Every Time


85 5 4

"Pure and fluffy" IkeAkuma Nijisanji decides that having a company living space would improve their working... More

Chapter 2

The Start of Something New

52 2 2

1 month before Moving

SHUBERT: Have you guys finished packing yet?
LUCAPOG: Yeah I just finished poggggg
MystaBeast: For what lol, btw just finished making some rice :)
SmartIke: Mysta don't tell me you forgot about us moving into the new place
SmartIke: @DemonVox how many rooms are in each apartment
DemonVox: 2 apartments, 2 rooms in one and 3 in the other. I'll send you guys a link.
DemonVox: Are we gonna completely ignore Mysta making food
MystaBeast: Shu~~ Can you pwetty please pack for meeeee
SHUBERT: Kk, btw I'm not packing ur rice cookers that's nasty
MystaBeast: thanks big bro <3 don't kill me when you drive ;-;

SmartIke: We don't get a say do we
SHUBERT: yep, ig we get the big room
DemonVox: I'll tell management about the arrangement

Vox POV:
YES LETS GO I GET TO LIVE WITH IKE! Maybe he'll finically take my affection seriously. I love this man I will make him swoon over me.
*Vox starts to whistle and restarts his packing montage*
Moving in Day:
Ike, Vox and Luca are outside of the apartment complex.
"Dude this seriously looks like a 5 star hotel, no way we are living here. You must've gave us the wrong address," Luca stares at the building in awe.
A purple car swerves and suddenly stops right next to the three men. The black tinted windows slowly roll down to reveal Shu with his sunglasses on and Mysta throwing up in the backseat.
"Mate why did you go so fucking fa-" Mysta wretches
"Eyyyyyy we got here as soon as possible, I'm so excited," Shu laughs.
The boys made their way into the lobby, where they find their managers.
"We'll help you take your stuff up to the rooms, we hope this will increase your working conditions!" The general Luxium manager says.

"Ike are you excited to spend more time with moi~" Vox smiles
Ike reaches his hand out and pushes Vox's bangs aside and behind his ear. Vox immediately starts to blush.
"You should keep your hair out of your eyes, you were about to run into that wall," Ike giggles. Just as he finishes that sentence Mysta and Luca slam into that exact wall. Shu runs over to help them and trips on Luca's shoelaces. The gang starts to uncontrollably laugh.

"So this is me and Ike's room, after we finish unpacking we are going to have a room tour, Kay guys?" Vox asked.
Vox wraps his arms around Ike's shoulders and ruffles his hair. Ike shoots him a death glare, prompting Vox to back off. The boys nod their heads in agreement and Shu eagerly rushes into the room with the other two filling suite.
Vox holds the door open for Ike
"After you my liege~" Vox bows
"Thank you sir Box," Ike curtsies

They both stare in awe of their new home. It was massive for a 2 bedroom apartment.
On the left side there is the kitchen, it has marble countertops and a beautiful dark brown dining table. Right next to it was a balcony. In the centre of the living space they're a huge TV with beanbags scattered around it. On the right there a hallway that has four doors. 2 of which are bedrooms and right next to each of them are their bathrooms. At the end of the hallway there is a large window where they can see the city.

Ike squeals and runs through the apartment,  he makes it to one of the bedroom doors and reads a note that says it's for him.
Vox still admiring the beauty of their apartment, drags himself over. Ike's room was painted a pastel blue, it had a large bed with a simplified Hatsune Miku on the blanket. Staring right into their eyes was Hatsune Miku herself. Vox touches her arm and she is very much a cardboard cutout. He laughs and says, "Ike we should probably unpack now,"
The brown haired boy sighs " We can do that later, I'm tired." He runs straight into his bed. Vox smiles seeing him so happy, a good contrast to the death glare he got minutes earlier. Vox picks up a box and starts to take out kitchenware.

