Angel Who Has My Heart (canon...

Oleh SvetlanaAlexandria

244 10 4

Ok, so this was originally posted in my Star Wars Imagines book. The story is based on a request that Allison... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

9 1 1
Oleh SvetlanaAlexandria

As Luke and Luna were getting ready to go to Jabba's palace to save Han and Caelestis, Alazne joined them. "Mom, what's wrong?" Luna asked, noticing the look on Alaznes face. "I'm coming with you. I'm not going to let you two do this alone," Alazne replied. "Mom, this isn't going to be easy. If we get caught, then who knows what Jabba will do to us? He isn't exactly known for being nice," Luke said. "I know. And you're forgetting Luke, that I've been to Tatooine before. I've heard the stories about Jabba and what he does to people. But I'm confident that our plan will work," Alazne replied. "OK, Mom. If you're sure?" Luke asked. Alazne nodded in response with a smile. Leia and Eirian had already infiltrated the palace disguised as bounty hunters. They took Chewie with them under the pretence that they had captured him. Alazne had arrived earlier that day in a mask, hoping that their plan would work. That night, the girls went to where Han and Caelestis were being held. Leia went to Han and Eirian went to Caelestis and they unfroze them from the carbonite. Alazne was keeping a lookout just in case anybody woke up. Once the boys were free, they both stumbled forward before the girls caught them. As Leia helped Han sit down, he complained about not being able to see. "Who are you?" he asked, curious. "Someone who loves you," Leia answered, taking her helmet off. "Leia? What are you doing here?" he asked as he hugged her. "Helping you, of course," she replied with a smile. Alazne smiled as the girls shared a moment with their boys. She was happy that they had both found someone to love. Just then, they all heard the unmistakable sound of Jabba's laughter. "How nice of you to join us. And how nice of you to join us, Princess Alazne," Jabba said with a smile. Alazne forced back a grimace as she felt someone roughly grab her by the arm and pull her to stand directly in front of Jabba. "Let my mother go," Leia said, angry at how her mother was being treated.

"No. She is important to the person that I talk to," Jabba said, his smile getting bigger. Alazne knew that he meant Vader as Jabba ordered for the boys to be locked up. But he wanted Alazne, Leia and Luna to be his slaves. Not long later, a transmission arrived from Vader. As he was talking to Jabba, he noticed the girls. He could see the faces of two of them but couldn't see the thirds. Vader realised that the girls were his and Alazne's daughters. "New slaves, Jabba?" he asked, feeling his anger toward the Hutt rise quite rapidly. "Yes. Fetching, aren't they? Especially this one," Jabba replied, pulling on the chain around the third girl's neck. When she looked up, Vader felt his anger rise even further. The third girl was Alazne. "Do not touch them, Jabba. Or there will be consequences," he said before ending the transmission. Not long afterwards, Luke and Luna arrived at the palace to try and bargain with Jabba. When they saw their mother and sisters wearing metal bikinis and chains around their necks, they realised that their job was going to be much harder than they thought. As they tried to negotiate with the Hutt, nothing seemed to work to get him to agree to their terms. Just then, Jabba pressed a button on his throne that opened the trapdoor that was directly between Luke and Luna's feet. Alazne felt worried for the pair and glared a hole in the side of Jabba's head. When she saw that the Rancor had been released, her worry got worse. She had seen what the Rancor had done to others who had displeased Jabba. But thankfully, the pair worked together and succeeded in killing the Rancor. Angry that they had managed to kill the Rancor, Jabba ordered that Luke and Luna, along with Han, Caelestis and Chewie would be fed to the Sarlaac. Once they arrived at the Sarlaac pit, Alazne noticed the looks that Luke and Luna were sharing. She smiled, knowing that they had a plan. Just then, R2 shot their lightsabres over to them and they ignited them.  

