Little Miss Goody Two Shoes

By BubblesNeptune

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Lee and Temmy are best friends that go to Elkwood Academy, a prestigious boarding school-that is also horribl... More

Little Miss Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

117 1 0
By BubblesNeptune

~Chapter 9~

*Lee’s POV*

I waited impatiently for the bell to ring, tapping my foot on the chair in front of mine- which just so happened to be occupied by Fabio. He turned and glared at me while I just smiled sweetly back at him, continuing to tap my foot on his chair. He sighed in relief when the bell rang and we were dismissed. I walked out the door, headed to English.

“Another detention? Hmmm, keep getting those and we might have to stop calling you little miss goody two-shoes,” an amused voice said behind me. I groaned inwardly as I recognized the voice.

“What do you want Ian?” I asked.

“Oh nothing in particular I’ve just realized that talking to you can be quite interesting.”

“Is that so? Well ain’t that fascinating. Now if only I found talking to you just as interesting then we’d be all set. But I don’t so go away.”

He just chuckled and continued to follow me to English. When I was at the doorway I suddenly turned around.

“Why do you want to talk to me anyway?” I asked. It was unusual for him. Sure we talked sometimes but never this much and he NEVER came to sit with us- not that I’m complaining of course.

“I told you, you’re inter-“

“Don’t give me that ‘I’m interesting to talk to crap,’ and give me the real reason.”

“Oh I don’t know, just felt like it I guess, happy?” His gaze wandered off to somewhere behind me and I turned around trying to see what he was looking at. The halls were littered with people so it was nearly impossible to pinpoint who exactly he was looking at.

“Who ya looking at?” I asked innocently.

“Nobody,” He said, quickly averting his gaze from whoever it was. 

“Hey Lee,” a voice sounded in my ear, startling me.


“Wow, you’re the only person I know that won’t swear when they’re scared and yet will swear almost any other time.” The voice said again, sounding amused. That voice, it seemed familiar, yet it couldn’t be. I spun around and sure enough it was. I squealed in delight and jumped up, throwing my arms around him.

“Jeez Lee I know I’m irresistible but it’s only been like two days since I last saw you,” Zack said, his eyes alight with amusement and mischief.

“How did you get in here?” I asked, “And why?”

“Well it wasn’t too hard; I just pretended that I was a student who was interested in coming here. I came because a little birdie told me that someone got a concussion,” he said, looking pointedly at me.

“Yeah yeah but it was all Temmy’s fault this time, I swear!”

“Sure it was, and your own natural clumsiness had nothing at all to do with it.”

“Well maybe just a little,” I muttered. I looked around and noticed that almost everybody was in class already leaving just me, Zack and Ian out in the hallway.

“Well I need to get to class,” I said regretfully.

“Nuh-uh you’re skipping. I came all this way to see you so you’re gonna spend the rest of the day with me.”

“But-“I started.

“No buts,” he said, “Now c’mon let’s go.”

I noticed Ian still standing there looking confused and a bit awed.

“Whoa, you just got the biggest teacher’s pet to willingly skip class.” He said admiringly.

“Yeah, I’ve got super mega awesome skills. It’s ok to be jealous-I know Lee is,”

“Hmmm, I can see why you’re friends with her. You’re just like her.”

“And for the record Zack, I’m not jealous. In fact, you should be jealous of this,” I said, motioning to myself.

“Yeah right, in your dreams Lee Lee,”

“Don’t call me Lee Lee,” I said.

“Whatever you say babe,” he replied, grinning like a maniac. I just sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Whatever can we go now?”

“Wait! Why does he get to call you ‘babe’?” Ian asked, complaining like a little child.

“’Cause he’s my friend, unlike you,” I said, walking away.

“Well, that’s not fair,” Ian muttered before going to class.

“Just for the record, you’re not allowed to call me ‘babe’ either,” I said.

“That’s not fair,” Zack said, pouting, “Who was that guy anyway.”

“That, my friend was the oh so famous, Ian Hawk.”

“Oh, he’s hotter than I thought he would be.”

“Um Zack?”

“Well, you know what I mean, he has nice hair, and eyes.”

“Zack you sound so gay right now, it’s kind of scaring me.”

“True, but still admit it, he’s attractive.”

“He’s not Zack.”

“Well, he’s not if you compare him to me, ‘cause I mean c’mon. Nobody can compete with me.”

“You are so full of yourself,” I muttered.

“And that’s why you love me in a kind of brother-in law way.”

“But you’re not my brother-in law,” I pointed out.

“Eh, details details, do they really matter?”

“Yes. So, where are we going anyway?”

“You’ll see.” Zack said, smiling mischievously.

We headed up toward the boy dormitories and came to a stop outside a window.

“What are we doing here Zack? I’m not even supposed to be in this part of the school.”

“Because, my dear young blue jay, there is an emergency exit right through this window.”

I put my hands on my hips and looked at him in disbelief.

“And how would you know that?” I asked.

“Because I pay attention. I saw it on my way in.”

