Leap for the Stars

By lovexpuppies

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Y/n Lukasiak is living in the shadow of her older sister Chloe and her friend Mackenzie but what happens when... More

The Competition Begins
Wildly Inappropriate
Cheerleader Blues
Stealing the Show
When Stars Collide
Dying to Dance
Heyy *Please read!*
She's a fighter
Love on the dance floor
From Ballerinas to Showgirls
Cathy Brings it On
It All ends Here
There's Only One Star
Season 2
Everyone's Replaceable
The Return of the Candy Apples
Brookes Turning Point
No One likes A Bully
Brooke's Back
Jill on a Rampage
Bullets and Ballets
The Runaway Mom
Miami Heat Waves
Melissa Pleads the 5th
Waiting for the Joffrey
I'm backk
The battle Begins
Night of living dancers


188 6 0
By lovexpuppies

Y/n's Pov: 

Here we are in: NEW YORK CITY 

This week we are here to practice for the Joffrey ballet auditions and I am so excited, one to be in New york and two to have the opportunity for the auditions.

"Let's Go girls we don't have all day, and we have things to do!" Abby yelled as we all walking into the dance room we would be using for this week.

I stood next to Chloe while Abby started talking. "Girls this is the big time! We are here in New York city, I want each and every one of you to take it all in. " 

" Everybody that you past on that street probably took a dance lesson at some point in their life. You guys need to understand that their are a lot of kids that earn crown, or they will competitions." 

~Interview with Y/n and Kenzie~ 

Y/n: Sometimes I think that Ms. Abby just likes to talk and doesn't really know what she is talking about.

Kenzie: Well we win a lot so she has to know something, even if that's just dance.

Y/n shrugs 

Y/N: I guess you're right. 

~Interview over~

"There are only a handful that will actually make in in this industry, so that does not mean that all of you will, but with my talent I think you all have the potential." Abby says 

" First I want to talk about Michigan,  We are not going to win a group dance until everybody in the group is on the same level"  

"It's not always going to be about your solo's, it's about the group and you guys need to learn how to work in a group and until then you can kiss your first place goodbye!" 


Brooke Nia

Chloe Mackenzie Y/n Paige

"Now on with the pyramid on the bottom we have Pagie, did you fix the arms? Yes, did you put the phone away? No" 

" So she doesn't get credit for her back tuck? or anything else, It's her phone" Kelly says 

"Credit" Abby says and starts clapping being sarcastic. 

"Next Y/n" 

"Y/n you didn't perform last week so there is really nothing to say about you" She said as she went through the rest of the pyramid.

I think that Abby thinks that we can just win win win win but sometimes I think she asks for a lot and then gets mad when we don't win.

"And on the top of the pyramid is Maddie" Abby says

" You are going to be going to the joffrey school, The judges that are judging you are none other that the teachers at the school, and they are going to be looking at feet and turn out, and everything that you guys have learned up until this point is going to come out ." 

"We have to work on a ballet combo today, we have to work on a short presentation for each one of you to do at the audition. " 

Well at least this week is one of my favorite styles of dance, ballet! So I think I will have a good chance this week. 

" I expected you all to look like ballerinas, and well your not so that is going to have to change, So moms you are going to have to go out and buy this stuff because girls, mommy is not going to be there and Abby is not going to be there so look your best and please don't embarrass me." 

"In addition to our rehearsals we are also going to be working on a number, So we will be attending starbound competition in New Jersey, and the competition is going to be fierce." 

"Ladies our piece this week is going to be about a very serious topic and let's just say each one of you are going to be in jail." 

I looked at my mom and Chloe

"Chloe you just came off of your solo, you forgot your routine you gotta get right back on that horse. You are going to be doing a solo this week."

"Maddie, you have been undefeated and I am challenging you once again, to do a solo at nationals" 

"Y/n I am giving you an opportunity to be great, be recognized, do not make me regret it, you will be doing a solo this week. This is going to be the busiest week of your life. All of you don't blow it." 

"Y/n we are going to start with you, Let's go." Abby says


Third pov: 

Abby let the girls warm up and the moms sit in the conner before leading y/n over to an open space in the room.

"Y/n this week your solo is entitled 'Dream on a Star' just like the song you will be dancing to. You are a wonderful ballet dancer so I expect you to win this week, Yes?" She said and y/n nodded.

"In order for you to win you have to focus on your turns and line, and pointed toes, all of those things that I am constantly telling you, you need to do this week and from the weeks out."  

"You will also be performing this dance on pointe so be prepared"

While Abby started teaching y/n her dance Christi could tell that this was going to be hard for both of her daughters, especially since they both were known to crack under severe pressure. 

"And now center stage you are going to center leap into a seat roll, and 5 6 7 8" Abby says to y/n.

This week Abby's goal was to push all of her girls y/n included because she knew Maddie could win the scholarship but her other girls were a different story.

