"Family? I have a family?"

נכתב על ידי Ant357627

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What if Summer & Tai adopted another kid in their lives. Or more? עוד

Chapter 1
What they look like
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
What the siblings look like now
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
What happened during their childhood
Chapter 15
Fun Facts!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14

1.3K 30 23
נכתב על ידי Ant357627

The sight of Bleiss, Bluby, Weiss and Ruby hanging on to something very feathery and very fast, as evidenced by the loud wind and the two being blown sideways.

Bleiss:*shouting to be heard* Ruby! I told you this was a bad f[BEEP!]ing idea!

Ruby:*also raising her voice* We're fine! Stop worrying!

Bleiss: I am so far beyond worrying!

Weiss: In a good way?

Bleiss: In a bad way!

Bluby:*crying* I WANT MY MOMMY!!

Ruby: Well, why don't we just jump?

Bleiss: Is that even a good idea?!

She is met with silence; Ruby and Weiss has already disappeared.

Bluby:......WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!


Ruby and Weiss:*falling right towards them* Heads uuuuuuuup!

Just as she's about to hit the ground panicking, Jaune comes flying through the air and crashes into Ruby and Weiss, knocking her off course and sending them both into a tree to the left of where Blake, Neo, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, and Yang are standing. Both Ruby and Weiss are dazed by the rough landing as evidenced by the cutesy Beowolves and stars circling their head.

Ruby: Oohhhh...

Weiss: What was that?

The dizziness passes when they shake their heads.

Jaune: Eh-hem!

Ruby and Weiss look up to see Jaune hanging upside-down in a tree branch above them.

Jaune: Hey, Ruby. Weiss...

Ruby and Weiss: Hey Jaune...

Jaune: That hurt...

Blake:*back on the ground, looking at the tree* Did your sisters just fall from the sky?

Yang and Cinder: I...

Before they can continue, several crashing noises are heard in the forest ahead of them, and an Ursa comes out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back and it crashes to the ground, depositing its riders.

Nora and Nilla: YEEEE-HAAAAW!

They roll off of the Ursa's back, then they get up and groans, saddened.

Nora: Awwww... It's broken.

Nora and Nilla dashes onto its neck and observes the carcass as Ren, Tenn, Ilia, and Celeste comes up behind them.

Ren:*panting and leaning on the monster* Nora! Nilla! Please... Don't ever do that again.

He looks up again and notices by the pink dotted outline of where his partner should be that Nora has run off again, and looks around frantically.

Nilla:*pointing* She's over there.

Ren looks to see that Nora is now in the Temple, staring at a golden rook relic.

Nora: Oooohh...

Suddenly grabs it, an animation of stars and her hammer symbol playing in the pink background as she dances and sings with the chess piece.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Ren (off-screen): Nora!

Nora stops dancing with the rook on her head, then salutes, dropping the relic into her hand.

Nora: Coming, Ren!*skips off to her friend*

Blake: Did those girls just ride in on an Ursa here?

Mercury: Cool...

Neo: "Mercury, no."

Mercury: Mercury, yes.

Yang and Cinder: I...

She is interrupted once more as a screech is heard from their right, and Pyrrha, Rang, and Wake comes onto the scene as the scorpion creature uproots entire trees in its chase after three. The three narrowly dodges its giant claws and keeps on running.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby and Weiss stands up, looking at the monster below them.

Ruby and Weiss: Whoa!

They start running off of the branch and landing in a roll.

Jaune:*whining* Ruby! Weiss!

Yang and Cinder:*as Ruby and Weiss stands up, back on the ground* Ruby! Weiss!

Ruby and Weiss:*excited* Yang! Cinder!

They raise their arms as if to give their sisters a hug....

Nora: Nora!

....When Nora comes between the four and knocking them off-balance in surprise.

The scorpion Grimm continues to follow Pyrrha, Rang, and Wake as they run.

Blake: Did they just run all the way here with a freakin' Death Stalker on her tail?

Yang and Cinder:*getting angrier* I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two flippin' seconds before something stupid happens again?!

The tick-tock of a clock counts down the two seconds of the two hotheads cooling down, Ren running over to a ditzy Nora, and everyone else looking up.

