Racing Hearts (Charles Lecler...

By mccall_muffin

54 0 0

Charles Leclerc, a beloved and celebrated F1 driver, yearns for a meaningful connection amidst the glitz and... More

An Unlikely Meeting

A clubbing Surprise

18 0 0
By mccall_muffin

The night at Jimmy'z pulsated with vibrant lights and infectious music as you and Sofia stepped into the club, your excitement palpable. You remained oblivious to the surprise awaiting, while Sofia couldn't contain her giggles of anticipation.

"What's gotten into you?" you asked, chuckling at Sofia's excitement.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just... really happy to be here," Sofia replied, though you couldn't help but sense there was something more.

Sofia guided you to the VIP area, and a bouncer escorted you to your private lounge. You looked around, feeling slightly out of place in this world of decadence. In Spain, you had danced barefoot in a small tavern by the beach, whereas here, the girls wore high heels and were styled to perfection. It wasn't just a difference in lifestyle; it was an entirely new experience for you.

"A private lounge? Sof, this isn't necessary," you insisted as the bartender presented you with an ice bucket containing a bottle of champagne.

"Yes, it is," Sofia persisted, her eyes darting across the crowd. She waved at someone, and you followed her gaze.

When you saw who was approaching you, your heart skipped a beat, and you turned to Sofia in disbelief.

"What on earth is he doing here?" you whispered, your eyes wide with astonishment. Sofia giggled mischievously.

"Told you he would look for you," Sofia said, her grin widening. "He stopped by the store this afternoon, and I told him to meet us here."

Charles approached you, accompanied by his brother Lorenzo. He looked really handsome with his dark ripped jeans and white bottom up shirt.

As his eyes met yours, his heart skipped a beat. You looked breathtaking in your short black dress adorned with golden sequins.

"Charles! You made it," Sofia beamed while you shook your head in amusement. This was typical Sofia.

"Hi, Sofia," Charles greeted her before his attention shifted to you. He smiled softly, causing your nerves to jangle. "Hi, Y/N. It's really nice to see you again."

Returning his smile, you blushed slightly and brushed a strand of your Y/H/C hair behind your ear. "It's nice to see you again too."

Charles sat beside you while his brother settled next to Sofia. "This is my brother Lorenzo. Lorenzo, meet Y/N," Charles introduced them, and you extended your hand to greet Lorenzo. He took it with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you."

As the night unfolded, you found yourself engrossed in conversation with Charles and Lorenzo. Your words flowed effortlessly, and you felt the instant connection with Charles that you couldn't ignore.

With each passing minute, your walls began to crumble, replaced by a newfound curiosity and an overwhelming desire to explore this unexpected connection further. You couldn't deny the fluttering in your heart whenever Charles smiled or how his laughter resonated deep within your soul.

However, as the night wore on, the outside world's intrusion weighed heavily on Charles. Whispers and glances followed him wherever he went, and you could sense the burden of public scrutiny resting on his shoulders.

Just as your thoughts started to wander, a voice behind you spoke up in French, addressing Charles. He turned around, a grin lighting up his face. "Pierre, mon pote. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Content de te voir," Charles replied in French.

"Toi aussi, mon ami. Je ne pensais pas te voir ici," Pierre responded, and you glanced at Sofia, who understood everything. However, she realized that you didn't speak French.

"Hi, I'm Sofia. Nice to meet you," Sofia interjected, extending her hand to Pierre.

Pierre shook her hand and smiled, realizing that not everyone at the table was fluent in their language. Then his attention shifted to you, and Charles cleared his throat.

"Uh, Pierre, this is Y/N. Y/N, my best friend Pierre Gasly," Charles introduced you, and you greeted Pierre with a warm smile. Pierre, on the other hand, grinned knowingly, briefly glancing at Charles. The Monegasque had undoubtedly shared your encounter with his best friend.

"Really lovely to meet you, Y/N. Mind if I join you?" Pierre asked, gesturing towards the lounge.You all agreed, and Pierre settled down beside you. As laughter filled the air and conversations delved into various topics, you quickly realized the many shared interests you had with Charles, such as your passion for music.

You couldn't believe how much you were enjoying yourself. You had initially been hesitant about coming to Jimmy'z, but now, you were grateful for Sofia's persuasiveness. Your group grew more relaxed, and you found yourself feeling more comfortable around Charles.

As the night progressed, the champagne flowed, and the music grew louder. You and Charles found yourselves lost in conversation. You talked about everything from your favorite bands to your dream travel destinations. You couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to him, and you found yourself opening up to him in ways you never thought possible.

Suddenly, the club's lights dimmed a little more, signaling the start of a new set. Charles stood up, extending his hand towards you. "Dance with me?"

You hesitated for a second, but your heart won out, and you placed your hand in his.

Surrounded by the pulsating lights, the throbbing music, and the close proximity of Charles, you felt alive in a way you never had before.

As the music grew louder, Charles pulled you closer, and you felt your heartbeat accelerate. You could smell his cologne, the warmth of his body radiating against yours. The connection between you was palpable, and you got lost in the dance with Charles, not realizing the jealous and curious gazes that were thrown at you from all around.

