The Sorceress' Apprentice

By BuckeyeGirl2002

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Maddie is the older sister of Prince Sophus. She is a hardworking girl from the village trying to work her wa... More

Chapter One: Becoming Evil
Chapter Two: Learning to Dance
Chapter Three: The Ball
Chapter Four: Cedrica's Apprentice
Chapter Five: A Royal Mess
Chapter Six: The Amulet of Avalor
Chapter Seven: The Baker Queen
Chapter Eight: The Floating Palace
Chapter Nine: Two Princes and Two Babies
Chapter Ten: The Enchanted Feast
Chapter Eleven: Why do they love me?
Chapter Twelve: Queen for a Day
Chapter Fourteen: Gabrielle the Grand
Chapter Fifteen: The Curse of Prince Issac Part One
Chapter Sixteen: The Curse of Prince Issac Part Two
Chapter Seventeen: Winter's Gift
Chapter Eighteen: Substitute Cedrica
Chapter Nineteen: Cedrica be Good
Chapter Twenty: Gone With the Wand
Chapter Twenty One: Enzo and the Secret of Avalor Part One
Chapter Twenty Two: Enzo and the Secret of Avalor Part Two
Chapter Twenty Three: Enzo and the Secret of Avalor Part Three
Chapter Twenty Four: Hexley Hall
Chapter Twenty Five: Day of the Sorcerers and Sorceresses
Chapter Twenty Six: Through the Looking Back Glass
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Magic Paintbrush
Chapter Twenty Eight: Maddie's Past
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Birthday Wish
Chapter Thirty: In Cedrica We Trust
Chapter Thirty One: A Royal Wedding
Chapter Thirty Two: Forever Royal
Chapter Thirty Three: Princess Scarlett
Chapter Thirty Four: The Sorceress Ball
Chapter Thirty Five: Feels Like Jealousy
Chapter Thirty Six: I Love You Still
Chapter Thirty Seven: May You Always be Satisfied
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Best Day Ever
Chapter Thirty Nine: It Must be Believed to be Seen
Chapter Forty: Defying Gravity
Chapter Forty One: Cedrica and Madisyn Talk
Chapter Forty Two: The Reactions to the Affair
Chapter Forty Three: Congratulations
Chapter Fouty Four: A Strange Magic that Dies
Chapter Forty Five: She'll be in their Hearts
Chapter Forty Six: Invisible
Chapter Forty-Seven: What lies beyond the door?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Home
Chapter Forty-Nine: Erika's love problem
Chapter Fifty: Most Chaotically
Chapter Fifty One: Get this Right
Chapter Fifty-Two: Best days ever
Chapter Fifty-Three: Margo and Miguel's life

Chapter Thirteen: Mystic Meadows

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By BuckeyeGirl2002

So, I'm supposed to be taking the Buttercup group to Mystic Meadows but I canceled it because I'm a bit busy. Busy helping Cedrica with potions. But I'm sure Betty can take them since she's a troop leader. But I think we're going anyway because Sophus came to Cedrica's workshop asking if she'd like to go to Mystic Meadows to visit her parents. But she didn't want to. I guess visiting for fathers day and visiting just because are two different things. She doesn't want to see them because then she would have to see the family wand.

It's a powerful wand that is passed down from sorceress mother to  sorceress daughter. But Ember refuses to give it to Cedrica because she doesn't think she's a good enough sorceress. But, she's great at what she does besides some of her mishaps. But that's only because she gets nervous. But apparently, her mother is a completely different story. When Cedrica is casting a spell, her mother would interrupt her telling her how she should be doing it and that makes her get the words wrong.

And when you get the words wrong, you get the spell wrong. Oh, so Cedrica is easily distracted when interrupted. I mean, that's fair but how does her mother not see that? It's not something that's hard to miss. I mean, Cedrica did it to me once but she quickly saw why I got it wrong. She interrupted me. But she hasn't done it since. Sophus had an idea. He's supposed to earn his Good Deed badge today. So his good deed should be getting Cedrica the family wand by taking her to Mystic Meadows.

