation.

**Aromi:** (on the phone with her family) "Maa, deuta, I got it! I'm going to South Korea!"

**Parents:** (overjoyed) "We're so proud of you, beti! This is just the beginning of your journey."

**Aromi's Brother:** "Take care of yourself baa. I'll join you soon."

As she bid farewell to her parents and walked towards the airplane, Aromi felt a sense of both excitement and nostalgia. Her parents and her little brother had traveled all the way from Assam to Delhi to see her off at the airport. As they stood near the departure gate, emotions ran high, and tears glistened in their eyes.

**Aromi's Mother:** (teary-eyed) "Take care of yourself, beta. We will miss you every day."

**Aromi:** (holding back tears) "Don't worry, Maa. I'll call you every day."

**Aromi's Father:** (proudly) "Make us proud, beti. Pursue your dreams and never give up."

**Aromi:** "I promise. This is just the beginning."

Inside the plane, Aromi settled into her seat, her heart pounding with anticipation. As the aircraft taxied down the runway, she looked out of the window, watching as the city of Delhi slowly faded away. The view from the plane window was breathtaking, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe at the world below.

**Passenger (sitting next to Aromi):** (smiling) "First time flying?"

**Aromi:** (nervously) "Yes, it's my first time going abroad."

**Passenger:** "You'll love it! Flying is an incredible experience."

As the plane took off, Aromi felt a rush of excitement and fear, a mix of emotions that was both overwhelming and thrilling. She watched as the landscape changed from cityscapes to vast stretches of land and then the vast ocean below.

**Aromi:** (whispering to herself) "This is really happening. I'm on my way to South Korea."
As the plane soared through the skies, Aromi's anticipation grew with every passing minute. She couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led her to this moment - from her humble beginnings in Assam to the halls of Tezpur University, and now, the exciting prospect of studying in South Korea.

As the hours passed, Aromi kept herself occupied with thoughts of what lay ahead. She envisioned herself immersing in the vibrant culture, making new friends, and exploring the enchanting landscapes of South Korea.

**Aromi:** (to herself) "I can't wait to experience everything Korea has to offer. From its rich history to its modern cities, it's going to be an incredible adventure."

The flight attendants provided updates and announcements in Korean and English, and Aromi eagerly listened to each one, trying to pick up more Korean phrases along the way.

**Flight Attendant:** (in Korean) "We will be serving refreshments shortly. Please enjoy your flight."

As the flight attendants began serving refreshments, Aromi received a warm cup of tea. With each sip, she savored the warmth and comfort it brought, just like the feeling of embarking on a new chapter in her life.

As the plane cruised at a high altitude, the cabin dimmed, and the passengers around her gradually drifted off to sleep. Aromi, however, found it hard to close her eyes. She was too excited to rest, and her mind was buzzing with thoughts of her new journey.

**Aromi:** (whispering to herself) "I should probably try to get some sleep, but I can't help but feel wide awake."

In the dim cabin, Aromi glanced out of the window once again. The view was now of a starlit sky, and she marveled at the sight. The twinkling lights seemed to guide her towards her dreams, igniting a sense of wonder and determination within her.

The hours passed slowly, and the anticipation of arriving in South Korea grew stronger with each passing moment. As the plane approached Incheon Airport, Aromi's heart raced with excitement. The realization that she was about to step into a new phase of her life filled her with a mix of emotions - joy, anticipation, and a hint of nervousness.

**Flight Attendant:** (in Korean) "Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to land at Incheon Airport. Please fasten your seatbelts and ensure that your belongings are stowed away."

As the plane descended, Aromi's heart leaped with excitement. The city of Seoul emerged beneath her, a sprawling metropolis that beckoned with a promise of adventure and growth.

As the wheels touched the runway, Aromi felt a surge of happiness and gratitude. She had come a long way from her hometown, fueled by her passion and determination to chase her dreams.

**Aromi:** (whispering) "I did it. I'm finally here."

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