ExtraTerrestrial Love (Transf...

By Wolf4dead14

58.9K 1.5K 396

Y/n L/n... A nobody in the town of Traverse City. Like every other person his age, all he's trying to do is s... More

Two on Three
Friendly Faces
Team Prime
Tour of the Autobot Base
A Spider's Web
Relaxing With Team Prime
A Shattering Ride

A Shooting Star?

8K 181 43
By Wolf4dead14

Y/n P.O.V

A low sigh left my lips as I banged my head on the desk in front of me. I had just given my finished exam paper to my teacher and took the moment to have a quick rest. 

Lemme start over. I'm studying engineering, hoping to work with machines. Its always been an interest for me. Ever since I was a kid, I'd remember spending most of my time looking at different vehicles. But that was really the only thing I could do with my spare time since a lot of the other kids weren't exactly friendly. I remember the first time I tried to make friends. Let's just say I returned home with a few bruises. Yeahhhh. The kids here were... pretty nasty. 

Despite me being a bit of a loner for quite some time (if not, my whole life so far), it gave me time and allowed me to focus on working to become an engineer. Or at least a mechanic that worked with vehicle repairs. My dad used to be a mechanic, but then he got himself killed when one of the workers he was with, accidentally got him caught under a car. The guy panicked and then dropped a lever, which dropped the car on top of my dad, crushing him to death. 

Mom fell into a depression and was on medication. As for me, I coped with focusing on my work. 

Disturbing me from my thoughts, the bell rang, signalling the end of class. As soon as it rang, everyone began to get up from their seats and left the classroom. I was the last one out. 

Upon leaving, I saw that the sky was dark, yet clear. Classes here often went into the evening which meant that most of the time, I'd go to sleep as soon as I got home. But I didn't feel as tired today so I decided to take a walk around the town. 

Fixing the bag on my back, I began to take a stroll through the streets of Traverse City, which was actually just a small town. Never really understood why people called towns cities sometimes. Just felt weird to me. 

After walking for around 10 or so minutes, I frowned as I thought I heard something. Whatever it was, it sounded like it was approaching and... on fire? 

Looking up, my eyes widened as I saw something large headed down. It glowed a bright red colour and I couldn't help but beamazed by it. 

Y/n: Whoa... Is that a shooting star?! Since when do they show up around here? 

I continued to watch as the shooting star fell down, only for me to realise that it was getting closer. And closer. And closer. My eyes widened as I realised it was landing right outside of the town! Before I knew it, it had crashed and I felt my legs shake from the force of impact, nearly making me fall down. 

Once the shaking subsided, I looked in the direction of where the landing was and decided to take a closer look at it. Meteors barely showed up around here. And I wanted to make sure that no one was hurt in the process. 

I rushed to the site of the crash (which only took me around a couple minutes) and once I reached it, I could see that the meteor... wasn't actually a meteor. It only confused me more when I saw that it was... Some giant sort of pod. There was a blue liquid substance leaking from it and a part of it was open with the door blasted off. Like something came out of it. 

Curious and, slightly afraid, I searched my surroundings and found a trail of the blue substance. While I should've just ran away, my curiosity egged me on. And so I followed the trail. Whatever this substance was, I had a feeling I shouldn't touch it. Especially since it had a bright and almost eerie glow. 

The trail took me to the town's scrapyard which was a decent distance away from the rest of the town. People came here to dump all their broken cars if they couldn't be fixed and other devices. It honestly seemed like a waste to me. Upon entering the scrapyard, I heard someone. It sounded like a woman and they were in pain. Slowly, I continued to follow the trail of the blue substance and turned the corner where I reached the end. 

Upon reaching the end of the trail, I slowly looked at the source, only to see a giant pink metal... figure. It had blue eyes and I saw the blue substance leaking out from what looked like its chest. The figure had a slim and humanoid figure despite it being a giant compared to me. Shocking me, it looked at me. Seeing this titan terrified me, but at the same time amazed me! What was this thing? Why was it here? Why was it in that pod? And what was the substance leaking out from it? 

???: Oh scrap... 

The robot spoke in a feminine and soft voice. Hearing her speak snapped me out of my trance. 

Y/n: Y-You can talk? 

???: Look, please... Don't tell anyone about me. I need to... keep a low profile. 

Y/n: Who... What are you? 

???: Sorry kid... But I'm not really in a state to answer questions. I'm hurt bad... 

She let out a groan of pain as she held the leaking wound. I frowned, but I quickly noticed a set of wires and other metal bits that seemed to resemble a vehicle. 

Y/n: Can... I take a look at it? 

???: What? Kid, no... Just... Get out of here and go to your family. And don't tell anyone about me! It'll just cause more trouble... 

A robot that can bleed? And a robot that actually feels pain? Was this some kind of government secret weapon? I wasn't so sure, but from what it looked like, she wasn't going to survive without treatment. 

I took off my backpack and got out my repair kit. Back in school, me and the rest of my class were required to bring our own repair kits since the school was too poor to purchase and provide this stuff for the students. My repair kit consisted of different wrenches, screws, hammers and more. 

Y/n: At least let me fix you up a bit. Just to stop the leaking. 