“Huh, I never noticed it before,” I muttered.

“I know, that’s what makes me a soaring eagle while you are just a little blue jay.”

“So is this emergency exit easily used by people who have concussions?” I asked.

“Well, um, I don’t really know. I guess we’ll find out.”

I sighed in impatience. Was it really worth skipping class and risking my life on some emergency exit? Probably not…was I going to do it? H*** yeah. I pried open the window and spotted the long, flimsy looking staircase. I swallowed my fear and started making my way down the stairs, Zack close behind me. We finally reached the ground and I collapsed gratefully.

“Why did I ever let you talk me into that?” I mumbled into the ground.

“’Cause you llooovvveeee meeee” Zack sang.

“Are you really going to start this again?” I asked, exasperated.

“Honey, I never stopped.”

I groaned and we continued to make our way across the massive grounds.

*Temmy’s POV*

I waited impatiently in the English class for Lee to show up. Amanda came in a few moments before the bell rang and slid into the seat beside me.

“Lee’s not here yet?” She asked, looking around confused.

“No,” I replied, still looking at the door expecting Lee to come crashing in at any moment.

“That’s weird…I just saw her outside the classroom talking to Ian.”

“You didn’t go talk to her?”

“No, well she was with Ian and I’m really not in the mood for him at the moment.”

“I thought you and Ian really hit it off- talking the way you were.” Amanda gagged beside me and I smirked.

“Ew, no. He’s a player and a jerk and the only reason why I’m helping him is because of the possible humiliation it will bring to Ashley.”

I nodded, satisfied with her answer. About ten minutes into class Ian walked in looking slightly confused about something. He went and sat at his usual table in the back next to Ashley since that was the only seat still available. I stared book in front of me that we were supposed to be reading from. I started to get more and more anxious as the minutes ticked by and Lee still didn’t appear. The bell rang after a whole agonizing hour of English. I spotted Ian by the door, on his way out and took a deep breath before chasing after him.

“Ian, Ian, IAN WAIT!” I called after him. He finally noticed me and turned around with a smirk.

“Ah, Temmy, I knew you’d come after me one day.” I scrunched up my nose in disgust.

“Ew no, I just wanted to know where Lee is.”

“And how should I know that?” Ian asked, turning and walking away.

“Because you were seen talking to her outside the English classroom,” I replied, quickening my pace to keep up with Ian’s.

“She skipped,” Ian said, sighing in resignation.

“What? That’s impossible, Lee never skips class.”

“Well she did. This weird guy who said was her friend convinced her to.”

“Did you happen to catch a name?” Ian seemed to be trying to recall something.

“She called him, John? No, Jake? No that wasn’t it, Jack?”

“Zack?” I asked. He snapped his fingers.

“Yes, that was it. Do you know him?”

“Yeah, I do,” I whispered. Why hadn’t Zack taken me too? Did he like Lee better than me or something? I shook my head trying to get rid of these ridiculous thoughts. Ian was studying my face carefully.

“You’re jealous aren’t you.” He stated.

“What? No, that’s ridiculous, Zack’s just a friend.” I said, startled by his statement.

“Uh huh sure,” He replied.

“It’s true.”

“Sure it is.”

“Whatever, I’m done talking to you,” I muttered and walked away. I noticed that he hadn’t even noticed and was instead looking intently at someone among the crowd of people. Her head was down so I couldn’t see her face and there were so many people around that I couldn’t make out exactly what she looked like. I watched as someone banged into her and knocked her stuff to the ground, then kept walking while the girl yelled after him. I noticed Ian’s face go rigid with anger so I went back over to him.

“Who’s the girl?” I asked.

“What? What are you talking about?” He asked, startled.

“You know, the girl that you keep staring at? Who is it?”

“None of your business,” he snapped before turning and walking away.

“Weird,” I muttered.

“What was?” a voice sounded from beside me. I jumped, spinning toward the sound my hands held up in a defensive stance.

“Um Temmy? It’s just me.”

“Gosh, you scared the bejeezes outa me Amanda.”

“Sorry” she muttered,”So did you find out where Lee is?”

“Yeah apparently Zack came and convinced her to skip class.”

“Wow, that’s….shocking really.”

“I know…I can’t believe he didn’t take me with them” I grumbled.

“Oh so that’s what you’re upset about,” Amanda murmured under her breath but I heard her anyway.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I said, planting my hands on my hips.

“Oh nothing, nothing at all,” Amanda said breezily.

“Are you implying that I like Zack?”  

“Why I said no such thing,” Amanda said pretending to be offended, “But now that you mention it, yeah I think you do.”

“Ugh why are people so annoying nowadays?” I asked, throwing my hands into the air out of exasperation.

“Temmy, you do realize that you are a person right?”

“That’s what they say.”

Amanda chose to ignore me (wise move) and instead shook her head slowly at my awesome weirdness while we walked to our next class.

Hola! So I don’t like this chapter that much and I know it’s not that funny but I hope you liked it anyway! Please vote comment and fan, thanks.

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