The Darkness We Hide

By AHoleForAemond

59.7K 1.7K 683

Aemond Targaryen spent most of his life alone, being picked on by his own brothers and nephews constantly for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42


4K 78 6
By AHoleForAemond

***Lil baby Princess Viserra Targaryen***

Fourteen year old Princess Viserra sat quietly at the supper table with her father, King Viserys, and her older sister, Princess Rhaenyra. The three of them sat in pure silence just staring at their plates. Tragedy has struck the Targaryen family with the loss of Queen Aemma just days before.

Viserra and Rhaenyra adored their mother more than anything in the world. Aemma's life revolves around her family, but especially her daughters. King Viserys was adamant on having a son for as long as both girls could remember. They watched their mother endure several miscarriages and stillbirths over the years, but Aemma did not escape death this time.

It was hard for Viserra to even look at her father after what he had done to her mother. The baby wouldn't come out of Aemma and the king was left with a choice. He didn't want to lose his wife and son, but he felt boxed into a corner. The only chance of survival for anyone was his son and he paid a heavy price for that chance.

But now that same price weighed heavily in both princess' hearts. Rhaenyra would mostly lash out whenever, but Viserra was silent. No one could get a word out of her, not even her sister. Viserra was cold towards everyone else, but especially her father as of the past few days.

Finally, Viserra took a deep breath and sighed as she finally looked up at her father. Her voice was cracked and weak, but her words remained strong. "Lord Hubert Arryn has asked for my hand in marriage, Your Grace..."

Viserys and Rhaenyra's heads both snapped up in her direction. Both were shocked, but anger lingered in their eyes. The first words from the young princess in days during their suppers and this is what she has to say.

Viserra couldn't stand it anymore. She hated King's Landing. She hated what it did to her family. She hated what it would do to her family.

"And I've decided to accept his proposal...I will leave for the Eryie on the morrow and the wedding will be in a fortnight." Viserra cleared her throat before she casually sipped her wine, avoiding the judging glare from her sister.

"He is quite old, wouldn't you agree, father?" Rhaenyra gritted through her teeth as she redirected her focus to her father. His eyes were wide with confusion on what to say, but then he looked at his youngest daughter and saw how broken she was. He could see she didn't want to be in King's Landing anymore. Every hall and room was just a constant reminder of Aemma to all of them. He couldn't let her hurt anymore.

"He is barely thirty years of age, sister, and he is a formidable match." Viserra spoke plainly, still avoiding eye contact as she moved her food around on her plate with her fork.

"You give him your favour at a tourney one time and you're ready to run off and marry the man?!" Rhaenyra scoffed, rising to her feet with her fists slamming the table as she looked at her father for help. "Are you going to do anything?!"

"Rhaenyra." Viserys said sternly.

"Don't get shitty with me just because Lady Alicent won't share your bed." Viserra rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in her lap.

"Viserra!" Viserys snapped, slapping his hand onto the table as he rose. His eyes went between both of his daughters, one fuming while the other was simply keeping it bottled in. The bottled in one made him most nervous, especially with her last words. He sighed. Perhaps this would be a good change for Viserra, he thought. "I will allow this marriage, but you are not to just run away to the Vale never to be heard from again. Do you understand?"

"Father!" Rhaenyra yelled, but he glanced up at her giving a warning look. Rhaenyra's lips pursed tightly together as she looked down at Viserra.

"Loud and clear." Viserra mumbled under her breath. "May I be excused then?"

"Yes, my dear." Viserys sighed as she instantly stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

"So that's it then? My brother...and now my sister. You take my sister from me?" Rhaenyra's voice was small, trembling between words. Tears bloomed in her eyes, but her pride kept them from falling.

None of them knew what was to come for Viserra. Rhaenyra feared the worst every day, but felt relief when she saw Viserra flying in the skies above the Red Keep on the back of her royal blue dragon, Braxes. Viserra didn't visit often at first, but after a couple years she would fly every week to see her father and sister, but also to see her new family.

The reason Viserra fled the Red Keep in the first place.

King Viserys remarried within a year of Aemma's passing to Lady Alicent Hightower. Rhaenyra remembered that day vividly when she ran for Syrax and flew to the Eyrie in tears. The sisters remained close when they felt their world ripped apart. Though Rhaenyra was angry for her sister abandoning them, she saw that her sister was truly happier with the man she married than she would be back home.

Lord Hubert was a kind, honorable man from what Rhaenyra could tell. He was always so attentive towards Viserra, never once would he let go of her hand. She hadn't seen her sister smile since the day of the tourney when their mother passed. It was nice to see some happiness still remaining in the world.

Out of nowhere, Viserra's visits came to a stop. No ravens sent but one, telling them she was fine and would eventually return to see them.

Months had gone by and they hadn't heard a single thing from Viserra. But Viserys was also focused on the birth of his second son, Prince Aemond. Days after the birth of the king's son, Braxes was spotted in the skies. Rhaenyra took her newborn brother from her father's arms as he nearly collapsed hearing the news of Viserra's return.

The sound of flapping wings became louder and louder from outside the balcony, peaking their interests. They rushed over to see the blue dragon coming into view with Viserra strapped onto the saddle, holding something close under her cloak.

When Viserra was close enough to the window, she unstrapped herself and carefully stepped onto the edge of the balcony. She crouched down very slowly with one arm balancing her on the stone. She stepped down, unbuttoning her cloak to reveal why she'd been gone.

In her arms was a sleeping baby girl with silver hair poking out of the top of her head. Rhaenyra and Viserys were stunned, meanwhile Aemond began to stir in Rhaenyra's arms. His cries were enough to wake the sleeping girl in Viserra's arms, but the girl only yawned as she stretched one of her arms out. Her hand accidentally brushed against the top of Aemond's head, but that was enough to shut him up finally.

They all laughed and awed down at the newborns, eventually finding their other siblings, Aegon and Helaena. All of Viserys' new children adored their new brother and niece, but Viserys just held the girl close to him. Whether she was awake or asleep, his eyes were on her. Tears fell down his cheeks when her fingers curled around his finger. The same finger he wore Aemma's ring on.

He looked up at his youngest daughter with an apologetic face. "She is perfect, my dear. Don't you ever let her forget that."

For some reason that hit deep within Viserra's heart. All the resentment remaining within her vanished as she took in his words. It wasn't just love Viserys felt for his first grandchild, but it was his way of apologizing for what he put Aemma through so he could have a son instead of just his perfect daughters.

She walked over, stroking the top of her daughter's head with a smile. "I will never let my little Alys forget."

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