" I want you to pull a needle and hold for 2 counts then you can run russian switch leap to the left." 

~Interview with Chloe~

I am really excited for y/n this week because I know that ballet is her favorite style of dance and she always makes it look really easy. 

~Interview over~

*Two days before the joffrey*

Y/n Pov:

"I want you girls to think about your favorite routine and pick something in it that you do better than anyone else" Abby says 

I think back to my favorite solo 'Let me Go' and pick the turns and jumps I do from there. I really want to do acro but ballet is not acro so I don't what to risk it. 

Abby had us go to the barre and work on some ballet skills which honestly was torture, and I do ballet all the time at the studio. 

She then made us go show her the moms and the girls our skill that we want to do one by one, and Nia was up first. 

"Ok this has got to stop" Abby says to Nia while pulling up her top. 

"But it keeps falling down" Nia says 

"Well your mother needs to find you something more appropriate for your body type" 

Abby could you give us some tips on what we should look for when we go out shopping ?" Holly says. 

"You want something that is going to make their legs look long and their torso to look short." She then uses Paige as an example 

She then turns around to us and says "Girls you have stop with these crazy outfits." 

*Two days till starbound*

"Y/n you should be working on your solo, we don't have time to sit around!" Abby says yelling for y/n to come in the room while Chloe was working. 

Today we had to wear a leotard and tights, and hair in a bun? This is just not what we normally where but it feels comfortable. 

Later, Abby had us doing the splits, stretching our bodies for ballet before she made us go get our dance bags with the Jazz shoes. 

"Go tell Miss Abby that you and Kenzie left your bags at home." Melissa says to Maddie.

Kenzie and Maddie left their bags back at the hotel and Maddie is getting upset about it, and So is Melissa.

"They left their bags on the couch at the hotel" Melissa says

"Well that is their fault, they need to learn how to be more responsible, because mommy is not going to be their, there are kids here 14 and 15 who are living on their own." Abby says 

"Maddie stop with this face"  

Abby now had us doing the group routine, which I didn't know if it was my favorite routine because I don't want to be in jail."

~Interview with Kelly~

I think this routine is hard for our girls because they are sweet girls, so it's hard to imagine them like this.

~Interview Over~

"Girls, do not get out their and embarrass me. "

*Day of Joffrey* 

We walked into the ballet studio and we had to put on numbers. My mom helped me put on my makeup while Chloe helped me stretch. 

Then we heard Cathy come up the stairs.

She stood in the hallway with us and her team. I think she was trying to get us shaken up but it's not really working. 

"We are ready for the solo's" this man said going out of the room. 

Paige was going first, so we all watched from the window, then Brooke, then Nia, then Kenzie. When Kenzie came back out Abby asked her what did the judges say. 

"They said that whoever should you how to shake your bum bum is a dumb dumb" and that made us all laugh. 

Then some of Candy Apples girls went before it was it was Chloe's and my turn. I was actually really scared because anything could go wrong. 

" You both are beautiful ballet dancers and this is your specialty, go in there and do great." Our mom said to us. 

Chloe was going first than me so I just watch her though the window. 

*Interview with y/n* 

I love watching Chloe dance because she is just amazing at it and makes it look so easy, one day I want to be just like her!

*Interview over* 

"You did so good Chloe!" I said when she walked out, and hugged her. 

She smiled and nodded 

"Your going to do great y/n" She said before I went in and closed the door.

I went in and it was two guys and a lady.

"Hi, do you have something you can show us?" They said said. 

I nodded and they started the music, I used all of my favorite turns in ballet, and all of my favorite jumps, until the music was done and I finished in my ending position. 

I stood up and looked at the judges. 

"You have such beautiful technique and wonderful lines." The guy on the right said.

I smiled, that's the first time someone has said that to me.

"I do agree you have some of the best technique I have seen all day," The lady said. 

"The only critique I have is that you have to learn how to perform with your face because right now you are not telling the story and it's not convincing me." she then said and I nodded,

"Thank you!" I said before leaving and telling Maddie that they were ready to see her.

When I got outside my sister came up to me " You looked really good, what did they say?"

" They said I have really good technique." I told her. 

They the guy came and told us they were ready for the dancers. He wanted all of us to come in and I stood at the barre next to Chloe while the guy showed us what to do. 

A few minutes later we heard arguing from outside and I could hear Cathy and my moms voice. The guy then went outside to talk to them.

He then let us all leave to go home and we went back to the hotel.

*Day of Competition*

"Girls let's go" Abby says as we got out of the van. 

We walked into starbound and went to the dressing room, getting ready for the group dance. 

"Girls you guys are the ones everyone wants to beat, don't let them beat you or I will be furious." Abby said

We then had to go to the stage were they called us out first. I walked out with my prop behind Pagie. 

I really didn't like this piece because on the way on the stage I almost fell on my prop that was almost twice the size I was. 

