What Happens After the Fairyt...

By dannyphantom334

1.1K 51 15

Hope knows Josie is still in there somewhere. She saw it when they were fighting. She is there. She knows wha... More

The Fairytale Begins...
Things Change
Family Reunions Pt. 1
Family Reunions Pt. 2
Family Dinner
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 2
Reinforcements Arrive
I need to Know Everything
No Hiding Now

Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 1

100 6 1
By dannyphantom334

Freya's POV

As I finish getting myself and Nick ready for the day, I plop back onto the mattress beside my wife and let you a sigh. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asks as she turns on her side to look at me. "You saw how she acted last night. She has not had control, Keelin... What if it is the hallow again?" I ask finally speaking the words I have been worrying about all night. "Well, the good news is that it is not the hallow dear." She tells me as she lays back letting Nick crawl all over her. I quickly sit up ready to interrogate her for more information. " Did Hope say something? What did she say?" I ask quickly. My partner lets out a laugh that immediately dissolves most of my worries.  "The witch is marked. When you invited her to dinner last night I could smell Hope all over her." She informs me as she takes Nick and places him into the pack and play with his toys. "She told us she wasn't seeing anyone last night" I argue back not sure what Josie smelling like Hope has to do with this.  " They are constantly together. Could you just have their scents confused?" I ask as I stand to put on my shoes. The only way to get to the bottom of this is to speak with Hope. Keelin lets out a deep laugh at my theory. "You know how the other wolves at the compound mostly keep their distance from you unless I specifically send them your way?" She asks me. I sit down on the corner of the bed as I think back. She's right. The wolves interact with almost everyone in my family. pretty well, but they typically stay clear of me. " Yes?" I question already having an idea where this is going. "Hope is an Alpha. I am simply her stand-in until she claims the pack." She says I wasn't fully aware of this. "Babe.. get the point." I interrupt her rambling. "Her mate dear. It is possible as an Alpha that she has a soulmate. It is rare and mostly unheard of, but she is the tribrid. Nature has made exceptions for her before." She finally finishes like it was the most common thought in the world. Before I have a chance to reply Kol is running into the room. "Uh hi dear sister." He begins with a guilty look on his face. 

Hopes POV

When I woke up this morning I couldn't help but be excited to see Josie today. I rush through getting ready and out of the door. As I am closing in on the twin's dorm my wolf hearing can't help but overhear the conversation taking place in the room. She was expecting to only hear the voices of the twins as it was only  11 AM on Saturday morning, but she was surprised to be met with the voices of Josie and Raf. I cannot help the feeling of jealousy climbing into my throat at the thought of them being alone together. I am just about to walk away when I hear the nervous gulp Josie swallows. I stop in my tracks my eyes perking. "Uhh. Raf, I am sorry I don't feel that way about you." I hear Josie mutter as politely as possible. "Oh come on Jo really?" I can hear him reply. I swear I can feel smoke coming out of my ears and I am not sure why. I hear a glass break and I am in the room before I can stop my feet. When I take in the room I see Josie with her back to her mirror and Raf in front of her. That is all I need to see to lose myself to my wolf. I am quick to use my magic to blast him against the nearest wall. "She said no." I snarl as I feel my fangs popping into place in my gums. Raf begins to speak, but I cut him off using a spell, removing his mouth so he cannot speak. "Breath in her direction again and I will rip your heart from your chest without a second thought," I whisper into his ear. As I am considering my next move I feel a calmness rush through my chest and I drop Raf to the floor as Josie reverses the spell. When he doesn't move fast enough I release a growl that sends him scurrying. I stand in the middle of the twin's room and attempt to calm myself. "When is the last time you turned?" Josie asks me gently. I am too ashamed to look into her eyes and meet the disappointment that lies behind them as I speak. "Not since I've been back" I admit, my eyes never leaving the same spot on the floor. "Well let's go. I'll grab my phone and read while you run?"  She offers so sweetly that it makes my heart melt. "No Jo, it is too dangerous I could hurt you." I begin to explain, but she quickly cuts me off. "I am a witch Hope. I am not defenseless and I know you better than that." She whispers to me as she uses her fingers to lift my chin so we are able to make eye contact. After realizing she was not going to let this go I agree and we head out to the old mill.

Kol's POV

I am wandering aimlessly around this boring school when I see Hope and Josie leaving and heading towards the woods. Okay now the adult I so should be would go back inside and mind my business, butttttt who are we kidding, there is no fun in that. I follow them all the way to the old mill and I am still so lost as to what they are doing. That, however, was very short-lived as my dear niece instructs Josie to turn around and she begins to remove her clothes. I have to hold back my screams as I quickly stop myself from being blinded by covering my eyes. It only takes a few more seconds to be met with the sounds of bones breaking. Oh. My. God. She is transforming in front of her. Once again I am fighting with the adult inside as to what my next move should be. I open my eyes and the sight in front of me leaves me speechless. Hope is fully transformed into the gorgeous white wolf I have only been able to glimpse a few times in my life. Hope walks right over to Josie and begins to nudge her with her muzzle. "Hey there pretty girl," Josie greets as she runs her fingers through the white fur, "Don't you want to run Hope? Go let off some steam." I hear her say to the wolf, but she makes no effort to stop the fingers weaving through the fur. Hope slightly shakes her snout and lays down looking expectantly at Josie. Josie lets out a giggle as she sits down next to her. "Would you like me to read my story to you?" She asks the white wolf who is staring at her. Hope happily lays her head down and listens to the girl. It is only when I am sure Hope means no harm to the little witch that I am vamping into Freya's room.

Keelin's POV

There are no words able to be formed in my head as I take in what Kol is telling the family as we gather in Freya and I's small dorm room. "KOL YOU JUST LEFT THEM?" Rebekah screeches finally breaking the silence. "Rebekah I am a bloody vampire! I was not about to let her bite me!" He is quick to defend. He's got a point. "He is right. No vampires will be the ones to approach." Freya cuts in voicing her opinion. "I have interacted with her wolf more than any of you and I can transition if necessary." I finally speak. The rest of the family reluctantly agreed with me. After promising to be careful and making my way through the crowded school, I am finally at the edge of the woods. I quickly smell the air and can tell Hope is just where Kol said she was. I carefully approach until I can see Josie sitting against a tree and Hope's large snout taking up most of her lap. "Hope, Josie, it's Keelin.." I say as I show my hands in the air, attempting to show Hope I meant no threat. As the two girls' heads snap to me I begin to speak again, "Hope why don't you go run for a bit and Josie can come back with me?" I ask cautiously and just as anticipated the wolf did not appreciate that idea. I am met with a deep growl and a startled Josie. "Hope I know. Okay? But Freya is worried and you know how she is." I say as I attempt to take a step toward Josie I am met with the rather large wolf that is my niece. "Hope, stop it is Keelin." She says staring into her eyes. " I am about to warn her that Hope probably cannot understand her right now, but Hope acts first. To my surprise, she looks back at me and releases a whine. She is quick to get in the down position showing her submission, but not to me, to Josie. I am struggling to put coherent thoughts together at the scene in front of me. After several minutes of silence I speak again, but to test a theory directly to Josie. "Josie dear, can you tell her it's time to turn back and come inside please?" Josie nods her head and does what it is asked. To my complete disbelief Hope trots away and after a few minutes reemerges in her human form. I rub my hands over my face completely confused to as what the hell is going on. "Come inside girls. We all need to have a chat." I mutter as begin to head back to the school. Neither girl speaks a word but wordlessly follows me. It isn't even 2 PM and I am ready to crawl back into my bed.

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