Powerful abilities | yungi

By yuyulusion

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Mingi was gifted with a special ability when he was born. since he was a child he used them to help other peo... More



114 10 12
By yuyulusion

A few months later

Since they knew that Jeong Yunho was only killing abusers they tried to find as many known abusers or 'apparently abusers' in the city. any of them could be his next victim.

They also found over the years out that he only kills at night. They positioned officers near the possible new targets and waited. If anything happened they could be fast enough there to catch Jeong Yunho.


This night were all of them waiting near a house of an abuser who apparently used to sexually harass children.

" Are you sure something is going to happen tonight? We have been waiting for hours and nothing happened and we didn't get a report from someone yet " asked Wooyoung

" We have to keep waiting. Anytime could something happen and we have to be close to the place to catch him" said Seonghwa while he was reading a book.

" It's already 3 am.. and San is sleeping over there " complained Wooyoung

" He only kills at night. We have to wait until the sun rises and wake San up " said Hongjoong

They kept waiting for about and hour longer until they finally got a report and luckily it was the one they were the closest to.

They were driving over to the house and went over to the door. From there they could hear some screaming coming from the inside.

A few other officers would be there soon as well. They decided to open the front door silently to not let Yunho know that they are there.
After picking the lock, they opened the door and quietly walked into the house, following the screams.

They were standing on the door to the living room and checked that everyone was ready to go inside. When everyone was ready they quickly opened the door and went inside the living room, clearly surprising Yunho but his smile didn't left his face.

" Were you scared to come alone ? " Asked Yunho with a grin

Mingi ignored the provoking question and only glared at him.

" Jeong Yunho, put your hands over your head and get on your knees! you are arrested for the murder of 16 people and the attempted murder of another person " said Hongjoong with his gun pointed towards Yunho.

Yunho only laughed in response ." make 17 out of them." In that moment rose a knife and flew directly into the head of his victim.

" You are arrested for the murder of 17 people now get on your knees ! " all of them had their guns pointed at him and Mingi had flames in his hands.

Yunho looked at all of them for a short while until he smirked and his body chanced into a shadow. Mingi was quick enough to run after Yunho and grabbed his arm, burning it.

The second the flame touched his arm changed Yunho back to his normal self and slumped from the burning pain and sat on his knees.
Tears formed in his eyes but he didn't cried, Instead he laughed hysterically.

They were quick to put handcuffs on his wrists and pull him back up.
Yeosang also prepared something like a narcosis so that Yunho cannot use his powers under any circumstances.

He quickly injects it into Yunho's arm, and not even a minute later, Yunho was slowly becoming groggy.

They brought him to the car and drove to the department where they will put him into a cell at first, until he will be judged by the court.

Even though they knew Yunho wouldn't be able to do anything they still pointed guns at him the whole time until he was inside a cell.

They returned to their office after they brought him there and made sure that there are officers who make sure that he can not leave.


They were glad that they caught Yunho after now over 5 years.
And not even a week later was already the appointment at the court.


Yunho was brought to the court in chains on his hands and legs. He was seated in the room with the team who cought him and waited for the prosecutor.

When he came into the room all of them had to raise from their seats and wait until the prosecutor said that they can sit back down.

" alright, We are here today because of the accused Jeong Yunho who has committed 17 murders in the past 5 years. Agent kim show us your evidence that you and your team collected over the years. " Said the prosecutor

Hongjoong stepped to the middle of the room and showed the evidences.

" Jeong Yunho's fingerprints were found everywhere in the house of his first murderer. At first we thought it was only because they were his parents but then we found on another crime scene a part of his fingerprint. Also one of us was able to see him on the day he murdered his parents. It happened several times that Jeong Yunho was caught on the crime scenes and was seen murdering "

" Would you consider Jeong Yunho a serial killer ? " Asked the prosecutor

" Yes, it took us a while but we found out how he choosed his new targets. every single one of them had a criminal record for harassment, violence, or abuse in general. which turns him into a serial killer "

" Thank you. Jeong Yunho do you have anything to defend yourself from your actions? "

" No, and I don't regret anything " he grinned again as all the time. There was no reason for him to smile, yet he kept smiling.

" Jeong Yunho, You will be sentenced to life imprisonment for your actions. Since you've been classified as highly dangerous, you've been placed in the high-security block "

" you will keep me imprisoned like i'm a monster " his smile remained but something in Yunho's eyes changed.

" With your actions your proved yourself worthy this treatment and a lot of people out there will consider you as 'monster' "

"  Of course, I am considered the monster while these people are the true monsters. They are abusing people, people you should keep safe but you don't care enough about them to actually do it! Maybe you should consider yourself a monster with your behaviour! Since I will be imprisoned and won't deal with them by myself anymore, I hope  desperately you will experience the way they treat people and suffer and maybe then you will finally change your mind about who's the actual monster in this world! " Raised Yunho his voice and stared directly into the prosecutors eyes.

" take him away " ordered the prosecutor the officers that were standing beside Yunho. They grabbed Yunho by his arms and dragged him after them out of the court, to jail..


After Yunho was brought away, the Agents went back to the police department.


" I can't believe that we actually caught him and that he got his judgement after all these years " said Jongho

" That was and will probably have been the hardest case in our careers " said Wooyoung

" Well you never know what will come in the future. There might be even worse people out there " said Yeosang

" We shouldn't waste or time on thinking about what type of criminals will come in the future. We had a successful day today and one of the most dangerous criminals in the city got his judgement. We should be happy " said Hongjoong

" Well I agree with all of you, we never know what will come in the future but we should also be glad about what happened today, however we still have work to do and other cases are waiting " said Mingi

" I agree with Mingi. We had a good day but we have to continue with our work " said Seonghwa.

" Alright, let's get back to work then " said Hongjoong.

All of them went on their own desks and worked there on some smaller cases. Some stolen things, property damage.. etc.

All of them were working in peace, thinking they would be able to have a little more peaceful days after today and less murders.

But are they right ?...


This chapter turned out a little short but I hope you still like it.

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