Ilia: Umm... Yang? Cinder?*tugs on her sister's sleeve and points* About that 'before something stupid happens again', look.

They both look up and deadpan.

Cinder:*deadpaned* You have got to be kidding me...

Up above, Bleiss and Bluby are revealed to be hanging on a talon the size of their entire bodies that belongs to a gigantic Nevermore.

Bleiss:*calling down* How could you two leave us, you dumb f[BEEP!]s?!

Ruby:*shouting up* I said "jump"!

Tenn: They're gonna fall.

Weiss: They'll be fine.

Emerald: She's falling.

Weiss: They're were fine.

Jaune is finally out of the tree, panting until he looks up and grins at the sight of Bleiss and Bluby falling through the air, giving him the opportunity to jump off the branch with arms outstretched and catches both Bleiss and Bluby in a slowed-down moment.

Jaune:*smiles at them* Just... dropping in?

Bleiss and Bluby was speechless... and Jaune realizes why when they both look down.

Jaune, Bleiss, and Bluby: Oh, God.

They hang on to each other wide-eyed as their moment of suspension ends, their weapons flying behind them.

Jaune, Bleiss, and Bluby: Oh, noooooooo- Oomph!

Just before they could hit the ground. Roman, Winter, and Adam catches them before they could hit the ground and doing a perfect landing.

Roman:*tips his hat at Bluby* Just... dropping in?

Jaune:*as Winter let's go of him* Heh, I just the same thing earlier.

Bleiss:*to Adam* My hero.

He drops her.

Bleiss:*groaning* My back...

The Death Stalker is still hunting Pyrrha, Rang, and Wake, but they manages to land on their side at the feet of the heroes.

Mercury: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Ruby: Not if I can help it!

She, Ilia, Weiss, and Neo(silently) sounds a battle cry and was about to rush towards the Grimm. When Yang, Roman, Winter, and Adam stops.

Yang: Ruby, wait!

Ruby: What do mean-?!

She stops as two very large Grimm kills the Death Stalker and Nevermore like mere bugs.

Wake:*scared* WHAT THE F[BEEP!] IS THAT?!

One Grimm was about as tall as a 30-story building, with one eye that acts like a eye beam, and holding a large white sword which is a stone slab with a Dust crystal cluster embedded into it.

The Grimm was called a Balor.

The second one is called a Cyclops. As the name the of it states, it's a 18 foot tall of muscle, single eye, and due to its great intelligence in handcrafting. It made a spiked club.

And everyone felt one emotion right now seeing the two giants.


However for a certain three.

Winter: Should we run? Or fight them?

Adam: With all of us combined in fighting. We can all put up a good fight and take down the Cyclops.

Roman: But the Balor is suicidal. Even Mom, Dad, Uncle Qrow and Aunt Raven said that even highly trained Huntsmen perish fighting just one of them.

Jaune hearing the conversation chimed in.

Jaune: Plus, even if we do take out the Cyclops. The Balor would just finish us off.

Before both anyone and the Grimm could act. Something was seen coming down from the sky.

But it sounded like a missile was coming. And got closer. And closer...

Cinder:*narrowing her eyes* Is that Y/n?

Indeed it was Y/n.

And he was not happy or having his natural straight face.




Everyone minus the Rose/Xiao-Long siblings jaw dropped at Y/n.

Everyone minus the Rose/Xiao-Long siblings:*shocked* HE CAN FLY!?!?!

Rose/Xiao-Long siblings: Yep.

Neo does a thumbs up.

Y/n launches himself like missile and hits the Balor away from everyone with a mighty explosive punch that sent shockwaves all around.

Y/n:*silver eyes activating* You will not harm both my family. And their friends.

As Y/n launches himself like a missile again and strikes the Balor, the entire forest quakes with the impact. The ground shudders, and trees sway as the colossal Grimm is sent hurtling through the air, its body tumbling in the wake of Riot's punch.

The battle between Y/n and the Balor commences, a contest of brute strength and unrivaled power. The Balor, although a massive adversary, proves to be no match for Y/n's raw energy and unyielding determination. With an unwavering resolve to protect his family and friends, Riot confronts the enormous creature with a flurry of devastating blows.

