The Owl House Oneshots And He...

By StoryNerd121

5.7K 121 46

Random stuff because I love this show, and I'm sad it's over. Updates won't be regular, I'll just write whene... More

Intro πŸ€—
It will be okay, I promise.
Hagsquad Headcanons
First Meeting
The First Official Date
The Plane Ride
Pride Parade πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ
The Graveyard and Confessions
Scones and a Horrible Lady
My phone likes toh
im to tired to write, but here r pics!!
Memes and Photos πŸ“Έ
A Normal Evening
For Flapjack
AHDIEHWBHFHEBDI IM DYING!!! I love Dana so much!!!!!
I met 2 other toh fans!!!
Sick Day

Shopping Trip

86 2 5
By StoryNerd121

This takes place in the Human Realm a few days after they arrived there. Luz hasn't come out yet. 

***                                                                                                                                                                                            No one's POV:

Luz sighed as she walked into the kitchen. She had just arrived back home with her friends, but it was at the cost of Eda, King, and so many other people she loved. She knew her friends were upset and missed home. It was her fault that Belos knew the draining spell in the first place and her friends would probably hate her for that. She blinked away the tears that were forming at the corners of her eyes as her mom walked in and sat down at the table. She could be strong, at least on the outside. 

"Morning Mom." She said, turning around and walking over. 

"Morning mija! How are you today? Feeling a little better?" Camila asked, concerned. Luz just nodded, not wanting to worry her mom even more. 

"Ms. Noceda?  We're out of juice. How do I get more?" Amity asked as she walked over to the table. 

"Oh! I guess it is time for a shopping trip. I'll get more, don't worry!" Camila responded, already mentally composing a shopping list. 

"Why don't we all go?" Willow said, walking into the kitchen just in time to hear the conversation. "Maybe it'll cheer us up!" 

"That's a great idea Willow! I'll get the shopping bags and you all go get ready. We're going to Costco." Camila stood up and went onto the other room to find bags. 

"What's a Costco?" asked Amity, confused. 

"Oh! It's a store where we get food. It's kinda like the market in Bonesborough." Luz explained. 

Gus gasped as he walked in. "What! A store! A human store! What're we waiting for lets go!!" Luz grinned.

*Time skip to driving to the store*

Luz's POV:

I grinned from the front seat of the car as we drove to the store. Gus was sitting in the middle row and he kept asking mom questions about the store like it was a mythical place from a storybook. I guess it was to him though. Vee is next to him and is trying to help answer some of his rapid-fire questions. 

Amity was sitting directly behind me; next to Gus and Vee. I admired her from the front as she looked out the window. It was hard not being able to be lovey-dovey, but I hadn't told my mom about being bi or about Amity yet. We'd have to find some way to tell her. 

Willow and Hunter sat in the very back. Willow was laughing at something Hunter had said and he was blushing really hard. It's pretty obvious he likes her, but there's no way he's gonna tell her anytime soon. He's too scared. 

I wish Eda and King were here. It would be nice to be able to show them the human realm and introduce them to my mom. I don't think she gets just how amazing they are from the few things I've told her. 

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when we arrive. Mom parks the car and we all get out. 

"Alright everyone. This is how we're gonna do this. Let's spilt up. I have a list for each of the two groups. Luz you get one group and Vee you can help her with that group. The other group will go with me." Mom says. We all nod and split up. Amity comes over to me and so do Gus and Vee. Willow and Hunter go to my mom. 

"¡Perfecto! We'll meet by this isle at 11.45." Mom says, passing out the lists and then leading her group into the store. I grin and pull Amity into the store as Gus and Vee follow. 

We walk down an isle as Vee reads from the list. She could technically lead her own group, but we don't need three groups and it's better to have two people who know the store than one. 

"Alright first we need eggs." She says, walking over to the door and getting two cartons out. I take them from her and put them in the shopping cart that I'm pushing. Gus gasps as we walk down the next isle and the lights come on. The lights are motion sensing and, when I say this to Gus, he runs up the isle, triggering all the lights. I laugh at him. I forgot how new it must seem to my friends after being in the Boiling Isles their whole lives. 

We walk into the next isle and an announcement comes on the loud speaker. Amity yells in fear and grabs onto my arm. 

"Woah! Calm down Ami! It's just a speaker. Someone at the front of the store is announcing something." I say quickly. She blushes like a tomato. 

"Oh! S-sorry." She says. I laugh and give her a kiss on the cheek. She turns even redder. We keep walking through the store, stopping occasionally to get something or explain a human thing. 

"Alright last thing on the list! We need orange juice." I say. 

"I got it!" Vee responds quickly and walks over to the shelf. The juice is on the top shelf though and she can't reach it. She's about to shapeshift when someone walks into the isle and she stops. 