After the events on Cloud City where Luke lost his father's Lightsaber, he built himself a new green one. Luna's, however, was unique. Her lightsabre was a mixture of blue, green, yellow and purple. As they fought with Jabbas's men, Han managed to damage Boba Fett's jet pack followed by Caelestis knocking Boba into the Sarlaac pit. As they were doing that, Leia and Eirian wrapped their chains around Jabba's neck and pulled. Once he was dead, Leia and Eirian jumped over to the small barge that the others were on. Alazne followed after them and once she jumped off of Jabba's barge, Eirian shot at it causing it to explode. They went back to the Falcon and happily left Tatooine. As they rendezvoused with the rest of the alliance, Luke and Luna said that they were going back to Dagobah to finish their training. Before they left, Alazne asked them to give Yoda her regards and they agreed. Once they arrived on Dagobah, they went straight to Yoda's hut. "Hello, master. Our mother sends his regards," Luna said as she sat at Yoda's side. Luke quickly followed suit before noticing how pale Yoda looked. "Master Yoda, are you alright?" Luke asked. "It is nearly my time to fully become one with the force," Yoda replied. "Master, is it true that Vader is our father?" Luke asked, "Yes, it is. He was once called Anakin Skywalker. He was a very good knight. And maybe he will be again," Yoda replied. After telling the pair that they had finished their training, Luke hugged Luna as Yoda passed away and became a force ghost. In that moment, Luke knew that for their father to become good again, he would have to defeat the emperor. Meanwhile, back on the Falcon, Alazne sat in shock. After they had rendezvoused with the alliance, she found out that the Empire had started to build a second Death Star. She was also told that the station was protected by a shield. The generator for the Death Star was on the moon of Endor. 

Now they just needed to make a plan to disable the shield so that they could destroy the Death Star. Once Luke and Luna joined them, they made their plan. A small group would go to Endor and hopefully disable the shield generator. As soon as the shield was disabled, the rebel fighter pilots would attack the station and destroy it. Alazne would be going down to the planet along with Han, Caelestis, Davian, Luke, Leia, Luna, Eirian, R2-D2 and C-3PO. They used an Imperial shuttle that they had stolen to be able to get to the planet undetected. After they arrived on Endor, they started to look for the shield generator. Before long, however, they were attacked by stormtroopers and got split up. The girls went in one direction whilst the boys went in another. After a while of trying to find the boys, the girls decided to sit down for a while. Just then, they saw a little creature. As it got closer, Alazne smiled. She realised that it was an Ewok. She had met a few Ewoks in her life and had picked up a little of their language. Once she explained why they were there, the Ewok, whose name was Wicket, led them towards the Ewok village. When they arrived there, some of the other Ewoks gave the girls dresses to change into which they all gladly accepted. Not long later, the boys, along with R2 and 3PO arrived in the village. However, the boys were all tied up. Sadly, Alazne didn't know how to explain to the Ewoks that the boys meant no harm. Thankfully, Luke asked 3PO to explain the situation to the Ewoks. He also told 3PO to say that if they didn't do as he wished, then he would use his magic. When the Ewoks didn't listen to him, Luke used the force to lift 3PO into the air. When they saw that, the Ewoks let the boys go. Later on, Alazne noticed Luke leaving the village and ran to catch up with him. "Luke, where are you going?" she asked. "I have a plan to defeat the emperor. I just have to give myself up to the stormtroopers first," he replied. 