A few songs later, you were sweaty and slightly exhausted, so you made your way back to the lounge. You sat back down and started talking again. Sofia, while encountered in a deep conversation with Lorenzo, glanced at her best friend now and then and couldn't help but smile. She hasn't seen you like that since you started dating Oliver back then.

You felt a deep sense of comfort in Charles's presence and genuinely enjoyed your time together. As the night progressed, another person joined your group. It was Marco Rossi, a close friend of Charles and, as it turned out, Sofia's friend and business partner. He settled in with you, and the night carried on.

Pierre seized the opportunity to inquire about your background. "So, Y/N, where are you from?" he asked.

You smiled warmly. "I'm actually from Y/hometown, born and raised."

"Y/country, how nice," Pierre remarked, stealing a glance at Charles. "And what brought you to Monaco?"

You let out a brief sigh. "Well, I've been traveling through Europe for the past six months, taking a break. Monaco wasn't originally part of my plan, but then I decided to visit Sofia," you said, pointing at your friend, who grinned in response.

"Yeah, and I would've been so pissed if you hadn't come to see me," Sofia chimed in playfully.You laughed, and your infectious laughter brought a smile to Charles's face. He gazed at you lovingly and casually draped his arm over the backrest behind you. You returned his affectionate gaze with a warm smile.

Unbeknownst to you, someone approached your table and stood before you. It was a stunning woman, exuding a catwalk-worthy allure.

Marco, quickly recognizing her, rose from his seat and kissed her on the cheek. "Isabella, what are you doing here?" he asked, a slight hint of panic in his voice.

"I heard Charles was here, and I couldn't believe it, so I had to see it for myself," Isabella replied, sporting a seductive smile. Her long black hair and piercing light blue eyes commanded attention.

You and Charles looked up, breaking your eye contact, and turned your attention to Isabella. "Isabella," Charles said, his voice tinged with confusion and surprise.

Isabella maintained her seductive smile. "Charles, chéri, it's good to see you. And you too, Pierre," she said, not even looking at Pierre. Her demeanor was arrogant, and it seemed as if she wouldn't care about anyone than Charles.

Pierre rolled his eyes at Isabella but managed to force a smile. Sensing your confusion, Sofia discreetly signaled for you to check your phone. You complied and read Sofia's message: 'That's Isabella Rossi. Charles's ex.'

You looked up from your phone, exchanging a bewildered glance with Sofia. Charles had a girlfriend who was this stunning. Of course, he was a famous Formula 1 driver, so it made sense that he would have a model girlfriend. An uneasy feeling washed over you.

"And who might this be?" Isabella asked, her displeasure evident as she looked disdainfully at you while Charles's arm remained draped over your backrest.

You mustered a smile and extended your hand to Isabella. "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." However, Isabella regarded your hand as if it were a bug and ignored the gesture.

"Uh-huh," Isabella responded dismissively, redirecting her attention back to Charles, her smile returning. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Charles glanced briefly at you, contemplating whether or not to comply, but eventually sighed. "Yeah, sure," he acquiesced. He was simply too kind to ignore her request. He stood up and followed Isabella to the bar.

"Terreur," Pierre muttered under his breath as he took a sip of his drink, expressing his disapproval.

"Hey, come on, man, she's still my sister," Marco intervened, defending Isabella. You looked at him, taken aback. The resemblance between Isabella and Marco was now unmistakable, with their dark hair and piercing blue eyes.

"She's your sister?" you asked, surprised. Marco simply nodded and took a sip of his drink.

As Charles and Isabella disappeared into the bustling bar, a knot formed in your stomach. You tried to maintain your composure, but a tinge of jealousy coursed through your veins. You couldn't help but wonder if there were lingering unresolved feelings between them.

Sofia sensed your unease and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry, Y/N. Charles is here because of you, not Isabella."

You bit your lip nervously, shaking your head. This was precisely why you weren't seeking a relationship. The potential for unnecessary drama was a major deterrent.

When Charles returned, he appeared somewhat distant. Isabella accompanied him, gently placing her hands on his shoulders.

"All right, then I'll see you tomorrow," she purred, giving him a tender kiss on the cheek while keeping an eye on you, seemingly to assert her presence.

You glanced at the scene, raising an eyebrow in an attempt to stay unfazed by Isabella's actions. Soon, the dark-haired beauty vanished, and Charles settled back down beside you.

"Dude, what did the Wicked Witch of the West want?" Pierre asked Charles, clearly not thrilled about Isabella.

Charles looked at his friend, lost in thought. "Oh, nothing in particular. She just wanted to talk 0about some stuff," Charles explained, ordering another drink.

Observing your uneasiness, Charles placed a comforting hand on top of yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay, Y/N?" he asked with warmth in his voice.

"Hmm?" you replied, unsure of what Charles was alluding to.

"You seem irritated."

Gazing into Charles's sincere eyes, you felt a whirlwind of emotions—happiness, apprehension, and a hint of fear.

