
By DannyWithImagination

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(INCOMPLETE) Dominic Blackwood, a retired hitman seeking a chance at a new life with the family he's created... More

The Book
Ch1: 'Ojo por Ojo'
Ch2: A Fragile Peace
C3: Stranger?
Ch4: Feeling Mixed
Ch6: Revelations
Ch7: A Burden or Two
Ch8: Old Friend
Ch9: Trust Issues
Ch10: 'Los Diamantes Negros'
Ch11: Missing Concern
Ch12: Despise and Hate
Ch13: South
Ch14: Sense of Guilt
Ch15: An Unbreakable Ego
Ch16: Shadows Unraveled
Ch17: Catch On
Ch18: Plan
Ch19: Testing the Odds
Ch20: 'Libre'
P2 Ch1: Mnemophobia
P2 Ch2: Sore Mind
P2 Ch3: How Could You?
P2 Ch4: Heavy Nightmare

Ch5: 18 Years

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By DannyWithImagination

Detective Olivia Garcia steps out of her police patrol car, as she takes off her shades.

"Crees que este es el hogar?" She says to one of
her colleagues.

"Pues los investigaciones corlean asta aquí, entonces yo creo que si." Her colleague says back
to her.

"Vale." She says back.

She closes the car door, and starts to walk to the place they suspect; an abandoned warehouse.

Detective Olivia Garcia is a tenacious and determined Mexican American detective with a strong sense of justice. As both a detective and a sheriff, she is highly respected in her community for her unwavering commitment to solving cases and bringing criminals to justice.

Olivia's heritage is a source of pride for her, and it influences her approach to investigations, fostering a deep sense of responsibility to protect her community. Her pursuit of justice is relentless, and she refuses to back down from any case, no matter how difficult or seemingly unsolvable.

When she comes across the old killings that seem connected to an unknown hitman, she becomes even more determined to uncover the truth and solve the mystery that has haunted the community for years.

Olivia's keen investigative skills and attention to detail lead her to unravel clues from the old killings, painstakingly piecing together the puzzle. As she follows the trail, it leads her to an old warehouse, which she knows could be a crucial piece in solving the case.

Despite potential danger, Olivia fearlessly decides to investigate the warehouse herself, not allowing anything to stand in the way of finding the truth and bringing closure to the victims' families. Her commitment to justice and the people she serves drives her forward, even in the face of challenges and risks.

As she steps into the dimly lit warehouse, Olivia's heart races with a mix of excitement and determination, knowing that her unwavering pursuit of justice could finally lead to answers that have eluded her for so long.

She wanders around the factory with her gun just in case of something bad happens. She shines the flashlight around the dark warehouse to see if she can find anything around.

"Is there anybody here?" She yells. The words echo through the dark and ruined warehouse.

She continues forward, seeing if she can find anybody in the place.

As she continues her search, she finds something on the dirty, rubbled floor. As she starts to dig around, she pulls out something she wasn't expecting to find; a flip phone. She opens it up, and sees it still working somehow.

"Interesting." She says lightly.

She walks out of the warehouse, with the phone in hand.

"Que encontraste?" Her colleague asked her

"Este teléfono. Estoy sorprendida como todavía sirve." She says back, puzzled. "Discúlpenme por un momento."

She walks away from her patrol car. As she's walking, she looks at the sent voicemails. There seemed to be only one sent voicemail. She plays it, and puts it close to her ear:

"Um, hello? Is this Death Serpent? Look, I... I need your help with something. It's urgent. There's this guy, Benjamin Chang. He's causing trouble for us, and, well, we need him taken care of, you know? Permanently. I can't afford any mistakes. Make sure it's quick and clean, and don't leave any traces. We'll pay well, just get it done."

"Death Serpent?" She asks herself.
She moves onto the received voicemails, plays the recent one, and listens:

"This is Death Serpent. I received your message. Benjamin Chang, huh? If you want him gone, you'll have to pay the price. No mistakes, no loose ends. My reputation demands it."

