Illusions (Infinite x Oc) DIS...

By WhateverMack

312 0 0

In the times of war, Sonic is kidnapped in Eggman's new Death Egg in space. With the help of research, Tails... More

Prologue - Gaia's Village
Chapter 1 - Finding Help
Chapter 3 - Hide
Chapter 4 - Meeting
Chapter 5 - Mission Breakout
Chapter 6 - Files
Chapter 7 - Failed
Chapter 8 - Rage
Chapter 9 - Feelings
Chapter 10 - Grief
Chapter 11 - Sad Traditions
Chapter 12 - Back in Business
Chapter 13 - Old Friend
Chapter 14 - Letters & Games
Chapter 15 - Mother Behavior
Chapter 16 - City Chaos
Chapter 17 - Distractions
Chapter 18 - Confliction
Chapter 19 - Confession
Chapter 20 - A Pause
Sad Announcement

Chapter 2 - Answers

21 0 0
By WhateverMack

(Knuckles' POV)

My head hurt like I had just been dropped from a tree.

'Wait, a tree!?' I thought as I started to panic. I jumped awake, quickly looking around to see if Eggman was anywhere to be found. But instead of a white medical room, I was in a room with wooden walls. Little trinkets like vials of liquids and hanging crystals from the weirdly shaped ceiling. The ceiling had a swirl to it like there were individual rooms and beds there. There were no doors to lock me in. They were curtains of small stones and twigs. I was able to see through it but it still blocked my view in any close details of where I am.

As I started to get out of bed to walk around a bit, someone walked into the room in front of me. I couldn't see much but I saw that the figure had brown fur and a big, long tail. Maybe a squirrel?

But as I started to stand, my legs felt weak and I fell. The bump on the wooden floor caused the squirrel to react and come to my aid. I looked up to see that the squirrel had yellow paint on his face. I started getting confused as he gently helped me to the bed.

"Are you alright, sir?" The squirrel asked me, having a bit of an accent. Like Hispanic or something. He sounded worried like I broke a bone just by falling from my bed. As I was about to answer, I caught a glance in the doorway to see Tails. He was smiling at me while eating a fruit. A weirdly colored fruit.

"You're finally awake!" Tails cheered as he ran up to me and hugged me tightly. I returned the hug. It was kind of awkward since I don't give out hugs that much. Once we broke the hug, I turned to the squirrel. "What happened?"

He cleared his throat as he started to collect different vials and plants. "Last night, you arrived sleeping after encountering the doctor's toy," he answered as he started mixing something in a small mixing bowl with a dull but smooth piece of wood. He then poured the liquid from the small bowl into a weird-shaped glass and handed it to me. I gently grabbed it from the squirrel and he smiled at me before giving me a small bow. Out of confusion and awkwardness, I gave a small bow back. The squirrel left the room, leaving me and Tails.

"So," Tails began, "the village is real."

"I got that."

Just then, the squirrel walked back in with Silver and Amy. Amy sighed in relief while Silver fell on the floor. "What's the matter with him?" I asked.

"He was infected with Paralio. A plant that can paralyze you when entered into your blood," he simply replied, helping Silver to his feet. Amy took over carrying Siler, thanking the squirrel. The squirrel gave a small bow before turning to me. "Would you like a tour? We...normally do not get visitors."


"Let me get this straight: When your ancestors first settled into your new home, it caught fire. Half of your ancestors decided to run while the other half stayed. And your goddess, Gaia, saved you from being burned to death. Ever since then, you've been living here?" I recapped the story the squirrel, Kali, shared. He nodded. "I think it's kind of nice," Amy added as she pulled Silver away from getting lost.

Meanwhile, Tails was amazed by the village's building structures and how everything works. I would agree the architecture is interesting. It looked like the trees grew a home inside. Banners hover above us to protect us from the sun and to quickly travel without disturbing others below. The evolution in their technology is because of the robotic parts from Eggman and training grounds. It's impressive how fast they can process the big jump from one spot to another.