But over all after that our dance was great, and Abby seemed happy with it, so that's all that mattered.

After the Candy Apples went up on stage it was time for awards. We all sat on the stage while they called top 10.

"In 10th place with a score of 286... 892 hurt them first Abby Lee Dance Company," Kenzie went up and got the award. 

Then he called ninth place, who was Cathy  and they beat us by 1 point, and we went back to the dance room. 

They Candy apples came in the dance room to congratulate us on 10th place, before leaving out of the door. 

"My whole reputation is ruined. I have never been so humiliated in my life" Abby says crying. I think that Abby is being a little dramatic it was one point.

"Hello!" My mom says into her phone after Abby left the room. 

"Hi Is this Christy?" A guy says 

"Yes, this is" She says back.

"Hi this is Davis Robertson from the Joffrey  ballet school, how are you doing?"

"I am well, How are you?" 

"I am good, I just wanted to call to take the time out to say that we want to offer y/n and Chloe a scholarship for the summer." He said and I looked at Chloe shocked

"aww that's amazing, thank you!" our mom says 

"Thank you!" We both say back

~Interview with Christi~

I think that bothe Chloe and Y/n are excited to have this opportunity, but I really think they are trying hard not to show it because the other girls in the room wanted this as well, and they don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings.

~Interview over~

"We really think that they have the talent to become beautiful ballerina's" The guy says 

and my mom says thank you before hanging up.

Chloe and I hugged each other before getting ready for our solo's.

"Maddie stop! Your being a brat!" Melissa says 

Melissa takes Maddie behind the curtain that we us to get dressed behind and Kenzie comes back out laughing. 

"Kenzie help me stretch" I said hitting her on her side. While Chloe help me with m shoes.

"That's it Maddie can't have her phone for two weeks" Melissa says.

Kenzie helps me stretch my back in a chin stand before it's time for us to go on stage. "You got this ok?" Chloe says to me 

"Up next to the stage we Y/n with 'Dream on a Star"

I walked out on the stage. This was actually my first time I would be dancing on stage on pointe, I have done it before but never in front of people just at classes. 

Once the music started I went on to do my dance just the way that it was choreographed for me without missing anything.

I tried to focus on my emotions just like the judges from the Joffrey had said. I think the hardest part of this dance was doing a front walkover with pointe shoes but it really wasn't that bad. 

I went to do my ending pose which was a chin stand and everyone started clapping, as I ran off of the stage and my mom picked me up. 

"You did so good baby!" She says 

"Thank you!" I said back and she helped me take off the shoes to I could change into my pink boots, then we went to watch Chloe and Maddie.

Third Pov: 

The judges thought y/n's dance was beautiful and different. Her legs in her arabesque as well as leaps.  

When y/n and Christi went to sit down they called out Kendall who was also the Queen of hearts that would be going against Chloe. So at this point it was a matter of who did it better. 

After Kendell, it was Maddie's turn, she went on stage and got about halfway through her dance before stopping through one of her turns and running off of the stage crying. Making everyone wonder what was going on.

Abby in the audience was getting ready to leave from In front of the stage.  The competition still continued and Chloe went on the stage with her dance. 

After Chloe finished Abby got up and left the room.While y/n grabbed Chloe's hand and they went to the dressing room.  When the girls got back into the dressing room y/n and Chloe sat together in the conner. 

Abby was comforting Maddie because she forgot her dance but when they both forgot there's Abby was yelling at them to do better. 

That's when the moms came back in.

"No we are not playing that game you all can see her later." Abby says

"No I am not playing games either, But I know that when my child ran off the stage, I didn't see any tears from you Abby." Holly says

"I don't care!, I don't care!" Abby says back 

Gianna then comes in the room to get the girls for awards, Chloe drags yn out of the room with her while all of the girls went on stage. 


"Here come the official 2021 top 10 mini solo awards. "In first place with a score of 296 is ...Miss Y/n with 'Dream on a Star' 

Y/n got up and hugged Chloe before going to get her trophy and crown before going to sit back down next to her sister. 

"Now for our top 10 junior awards, in seventh place we have Queen of Hearts!" Kendall got up and got her award. 

"And now for top 3 solos In first place please put your hands together for 'Red Queen' Chloe" He said and Chloe got her medal.

Everyone went back to the dressing room. Where Y/n and Chloe went to Christi

"You both did really good, be proud of yourselves, everyone here is proud of you two." She says giving them each hugs. 

"Alright see y'all on the flip side." Abby says before leaving 

"She's going home," Melissa says.

All of the moms follow Abby outside. 

"Where are you going?" Holly asks

"I am going to the hotel and getting my stuff, and going right to the airport, I need a break."

"What do you want us to tell the kids?" Kelly says

"Your kids will be fine without me, They have been trained, they will be fine without me." Abby then gets in the car that drives away. 

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