What Happens After the Fairyt...

By dannyphantom334

1.1K 61 15

Hope knows Josie is still in there somewhere. She saw it when they were fighting. She is there. She knows wha... More

The Fairytale Begins...
Things Change
Family Reunions Pt. 1
Family Reunions Pt. 2
Family Dinner
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 1
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 2
I need to Know Everything
No Hiding Now

Reinforcements Arrive

110 8 1
By dannyphantom334

Freya's POV

As Josie, Hope, and Keeling are running around the woods playing and nipping, no one gives a second thought to those sitting at the school utterly confused and worried sick. I pace the room as the rest watch. "Where are they?" I ask Divina as she attempts another locating spell. Once again the blood leads in way too many directions to get an accurate location. "They are cloaked. We won't find them this way." She sighs as Kol rubs her back. It's at this moment Lizzie finally appears for the day. "Who has a cloaking spell?" She asks as she looks around the room. "Your sister, Hope, and Keelin," I say cautiously. "What do you know about Hope and Josie?" I ask as I turn to face her. She damn near cackles before answering, "Dumb and Dumber? They can't see that the other could possibly love them because they are so blinded by their love." She mutters as she fakes a gag. "Keelin thinks they are soulmates." I finally say. I did not want to interfere with Hope's love life, but she stole my bloody wife. The whole room becomes chaos at once. Lizzie is on the floor laughing. Rebekah is arguing with Kol about old witches' tales. Ric is pulling bourbon from his desk. Just as I am about to accept defeat, the office doors open. "Now what is it I hear about my daughter having a soulmate?" Caroline asks as she and Bonnie enter the room. "MOMMY!" Lizzie screams as she basically tackles her mother. The more time we spend at the school the more I learn about the twins and I know Caroline being here is good for them. I smile at the reunion before deciding I was the only adult able to give her the rundown. After a good 15 minutes of explaining everything I have finally caught her up. "I think the only thing we can do is wait." Caroline sighs as she pulls Lizzie against her on the couch they share. So we wait.

Hope's POV

After we left the school all I wanted to do was run. Wherever Josie leads I will follow. I am still not 100% sure what is going on or how it is possible for the brunette to be a wolf, but right now all I care about is chasing her. We play and hunt for hours. Keelin is here which I don't understand either. My wolf is drawn to Josie, but I have known that. I think it has something to do with my crush. When we are finally all tired we lay in an open field. Sometime in the night we must have all fallen asleep. When I come to it is still dark out. As I sit up I realize not only am I next two a very naked Josie Saltzman, but I am too naked, to make matters worse my aunt is only about 5 feet away just as nude. I quickly look away as I summon a pair of clothes for us. "Josie, Keelin, wake up." I finally speak after finding my voice. I don't want to look over my shoulder at the chance of seeing anything, but I am not getting a response. "Josette, wake up," I say again as I toss the clothes towards her. Once Josie opens her eyes she is up and hurriedly puts her clothes on. "What the fuck happened? That wasn't a dream?" She begins to question. I am not sure if she is speaking to herself or me. "Uh Aunt Keelin, it's time to get up. Freya is gonna be pissed." I mutter as I shake her shoulder. That is all that has to be said before Keelin is up and putting on her clothes. "Do you know what the hell happened last night?" I whisper so the witch nearby doesn't hear. She slightly nods her head but gives me a look that says not now. After everyone is in clothing and up we begin the trip back to the school in silence. 

 Caroline's POV

Freya and I are the only two in the room still awake. It is just after 3 AM when I hear the school's front door open. "I believe our missing wolves have returned" I whisper quietly so as to not wake up my daughter who is sleeping next to me. "Should we go welcome them?" She asks quietly. I smile and nod my head. Freya and I tip-toe into the hallway and wait. When the three finally round the corner Hope sees me first and smiles but makes no other acknowledgement. When Josie finally lays eyes on me I realize why. I am once again almost tackled to the ground by one of my children as she elopes me in a hug. "I've missed you little one," I whisper into her hair as I place a kiss on her head. When she finally breaks the hug she looks up at me and I know the question behind those brown eyes before she asks. "I'm not going to be leaving as much, why don't we let your dad do a little traveling huh?" I ask quietly and my heart melts at the smile I get in return. Freya is a few feet away hugging Keelin and kissing Hope on the head. "Now that everyone's home safe, I think it's time for a chat," Freya mutters looking between the girls. Both girls look very uncomfortable but agree nonetheless. "How about we start this chat with just us? I think we adults can manage to catch everyone else in the morning, right Freya?" I ask to let her know that it should just be us. After everyone agrees we head up to Hope's dorm.

Keelin's POV

Once we are all settled into Hope's room I am the first to speak. "Hope you know you are the Alpha of the Crescents.." I begin, but before I can continue Hope interrupts. "What does that have to do with last night? Yes, I am an Alpha, but Josie isn't a bloody wolf." She argues. "Let her finish." Josie shushes her. I watch the interaction and just as I thought Hope stops speaking. I can see the looks on Caroline and Freya's faces. They understand, but the girls are lost. "She is the Luna," I tell Hope as I search her eyes for any sign she is understanding me and I do not have to explain this more. "But you are acting Alpha, I haven't even claimed my pack. And I thought that was a myth, I didn't marry her. We aren't even dating Keelin." She rambles as Josie seems to be lost in thought. "Hope, you are the tribrid.." Freya cuts in. At the words, Hope lets out a dry laugh. "Does she have a choice?" Hope asks, taking me by surprise. Before I can answer Josie finally speaks. "The Luna is the mate of the Alpha correct?" She asks looking to Hope. Hope stays silent, almost having an internal battle not to look at the girl beside her. "Hope, I am talking to you. Is that true?" She asks again. I can see Hope's wolf fighting to comply with her Luna and answer her. "Yes, that is right," I answer instead to relieve some of the tension. "It is rare, almost unheard of, but I need you two to understand something.." I start not wanting to put their business on the line, but they need the facts. Both teens look up at me expectantly. " To answer your question Hope, yes she had a choice," I say as I scratch my neck. "This isn't some random occurrence, for lack of better words, you are meant to be an epic love," I say as I look between the girls. After several minutes of silence, Caroline speaks, "Girls, why don't you get some rest and we can talk more in the morning?" She asks. Once the girls agree Caroline and Josie head to the twin's room and Freya and I head to our own. As I look in on Nick who is in his playpen, fast asleep, I can't help, but smile. "You submitted to her," Freya states. It's not a question nor a statement, just an acknowledgment. "She is our Luna. Everyone thinks Alpha's the head of the pack, but my love, it is the Luna. She will guide Hope when no one else can and she will protect our pack. I know it." I say with a small smile as I finally relax into my wife, letting sleep over take me.

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