As Clear As Crystal


21.1K 1K 125

The Inhumans have always been secretive about their existence, very few were aware of them. This only makes i... More

The Mysterious Arrival
A King's Decision
Someone To Talk To
A Late Night Visit
Proper Introductions
A Tense Night
Que Sera, Sera
Remaining Inconspicuous
A Glimpse Of Something New
Personal Concerns
Conflict At The Breakfast Table
The King's Favour
Demonstration Of Character
Blowing Cover?
A Safe Place
Violence And Accusations
Siblings At Odds
Taking Chances
A Show Of Compassion
To Change An Opinion
A New Lead?
When Needed The Most
The Morning After
Similarities Despite Being so Different
Burying The Hatchet
A Fresh Start

Sneaking Out (Again)

421 30 3

It was a strange feeling; you didn't know where you were as you looked around the empty street, your vision was hazy or perhaps it was a fog hindering you as you took slow steps forward. The feeling was as if you knew the place where you were but at the same time you had no idea. It all felt weird, the fact you weren't in Attilan wasn't even crossing your mind as you continued walking, the buildings around you were all blacked out except for one which had its lights on.

Impulse drew you closer, footsteps echoing louder as you got closer with the fog getting thicker before suddenly you were assaulted with a bright light. You didn't scream, your voice just failed as you instead sat bolt upright with a gasp of breath. Ripped away from your dream, you found yourself back in your room in Attilan, you couldn't exactly ponder on it though as Crystal spoke.

"Hey, are you alright?" The Inhuman Princess asked and you looked to your side to see her poised as she jumped back, hand raised as if she was just about to wake you but you had alright bolted up. You took a moment to regain your composure, catching your breath as you stammered out Crystal's name before eventually answering that you were fine and saying it was just a dream. But then you asked about her being there, why was she in your room so late at night?

Your inquiry was brushed off by Crystal as she instead asked her own question again, this time it being about your dream. "What was it?" She asked as you blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness of your room before answering her, telling her what just happened and Crystal's expression lit up.

"You could be remembering something from before you arrived here!" Her voice was hushed before still she seemed excited, more than you and it was you with amnesia to the extent of not even knowing your own name. "It could have just been a dream though, I did get hit in the head earlier...yesterday? How late is it?" You asked as you looked at the time whilst Crystal remained on you maybe remembering something, saying that the bump on the head may have jostled something.

"Maybe we should get Gorgon to hit you again?" She suggested and you jumped, exclaiming (albeit still hushed considering the time) if she was out of her mind - Gorgon would probably enjoy hitting you again but he could end up killing you. As you said this, Crystal just laughed and said she was joking, getting Gorgon to hit you again would only be a last resort.

You blinked a few times at Crystal's "joke" before asking again why she was in your room and she smiled as she said her reasoning fit well with your dream. "Remember now you said earlier that you thought you saw something, maybe if we went back to the human world then you may be able to recall something, then with your dream..." you had to interrupt Crystal, telling her that you may have just imagined it all. You did get hit on the head, you were likely just concussed afterwards.

"But what if something was jostled? If we go back to that New York City, you may be able to remember something" she said as she stood up with a smile, holding her hand out for you to take as you remained where you were. You blinked a few times, looking at Crystal before at her hand and then back to her; "you just want to sneak out again, don't you?" You asked, a small smile turning on your lips as Crystal laughed.

"A little, but I seriously do believe we may be onto something with your memories, it's worth a shot, isn't it?" She asked and you slowly reached your hand into hers and she pulled you to your feet. "Sure, just let's not get caught, I don't want to remember what the inside of a cell feels like" you said and Crystal nodded before she whistled and Lockjaw appeared.

The large dog barked a greeting and Crystal patted him on the head before she held her hand out to you. You placed your hand in hers and Crystal gave a nod to Lockjaw, the Inhuman dog's antenna lighting up before a flash of light and you were suddenly hit with the noise of the nightlife of New York City. It felt different though, definitely in a different part of the city than last time but that did make sense as you weren't able to recall anything from the last area.

Sending Lockjaw back, Crystal took the first steps out of the alleyway you were teleported to before looking back at you with her smile and waving her head for you to follow. "So, does anything feel familiar yet?" She asked you and you looked around, seeing the streets were still filled with people in spite of the time

"Can't say anything comes to mind, though do be careful; this may be The City That Never Sleeps, but that doesn't mean those who are still out are friendly" you warned her again and crystal nodded before saying it'll be fine, she knew not to use her powers out in the open but remembering what happened last time. Had Spider-Man not shown up, would Crystal have needed to use her powers to fend off your assailants during your last outing?