The Balor retaliates with its eye-beam attack, launching a beam of destructive energy at Y/n. However, Y/n's reflexes and combat skill allow him to dodge the powerful attack and close in on the Balor once more. With each strike, Y/n chips away at the Balor's defenses, leaving deep gashes and scorch marks on the creature's stone-like skin.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group faces off against the formidable Cyclops Grimm. Winter, Adam, Roman, and the others engage in a fierce battle against the intelligent and brutish beast. The Cyclops wields its massive spiked club with deadly precision, but the group's combined efforts and teamwork keep it at bay.

Ruby, Bleiss, Yang, Cinder, Jaune, Celeste, and their newly-formed teams unleash their Semblances and weapons with skill and coordination. Ruby's speed, Weiss's glyph magic, Yang's fiery punches, and Blake's agile maneuvers are accompanied by the support and synergy between their teammates.

Winter displays her mastery of ice Dust, creating barriers and icy terrain to hinder the Cyclops's movements. Adam's precision with his weapon and Faunus strength proves instrumental in landing critical blows, while Roman employs his cunning tactics to outmaneuver the beast.

Though the battle is intense, the heroes exhibit great determination, and their combined efforts gradually wear down the Cyclops. The advantage of teamwork and coordination becomes evident as the group starts to gain the upper hand.

Yang and Cinder, two experienced fighters, leap into action. They engage the Cyclops with a flurry of powerful strikes, distracting and evading its massive club. Their agile maneuvers and powerful blows keep the Grimm off balance.

Mercury, Neo, and Ruby work together with perfect synergy. Mercury's swift kicks and Neo's acrobatics keep the Cyclops's attention while Ruby readies her sniper-scythe. She takes a precise shot, hitting the Cyclops right in its single eye. The monster howls in pain and temporarily loses its vision.

On the other side of the battlefield, Ilia, Tenn, and Nilla harness their Faunus abilities to their advantage. Tenn wields her Khopesh with exceptional speed, striking at the Cyclops's legs. Ilia's chameleon-like camouflage makes her a tricky target, allowing her to land precise blows on the creature's vulnerable areas. Nilla, with her brute strength, focuses on attacking the Cyclops head-on.

The combined efforts of the team prove effective, wearing down the Cyclops's defenses and delivering devastating attacks. The Grimm begins to show signs of fatigue and frustration as it struggles to counter their relentless assault.

Back in the midst of the action, Y/n continues to engage the Balor. His incredible speed and strength allow him to deliver quick and powerful blows to the giant Grimm. The ground trembles as the two colossal beings clash.

The Balor's eye beam attack becomes more erratic as Y/n's relentless assault throws off its aim. Seizing the opportunity, Y/n delivers a powerful uppercut, causing a significant crack in the Balor's mask. The giant Grimm stumbles backward, its grip on its sword weakening.

It was until that the Balor launches a large eye beam at Y/n.

But Y/n's eyes glowed both silver and red as launches a laser eyes attack. Breaking through the Balor's eye beam attack and cutting its arm off.

The Balor, severely wounded and now missing an arm, roars in agony. Its stone-like body cracks further, revealing deep fractures. It staggers backward, struggling to maintain its balance.

With the Balor's defenses compromised and its power greatly diminished, Y/n presses his advantage. He delivers a series of devastating blows, targeting the creature's weakened areas. The giant Grimm, once a formidable threat, now finds itself unable to withstand Y/n's relentless assault.

Meanwhile, the battle with the Cyclops rages on. The combined efforts of Ruby, Bleiss, Yang, Cinder, Jaune, Celeste, and their newly-formed teams prove to be a formidable force. The Grimm, disoriented and temporarily blinded by Ruby's precise shot to its eye, is overwhelmed by the onslaught.

Yang and Cinder continue to employ their combat expertise, evading the Cyclops's strikes and delivering powerful blows. The coordination between these experienced fighters keeps the Cyclops off balance.

The combined assault gradually weakens the Cyclops, causing it to stumble and lose its footing. The beast roars in pain and frustration as it struggles to fend off the relentless attacks.

It was then the Balor sends a punch aimed at Y/n.