Cedrica agreed and asked if I could come too. I mean, I wouldn't mind. So, we went to Mystic Meadows where we were greeted by Cedrica's parents. Wade noticed Cedrica and gave her a hug which made her flustered since we were around. Parents are made to embarrass you, Cedrica. It's an unspoken rule of life. But Ember didn't give her the same welcome. She asked Cedrica if it had been too much to wear her good robe.

And I thought mothers were supposed to be judgy with their child's clothing but that was completely uncalled for. Cedrica sadly said the robe she was wearing was her good robe. Part of me thinks that the interrupting isn't the only problem. After reading a brochure about Mystic Meadows, Wade revealed that there was going to be a conjuring contest and the Buttercups were allowed to team up with the sorcerers or sorceresses. Then it was time to figure out what good deeds the Buttercups would be doing.

Sophus already knew his so he went to Ember. He just asked him that, since she was the Royal Sorceress before Cedrica, she must have a lot of magic mementos. Ember said she kept a few and let Sophus see them. So, we went to their cottage where the door was stuck. A great opportunity for Cedrica to try and show Ember she is a good sorceress. But she interrupted her twice! Twice! The first time she tried, she made a gate for the door.

The second time, she turned the door into jelly beans. Okay, the whole interrupting thing is worse than I thought. She's not even letting Cedrica try on her own! So, Ember started showing off some trinkets from when she was the Royal Sorceress. Including her twenty-five sorceress of the year awards.

"Wow! They don't call you Ember the Great for nothing," Sophus said.

"No, they don't. A good nickname is very important for a sorcerer or sorceress. It commands respect," Ember said.

"Maybe I ought to have one," Cedrica said smiling.

"Yes. Cedrica the Sensational," Sophus said smiling.

"Ooh! I do like the sound of that."

"Should I have one? Or is it still a bit early for that?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say so. Besides, I have one that I think you'll like," Cedrica said smiling.

"You do?"

"Yes. Maddie the Magnificent!"

"Not bad. Thank you," I smiled.

"More like, Cedrica the so-so..." Ember commented.

Well, that's just rude. And very harsh. Jeez, it's almost hard to believe she's a parent. Sophus then found the Family wand.

"What is that?" Sophus asked smiling.

"Ah, yes. My most prized and powerful possession. Our family wand," Ember said taking it out of the glass case, "handcrafted by my great, great grand sorceress and passed down from mother to daughter."

"So when do you give it to Miss Cedrica?"

"She's not ready to use such a powerful wand."

Okay, I've had just about enough of him.

"Yes, she is, Miss 'Sorceress of the Year!'" I said annoyed.

"Yes. Well, look what she did to the front door," Ember said pointing to the jellybeans Wade had in a bowl, "And that was with an ordinary, off-the-shelf wand."

"Maybe if you gave Cedrica a chance to use the family wand, she might change your mind!"

"I might," Cedrica said while also giving me a look telling me to stop.

I don't care what Cedrica says, I don't appreciate how Ember is treating her child. It's disgusting behavior. After a lot of hesitation, Ember let Cedrica use the wand after telling her to do the best spell she knew. After some thinking, Cedrica offered to make her the best witch hat she ever wore. Cedrica was preparing to do the spell when Ember started the whole how-Cedrica-should-do-it routine. She was doing quite fine on her own.

As she started the spell, Ember interrupted again! I mean, it made a perfectly good hat. But she spoke too fast so I can't tell if she said the spell right or not. I only think she might've because you don't say spells as fast as Cedrica did. Well, I was right. The spell did go wrong because the hat seemed to have a mind of its own. Cedrica tried to think of a reverse spell but she couldn't think of the right one. I said the right one and the hat disappeared. I know why Cedrica couldn't think of the right spell. She was under pressure.

"You see? She's not ready. And I'm not sure she ever will be," Ember said taking the wand from Cedrica.

"But, mother, if you hadn't interrupted me..."

"I was trying to help you do it right," Ember interrupted.

"Oh, you're interrupting again!"

"And you clearly didn't listen!"


