By Your Side: Steven Universe...

Von Ne_erDreamer21

5.4K 143 127

In the future, gems have a chance to find their true selves at Little Homeschool. One day, a gem arrives in... Mehr

💎Episode 1💎
💎Episode 2💎
💎Episode 3: Part 1💎
💎Episode 3: Part 2💎
💎Episode 4: Part 1💎
💎Episode 4: Part 2💎
💎Episode 5: Part 1💎
💎Episode 5: Part 3💎

💎Episode 5: Part 2💎

167 5 0
Von Ne_erDreamer21

A/n: Here's a bit of clarification for those who need it!

(G/c)= gem color
(G/n)= gem name
(H/c)= hair color
(H/l)= hair length
(E/c)= eye color
(F/c)= favorite color

Enjoy the chapter!!

-(Y/n)'s POV-

Instead of trying to assimilate in Little Homeworld like most new-arrival gems, Bluebird dedicated her time to Steven's discomfort. She didn't do anything drastic, but combined, the little things she did affected him. She was a parasitic insect that gnawed on his relationship with his family and friends. 

The most frustrating part, for Steven and I, was that he had technically let her into his life. I couldn't blame Steven for giving into peer-pressure. But he blamed himself. Harshly.

Welcoming her required trust that Bluebird did not possess. Trust– well-earned trust– prevented people from getting hurt, and we'd lost our best defense against Bluebird's trickery: distrust. Having proof that she hadn't changed was all that could stop her. 

And she knew how to dangle it just beyond our reach. 

Steven and I saw Bluebird behind Pearl in the kitchen, holding a knife in the opportune stabbing position. He tried to warn Pearl until he saw her turn from the fridge with a cake in her hands. Bluebird's eager yet threatening hold on the knife was intended for the dessert, not Pearl. 

That was only the beginning of Bluebird preying on Steven's suspicions. 

He rushed to save Garnet who was pinned to the ground with Bluebird standing on her back and restraining her arms. This time, she was supposedly helping Garnet do some stretches before she did some advanced yoga. 

When we returned to the beach house, I sank into the couch next to Steven. "Your CHAAAAPS, My Diamond," I announced with exaggerated poshness and handed him a bag of CHAAAAPS that I'd found on the counter. Amethyst must've gotten distracted and forgotten her snack. How else could a vulnerable bag of CHAAAAPS go uneaten? 

Steven winced. 

I looked down at my lap. "Sorry," I murmured. Even though I knew his Diamond status made him uncomfortable, the teasing words had unconsciously rolled off my tongue. 

He's probably going to misunderstand, I internally groaned. Of all the excuses I could've used when we met, why did I say that?

Steven sighed. "I don't get it. You see me as, well, me and not my mom, but you treat me like I'm a Diamond." 

I automatically thought, But you are a Diamond. At least half. 

However, I kept this to myself. It's not like he needed me to define what he was. 

I leaned against the couch, stared up at the ceiling, and let out a sigh of my own. How do I even begin to explain? With the misunderstanding? With my feelings? Where do those even begin?   

"I don't understand it either," was all I said in response.

Steven opened the bag of CHAAAAPS I gave him and pulled out a slip of paper. From my angle, I could see familiar splotches of magenta marker bleeding through it. 

"Another one?" I asked. The drawing looked like a squiggly gangster, but the name written above claimed it was Steven.

"Please tell me you did this," Steven begged.


He groaned. 

Suddenly, Amethyst slid an arm around him. "What's up dude?" she asked and munched on some of Steven's CHAAAAPS. 

"Bluebird is really getting to me. I mean, look at this terrible drawing she made of me!" Steven exclaimed.

Dread rose within me when Amethyst's expression changed. "Steven, wait..." I started.

"These, too!" He exclaimed, frustration bleeding into his voice, and held up the other drawings we'd found today. "I keep finding this junk everywhere!"

I winced at his harsh wording. "Steven, I don't think Bluebird–"

Unable to take it anymore, Amethyst snatched the papers from his hands. "Steven, these were my drawings!" She cried before rushing off in tears. 

Steven's expression pinched with regret as he called after her, apologizing.

It just so happened that Bluebird had entered the beach house and blocked Amethyst from leaving. "What's with the waterworks, luv?" She asked. 

I rose from the couch. There wasn't much else I could do with the Crystal Gems already keeping a close eye on my behavior. She's up to something, I thought. 

"My art career is over before it could even get off the ground!" Amethyst shouted, giving her the drawings. 

"I don't know what 'art' is, but..." Bluebird said without taking so much as a glance at the papers in her hands, "this is the best 'art' I've ever seen!" 

Steven and I observed in utter disbelief as Amethyst's mood improved instantly. It was official, Bluebird had the Crystal Gems wrapped around her finger. 

"Aw! Thanks, Bluebird!"

I crossed my arms. "You barely glanced at it," I said, pointedly. 

Bluebird tilted her head, puzzled. "Did you not like Amethyst's 'art', (Y/n)?" 

