The Younger Heroes Meet

By DuoFree

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This is a story about a group of young heroes and also friends who go to different dimensions for unclear inf... More

Chapter 0:Current condition
Chapter 1 : Primisi
Chapter 3 : Adaptation
Chapter 4 : UA Test
Chapter: Merry Christmas
Chapter 5 : Ying
Chapter 6 : Yaya
Chapter 7 : Shielda
Happy birthday

Chapter 2 : Plan

361 10 0
By DuoFree

*So here will be more about survival without alliance and any information for themselves*


Third Pov:
A light orange Heksagon shows up in the middle of Forest's or Palm oil plantation, coming out a bunch of kids with a robot toy and a weird green looking cat? And just like that the portal closes.

"We made it here safely" Said a boy with Raven/plus purple hair and cool spectacles, he probably thinks that he is the MC or something

"Eeh, Are you sure this is the place Fang? " The dino hat asking his rival-friend about it "hm, for what it seems it looks like we are still in our but the reality is this the other dimension, that the data said we are in J72O14P you guys" One of the robot toys answer the dino hat boy and for the other

"Well, then where is the location TAPOPS headquarters in this dimension here Fang?" Ask the boy with 3 drop tear marks under he eyes , Fang look at his watch to where the location TAPOPS and when waiting for it some of them try to look for the info on this dimension when some of them just look around

Meanwhile with the children

Pipi zola POV:

Hm, Pipi not sure what supposed to do maybe Pipi should ask Otoi and big sister PapiLeon what we can do to help the others up

"Hey Otoi, where is big sister PapiLeon?" Pipi asks Otoi if he sees her or not. But of course he does after all she is with us, so which means she is probably with Mr. Maripos right now. Hm"Otoi let's find Mr. Maripos, maybe she is with him who knows "Pipi asked Otoi and he agreed with me.

Hmm" Ah there she is, and Pipi was right she is with Mr. Maripos "yay now we can work together. We can help the other up by planning something

" Big sister PapiLeon and Mr. Maripos" "Me and Pipi had an idea. can we please borrow big sister PapiLeon for second please" Otoi quick cut me off by asking first , that ok because that what we want to ask too anyway

Mr.Maripos says 'sure you 3 go ahead speed time together and get to know each other better' so here we are now discovering something up

Skip at a restaurant close to the hotel

"Alright guys, here are the plans *Maripos, Sai, Shielda,Ochobot , Papileon, Otoi, Pipi and me will go first*. After two hours next *Boboiboy, Yaya, Ying, Gopal, Nut, Bellbot, Cattus and Cimubot* will go, Got it your all." Fang asks them in whisper.

"Got it/alright/ok/hm/👍" Then all respond to him in whispers, and now they start eating their breakfasts.

Back at the hotel in their room

"Boboiboy why we need to go to Japan again, why not just here in Malaysia?" Gopal asked Boboiboy in their rooms with Otoi and Ochobot "ish, did you forget TAPOPS headquarters is in Japan not Malaysia, of course we need to go there"

'Hm for what I see the place we need to go is in Japan guys' Fang example

'Huh Japan!? Was that like overseas or something' Gopal surprise with this info

'Not Just that it seems like both me and Ying can't connect with anything about this dimension from the internet or any social media at all ' Yaya said for both of them

'Well then guess we need to go to the airport, and see ourselves about this dimension w/O any information' Boboiboy said

"Beside we team 2, we'll go later Gopal" BBB tell him when to get ready.Gopal, also get ready because they all will go out look around and getting how much info for them as they can for now.

With the girls

"Wah, Pipi you look so cute with the clothes" Y&Y said together to admit how cute she is with the soft pink color and patent white rose down it , yellow ribbon around her waist and light blue pants.