She closes the phone. She feel chills go down her spine, as she just listened to a call that could've killed someone, if it didn't already. She looks at the date of when the voicemails were sent:

18 years ago

Her eyes widen.

"18 years!?" She whispers to herself.

She puts the phone in a small plastic bag. She looks at the moon light up the sky. She stares at it for quite some time, until her colleague comes up to her.

"Que paso?" Her colleague says, walking up to  her.

"Encontré un mensaje de voz en este teléfono." She says. "Pero paso hace dieciocho años."

Her colleagues eyes widen.
"Escuchasteis algo que crees va hacer importante a nuestro caso que estamos investigando?" Her colleague proceeded to say.

"Yo escuché un nombre que creo va hacer importante..." She says firmly.

"Benjamin Chang."

Her and her colleague drive off to find more about this "Benjamin Chang" they heard about, and get details on who "Death Serpent" is.

Lily just made it to her apartment. She sits down, turning the TV on. She sees a familiar show. A show that her dad used to watch while drinking.

She gets reminded of her dark times living in that toxic household. What isn't similar though is the eerie quietness in her apartment.

Usually she would hear her parents arguing, making a loud scene in the living room. Now it's just quiet. The only sound that is being produced is the TV.

She watches quietly as she gets memories of her past. She was so concentrated in her thoughts, she didn't hear the knocking on her door. The knocking gets louder, and Lily wakes up from her daydreaming.

She opens her door to find Detective Olivia.

"May I come inside?" She asks.

"Oh, sure." Lily says, confused at first.

Olivia steps into the apartment, observing the area. Lily is very confused on what the detective could possibly want with her.

"Nice place you got here." Olivia said.

"Thanks." Lily respond back, curiously.

Olivia sits down at her small dining table. Lily watches her from a distance.

"Come have a seat. I won't bite." Olivia said.
Lilly slowly walked over to her, and sitting at the chair across from her.

"So, do you have any idea what I'm here for." Olivia questions.

"No, I don't think so." Lily said.

"Well, if you watched the news a couple days ago, we are reopening up cases from a vile hitman who was popular during the 80's." Olivia said. "We found details that could've lead to a murder he committed years ago, so that's why we were curious again."

Lily continued to hear.

"Not too long ago, we made it to an abandoned warehouse since the clues lead up to there. It was when I was searching the place when I found this."

Olivia pulled out the flip phone from her small bag.

"To my surprise, it still worked when I turned it on. I looked at the phone for any details that could possibly lead to a murder of this hitman. I looked at the voicemail logs, and heard this."

Olivia turned on the phone and played the voicemail sent from the phone. As Lily started to hear the voicemail, her eyes widen.

"Do you know anybody by the name of Benjamin Chang?" Olivia questioned as she put up the phone.

"Y-yeah." Lily said, stuttering a bit. "He was my dad."

"Alright, and is your dad dead?" Olivia asked.

"Yes." Lily responded.

Olivia looked at her for a while, confused.

"You seem pretty calm especially for someone who lost their dad to a hitman." Olivia brought up.

"Yeah, because I never got along with my dad. He was always abusive to me and my mom. It was just a moment of time to when we will escape his jaws." Lily said.

"Ok. Just another question. Did you hear about the assassination of your dad." Olivia questioned.

"Yeah I did." Lily said. "As of matter of fact I witnessed it." Lily said without thought.

Olivia nodded.

"Do you remember this hitman's face in any way?" Olivia said, pulling out a little notebook.

"I.. don't.. really." Lily said.

Olivia put the notebook back in her pocket. There was silence for a bit.

"So I suppose this hitman did you a favor with saving your family from your dad." Olivia said.

Lily looked at her slowly.

"So answer me this question straight forward." Lily said.

She approached Lily slowly, making Lily a bit nervous.

"Do you know this Death Serpent currently?"

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