"Oh, no, it's nothing," you smiled, picking up your drink. You discreetly pulled your hand away from under Charles, making him wonder if he had done something wrong, but he didn't say anything.

Later on, Pierre excused himself, mentioning that he had other friends at the venue. Marco was already engrossed in conversation with some other people. A new song blared from the speakers, and Sofia leaped to her feet, pulling Lorenzo onto the dance floor.

With the others gone, you and Charles found yourselves alone, and a shy smile spread across your face. Charles noticed your demeanor and scooted closer to you.

"So..." he said, locking eyes with you.

"So?" you replied, curious about where the conversation was heading.

After a brief pause, Charles continued, "I wanted to apologize about Isabella. She can be... a strong-willed individual who isn't quick to warm up to strangers."

You briefly looked away before responding, "That's okay. How long were you two together?"Charles appeared surprised that you knew about Isabella. "Err, well, we were together for four years, with some... interruptions."

Understandingly, you smiled. "And let me guess. You broke up with her?"

"Is it that obvious?" Charles chuckled.

You tilted your head and joined in the laughter, "Only a little bit."

Charles took a sip of his drink and reclined in his chair, "To be honest, it wasn't easy. Isabella and I grew apart, and we wanted different things. Whenever I talked to Pierre or one of my brothers, they said that our relationship was toxic."

You nodded sympathetically, "I can understand that. It's tough when two people want different things."

Looking at you, Charles softened his gaze, "Yeah, it is. But I'm glad it ended. It was time for both of us to move on."

Smiling, you felt the connection with Charles again, even though you knew Isabella hadn't moved on as he had, but you didn't voice that thought. "I'm glad you're here with me tonight," you said softly.

"Me too, you. You're a breath of fresh air," Charles replied.

Your heart fluttered, and you felt a sense of excitement, finding Charles different from anyone you had ever met. He was kind, understanding, and genuinely interested in you.

As you continued talking and enjoying each other's company, your thoughts kept drifting back to Isabella. There was something about her that set off alarm bells in your head, making you feel uneasy about the situation.

As the night came to a close, you left the club, enveloped in the chilly night air. Sofia and Lorenzo were still deep in conversation, and you chuckled. Charles kindly draped his coat over your shoulders, and you thanked him with a smile, snuggling into its warmth.

"No problem. It's chilly out here," Charles replied, his voice low and husky. He hesitated for a moment before asking, "Can I take you home?"

You glanced at Sofia, who nodded in approval, "I can take Lorenzo home," she said, taking Lorenzo's arm without giving him a chance to respond.

Smiling, you said goodbye to Sofia, and Charles led you to the parking lot. There, a sleek black Ferrari 488 Pista with the Monegasque flag caught your attention.

You gulped, not accustomed to such luxurious cars, but Charles opened the passenger door for you, and you took a deep breath before getting in.

Charles jogged around the car and slid into the driver's seat, starting the engine with a powerful roar that sent vibrations through your body. You drove through the streets of Monaco, and you couldn't help but be in awe of the city's beauty.

"Up for a small detour?" Charles asked suddenly, and you grinned, "I'm always up for that."

You wound your way up a hill overlooking the city. The breathtaking view of glittering city lights and the calm night atmosphere mesmerized you. Charles parked the car, and you sat together on a bench, taking in the serenity.

"Wow, it's beautiful," you gasped.

"It is," Charles agreed, looking at you with a soft gaze, not. He gathered his courage and held your hand again, hoping you wouldn't pull away this time. "I know we just met, but I feel like I've known you for a long time," he said sincerely.

Your heart fluttered, and you felt a warm sensation inside you, "I feel the same way," you replied, locking eyes with him.

Charles hesitated before asking, "When we were at the club, I took your hand, but you pulled away. I was just wondering..."

You sighed, explaining, "It's not because of you, Charles. I... I was hurt before. That's actually why I went on this trip. I got out of a messy relationship, and I'm not looking for something right now, you know? But then I met you, and it just feels right."

He listened attentively as you continued, "When your ex showed up, it reminded me of something I don't want in my life — drama. And drama is written all over Isabella's face."

Charles considered your words, knowing you were right. "Well, I can assure you one thing. I will never get back together with her. Never again. That ship has sailed."

You gazed into his eyes, and your heart swelled with admiration for his sincerity. "Does she know?"

"I hope so. We broke up in the past, I have to be honest. We always found our way back to each other, but now... It's been over a month, and I feel no urge to get back with her, especially after meeting you."

Your heart skipped a beat, and your desire to kiss him grew stronger. He leaned in, and your lips met in a soft, tender kiss that soon deepened with passion.

As the kiss finally broke, Charles looked at you with adoration, "I've never met someone like you, Y/N," he whispered.

Feeling the same affection for him, you whispered back, "Neither have I." Your hand stroked his, and you smiled absently, savoring the moment.

Eventually, you decided to call it a night. Charles drove you to Sofia's place, and you shared a lingering goodbye kiss before parting ways.

As you lay in bed, you couldn't help but smile. You hadn't felt like this in a long time and felt fortunate to have met Charles.

At least, that's what you believed now.

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