Pushing that thought to the side, the Inhuman Princess took your hand and started leading you down the streets whilst pointing out anything that caught her eye. Her own curiosity showed as she asked about different shops you walked by, some being convenient stores, as well as the dingy bars you walked by. However, though she was interested in the human world, Crystal didn't forget her main reason for getting you out and about again, to try and help you jog your memories.

As the two of you wandered about, nothing really came to mind with any recollection. Crystal even asked if you felt any of the streets you walked by seemed familiar to that of your dream but you couldn't say they didn't, your dream wasn't exactly a clear one after all. All you knew was you were walking down an empty street with only one building being illuminated, that wasn't exactly much to go off. It seemed more and more to you that your dream and what you thought you remembered before were just the results of your concussion from before, you couldn't but feel a little disheartened about that.

Crystal saw your frown and she was also a little disappointed about your so-far fruitless adventure, but she did try to lift your spirits. Lightly bumping into your side, Crystal gave you an encouraging smile. "Hey, chin up, we still have some time, I'm sure we'll find something" she said but you asked how she was so sure, Crystal didn't get the chance to answer though as a different voice spoke up to call for your attention.

"Pardon my interruption, but could we borrow a moment of your time" the polite voice asked and both you and Crystal turned to look at who it was that was addressing you, Crystal exclaiming and jumping back at the sight of the blue-furred man in front of her. Quickly, he apologised as he held his hands in front of him; "I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to startle you, I just wanted to ask you both something, you see, I am looking for a friend of mine" the man before you, the X-man, Hank McCoy (better known as his Pseudonym, Beast) explained as Crystal could only stare.

Looking between them, seeing Crystal's shock at the sight of the Mutant, you spoke up to ask who he was looking for. Beast turned towards you and nodded, giving the description of the one he was looking for. "A short fellow, bit scraggly in appearance, he has sideburns, does that ring any bells for you? He's a friend of mine, you see" he explained but nobody of such a description came to mind, to be fair you weren't exactly paying attention to those around you other than Crystal as you wandered about.

Speaking of Crystal, she was still staring at Beast and you nudged her a little to bring her back to focus and she realised what she was doing. "Oh! I was staring, I'm sorry, it's're blue...uh, I mean, sorry, that was rude of me!" She panicked, getting flustered but Beast only chuckled and assured her that he was not offended. "I understand your surprise, my appearance can be startling at this time of night especially, but it is simply a part of my Mutation" he explained as Crystal looked at him, taking in the sight of the blue fur.

"Mutation? So you're a Mutant?" Crystal asked, remembering how you mentioned super powered individuals during a previous conversation, and Beast nodded, "that I am, Dr Henry McCoy, though some call me Hank and others Beast due to my appearance" he formally introduced himself as Crystal tilted her head, saying that such a name seemed insulting but Beast assured he was rather fond of the name now, though not at first.

Crystal looked interested about Beast's Mutation, she started asking questions and he seemed happy to oblige in answering in spite of his search. His explanation of his mutation in particular, of which Crystal seemed most interested in seeing it affected Beast's appearance, was interrupted though by a shout. This noise of address was far less friendly though...

"Hey, Fur-ball, long way from the zoo!" The derogatory line was shouted towards Beast, causing you, Crystal and the X-man to turn and see a group of drunken thugs staggering about as they jeered at Beast. "Hey, that's not nice!" Crystal snapped back but the group they just laughed, one of them mockingly mimicking what she said which made her tense up. Beast placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and told her not to worry, that he would leave before anything escalated.

"Yeah, run you Mutant freak, you filthy animal!" A second thug jeered as Beast turned to leave but Crystal stopped him. "No, why should you be the one to leave, they should apologise!" She spoke loudly, visibly upset at the hostility which someone who she found to be friendly was receiving for being a Mutant. Her words didn't seem to please the group of bigots.

"What? You a Mutie-Lover? Are you seriously defending that freak?!" A third member of the group spat and Crystal stepped forward defiantly. "So what if I am?" She retorted and you cautiously spoke her name as Beast again insisted for her not to get worked up on his account. "I am just leaving, Gentlemen, let us depart amicably" he then addressed the bigots with more courtesy than they deserved but they only kept up their insults.

Drunkenly mocking Beast for his mutation, the thugs were clearly getting under Crystal's skin more and you couldn't blame her. "You should just back off" she spoke in a low voice, more threatening than you've ever heard, but her warning was laughed off. One of the drunkards was even bold enough to get in her face; "or what? What are you gonna do if we don't?" He taunted, pushing Crystal harshly and she would have fell but Beast caught her as you shoved the guy back.