"Ok I done, now who next?" Shielda comes out from the bathroom and asks the other two "oh, me next" Yaya quick answer her up. When PapiLeon still doesn't know what to wear in order to look 'normal'

The rest

"Hey Fang what should I wear? The gray one or the red one?"Qually asking to Mr. Know-all-style aka Fang "Hm, the red one because it looks more (being cooking) alive then the other one for you" Fang answered him when tried to fix his hair so he could look cool and handsome in from everyone later.

Meanwhile, Nut and Maripos getting know each other more when wait for they turn next.

Alright everyone is done except the alien group, probably because there is more people in one room when there is only one toilet for each room. Poor they and mostly Fang who is the only one who knows how to deal with all of this

After they dress up, all of them go unite back again before go look around and (who know) have fun too

A little bit late

"Hey, does anymore see Fang?" Nut notice Fang was no longer with them after they leave the mall. All of them had so much fun walking around and sitting at the park , don't notice that Fang is gone until Nut says it.

"Hey, you right where is him?"Gopal asks the other, but none of them know where him too.

When everyone discussed about who will look for him, Fang suddenly show up behind their all. Them all was, shock but quick clam down and ask when was him before,but there no answer from him about it

They all ignore it like nothing just happened before and continue to do what they need to do

2 days late

"Ok you guys, have a safe trip" Boboiboy said, wave to them. Same to go with the other too. Ochobot and the other Power Phera already shirk with Cattus with BellBot power and now just need to enter the plane without be see by other people

Fang Pov:

"Ok Ochobot jump here" I whisper at him, Ochobot so he can sit with me inside my pocket "the other go find yourself a set fast" I said know very well how people been selfish for a sets only.

Both the twins sit together when Maripos sits with Pipi and Otoi , leave me with this GiNgEr kid. Great just great, why do I need to sit with her for the 3 hours 'ugh' well, better hope this dimension has some good movies so then I can kill some time and don't need to talk with her at all.

Finally we are here in Tokyo, "ok guys, wait here when me and Maripos change the money for us all" I said leave the other 5 with the twin in charge

Ok ,now we are done with the money is time to go back before anything bad happened "hey guys we back- wait where the children?!?!" I said panicking because none of them know how to speak Japan or english at all and mostly Yaya will kill me if something bad happens to her little brother!!!

[.....] Malay speak
{.....}English speak
"/.....\"Japan speak
<......> Translate
"....." Talking the same language
'.....' Thought

Pipi Pov:

"Otoi! wait up!" Pipi calling Otoi before he goes more farther. Followed by big sister PapiLeon too "Pipi look, look so many people with super power here then before" He finally stopped running around "Pipi, Otoi don't run around or you get lost later.......Wait! we're we now!?" Oh no, it seems like we're gonna be in big trouble now. Because big sister PapiLeon is right we are norway near the place we are before!

This is bad

??? Pov:
'Sigh' why do I need to be here it not like any villain will attack here or anything.

'????' What are 3 kids doing here alone without a guardian or parents?

"hey kids!" I called them but none of them hear me so I come close and see what are they talking about. Turnout they speak in different language

[Ehh Pipi what does that man talking about?] One of them with ginger hair asking the other girl, it seems like none of them know english too and pretty much lost.

'So I do what I can for now'. Pick the two kids with me and go to 'the lost and found department' in hope their parents or guardian can find them there.

*Attention everyone, we get a report there are 3 kids who lost that speak different languages-/hm ok/

One of the kids is a boy with blue clothes and pants /one little girl wearing pink, blue and yellow clothes/one girl with ginger hair color and had antenna and had two lavender color under her eyes.

If anyone sees them please come to 'lost and found department' immediately their guardian is really worried and maybe will explode soon*

Huh it seems like I was right they're lost, well better go fast as I can

[Egh, mister let's us go we need to go back with our friends] The older kids said in whatever languages it is, sigh this will be way hard then I think it will.

Third Pov:

"Oh no oh no oh no" Fang kept saying it nor stop. The other tries to calm him down when waiting for someone who may see them 3.

