Embrace My Hüg

By Riley_kush

160 0 0

"Your eyes, they are more expressive than you let yourselves," he said. His soft tone piercing my heart. I k... More

Book Cover
How It Started
Going Back
End or Beginning?
End or Beginning...? - 2
Family Time
Family Time -2
Getting back
Wedding bells - 2
Wedding Bells -3

Meeting Him

13 0 0
By Riley_kush

"OMG, after so many months we are shopping together like this," Ruhaani said her voice lace with content as they head towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Hmm, the smell is so nice I'm famished." Samaira said whiningly as she didn't get to eat while shopping  busy being the dummy, on which they were trying any and every new piece of jewellery to figure if it is looking awesome or not.

After the whole eventful day, her steps were faltering conveying her body has worn out by all the physical and mental exertion she has been doing for the past one week  and she would pass out at any moment if she didn't get the needed fuel to work normally.

After finding the booth especially a corner one in a busy restaurant like this was an implication of the happy end of the day, but as they were heading they accidentally found someone familiar dining with someone.

The familiar person was Samarth Khanna.

Ruhani's Fiance.

Actually He was having dinner with a woman maybe his business partner but it doesn't seem like it was because the way Ruhaani was fuming as if the whole situation was wrong in its own way rather than a business dinner.

"Ruhaani, let's go. Maybe he's on some kind of business dinner," Samaira said because she knew how Ruhaani was. If given a choice she would directly barge into that cabin and chew the head out of that woman.

"No Samy, She isn't some kind of business partner... She is his love!!

"First love!!"


Samaira dashed forward her eyes was raging with fire.

How could he do this to her friend?

Just then a hand stop her, clutching her hand so determinedly like her life was dependent on it.

"Don't.... Please!!

"Ruh... He is your fiance and here he is romancing with some other chic called his first love, "Samaira containing her anger.

I don't care if he had 15 others before but today his present is different. He is committed to someone, he isn't the bachelor like he once was; his actions have as much affect on him as that on  certain someone and in this case she is his better half.


This time it was Priya, her voice carried concern for her best friend.

"Please, don't ask and swear if anyone goes anywhere near to him I'll never going to talk to any of you ever." Ruhani said her voice somewhat carrying an unsaid grief and fear.

"Okay, if you don't want us to confront him, what about you huh!" Samaira forcibly takes her hand away from her grasp.

Ruhaani : ...

She wasn't saying anything. Is this how love makes people to do unwanted things.

"Okay girls don't create a scene right in the middle of a restaurant, let's go into our booth and discuss further". Her words emphasizing on the word discuss to let someone know that only truth is the way now.

"I'm not hungry you guys enjoy." With that said Ruhaani dashed off in a flash turning the whole mood they were in sour.

"Priya, you should atleast eat something it is not good for the baby— Samaira just drop me off to my home, I just want to sleep now." Priya said cutting her off.

Samaira didn't argue further, as it was already night time and she has responsibility to fulfill.

"Okay, if you are hungry eat the snacks we have purchased."

As Samaira was driving, she couldn't help but ask her," Did you know about this whole fiasco?"

"Yes and No!

"Mtlb?...  (Means)

"I knew that she had a crush or more specific she loves him."

"What!! She loves him even if she knew that he loves somebody else."

"One second did she dash off because she was feeling guilty or shameful?"

"Maybe both.. don't forget she is our friend and we are not going to judge her until she tells us the whole story." Priya said as if she knew something that she didn't.

" Of course ..... wait there is something more to it, right? you knew something's not right Still— ring*...

Her phone buzzed with Abhimanyu written on it.

She just touch the red button and dragged it indicating she is busy.

It buzzed again.

"Answer it, Samaira," Priya said.

"I .. I will but later!" Samaira said hesitatingly.

Seeing her anxious state instead of excitement, Priya couldn't help but asked her in worry,

"Samaira, Are you two alright?"

"Yes, we - we are — don't give me this bullshit. Whom are you fooling around?

" I know how you are Samaira!!"

"And you need to stop right here cause everyone has their limit."