He dodges it, but the punch hits the ground near Neo sending her flying.

Rose/Xiao-Long: NEO!!

Y/n:*turns around* Wha?

Roman catches Neo as Ruby and Adam rush to the two. Neo blinks her and gives a thumbs up.

But a trickle of blood flows from her forehead shocking the siblings and their friends.

Y/n meanwhile....

Was furious.

He looked at both the Cyclops and Balor. He got into a serious stance.

Y/n: I better not get in trouble for whatever damage I may cause.

He clenched his right hand into a fist as he clasped it in his other hand.

Y/n: You two.

He began to draw back.

Y/n: Have made me angry.

His fist was fully locked in as he readied his punch.

Y/n: I HATE being angry.

He said as he shot his fist forward.

The moment his arm was fully extended, a massive burst of wind knocked everyone off their feet. The clouds above began to part at lightning speed to get out of the way of his deadly strike. Every tree in his direction in Emerald Forest began to topple like a set of dominoes as the sheer force from his punch hit them. But it didn't stop there. The force from his strike seemed to continue for miles as everyone was struggling not to be blown away from the wind he was causing. Even mountains in the distance began to crumble as the shockwave from his punch had finally hit them.

After about a solid minute of almost unbearable wind things finally calmed down.

The group stood in complete shock at what you had just done.

He nearly destroyed Emerald Forest. And he officially decimated the two large Grimm.

Blake, Mercury, Winter, Pyrrha, Wake, Jaune, Ren, Yang, Ilia, and Adam:*shocked*......Holy crap...

The ground beneath them had been devastated, and the entire landscape had been transformed by the sheer force of Y/n's punch. The forest lay in ruins, trees scattered like toothpicks, and even the distant mountains had been impacted.

The group stood in awe, shocked by the immense display of power they had just witnessed. Y/n's strength was beyond anything they could have imagined. It was a force to be reckoned with, capable of decimating even the most formidable foes.

Ruby, Weiss, and the rest of their friends joined the stunned group, all of them sharing wide-eyed expressions at the immense destruction.

Y/n, his silver eyes still glowing, took a moment to regain his composure. He turned to the group and spoke with a sense of gravity.

Y/n: I... had to stop them.

His words hung in the air as a profound understanding of his power settled over the group. They had witnessed something extraordinary, and they knew that Y/n's abilities were not to be taken lightly.

Yang: Y/n... you didn't just save us. You reshaped the entire forest.

Ruby: Y/n... That was incredible.

Weiss: I've never seen anything like it.

Blake: That was... unbelievable.

Mercury: I've never seen anything like that.

Winter: It's like the very elements themselves obey him.

Nora: Yeah, you're like a one-man wrecking crew!

Cinder: Impressive, to say the least.

Y/n nodded in acknowledgment but maintained his seriousness. He knew the consequences of his actions and the destruction they had caused.

Y/n: We need to make sure no one is hurt. Let's check on everyone.

With a sense of responsibility, Y/n led the group as they assessed the situation and ensured the safety of those who had been caught in the aftermath of his incredible display of power. The destruction was vast, but they would work together to mend what they could and provide assistance to those in need.

Meanwhile, Bleiss saw Y/n's display of power and was.....

Let's just say she was excited. Because Bleiss began to emit a noise between a strangled gasp or pant and a series of garbled gibberish, collapsing to the ground as she began to froth at the mouth and twitch.

Y/n: Huh. What's wrong with her?

Y/n quipped, motioning to Bleiss with his thumb.

Winter:*patting his shoulder* You don't need to know.

Bluby was staring at Y/n's abs, a glint in her eyes as she drank in the sight of his stomach showing clear cut abs and defined pecs, a physical sign of his intense training pre-Beacon.

Bluby:*blushing* Oh my god you could grind meat on those.

Wake's eyes widened and she licked her own lips.

Wake's thoughts: Oh Monty in heaven, hallowed by thine name! This for me? You shouldn't have! He's perfect human! Oh to run my lips over that lovely skin! You shall be mine, mark my words! I'll do what it takes, but you belong to me, and me alone!

Nora and Tenn looked over, Tenn's eyes widening slightly and Nora gave a thumbs up.