"Can't reach." Vee says, turning back to me. The person walks over to us and gets the juice down easily.

"Here ya go!" They say with a grin. Vee turns pink. 

"O-oh. Thank y-you." She says taking it. 

"No problem, cutie!" They say with a wink before walking off. Vee turns to me with a bringht pink face. I grin mischievously. 

"cutie, huh?" 

"S-shut up!" 

*** (This next part is Willow, Hunter, and Camila's group.) ***

Willow's POV:

I smile as we finally get the last item on our list. Camila puts it in the cart and we begin to walk over to the meeting place. 

"Wait. Ms. Noceda? What is that?" Hunter asks. I stop and look at what he's pointing at. It's a small table on wheels with stuff on it. 

"Oh, that's a sample cart. You can get free samples of food from it. The store uses it to try and get you to buy the food." Ms. Noceda explains.  "Let's get some!" She goes over to the cart and we follow. 

"What's this?" She asks. 

"This is a curry on garlic bread! Here let me heat some up for you." The lady at the stand says. She turns around and opens a box and puts a cup of food in. 

I turn to Hunter. "What is that box?" 

'I don't know. Do you think it will hurt us?" He asks. 

"Maybe" I say, getting into a fighting stance. I might not have any magic, but I'm still gonna protect Hunter. 

The machine beeps and I prepare to kick it, but the lady reaches in and takes out the food before I can. She hands it to Ms. Noceda who turns and gives a cup to both of us. I cautiously take a bite and gasp as the warm flavorful food hits my tongue. I eat it all quickly. 

"That's so good Ms. Noceda!" I say in a rush. I turn to Hunter. "What do you think?" He takes a bite and then coughs. 

"My tongue is on fire!" He yells, coughing even more. Ms. Noceda quickly gives him some water and he recovers. I turn to the lady at the stand. 

"Did you just try to poison Hunter?" I yell. Before I can do anything thought Ms. Noceda grabs my shoulder. 

"No! No. It's just spicy. I guess Hunter can't handle spice." She smiles at the lady. "Sorry ma'am." She apologizes as she leads me away. 

"Sorry about that Ms. Noceda! I didn't mean to. I just wanted to make sure Hunter was okay and I didn't think-"

"Hey! It's okay. I'm glad you all look out for each other. It seems like you're very close." She smiles at us and I notice Hunter blush out of the corner of my eye. Why is he blushing? I wonder, ignoring the fluttery feeling in my stomach. Must be the spice from the food. I think, dismissing it quickly. We keep walking and I finish Hunter's curry as well. I want more, but I'm not going to ask Ms. Noceda to get it if no one else wants it. 

We meet Luz, Amity, Vee, and Gus at the checkout and Ms. Noceda pays as we talk. We get the bags and walk back to the car. I help Ms. Noceda load the bags into the trunk and I notice a packet of the curry I had been eating earlier. 

"Ms. Noceda? Did you get this for me?" I ask. 

"Oh! Yes, you seemed like you liked it. Do you not? I can return it if you want." 

"No! I liked it, but I don't want you to spend extra snails on me." 

"Don't worry about that mi niña! I wanted to get it." She states, smiling at me. I grin and, before I can stop myself, I hug her. I'm very glad Luz taught me what a hug is; it feels amazing.

 "Thank you Ms. Noceda." She hugs me back and smiles. 

"Please call me Camila. Ms. Noceda makes me sound old." I laugh and we both get into the car after finishing loading the bags up. 

Camila's POV:

As I get in the car I look around at all the kids. Vee's blushing at something and Gus is teasing her in a singsong voice. Willow is telling Hunter about how I bought her a packet of curry. He seems content to just listen to her voice. Amity is whispering something to Luz and they're both blushing. Maybe my baby girl has a crush! Or maybe Amity has a crush on her.Or they might just be friends. Regardless, I'm glad they all wound up here. I can tell how much Luz has grown and I can also tell how much she cares for her friends. She wants to go back to the Boiling Isles and see her friends. I'm so thankful for all of these amazing people helping my baby girl when I wasn't there. I smile and pull out of the parking lot to drive back. 


Hi! Sorry I haven't  posted in so long! I had writers block and then school started up and then there was the holidays... sorry. I'll try to post more frequently, but I might not be able to. Anyways, I hope you liked this. It's probably crap, but I can't be bothered to go back over it, so here you go. And yes the person who called Vee a cutie was Masha. I couldn't help but include it! Let me know if you have any more requests and I'll try to write it! Also sorry to the people who did request that I haven't gotten to! 😭

Byeee loves! Hope ur all doing okay. Remember that ur awesome and worthy of everything! Love u <3

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