Meanwhile, as Lando and Admiral Ackbar led the rebel attack on the Death Star, they noticed that the shield was still up. Then they noticed that the Imperial fleet was coming towards them. They hoped that the others would be able to get the shield down in time. Otherwise, their plan would fail. On the Death Star, Luke was listening to the emperor saying how the Death Star was fully operational and how the super laser was going to be tested on the rebel fleet. Luke used the force to grab his lightsabre and went to attack the emperor. Before he could, Vader used his lightsabre to block Luke's attack. Palpatine laughed as Vader and Luke fought. Knowing about his sisters, Vader threatened to try and get them to join the Dark Side. Determined to not allow that to happen, Luke used his determination to defeat Vader and cut off his robotic hand. "Good, good. Now, kill him and become my new apprentice, young Skywalker," Palpatine said. Luke threw his lightsabre to the side and turned to look at him. "No. I will never join you. I am a Jedi. Like my godfather and father before me," Luke replied. Enraged, Palpatine started to torture Luke using Force lightning. As he watched Palpatine torture Luke, Vader felt his heart break at the sight. Making his choice, he picked Palpatine up before throwing him to his death down the reactor shaft. He then threw his helmet to the floor and ran over to Luke, kneeling next to him. "Luke, are you OK?" Anakin asked, worried. "As good as I can be. But it's thanks to you that I am," Luke replied. 

"Well, you were right. You were so right about me, Luke. And I'm guessing the plan that you and the rebels had was to blow up the base. So I think it's best if we leave now before they do so. And I have a few apologies to give to your mother and your sisters," Anakin said before helping Luke to his feet. They made their way to the hangar to get a ship to escape the base. As they were leaving, Anakin picked up his robotic hand, planning on refitting it after they left the Death Star. Meanwhile, Luna noticed that the shield had finally been destroyed. "Guys, the shield is down. I repeat the shield is down. Now let's blow this thing up before it causes any more pain," she said through the comm link connecting her ship to the others. As the rebel fleet distracted the Imperial fleet, Lando and Wedge Antilles flew into the Death Star and fired some torpedoes into the reactor core. As soon as they had, they flew out and managed to successfully escape before the station exploded. Back on Endor, everyone started to celebrate the defeat of the empire. As soon as she landed, Luna jumped out of her ship and ran over to Davian. She jumped into his arms before kissing him. Once Luke and Anakin arrived on Endor, Luke told Anakin to wait before he went over to Alazne. As soon as she saw him, she pulled him into a hug. "Luke. Im so glad that you're OK. I was worried that you hadn't gotten off of the base in time," Alazne said. "Well, you were right. You were so right about me, Luke. And Im guessing the plan that you and the rebels had was to blow up the base. So I think it's best if we leave now before they do so. And I have a few apologies to give to your mother and your sisters," Anakin said before helping Luke to his feet. They made their way to the hangar to get a ship to escape the base. As they were leaving, Anakin picked up his robotic hand, planning on refitting it after they left the Death Star. Meanwhile, Luna noticed that the shield had finally been destroyed.   

"Guys, the shield is down. I repeat the shield is down. Now let's blow this thing up before it causes any more pain," she said through the comm link connecting her ship to the others. As the rebel fleet distracted the Imperial fleet, Lando and Wedge Antilles flew into the Death Star and fired some torpedoes into the reactor core. As soon as they had, they flew out and managed to successfully escape before the station exploded. Back on Endor, everyone started to celebrate the defeat of the empire. As soon as she landed, Luna jumped out of her ship and ran over to Davian. She jumped into his arms before kissing him. Once Luke and Anakin arrived on Endor, Luke told Anakin to wait before he went over to Alazne. As soon as she saw him, she pulled him into a hug. "Luke. Im so glad that you're OK. I was worried that you hadn't gotten off of the base in time," Alazne said. "I'm alright, mom. However, there's someone who wants to see you. So I want you to close your eyes for a minute because they want to surprise you," Luke said. Alazne, feeling confused, complied and waited for a cue to open her eyes. Just then, she felt a robotic hand cup her left cheek. Feeling even more confused, Alazne opened her eyes and was shocked to see Anakin standing in front of her. "Ani? Is that you?" she asked. 