Half an hour passex and Vox picks up a few more boxes labeled "Mr Akuma's thing a mabobs" and heads to his room. His room was painted a deep crimson colour, his bed board was black with black sheets. The red silk blanket wasn't the only thing that sent shock into his head. Laying on the bed was an Ike Eveland body pillow with a note attached to it. 'Dear Vox, I hope you like the surprise - ur manager' Vox turned as red as his blanket. He picks up the body pillow and flips it around to see the 'erotic' side. Immediately Vox runs and shoves it in his closet.
Vox's POV:
What were they thinking, I don't want Ike to think I'm such an unseiso beast. I really hope he doesn't wake up and see how flustered I am.
Vox goes back to unpacking his things and decorating his room.

Ike's POV:
Aughhhhhh I'm so tireddddd, I should probably unpack now. I walk out into the living space and pick up my boxes, I wonder if Vox has finished his room yet. I feel a bit cold, and I realise that my hoodie is gone. My eyes wander over to the kitchen. Damn the kitchen has already been unpacked even the stuff I brought is already packed and stored away. If Vox drank any of my energy drinks to pull this off. I wouldn't be mad of course he did do most of the work.

I walk past his room trying to take a glance of his progress. The door was slanted open, I immediately start blushing. Vox is standing there with his shirt tied around his waist, he noticed that I was staring and waved me in. So I drop the things I was holding and stumble into his room. He wipes the sweat off his forehead, I'm oddly mesmerised. I've never felt this way towards him, surely I'm just tired.

"Ike what do you think, sorry I drank one of your energy drinks..." Vox laughs nervously. I stare at him and shrug.
"Do you know where my hoodie went I swear to god I was wearing it before," I interrogate him. Looking for the guilt in his eyes, he turns his view away from me. I sigh.
"I mean you were going to overheat, the heater was on and you were wearing so much. I'm not a perv!" The accused replied. Good answer. I turn on my heel and start to walk out of his room. I suddenly sprint to his closet and open the door, I could feel my face contort into a frown. I spotted a familiar brown haired boy with familiar body type. I pick up the body pillow and throw it at the demon in front of me.
"Care to explain this PERV?!" I can feel a smug expression creep up on my face when I see Vox's eyes widen.
"Nah nah I understand, I'm just sooo irresistible," I drop the pillow and walk out of the room. I gather the boxes I had abandoned earlier and head to my room to unpack.

1 hour after:
I got to unpacking my clothes so I headed to my closet. Unfortunately I found a similar surprise to the one in Vox's room, a body pillow of the black haired man with a note from my 'beloved' manager.
Ike walks out of his room and makes his way to the kitchen. He grabs a coke cracks it open. His lips barely touch the can before he hears banging at the door.
"I'll get it," Vox drags himself to the door and it slams into his face.
"Ow fuck!" Vox winces
"KON INNIT!" Mysta yells. "Sorry Voxxx," Mysta strolls into the apartment followed by Luca who was holding Shu bridal position, Shu's face looked completely drained.
"I'm guessing Shu did most of the work," Ike laughed sipping his drink.
"Yeah, Shu is just that poggers. By the way your place is pretty big!" Luca smiles. Mysta jumps onto one of the beanbags.
"I mean he packed all of my things and he said it would be too dangerous for me to do anything," Mysta pouts.

The group takes a tour of the apartment, a few unseiso remarks were made about Ike's Hatsune Miku cutout. Thankfully Ike and Vox hid the surprises that their managers gifted them very well.

The group venture into the other apartment, Ike and Vox are stunned to see that their apartment is twice the size of their own. Even having a spa and sauna at the corner of their living space.
"Seriously how much did we buy this place for?" Ike asks with no answer as a reply.
The tour continues and the gang starts to get hungry.
"Let's go out to eat tonight!" Luca suggests, his blonde hair bouncing up and down with excitement.
Note from author:
This is my first ever fic so it's not amazing. Do u guys want smut cause I will 100% write it. Or if you want angst I can write that too

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