Ember left to find a spell to fix the door. I did it myself because of how annoyed I was. But Ember wasn't there to see it. At least Wade still thought Cedrica was a good sorceress. As much as I'm annoyed at Ember, I feel bad for Cedrica. She's really trying her best but Ember isn't convinced that she is. So, Cedrica started emotionally eating jellybeans. It's hard to see Cedrica like this. All the effort she's put into being a sorceress and to impress her mother just seems to be put to waste.

If only her mother could see how great she really is. But Sophus had an idea. He suggested entering the Conjuring contest with me, Sophus, Cedrica, and Ember as a team. And when Ember sees that Cedrica's magic helps us win the contest, she will finally be given the family wand. It's a great idea but Cedrica didn't agree knowing that Ember would just interrupt her. Not while we're around. I took the jellybeans away and we helped her off the sofa. She's not getting anything done while in this state.

Ember came back with the door spell but saw I already beat her to it. Sophus said that the three of us would be joining Ember in the contest. Not that she liked the idea. But only agreed because she was going to be doing the conjuring. That woman is stubborn. So, we went to the contest. Wade would give each team a riddle to solve and we'd have to conjure up the answer with no help from spellbooks, potions, or summoning of spirits from the Netherworld.

I didn't even think that was possible. Not that I want to try it. The other team went first. They answered the riddle right. Now a riddle for us. 'It starts out a creepy, crawly, little guy, then sprouts beautiful wings that allow it to fly.' That's a good one but it's very easy. A butterfly. Of course, it could always be a moth. They do the same thing and some moth wings are beautiful. But the answer was butterfly.

Ember went to conjure one but I took her wand claiming it was beautiful.

This gave Cedrica the opportunity to conjure one instead. And it was perfect! Ember congratulated Cedrica on getting it right and we moved on. The next riddle for the other team was wrong. They answered a clock but it was really a coo-coo clock. If we get this next one right, we win the contest. 'With a few lumps of coal, your smile's frozen in place, but too much sunshine wipes it right off your face.' Okay, I'm not so sure about this one.

It should be obvious but we weren't thinking of the right answer. But Sophus worked it out. It was a snowman. Sophus asked Cedrica to conjure one up but Ember wanted to do it so we win the contest. I'm about to do it if they both don't stop arguing! But they then said the spell at the same time making everyone into snowmen! AND EMBER BLAMED CEDRICA! No! Both of them saying it at the same time caused this! Cedrica tried to undo the spell but Cedrica got it wrong because Ember interrupted her again! She made a mini sun!

"What is that?" Sophus asked.

"Odin's icicles! You made a little sun, Cedric! You were supposed to say Packengo, not Meltato!" Ember told Cedrica.

"You distracted me!" Cedrica whined.

"Excuses, excuses."

"Stop it, both of you! Look!" I said pointing at the melting snowmen!

"Oh, no! They're melting!" Cedrica said worried.

"I can fix this," Ember said.

"And so can Cedrica if you'd just give her a chance!" I said.

"I've given her plenty of chances."

"Not really, Ember. I know you're just trying to help, but you've been interrupting her all day. And the one time you didn't, she made a perfect butterfly."

"Well, that's true, but this is a very difficult spell."

"Which is why you need to let her do it on her own."

Ember sighed, "I'll give you one try, but do it quickly before your dear father melts!"

I gave Cedrica her wand. So, with no interruptions, Cedrica said the spell and saved everyone from melting. Everyone was themselves again. But they didn't know what happened so we still have a chance to win. Ember was ready to make a snowman but finally, let Cedrica do it. And, all thanks to Cedrica, we won the contest. Hearing that we did, Cedrica picked me up in a hug and spun me around. But we instantly got flustered and looked away from each other. Then it was time to go back home.

The boys thought they didn't find a good deed today but the sorcerer in the competition with us named everything they had done today and they had so much fun. And that was the best deed he could think of. So they did get their badges. Wade said goodbye to me and Cedrica but Ember wasn't here. So was this day for nothing? We went to leave when Ember stopped us. She was giving Cedrica the family wand! Ember finally saw how great Cedrica is. This is great. We said goodbye to everyone at Mystic Meadows and headed home. Today was a great success.

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