Nora: Nice Riot! You must work out a lot! Do you have a lot of training? I trained a lot. I don't have abs though. Should I get abs? Renny, should I get abs? I should work on my bottom too. Guys like bottoms, right? Wait, I thought they liked boobs more? Renny, which is it? Why don't you have abs Renny? You should work out more. Can you be stealthy with muscles?

Adam fixing Ren with a sympathetic look.

Ren gave a tired smile, as if to say, "That's Nora for you."

Y/n continues to watch his surrounds as the faint sounds of an audience clapping are heard, growing louder and louder as a familiar voice is heard.

Ozpin: Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark.

The screen of the auditorium shows each of their profiles as the boys are lined up for the applauding audience to see as Ozpin continues.

Ozpin: The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!

The audience gives one more wave of ovation, while four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR.

Amid the clapping, Nora laughs and gives Ren a hug.

Ozpin: Led by... Jaune Arc!

Jaune: Huh? L-Led by...?

Ozpin: Congratulations, young man.

A grinning Pyrrha offers a friendly shoulder bump to Jaune, but her "fine leader" is knocked over and falls to his butt in front of the laughing audience.

Ozpin: Celeste Aryle. Tenn Mai. Ilia Rose. Nilla Vice. The four of you retrieved the black rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CTRN (citrine).

Amid the clapping, Nilla laughs and gives Celeste offers a friendly shoulder bump.

Ozpin: Led by... Celeste Aryle!

Celeste just smiles with pride.

Ozpin: Congratulations, young lady.

The audience gives one more wave of ovation, while four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: Bleiss Schnee. Bluby Sapphire. Wake Blair. Rang Yin. The four of you retrieved the gold knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team BBBR (Blueberry). Led by... Bleiss Schnee!

Bleiss: That's right my bi-HMM?!

Rang covers Bleiss' mouth and drags her off the stage as Glynda silently thanks Rang. Four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: Cinder Rose. Emerald Xiao-Long. Mercury Xiao-Long. Neo Rose. The four of you retrieved the black knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CEMN (Cinnamon). Led by... Cinder Rose!

Ozpin: Congratulations, young lady.

Cinder:*whispers* Thanks, Uncle Oz.

Ozpin: And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Rose. Yang Xiao Long.*motions over the four as they stand before him* The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

Weiss looks to her right surprised and happy, where Ruby is obviously in shock as Yang and Weiss goes over to hug their sister.

Yang: We're so proud of you!

Ozpin: And for our four special students, come up stage.

Y/n, Winter, Adam, and Roman walked up the stage and stand in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin: Y/n Rose Xiao-Long. Winter Rose. Adam Rose. And Roman Xiao-Long. Congratulations you four. From this day forward you will be Beacon Academy's Guardians. You'll be led by Y/n Rose Xiao-Long.

Y/n nods to both Ozpin and Glynda.

Y/n: Thank you, professors.

Ozpin:*amid the last round of cheers* It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year.

Ozpin's closing words, hinting at the promise of an interesting year, left an air of anticipation for what lay ahead. The clapping and cheers gradually subsided as the students and their teams looked forward to their training and the adventures that awaited them.

The view pans over the auditorium's structure until it escapes into the open sky and shows the scattering crescent moon amid the day's clouds...

... before going into the night and seeing the moon through a window, providing a view to the outside for a shadowy room filled with shelves and a desk in the back, where The masked man is getting a call on his scroll. The muffled conversation ends, and The masked man slams the scroll down, sighing. Just as a man in a gray mask and black hood comes with a trolley. The masked man holds out a collection of Lien, which he places on the table and the man takes.

The masked man: Open it.

The gray masked man does so with a crowbar, revealing a large amount of Dust crystals of varying colors - orange, blue, white, red, green, cyan, gold, yellow, and more. The masked man picks up a blue Dust crystal in his hand and looks at the loot.

The masked man: We're gonna need more men now...

The view zooms in on the map above the desk, showing Vale and various districts and areas of crossed-out locations, all leading into a specially-circled place - Beacon - as the scene sets to black, leaving an air of mystery and anticipation. It's clear that significant events are in motion, and the future of Beacon and Vale remains uncertain.

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