What Happens After the Fairyt...

By dannyphantom334

1.1K 61 15

Hope knows Josie is still in there somewhere. She saw it when they were fighting. She is there. She knows wha... More

Things Change
Family Reunions Pt. 1
Family Reunions Pt. 2
Family Dinner
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 1
Saturday Morning Conversations Pt. 2
Reinforcements Arrive
I need to Know Everything
No Hiding Now

The Fairytale Begins...

182 5 2
By dannyphantom334

Hopes POV

I have been stuck in Josie's subconscious for an unknown amount of time. I was terrified it was going to be like Malivore, nothing but darkness, but this was nothing like it. It was almost...nice? I am not sure how to describe it. I am still frozen, but I can see the memories before my eyes. Josie's fairytale never stops its amazing wonders. I have taken notice of the different things that happen and I believe they are her emotions. During the day the sun shines so brightly it's almost blinding, but the later it gets, the more things change. It gets so eerily dark. It's not like a natural night under the open sky, it is suffocating dark. It hurts to breathe or to strain your eyes for a glimpse of something, just anything, but nothing can be found. I wonder when she feels this darkness or better yet why she does. This was Josette Saltzman we are talking about. This bubble of sunshine, she loved everyone and everything and wouldn't dream of hurting anyone. The more I think about that the more it dawns on me. Josie has the purest heart and I don't think I have ever seen anyone just love her like she does them. Lizzie picks and I know why she picks I do, but it hurts her sister. And then Park, I cant help but feel the urge to growl as I think of how she left Josie. I didn't see her for weeks. And then Landon chose me. How is it the girl who loves so deeply be so alone.  As I let my thoughts wonder I feel the sky light up. As I look as best as I can towards the clouds its like a movie is projecting on to a screen but I soon realize it is nothing like a movie. I can Josie and she is sitting on the docks. She is sobbing and looking onto the water. " I am so sorry Hope, this is all my fault.." I hear her utter. Once it registered the weight hit my chest like a sack of rocks. She thinks this is her fault. I close my eyes and focus completely on Josie as if wishing and willing a way for her to know I don't blame her at all. I have to get out of here and now. 

Josie's POV

As I am settling into my bed for the night after returning from the docks. I feel a sudden relief flood me as I lay down. I was sure Lizzie had cast some calming spell, but I leaned into and let it lure me into the first good night of sleep I have had since dark Josie made her appearance. 

-Time Skip to the next morning- 

I jolt awake as a feel something smashing into my face. "What the fuck?" I mutter as I open my eyes. "What the fuck me? What the fuck you Jo? If you are gonna have a sex dream about someone at least be quiet!" Lizzie says as she rolls her eyes. I feel my face flush red. "I-I am not sure what you are talking about" I reply as I grab my stuff to head to the showers. "Whatever you say, but I sure hope it wasn't about that fucking fire chicken." She says as she gags. " I roll my eyes as I walk out slamming the door. No it wasn't about Landon, but that kind of made it worse. It was about his girlfriend. I shake my head as I walk into the bathroom before stripping and stepping into the stall. After I was completely showered and dressed I decided to head to my father's office to see if we had any news on Hope. 

As I arrived to his office I knocked and got no answer so I simply walked in. He was no where to be seen of course so I allowed myself into the small hidden room Hope was in. Well at least her body because no one could seem to figure out where her mind is. I take her hand in mine gently rubbing the back of her soft hands. "You know I miss you right?" I ask like I am expecting her to reply. I try to keep her informed about what is going on around the school and in the monster world because I know she hates surprises. After a while I am sitting there silently watching her when I can't help but think of when she was rescuing me from myself. And when I told her the way to wake up the princess was a kiss she didn't say no. I can't help but blush that I even said that to her. I was just about to walk away when I hear the voice I have been dying to hear for so long. "Leaving so soon love? I kinda missed my best friend?" She said it barely above a whisper, but it sounds like it echoes into my ears for miles. I ran and wrap her in my arms holding on for dear life. "You came back." I stated softly inhaling her scent. "I always do." She whispered back softly.

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