He nodded, with a sheepish smile on his face. Alazne placed her hand on his face before slapping him. She then started to push him and punch him in the chest. "You idiot, Anakin. You complete and utter idiot. You made a promise to my father that you would protect me. That you would keep me safe from harm. Yet what do you do? You end up causing me harm. I thought you loved me yet you force choked me whilst I was pregnant with our children. Who does that?" Alazne screamed before going back to hitting Anakin. Anakin let her do so, heartbroken, knowing that she was right. He knew that he had made that promise to her father. He had promised to always protect her and he had broken it. He had failed his wife and his children. After a while of Alazne hitting him, Anakin held her arms in his hands. "I do love you. I always have and always will. And yes, what I did was wrong. I broke my promise and I hurt you. You had to raise our four wonderful children on your own. You shouldn't have had to raise them on your own. We should have done it together. But I ruined that, didn't I? I ruined it because I was, as you said, an idiot. I got so caught up in my fear of losing you that I didn't realise just how stupid I had been. After what happened on Mustafar, I thought that I'd killed you. But I didn't and I'm so glad for that. I don't expect you to forgive me. And I can't take back any of the things that I have done. All I can do is say that I'm sorry. Palpatine said that he could help me protect you from dying. And I was foolish enough for believing him," Anakin said, looking at the floor. "Oh, Anakin. My people can stop people dying in childbirth, remember?" Alazne asked. "I forgot about that," Anakin replied, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's one thing to apologise to me. But you also need to apologise to Obi-Wan, Satine, Caelestis, Han, Leia, Luna and Eirian," Alazne said, to which Anakin nodded in agreement. 

Hearing someone walking towards them, Anakin looked behind Alazne and saw her brothers. He braced himself knowing that they would be beyond angry at him for what happened. As soon as he was close enough, Eric punched Anakin quite hard in the face. "You made a promise to protect Alazne. Yet you broke it. If she forgives you, I'll give you another chance. But if it happens again, I won't be so forgiving," Eric said with a glare. "I don't expect any of you to forgive me. Especially your sister. But if she does, I will spend every day making it up to her. No matter what," Anakin replied. "We can worry about all that later. But this is a celebration. So, let's go celebrate," Alazne said, hoping to break the tension. They nodded and they all walked towards the celebration. After a few minutes, Anakin went and sat on a falling tree off to the side. Seeing that Anakin was sitting alone, Obi-Wan went and sat next to him. "It's good to have you back, old friend," he said, looking at his old padawan with a smile. "Yeah. I was so stupid. I'm never doing anything like that again," Anakin replied. After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Alazne walked over to them. Feeling that the two needed their space, Obi-Wan walked back over to Satine, giving Alazne a smile along the way. As she sat down, Alazne kissed Anakin on the cheek which caused him to smile a little. Just then, Anakin remembered that Alazne's necklaces were in his pocket. When she saw Anakin pull them out of his pocket, Alazne gasped in surprise. 

"My necklaces. I thought that I'd lost them," she said in disbelief. "You dropped them when you were on Hoth. I saw them and kept them safe. I know how much you loved them. I hoped that, if I could, I could return them to you," Anakin replied, placing them around Alazne's neck. "Thank you for returning them to me, Ani," Alazne said with a smile as she hugged Anakin. Out of the corner of his eye, Anakin noticed Luna kiss Davian. He also noticed Eirian and Leia doing the same with Caelestis and Han, respectively. Meanwhile, Luke seemed to be happily talking to Altheria. "Who are the kids with?" Anakin asked, his curiosity peeked. "Luke is with Altheria. Eirian is with Caelestis. Luna's with Davian and Leia's with Han. Altheira is Bail and Breha's daughter. Caerestis and Davian are Obi-Wan and Satine's sons. And Han doesn't remember his family that much. But their all happy. Which is all that we can hope for. Now, come on grumpy pants. Let's go watch the fireworks," Alazne said with a laugh, pulling Anakin with her. As they watched the fireworks, Anakin wrapped his arms around Alazne and felt her rest her head on his shoulders. He was happy to finally have her in his arms again. 

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