She couldn't see my glare because of my hood, but the act felt therapeutic. "I didn't say that. I just think that taking the time to appreciate it first would make your compliments more, I don't know, genuine," I said. 

"Just because you and Steven hate my drawings, that doesn't mean Bluebird can't like them," Amethyst retorted with an aggrieved sniffle.

Before Steven and I could defend ourselves, she and Bluebird left to hang out while she worked on her art. 

"Are you okay?" I asked Steven.

"I think I need to see my dad," he said, sounding as drained as he looked. 


We walked over to the car wash Mr. Universe owned. The place didn't look like much, but it had a cool sign of Mr. Universe in car–or maybe he was the car? I couldn't tell. Either way, I liked it.

"'It's a Wash'," I read aloud "Ha, nice." 

Steven smiled, or at least attempted one. He had been in deep thought the whole way here. "I know right," he said. 

As we got closer to Mr. Universe's van, Steven and I heard the roar of a chainsaw. Then, Mr. Universe's screams and Bluebird's laughter. 

 We sprinted to the van.   

"Dad, are you okay?" Steven shouted. 

Inside, Bluebird wasn't brutally attacking Mr. Universe with a chainsaw. They sat in front of the still-screaming TV with a respectful distance between them. 

I put a hand on my chest and sighed. Thank goodness, he's alright, I thought.

"Hey, Shtuball! Hey, (Y/n)! I was just showing Bluebird some of my old classic sci-fi horror movies," Mr. Universe said. 

"Yeah! They're hilarious!" Bluebird chimed in. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Hilarious?" I asked.

This was different from Little Larimar's love of human screams. Sure, it was unsettling, but the screams didn't have to come from pain. They could've been from positive feelings without anyone getting harmed. I thought back to Bluebird's welcome party. The idea of someone laughing to their literal death had amused her.

"Yep! Absolutely hilarious," Bluebird exclaimed. There was a deranged glint in her eyes as she stared at the box TV, completely engrossed in the violence it depicted. 

"So, what are you doing over here? Got something on your mind?" Mr. Universe asked, proving once more why he's one of my favorite parental figures in Steven's life.   

"You know what, Dad? I think I'll be okay," Steven said calmly.

I glanced at Steven, concerned. It seemed like he'd given up instead of coming to terms with Bluebird's supposed change. Especially since her behavior just now suggested that she hadn't.

"What about you, (Y/n)? Are you finally ready to take me up my offer on driving lessons?"  

 "Thanks, but maybe some other time, Mr. U– Greg," I said.

Mr. Universe smiled appreciatively at my attempt to call him by his first name. "Alright. You know where to find me if you ever change your mind."

(Father Universe says.... tell Father Time to do a Mini Time Skip! Now again! OOOOOOH! Father Universe didn't "say" that time!)

I paused to confirm that Steven was asleep before I went downstairs. Bluebird was at the bottom, about to go up to Steven's room. 

"A bit early for pranks, isn't it?" I asked and crossed my arms.

Bluebird tried laughing off my accusation. "Early? I guess the saying is true then! Time really does fly when you're having fun! I prepared a lot for this 'prank'!" Her anticipation was palpable when she said the last sentence. 

I eyed the marker in her hand. 

If she noticed me appraising her so-called preparations, then she didn't elaborate. She only smirked. 

"You've given Steven enough grief," I said outright. 

"All in the name of fun! And I'm enjoying myself quite nicely." 

I felt an oncoming headache. Bluebird sure had a way with words. Dissecting and twisting them to turn the situation around.

"Yeah, but Steven isn't," I said.

"Oh, don't worry! Steven's a team player, ain't he? Speaking of, won't you be pal and step aside? I'd rather not fly up there. It's rude to the stairs."

I didn't move and returned Bluebird's poorly veiled glare. 

"Try it," I said. 

She shot into the air, but before she was out of range, I grounded her with a quick yank of her ankle. For a tiny gem, she sure was loud when she fell. I leaned on the foot I'd planted on Bluebird's chest, ensuring she stayed put. 

I glanced upstairs. Nothing. 

I don't think that woke Steven up , I thought, relieved. 

 I wanted to tell Steven that I'd been obstructing Bluebird's ploys. He had the right to know with all the grief the Crystal Gems gave him for his suspicion. However, his attitude change while visiting his dad made me realize that Steven didn't want to be right about Bluebird. He wanted everything to be fine. 

So, let's make everything fine, I thought. Deep down, I knew this battle wasn't mine to confront. 

"Let's make a deal. I'll let you pull whatever prank you're scheming with that marker, and you'll leave Steven– and his family– alone. Forever," I said. 

"Now, why would I ever do that?" Bluebird asked, blinking up at me with innocent eyes.

I held back a sneer. I couldn't let her get to me.

"Because," I said as my foot pressed down on her chest, "I can also poof you and leave your gem stranded in the farthest corner of the universe." 

Bluebird gritted her teeth but couldn't lift the foot crushing her. 

"Alright," she finally gasped. 

My foot pressed harder. "Promise me."