Suddenly there was a crowd coming this way [huwawa I want my big sister!]then a voice, Otoi voice. The four aliens go to the crowd of people and see 3 kids with a man covering he mouth with a mack.

[Kids! /there you're/when have you been!?/you worryingly the other people you know] All 4 of them kept scolding and asking them 3 for running around at unusual place.

{Thank you sir very much for found them up. Really} Maripos thanks the man for bring back the childrens.

"/ah no problem\" {I just do my job as a hero that'll.....sir? } the man answer him

{May I know who you are, we are kind of new to any heroes from here sir? Mister? } now Fang asking it, jungle by the clothes he knows very well this person in front of him is the hero from this dimension.

{Ah, my hero name is Snipe it's nice to meet you} this person also known as Snipe introduces himself to them, as a way to welcome the gang........well half of it.

"/my job is done here I need to go back to patrol this place now\" Snipe said, before can he go Fang grab his hand before he can go"/can you please helped us? \" Fang asking Snipe pretty much shock everyone up by speak Japan. Even the Gang, shocking not knowing it that Fang also know how to speak Japan.

There was silent between them two

"/sure, what can I help you with\" Snipe answer Fang request, Fang ask him the location the place that the gang need to go after team 2 here.

"/hm, oh! sure it was my residential area. After my Shift I will help you with it, Hope you don't mind waiting a little more. \" Snipe said, willing to help the gang late.

"/sure we don't mind waiting sir Snipe\" Fang replied for sure , he indeed thanks him for helping them before and late.

After the conversation Snipe go back what he was doing before when the gang wait for the other to come next


"Alright you guys I, done with my job for today sorry for the wait" Snipe finally came back just to see is now 13 people and not 6-7 off them anymore, but still calm down with it. As for the promise he will help them all with the place by the location.

"Hm,MrSnipe sorry I, didn't say anything about extra people" Fang said when trying the best to not sound suspension for himself and others.
"No, no need to worry I don't mind with it really" snipe said, answer Fang "ehh, sir thank you for what you did to my little brother and his friends" A girl with pink hijab said next .
"No problem young lady" Snipe answered her.

All of them now are in Snipe, car with small beg each one of them had it. For some unknow reason all of them fit in the car.

They're finally at the location. All of them thank him before he goes with a pity face for the gang.

"Eh, Fang are you sure for sure like really sure? If this the place is?

Foto :

"Well that's what the location on the map says"Fang said, in disbelief too. All of them go inside the old looking scared house.


"Eish, this place looks like it has been leaving for a year already. Are you, sure this is the place Fang?" Ying asking, she in disgusting with the place look like and can't believe that their will live here for awhile.

"Yeah, I'm sure this is the place"Fang defended himself from what Ying just said.Them, decided to check the place first and clean it too.
" Hm, ok. You guys ready "Boboiboy, asking he friends " Ready" They all answer him unite.

All of them go different directions at the same time in this...... house?? Look for for anything that can give them probably like secret camera or something.

Boboiboy, Gopal, Nut and Qually go clean the kitchen and dinner room and Collection some stuff that still can be used and turn to food by Gopal late on. For food supplies of course.

Fang and Ying cleane the place so they can sleep. Or good enough to still,until any of them fix it or by some stuff for it. So it can look comfortable enough.

Sai and Maripos look for the camera or any clue like a secret door or something. Who know? Maybe someone leaves something behind, that can be used back by the gang?

Shielda look after the children, and pretty much that's all she needs to do right now.

Yaya with Ochobot look how much money they have left for anything, like pay the bills and for school or something?

Meanwhile with Cattus and Bellbot? They two wander somewhere.

After both Fang & Ying clean someplace so they all can finally rest form the longggg day

Both Yaya and Shielda sit side to side with Pipi and the children's sit in front them. Boboiboy with he team before aka kitchen cleaner, Sai with Maripos at the middle. All eyes on both Ying and Fang .