" You' need to understand this, Sam otherwise — I know it and its not that I'm doing it on purpose... I also ...," Her speech falters right before she would blabber the whole truth out.

Her eyes immediately meet hers and she quickly averted it before the other  could infer on her own.

Her heart beat rising...she couldn't forget the look Priya was giving her as if asking questions which she isn't ready to answer.

Because she knew everyone will just try's to blame her. She is like this?... Heartless... Iron Queen... Cold bitch...

But isn't it true....?


At her own Apartment,

"Home sweet home!!"

This is the only place she could say which belongs to her, she bought it with her own hard earned money. She couldn't wait to open the door and land directly on the bed sleeping off into the wonderland forgetting about earlier.

As soon as she opened the door her nose inhaled something aromatic,"ohh! This smells delicious!!

She met with a glowing fluorescent light rather than the dark walls closing the door behind she entered into the dining room.

She got a whip of a piquant smell slightly tickling her nose. As if someone was giving tadka.

The aromatic yet heady smell of mustard and pepper in tadka was spreading all across the hall as if someone was preparing daal.

"Hey, You came in the right time. I'm almost done let's take this to the Living room." Abhimanyu said greeting her with his signature smile as he took the apron off of himself.

"Lup dub ..!!
Lup dub...!!

As if her heart skipped a beat, coming to a home and meeting with a smiling face of your loved ones preparing food for you that was heartily satisfying for Samaira.

She loves Daal chaval. There is something so satisfying about this dish that one cannot put in words the contentment one feels after eating it.

Suddenly her stomach started grumbling,  her mood lifted thousand times high from earlier.

"Go clean yourself up and come faster I'm waiting," his soft voice entering her ears evaporating all of her worries in that moment all she wanted to do was to dug in and eat to her heart's content.


They both were sitting in the hall eating while watching  a movie on the Television just then Abhimanyu said," Sorry I didn't mean to barge into your house without your permission."

"I called you but it was saying you were busy and I didn't have anywhere else to go," his voice turned too sugary at the end for her liking as if he was bribing her in exchange with this delicious food.

I didn't have anywhere else to go?

Lie... A blatant lie!

This is a part of him that too a fraction. That manipulative beast!

I know how you are Samaira!!

And people called me heartless!

"What are you doing here Abhimanyu?"

"You know why I'm here! As if suddenly the environment changed from his aura, His cold voice held some kind of accusations only she knew how hard it was to build the courage.

Abhimanyu wanted to continue he couldn't stop himself,"I was waiting for you, Sam but then I couldn't stop myself when Mom said we can't meet each other until the day of the wedding and I — ssshhh!!

She didn't know what made her Sush him by putting a finger on his lips conveying she understood his feelings.  He was a straightforward person when it comes to his feelings for her but this time she kind of knew what brought him here.

Always remember, Sam it's a two way thing, with both sharing their equal efforts to work this relationship.

"From now on you don't need  permission to enter, this is my house as much as yours."

A smile spread across his face, as if she had given him a piece of her heart. The domestic vibe returning,  seeing his content smile her heart started beating faster, a sudden rush of some kind of wave was floating around her heart.

This feeling, why she was feeling like this? She didn't say any romantic words than why she is feeling like this...like a girl who has just found a new crush?

Couldn't deal with his starry gaze, she said,"Ahhumm... Leave it here after doing the dishes I'll clean the table."

She look him in the eye to find any kind of reaction from him but still that grey hue was stuck on her like bee to honey.

"Cough*... Ahh..umm ... Yes ... Till then I'll just take a bath..," He said leaving immediately.

After cleaning the table and dishes she was ready to enter her bedroom and call it a day that's when she heard faint voice of Abhimanyu who was talking to someone on the phone in the balcony.

At first, she didn't pry over his matters but her breathing rose up when she heard him taking a name of a girl.

"Yes... Ohhh!  Don't start there... It was so much fun. Lily you are the only one.....I have ....yeah

She didn't mean to eavesdrop on him but her mind started working on its own. All the sleepiness that she was feeling evaporated into thin air.

In her whole life, she has never ever seen Abhimanyu having a girl as a friend not in School, College or University maybe when he was studying in the UK.