"She said back off, Jackass!" You spat but the guy retaliated by punching you in the face, specifically in your head where you were already injured so the strike dazed you more than it would have anywhere else. Crystal was quickly to your side and holding you as you tried to regain focus, Beast on the other hand approached the thug who hit you and proceeded to lift him off his feet by the collar.

"That is enough! Any further discourse and I will be forced to call the authorities, we did not instigate any hostility but you are crossing the line, leave now" the polite tone in his voice started fading but then he shouted as he was hit on the arm with a wooden plank by another of the thugs. The group started to advance on Beast and Crystal looked horrified at the sight as you staggered to your feet.

"That's enough!" You tried to break up the attack only to get smacked across the head again, this time with the wooden plank. This was enough to knock you unconscious and Crystal screamed as the plank was raised to be brought down on you, she nearly unleashed her own powers without thinking and that would be even more dangerous as without thinking meant she wouldn't control whichever she used. She could burn these bigots, freeze them, blast them away. She didn't think as she pulled her arms back and she was about to throw forward an attack...

Fortunately, unfortunately for the thugs, it wasn't Crystal who interrupted the attack though, nor was it Beast as he was still knocked down also. Instead, the wooden plank was split in half by sharp claws splitting down the middle, the armed thug raising the splinter plank in front of them out of shock before being punched in the jaw and knocked into his friend. Eyes turned to a new arrival as the moonlight glistened off the claws, reflecting an icy stare from the one and only Wolverine.

"That was a warning cut, Bub, you all better run before I lose my cool any further, I've had a long night already" the scraggly looking man spoke in a low voice and the drunken bigots immediately took off running now someone was really ready to hurt them. The danger had passed and Wolverine retracted his claws before looking at Beast.

"You alright, Hank?" He asked as he helped up his fellow Mutant and Beast grunted before answering. "I am better now I have found you, Logan, you stormed out and Charles sent me to come and find you" he said and Wolverine retorted that he needed some air after what happened. "If I was around Wade for one more minute, I would have..." He cut his own sentence off, shaking his head as he and Beast looked at you.

You were coming back around, head still throbbing as you opened your eyes to see Crystal as holding you. "Are you alright?" She asked you like Wolverine had asked Beast and you grunted. "Been better" you answered as you slowly sat up, looking around to see the thugs were gone before you looked back at the two X-men in front of you.

"They're gone?" You asked and Beast nodded as he knelt down to your side and took out a small torch from his pocket, shining it in your eyes as you blinked. "Hmm, concussed, you should probably go to the hospital" he advised but you quickly objected. "No, no hospital!" You exclaimed before clearing your throat and saying you'd be fine but Beast was insistent which made you look at Crystal and she quickly spoke up to say she wouldn't get you home and you'd lie down and rest. Beast was apprehensive but accepted that as he stood up whilst extending his hand to you.

"I do apologise that you were caught up in that, though I appreciate you defending me" he said and Crystal spoke up to say she was sorry that he had to go through that. "It's horrible that happened just because you're a Mutant" she said but Beast just gave a comforting smile, replying that though it was difficult to deal with such bigotry, knowing there were those who defended Mutants made it easier.

"Do take care of yourselves" Beast gave a nod before turning and addressing Wolverine. "Deadpool has left the Mansion, you may come back now" he said and the second Mutant grunted but looked at you. "You may want to get your head checked after that, wouldn't want to lose any memories from that concussion, I know what it's like" he said before leaving as Beast called for him.

"Believe me, I know, thanks for the help" you muttered the first part but called the second part a little louder which earned a small wave. As the two X-men left, it was just you and Crystal and you looked at her to see she was frowning. "What's wrong?" You asked and she jumped a little beforehand looking at you and saying it was nothing before again after skiing if you were alright.

You waved your hand a little to brush off the concern as you said you'd be fine. "Though, I think maybe we should head back now" you suggested and Crystal slowly nodded before she helped you to your feet. Still dazed from being struck in the head, you staggered about a bit, leaning on Crystal as she helped you back to the alleyway where you were initially teleported to. Thankfully, you didn't run into any more trouble along the way.

When you arrived back at the alleyway, making sure to be out of sight from anyone who would be passing by, Crystal sat you down again before she whistled for Lockjaw. There was a brief flash of light as the large canine appeared with a bark before he looked at you, the Royal dog noted your state and gave a sad whine as an expression of worry but you just said you were fine, patting him on the head as you asked him to take you and Crystal back.