"I'm watching you," I said threateningly and lifted my foot off of her. 

I escorted Bluebird to Steven's room and glared while she drew a circle around one of his eyes and a teardrop below it. I may have been the one to permit this last prank, but I still didn't like it. 

"Splendid!" Bluebird cheered, admiring her handiwork. Without warning, she flew to the warp pad.

I gave chase. By the time I had jumped to the first floor, I was too late. Her devious smirk just before she teleported away made me uneasy.

"(Y/n)?" Steven called from upstairs. 

"I'm downstairs!" I shouted at the stairs as though they'd guide my voice to him. 

Suddenly, something big came through the warp pad.  

Bright lights engulfed me as Mr. Universe's van crashed into me. 

A/n: Sooooo, remember my announcement about starting a social media account? No? Perfect! I don't have time for it anyway (among other serious reasons)! Plus, I'm sure you all would prefer it if I focused on updating the actual story.

Instead, I'll announce when I plan on updating the next chapter (as specific as I can) under my profile's conversations tab. You can stay updated by frequently checking my profile or by following me for a notification that I've posted a message.

Here's a bonus scene as a gift: 

-(Y/n)'s POV-

No longer in the mood to eat, Steven set his bag of CHAAAAPS on the coffee table. 

I glanced between the snack and the depressed teen. Does it have any more drawings? I wondered. 

Comforting Steven should've been my priority, but my curiosity had a convincing argument: searching the CHAAAAPS could ultimately comfort him. Maybe. I acted before I changed my mind.

Steven flinched when my hand suddenly smashed into the bag. 

I winced. Crap.

My hand froze on the CHAAAAPS. Very aware of the awkward silence– my numbness had muted the bag's constant crinkling– I gingerly pulled the bag over to me. 

"You must've really wanted CHAAAAPS," Steven commented with an awkward laugh. "You know, you can help yourself to the food in the kitchen, (Y/n). You don't have to always eat my leftovers."

My face felt like it was on fire. "...Yeah," I mumbled, embarrassed.

Little did he know, this was the last bag of CHAAAAPS. I'd polished off three of them this morning. Plus, two waffles... with an entire can of whipped cream. I made sure not to use the cans with Amethyst's name on them.

Did sprinkles count as food? They weren't much taste- or sustenance-wise but were fun decorations to eat. Anyways, I put tons of sprinkles on my waffles. 

Instead of searching the bag for Amethyst's drawings, I ate the CHAAAAPS one at a time, hoping I'd come across one eventually. I didn't want to plunge Steven back into his gloomy thoughts when my lunge for the CHAAAAPS seemed to have distracted him from them.

Then, I remembered a fun trick from one of videos Amethyst showed me (more like ambushed me with; a couple of times a day, she'd run run over to trap me with an arm over my shoulders, stuff a phone in my hands, and observe my reaction intensely). I clasped two CHAAAAPS between my lips and turned to Steven. "Quack?" I tried to say but ended up sounding like an amateur trumpet. 

Steven cracked a bewildered smile before giving into a laugh. 

I forced myself not to grin and risk breaking my delicious beak.

"Now, me," he said and grabbed two perfectly shaped CHAAAAPS from the bag in my hands. How they had survived my fist earlier was beyond me. Even the ones sticking out of my mouth had some broken off sections. Steven must've practiced this somehow because his "quack" was more duck than trumpet. 

Our nostrils flared erratically with restrained fits of laughter. I couldn't look at Steven's face or else I'd lose it. 

I stared at the space where his CHAAAAPS beak arched away from each other to let my breathing steady. I wondered what it'd be like to be inside that gap. It seemed empty, I guess. Like it was missing a puzzle piece. The CHAAAAPS couldn't bridge the space the way Steven's full lips could. 

My CHAAAAPS beak pecked his. 

I forgot to move away. My brain had to remember how to think first.

Steven's eyes were wide. I think he was blushing.   

I was definitely blushing. The CHAAAAPS between our real lips salvaged the last shred of my sanity.

I pulled away from Steven. 

"Quack," I blurted out, accidentally crushing the CHAAAAPS in my mouth. Crumbs fell onto my sweatshirt and lap.

What am I doinggggggg! My thoughts shrieked as I channeled my focus into swiping all the crumbs off me. 

Steven came to some kind of understanding, bit his CHAAAAPS beak in half, and held up the uneaten half. "Duck (Y/n) is really greedy. Sorry, but these CHAAAAPS are mine," he teased.

I snuck a brief look from my crumb-less sweatshirt to his real lips. I guess I am a greedy duck, I thought. Maybe my body knew it wasn't the space between the CHAAAAPS that I'd wanted to fill. 

"We can visit my dad once you're done eating," Steven suggested.

I nodded, and then, proceeded to snarf down the evidence of my shame. While I ate, I didn't see Amethyst's drawings. If there were any, then I'd swallowed them. I was beyond caring at this point.

"Don't worry, they're not going anywhere," Steven teased.

"Shut up," I grumbled and nibbled on some CHAAAAPS. 


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