Hearing his faint voices, she could totally feel that the other person had a special place in Abhimanyu's heart because he was talking to her the same way he talked to her (Sam) sweetness loading in his every word.

Finally her sleep deprived mind was playing its game on her,"yes.... It's all in her head even if he had a girl - friend she isn't a narrow minded wife who would stop her husband."

I don't know what's going on between you two but let me tell you the harsh truth Samaira

Everyone has a limit whether to do ... acquire... Pursue.... Or love...

And trust me, when someone pushed that limit to its core then there is no turning back

"Sam, Abhimanyu is a good person so please don't test his limits.

Stop it when you have time, it's not like I'm telling you to force yourself; now that you have decided to share your life, you also need to start taking initiative.

"Priya, why do you people always side with him, as if he is only one putting effort.

"I'm trying too. Its just that my steps are way too slow against his.

She immediately covered herself with the blanket as soon as she heard him enter the room closing the door behind him.

After sometime she heard the sound of water flowing from the tap indicating he was taking a bath.

He will try to look into others for the kind of love he was expecting from you

"No Sam ....She is his first love!!


Right now, as the time passes her overthinking also grew by minute her thoughts were all over the place.

In school and colleges, she had encountered countless jealous girls whose boyfriends were good friends of her she never got it why they were being jealous of her.

But it was like all of this was coming back at her haunting her to the core.

No this isn't the truth.....shut up mind.. focus


The room suddenly filled with the fragrance of jasmine, the result of him using her scented soap her senses alert trying to illustrate his actions around the room.

She took a sneak peek from the corner of the open blanket. He was standing in his almost naked glory and was wearing her stretchable shorts. He was kind of looking cute in her Pokemon shorts which she had given him before cleaning the kitchen.

She giggled seeing him in her shorts that were tightly hugging his lower region.

But like a curse, happiness can't be forever suddenly she found herself drifting to all the negative thoughts.

She felt the other side of her bed dip meaning he has laid beside her.

The distance maintained even after one hour has passed she couldn't help but overthink everything.

Suddenly her heart taking over her mind, she threw the blanket aside and climb on top him.

"Sam, what are you doing?" Abhimanyu had been wide awake all this time, he couldn't help but wanted to swoon her in his arms and fall asleep but there was this hesitation.

He had agreed to give her space and he didn't want to break whatever they had till now. He agrees that she was trying her best but his one mistake can take them back to square one.

Suddenly his thoughts halted when he heard some shuffling and a certain someone trying to be on top of him.

"I'm claiming you!!



Naught Naughty Sam🥵

I hope you are enjoying till now.



Priya's Pov ...

Hash!! Her body as soon as coming in contact with the soft mattress release a content sigh.

"How was your day, my Pookie bear. Udayveer said laying beside her and  trying to take her in his arms securely.

"Don't call me that, otherwise I'm not going to sleep with you," Priya said sweetly in her childhish voice.

Udayveer who heard her tender voice, his heart immediately melts into water. Since they have found out that they are going to be parents there life had been completed.

He was enjoying this journey, trying to support her and be patient with her mood swing and other related problems and one was she had become very much childhish nowadays and he loves it so much.

Especially her cute whining voice,"Please you can't!!" Udayveer replied.

A sigh escape her.

"Did something happen while you were shopping?" Seeing her mood change suddenly, lines streching her forehead.

All the flashbacks started running in her mind she didn't know where to start but there is something more important she was worrying about maybe a particular person.

"Umm, I kind of ... Maybe lied in order to instigate someone to take initiative."

"So you are saying you kind of threatened Samaira to take initiative in their relationship".

"Ohh!! How do you...know?" Priya was stupefied.

He just smiles in response kind of conveying I know more than you can ever know...!!

"You know something that I don't, right?" Priya inquired trying to confirm her thoughts.

Still not answering, Priya asked again in order to get some kind of assurance, "What if it takes a reverse turn instead of where it is intended?"

"Then My love you don't know a certain someone like I know, you should better be praying for your friend".


"Sleep my love! I'm sure they are going to be fine".



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