A quick flash of light and the three of you were back at Attilan, though not in your room as you were instead outside. Still, you gave Lockjaw another pat on the head and thanked him for the transport to which he barked and disappeared, Crystal helping you stand and you leaned on her again due to you still feeling a bit dizzy from the hit on the head.

You appreciated the help as you staggered about a little but did slowly start to regain your footing but unfortunately that didn't mean your troubles were at an end for the night, there had to be one more.

"What are you two doing, wandering about so late?!" Maximus demanded as he cornered you and Crystal, the two of you looking at each other as the Inhuman Minister Of Defence ordered for you to answer him and Crystal tried to tell Maximus to lower his tone but he retorted that she had no say in ordering him about. "You may be Princess, but I am also a member of the Royal Family, now tell me where you were, Human!" Maximus demanded, his raised voice apparently drawing attention of others, but this time more positive arrivals, debatably.

"What is the problem here?" Gorgon asked and you, Crystal and Maximus looked to see the Royal Guard and Black Bolt. Maximus answered first of course, stating that he caught you sneaking around and that he believed you were up to something that posed a threat to Attilan. To your defence, Crystal argued that you were up to no such thing but Maximus ignored her.

"The Princess is blind to the deceit, look at the Human, he must have been up to something and got hurt" the Ministers Of Defence argued, undermining Crystal as he pointed out your injuries. He tried to vilify you to Black Bolt, but here it showed why Gorgon being present was fortunate. The Royal Guard tilted his head as he mentioned your head; "you humans must be frail, I wouldn't have thought you'd bruise that bad from me hitting you earlier" he said and eyes turned to him.

"He was present during Crystal's training earlier, during which he sustained a head injury by my hand" Gorgon explained to Black Bolt who looked at you again as you quickly excused you being outside as needing some air. "I felt light headed and Crystal was with me" you said, Crystal backing you up by saying she suggested a walk.

Maximus went to argue against your words, he went to call you a liar but Black Bolt held up his hand for silence. The King stared you down for a moment and you gulped before he nodded, seemingly accepting what you and Crystal said due to Gorgon's testimony. Maximus didn't like this though as he was gritting his teeth; "do you seriously believe him, Brother, the human is a danger to us, you would destroy us for believing him!" He hissed before stepping back as Gorgon stepped forward.

"Watch your tone to the King, Maximus" the Royal Guard growled and Maximus glared. "Such an obedient lapdog, Gorgon, you make a better pet than Lockjaw" the Defence Minister snarled and Gorgon clenched his fist but was halted by Black Bolt who held an arm before him. Gorgon nodded and stepped back as Black Bolt stood imposingly before his brother, then he simply pointed away as a silent order for Maximus to leave.

The order was met with a malicious glare but was obeyed, Maximus barging past his brother who only shook his head before looking back at you and Crystal. His expression softened as he simply waved his head, enough for you to understand he was saying to go back to your room and you nodded, though it hurt your head.

Crystal again assisted you back to your room, leaving Gorgon and Black Bolt behind as you rounded the corner for the coast to be clear. "That was close" Crystal said and you agreed, saying it was too close and unfortunate that Maximus showed up. "He could have gotten us into serious trouble, who knew I'd be glad Gorgon showed up, who knew I'd be glad he hit me in the head" you said as you arrived back to you room.

"Yeah, I guess some good did come out of that, how is your head by the way?" Crystal asked as you sat down, hand held to your head as you rubbed it. "Still aches, though I did get hit a lot in the head" you replied before saying you were going to get some sleep after all the "excitement", Crystal agreeing with you there as she said you definitely needed some rest. Before she left though, Crystal first retrieved a towel and created some ice which she wrapped up with said towel.

"Here, this should help" she said as she handed you the towel-wrapped-ice and you gave a small thanks as you held it to your head, looking at Crystal to see she was frowning. "Something wrong?" You asked and she jumped a little before shaking her head, saying she was fine.

"You just get some rest" She forced a smile before saying goodnight and leaving, all as you watched as she was quick to leave. That was weird, you'd thought she'd have tried to see if you remembered anything. But then you already said you hadn't. Plus, it had been a long night, or at least eventful for less than positive reason, Crystal was likely just was worn out as you so you figured you'd leave it for now.

Holding the ice to your head, you laid back on your bed and sighed. Closing your eyes, you did manage to fall asleep quickly, a small mercy due to the aches. Meanwhile, Crystal stood on the other side of your door, silent and in thought. She remained still for a moment before shaking her head and heading back to her own room, she was after all very tired as well.

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