"Now, sadly, this is the end of the tour," Kali said apologetically. Tails pouted a bit with a small whine. Kali giggled before messing with the kid's head. "Do not worry, Tails. I am sure you are going to learn about our village with more details if you visit more." Tails' eyes grew wide and he smiled as bright as if he was given a piece of candy for the first time. "Are there any questions you have?" Kali asked, his tail wagging a bit in excitement.

I stepped in. "Who's in charge?"

Kali nodded before walking off, waving his hand to follow him. We were walking toward the training grounds and walked up to a deep green hedgehog woman talking to some villagers. She wore a gown that looked like it was made out of leaves. And like any other villager here, she had paint on her body. But her face had black and white paint. Three black lines from her forehead to her chin, and a little line across her nose.

Once she finally took notice of our presence, she politely ended her previous conversation and turned her attention to us. Kali stopped walking and gave a small bow. "Chief Io," he greeted. The hedgehog gave a small bow back. "Kali," she replied. She sounded like an old wise witch. Not in a bad way. Kali continued, "The echidna would like to speak with you."

She gently waved him off. He gives us one final bow before leaving. "What seems to be the problem?" She asked, standing straight like she was a wall. I took a step closer. "We want to form an alliance."

"An alliance?" She lets out a small giggle. "My apologies, Echidna, but I am not the one you should be speaking to about alliances." My eye twitched.

'She's the chief, right?'

But, without another comment, I asked, "Then who?" She stepped aside, showing a little pit where a small group of villagers in leather training gear stood in a circle, attacking the person in the middle of it. "You'd be speaking with one of our greatest warriors."

We looked over to watch the match as the next person stepped inside the circle. But this time, it's a green hedgehog with a blank wooden mask on. Black and green paint decorating the wood. As soon as they stood their ground, the circle started attacking the center. But, to my surprise, this warrior was able to dodge, kick, punch, and throw every member of the circle away. It all ended in a minute of fighting. "Oana!" Chief Io called. The warrior turned her attention to the chief and quickly climbed out of the pit. She landed in front of us with her knee to the ground. She kneeled with her head down before slowly standing at full height. Which, to another surprise, she's taller than me! Like almost four feet! I'm only 3'6!

The warrior, Oana I heard, looked at her Chief before nodding a greeting. "You called," she said with calm confidence. Like she knows who we are but doesn't want to say it just yet. The chief nodded back before reaching her hand to us. "Our guest has something to discuss with you." With that, the chief took a step back, allowing me and her warrior the space we needed.

Oana took the first step forward, her head held high. Her two-colored eyes watching me closely. I gulped out of nervousness as I pushed it behind me and rolled my shoulder, making me stand straight. She spoke first, "What is it your wish to discuss?"

Her voice now sounded like my mother was mad about trying to hide it before spanking me. I took a breath before speaking. "We want to form an alliance." She tilted her head to the side, eyeing me up and down. Then looking back to my friends. She stood straight, dropping her shoulders a bit, and crossing her arms. Relaxing. "Speak your terms."

"We have the same enemy: Eggman. He wants to get rid of us both. And he won't rest until we are gone. We need to bind forces to take him down. If you help us, we help you until the deed is done. All I ask is for your will to fight for the planet where your home lives as we do the same. My forces are falling fast and I don't have any other forces to reach out for help. The rebellion needs help. I understand if you don't want to help. All I'm asking is help until the war is over."

Oana reached her hand up to her chin to think. Her gaze fell to the ground before looking around her. Her home. She then said, "You offer a deal that can end us in a matter of time. You know this is risky, correct?"

I nodded.

"You promise to help us as we help you?"

I nodded again.

With a sigh under her mask, closing her eyes, she slowly reaches her hand out to me. My chest felt a giant weight leave. Fly into the weightless sky. I went to reach for her hand, but she quickly pulled her hand back and looked out into the woods. As I was going to ask why, she held up a finger to shush me up. Then I heard the faintest sound of hollowed wood bang together.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone run. I turned to look to see a rat running and pulled some rope that quickly took down the clothed ceiling. Everyone in the village started running, but not out of mindless panic. Like they've practiced. Oana led us into the pit one by one with some help from the warriors below. Soon, the chief followed us into the pit. Oana jumped out of the pit as she sealed the cover made out of leaves and wood.

Why do I feel sick?

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