They wait and watch what they two will say for now "So me and Ying, had bad new and good new. Which one do you guys wanna know first??"Fang asked them first, before he told them.

"Dey, just said it why make us more curious about it!?" Gopal the first to speak, about this all about.

Continue by Sai and Qually "Did you two found something? And it's bad thing?" "Ehh, was it about this house not strong enough or a ghost??" And then Boboiboy and Yaya come in like always to calm down the situation before the childrens in panic.

"Sabar, we still don't know what the bad and good thing guys" Boboiboy said, and chose to answer Fang question "We start with the bad new first Fang" And then Fang start with it.

"Hm ok, the bad new is this house is very old and small. It only has 6 room 2 toilet, but only 1 toilet/bathroom still can be used when 1 room that still 'OK' unlike the rest of it" Fang explain the 'BAD NEW' is. Continue by Ying who will tell the 'GOOD NEW' too, well she has to or they started it.

"Haiya, that's not just it but also the backyard and there is no water and electric in this so called house. The only 'GOOD NEW' is we can still sleep here and for Yaya , BBB, PZ and Otoi can pray at the time needs " She stops for second and "but lucky enough we don't need to worry about being homeless" She finally stops talking.

At this point the 'GOOD NEW' is not really for what they hope for.

Someone wanted to say something but Fang cut it off "we also draw the inside of this house here.

Fang show them the papers that him and Ying draw

Foto:lanta 1

Foto:lanta 2

"Uish, so this what you two was doing before? Wow that GOOD NEW" Nut said, impress by how much they two just got.

"Heh, we also had something to say about this house " Sai said, for both him and Maripos.

They two now is the one in from the other " Me and Sai, found out.At the bookshelf. So we, think why not go and check it out. Before that does anyone want to say something first before we all go look for it itself?" Maripos asks if anyone wants to talk about it or asks it.

"I do"

Everyone now look at Yaya. like really, wants to know what she wants to say before they all go look at the bookshelf.

She goes there and stands in from them together with Ochobot and some papers on her hand "I-We also got some 'BAD NEW', and that is our money" Yaya said in series tone.

she continues "we only had enough for the month" She finished it by show them how much money they still have after 4 day here in this dimension.

"After the flight and hotel we,still we only left money for the this one month?!?!?" The trio BBB, G&Q said shocked at the same time with this info.

"They'll (the children) still need to go to kindergarten since this the purpose of this mission" Sai said, as to remind the other about the mission.

There was silent..........

No one wants to spoke..........

All of them look at the childrens....

Thinking what should they do......

They all has the same thorough......

They, need to go to the bookshelf. Hope it, can lead them somewhere or something that can help them.....

No, help the children so they can still be comfortable with all bad things, or an warm place.

"Are you done yet?"

"Ugh, it's not that easy to fix it in broken way"

"Sorry.......... Are done yet?"




"Anywayyyyyy, I done"

"Yay", " Finally" , " Good job", "awesome", " Hm" , "nice job"

"Now let's go see where this will leand us too"

Suddenly a door open. Show them, there was a lift. They'll go, inside it
In curious and guard on.................


Wow that's the first thing they all said when it stop.

"So this, where TAPOPS headquarters is. Awesome" Boboiboy said, impressive how it still look good competion to the one they just see

"It seems like this place looks fine and does not take any damage" Nut, comments next.

"The house probably just to trick the other people" Ying comment about it next

"Haha, it seems like we don't need to worry about 'Where to sleep' now right? " Boboiboy to cheerful the Gang up with it.


"It seems like we'll be hungry, so what you guys said" Boboiboy, ask his friends about it

"Jom makan"


Finally done I am so sorry because how long was it. But this is the other half of it (just so you guys know) and maybe way longer then before.

This may be the most long chapter I have done so far

So what you guys think with this one? Is it good or is it not?

Sorry for take so long time to do this but just getting busy back from this month

I hope you can forgive me

3307 words;-

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