???: What? You don't know how to fix this though... Do you? 

Y/n: I mean... I'm no surgeon, but and don't take this the wrong way, you kinda resemble a vehicle. Besides, considering how bad that leak is, I'm not sure you'll last long without any form of treatment. 

???: ... Okay... Just... try not to cause more damage. Please? 

Y/n: I'll try. 

She slowly removed her hand from the injury and I saw just how bad the damage was. There was a large metal shard that seemed to be stabbed into her wound which slowed the leakage, but it still looked like she was losing quite a bit of that glowing fluid. I got up to the wound and had a closer look. Pulling it out would only make things worse. 

Y/n: Crap... I'm gonna need something to burn this metal off with. 

???: Here. Let me. 

Surprising me, she turned her hand into an oversized blowtorch. 

Y/n: What the hell?! You can do that?! 

???: I'll... explain it all once we're done. 

I just nodded quietly and moved away, allowing her to burn the metal shard off. She grunted and groaned in pain. Eventually, the metal burnt, allowing most of the shard to fall off. Once that was done, I climbed back up and got to work on fixing her injury. 

It took some time, sweat and effort, but eventually... I was able to patch her up. Letting out a sigh of relief, I jumped off and rubbed my hands clean from the dust and substance that got on my hands. 

Y/n: Well, you're not leaking anymore and most of the metal shard is out. 

The giant robot looked down at her injury and slowly stood up. A pained groan left her lips as she stood up, leaning her back against a pile of cars. 

???: Thanks... I actually feel better now that I'm not leaking. What's your name? 

Y/n: Um... I, uh... 

???: Oh! Right. Sorry. I need to remember you have no idea what I am. My name is Elita 1, and I'm... What you humans call an alien from another planet. 

Y/n: Wait, what?! You're... From space?! 

Elita 1: That's right. Not what you expected, huh? 

Y/n: N-No, not really... So... What? Did you escape from Area 51 or something? 

Elita 1: Area what? 

Y/n: Nothing. Its a human joke thing, you wouldn't get it. So... What planet are you from? Mars? Venus? 

Elita 1: I'm not from this solar system. My planet is light years away from here. And... I'm afraid its gone. There was a war amongst our race and... Our planet stopped providing the substance we need to live and survive. 

Y/n: Oh... I... I'm sorry to hear that. 

Elita 1: Thank you. The substance me and my kind need to live is called Energon. 

Y/n: Energon? Like energy? 

Elita 1: Yeah. It acts as fuel, food, a power source and ammunition for us. And our planet stopped creating more of it. The reason why I'm here is because this planet has Energon reservoirs. Plenty of them, hidden deep below ground. I was hoping that if there was a chance of survival, this would be the place to lay low. 

Y/n: Well if you wanna lay low, you came to the right town. Traverse City isn't exactly a big place, and hardly anyone comes here. Even less people come here to the scrapyard. 

Elita 1: That's good to know. But then... why did you come here? 

Y/n: I saw that pod thing falling from the sky. I thought it was a shooting star at first, but when it actually hit the ground, I knew it was something else. I followed the trail of Energon here. 

Elita 1: And you're not afraid?

Y/n: Honestly? I am a little. 

She smiled softly. 

Elita 1: I don't blame you. You have every reason to be scared. But... I'll admit, its nice to actually meet one of you that's kind enough to help me. If it weren't for you, I'd probably bleed out. So thank you... 

Y/n: Oh! Right! My name's Y/n. 

Elita 1: Thank you Y/n. I owe you one. 

Y/n: Don't mention it. A little bit of kindness goes a long way. 

She smiled and patted my head, making my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. 

Elita 1: I might rest here for a bit. I knew a certain grumpy doctor that would often tell his patients to get plenty of rest. 

Y/n: You guys have doctors? 

Elita 1: Yes. Though its been awhile since I met with any other Autobot. 

I frowned. 

Y/n: Uh... Is that what your species are called? 

Elita 1: No. That's my faction in the war. The Autobots stood for peace and justice. And then there were the Decepticons. Tyrants, liars and murderers. They're the reason Cybertron, my home world, is nothing more but a husk. The worst part is this war has spread to other planets. Yours included. 

Y/n: What?! 

Elita 1: Back when I actually had a ship, I caught a few transmissions from Earth, with Decepticon chatter. I think they're here for the same reason I am. 

Y/n: For Energon? 

She nodded. 

Elita 1: That's right. But you shouldn't dwell on that. Its not your fight. Head on back home and get some rest. It looks like its late right now. 

Y/n: I guess so... But what about you? 

Elita 1: I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I'm gonna spend the night here and probably leave early morning. I appreciate what you've done for me Y/n and I won't forget it. 

I nodded slowly. 

Y/n: Right... Take care Elita. 

Elita 1: Its Elita 1. 

Y/n: R-Right! Sorry. 

Elita 1: Its okay. Good night Y/n. 

Y/n: Good night Elita 1. 

I smiled before walking away and headed back home. With great effort, I was able to contain my excitement that I had actually met an alien! How cool was that?! 

But... I also had a feeling this wasn't gonna go so well... Call it a hunch. 

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