Time will Tell

By Seventeen_AJ

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"Time Will Tell" is a captivating exploration of love, friendship, and self-discovery. Reminding us that some... More



355 21 32
By Seventeen_AJ

"Who was it?"

"Who was it?"

The gang asked all together.

"Sabrina Hughes!" I think I gritted my teeth just saying her name.

"Sabrina Hughes?"


"Her name is familiar."

I could hear their voices like they were in the background with the one in my head that was louder.

I looked at Deena who seemed to suddenly become uncomfortable and couldn't meet my gaze.

Even the way she was sipping her water, she was averting her eyes.

"Wasn't she the girl literally throwing herself at you, Dee?" I heard Jeremy.

"The one with the big..." My squinting eyes flew to Brad whose hands were almost in his chest about to gesture something.

"... Personality?" He then continued and looked at Deena.

"Wait, wait... Are we talking about the girl who Kristine here was jealous of?" Trina with a sly smile looked at me.

"Excuse me?" My voice rose a little.

"Oh, yeah! Yeah!"


"Yes, that's her!"

I heard all of them agreed.

I looked at Deena who was still quiet. Suspiciously quiet, I may add.

"And she's gonna work with you both?" Elena asked.

"She's gonna be in the finance department so we wouldn't be working closely." Deena finally spoke.

"But still, same company, same building. We will need the details every week about that." Elena continued, teasing written across her eyes.

I thank the universe when they stopped talking about Sabrina and diverted the topic to Brad who was about to be a father.

I've always hated that girl. I don't know why but every time she would look at me, it was always with meaning or something. Sometimes, she would throw me a meaningful look especially every time she would snatch Deena from our group. Like literally, physically drag her away from us, and the annoying part is, Deena would always let her.

I was not jealous like what Suzanne said, she was just irritating and I think she was doing it on purpose.

She would purposely go to Deena, and ask her to accompany her to somewhere I don't know whenever she was with me. It was like, every time.

And Deena would go to her and wouldn't say no. It's annoying.

And now she's gonna come to my company and work with us? Yes, Deena was right, we wouldn't be working closely as our departments were not related at all, but I am gonna see her during weekly meetings and budget meetings every month.

She's gonna be the one approving the money that will go out of the company for my department.


The dinner was over and I didn't even understand what we talked about. I was participating in the conversation but not really knowing what I was saying.

"You okay?" It was just Deena and me in the parking lot.

"What? Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I throw my purse in the backseat.

"Don't worry, I never believed that you were jealous of Sab." 

Wow, nickname basis!

"You know, I just hated that girl ever since."

"I know."

"And she's gonna work with us, god! I don't know how am I gonna tolerate just her presence!" I leaned against my car while Deena did the same beside me.

"She's gonna be like, 5 floors away from us, Tine." 

I looked at Dee and saw her smiling, the comforting smile she always gives me whenever I was not in the mood.

"Tell me, do you like her?" I crossed my arms against my chest, my eyes fixated on her.

"You know who I like, Tine, and that will never change." I could see the sincerity in her eyes, holding my gaze.

"You know that I could never return it, why continue?"

Dee sighed deeply and looked up at the sky.

"Well, maybe I'm stupid." She said laughing softly.


"I don't know, Tine. The heart wants what it wants." 

We were silent for a couple of minutes.

"And you're still okay being my friend?" 

"Of course..." She pulled my arm and put hers on my shoulder. "If I don't, you think I'd stick by you?" She gazed back to the sky.

"But why?" I honestly don't know why I was suddenly asking her these.

"Hmm... Maybe even if I know you will never love me the way I love you, I am contented with the kind of love you have for me, and that is enough. I like having you in my life, Tine. You have a big part in it, and if we will just be friends, so be it. Important is, I know that I will grow old with you, we will both have wrinkled skin together. Ohh, I could see us both in the next 50 years in a retirement home, still bantering about the simplest things."

Deena always knows how to lighten my mood, she always knows how to make me smile and say the right words.

"Thank you." That is all I could muster.

"Anytime, babe."


The next day, as expected, all department heads were called into the conference room to introduce Sabrina.

Sabrina was already there when Dee and I came, and the moment she saw us both, her smile grew wider, well, not intended for me but for Deena. And like no time had passed, she'd throw that annoying look at me and smirk.

"Do you know what happened to Victor?" I asked Ricci in a low voice, the admin director who stood by my side.

"Nobody knows." He said without even looking at me, his eyes fixated on the beauty before him.

Yes, I'd admit, Sabrina is tall, very pretty. Long dirty blonde hair, and an alluring smile that goes up to her flirty eyes. A body to die for and yes, with big boobs. When she walked past you, you would definitely turn your head and stare.

She was straight as far as I know. She dated tons of guys in college but I don't get why she was chasing Deena. Never in any university gossip had I heard that she dated a girl, that's why maybe in my head, she was just chasing Deena just to annoy the hell out of me.

And she's very successful at it!

"So please, let's welcome Ms. Sabrina Hughes!" Our CEO initiated to clap and the rest followed except for me.

"Thank you, Mr. Riva. Thank you all. I am really excited to work with you all, especially with the creative team." Her eyes focused on Deena.

Deena let out an awkward laugh when the others eyed her, probably wondering what Sabrina meant.

"Ohh, Deena and I go way back. We were in the same university. She's the one who got away and broke my heart."

You could hear the low gasps escape from my colleague's mouth with the dramatic scene Sabrina started.

"Ohh, Sabrina! She's... She's kidding, obviously kidding!" If possible to be more awkward, that was Deena. She roamed her eyes to everybody saying those words with her awkward laugh.

"So you might know our marketing director, Kristine, she's from the same university too." Our CEO asked her.

"Well, yeah. Her face is familiar. I mean..."

Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!

For the next five minutes, Sabrina was shaking everybody's hands and when she approached us, she hugged Deena, so tight that you'd think they had a past or something. She completely ignored me, of course, which was fine for me because I didn't want to pretend that I liked her.

If not only for Deena, I'd storm off. I was waiting for her to go so that we could go together, but I guess, she was waiting for Sabrina?

"Long time, stranger!" She told Deena when she finally freed her.

"Yeah, long time. How did you... end up here?" Sabrina let go of her but not her hands, she was still holding Deena's hands and it was so irritating.

Exactly, why?

"Oh you know, I targeted to come here when I knew that you were working here." She winked at Deena and gave her her signature alluring smile.

"So, have lunch with me today? It's my first day and I need a tour." The slut continued.

Deena looked at me, finally, which Sabrina did as well.

"You both work together, I bet your friend wouldn't mind if I steal you just for lunch."

Deena ended up saying yes to her, as always.


Hello, my lovely and funny readers, I set up a ko-fi account, so if you want to treat me, send me a gift, or simply motivate me, please feel free to visit my page: Ko-fi.com/lunamarcelo :)

Follow me on IG as well: LunaMarcel0

Thank youuuu for always supporting my work, I'm reading all your comments and I love how invested you are in the story :)

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