Dark Oneshots 📝

By IrisWillow04

106K 2.3K 458

( Male Yandere x Female Reader)(Oneshots) →→ There is something in you that attracts boys . But these aren't... More

1. Yandere Enemy Prince x Villainess Reader ☑
2. Yandere Second Male Lead x Heroine Reader ☑
3. Yandere Stepson x Stepmother Reader ☑
4. Yandere Billionaire x Maid Reader ☑
5. Yandere Angel x Evil Duchess Reader ☑
6. Yandere God x Saintess Reader ☑
8. Yandere Vampire x Sl@ve Reader ☑
9. Yandere Bodyguard x Idol Reader ☑
10.Yandere Male Lead x Evil Fiancee Reader ☑

7. Yandere Human x Cyborg Reader ☑

6.3K 129 15
By IrisWillow04

𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼

In the era of robots , cyborg aren't an uncommon thing. People who are not so comfortable with robots tend to buy Cyborg.

You are also one of the many Cyborgs in the company. After you were murdered by someone who you loved and trusted the most, KFlexion Company (a company infamous for manufacturing robots) took you in and performed a surgery on your body and added many metallic, electronic parts ; converting you into a cyborg.

When you regained your consciousness, you were stunned. Except for your brain and heart , most of other things were changed in your body. You were frightened and wanted to runaway but you realised you couldn't move. Your body wasn't under your command. Other than your heart and brain, nothing was in your control.

" Look she is awake !!!"

" OMG yes...f**k!! "

" Try walking her !!"

You heard excited cheering coming beside of you. Confused you looked towards them . They were holding various gadgets but certain lady amongst them caught your attention. The lady in white coat was holding a a fluorescent green button. When she pressed it , your body begun moving on its own.

Your legs were moving involuntarily.

" Walk to us Y/n" you heard the lady saying to the green fluorescent button . As if hypnotised, your body did how the lady commanded. Despite your resistance, you walked towards the lady as commanded .

" It's a success!!!! "

" Yesssssss !!!!! "

" I feel like crying . We can finally handover her to HIM"

They jostled in happiness, leaving you confused. You were confused about the HIM in the conversation . But soon your confusion was cleared when he arrived.

The people in white coat , whom you assumed to be scientists , ran out in hurry to call for HIM they were talking about.

You didn't have to wait for long. His clicking of boots echoed throughout the area.You curiously stared at the door , waiting for him.

You wanted to thank him and show your appreciation for saving you but when he arrived, any appreciative or thankful statement died down in your throat.

To your bafflement,he was your biggest nightmare. The man who walked through, followed by scientists, stood infront of you with a smile on his face. Eyes filled with adoration. The man was none other than your boyfriend's big brother, Glidan Ross .

The man who you thought hated your existence ,who you thought loathed you , WAS ACTUALLY THE ONE WHO SAVED YOu ? ....That was the most unbelievable thing to believe .

" I am glad that you are fine my cherry" he suddenly hugged you . You froze as a result. Your mind went blank. You didn't know how to act . When you dated his brother, he always glare at you making you feel insecure and anxious. But now he was hugging you so protectively and gently that it felt like you were some precious gem , he was trying to protect.

" Uh...thank...you f..for saving m...me " you awkwardly stuttered out in his embrace. You tried to wriggle out of his embrace but his hold on you only tightened.

" Stay still cherry . Don't move . Let me hug you for a while. You don't know how scared I was when you went missing" he said burring his neck in the crook of your neck, breathing heavily as if sniffing every whiff of your scent. You felt uncomfortable but didn't move in fear of offending him. He was the one who made you into cyborg, bought you back to life , so he must have power to obliterate you out of existence. And as a selfish human with greed for life , you wanted to survive hence you didn't object his whatsoever actions.

That  was also the reason why you agreed to go to his house and stay with him even though, you were highly uncomfortable. You didn't want to go there but You also didn't had the guts to object him.

" Welcome back to my house" he welcomed you with a huge grin , as he pushed open his house door and allowed you in .

" Thank...you for... having me " you stuttered out.

This place had both the good memories as well as bad memories.


And he was the reason for it . Elden Ross , your boyfriend.....more like ex-boyfriend who killed you on the accusations of cheating. But you never cheated on him . You tried to explain it to him , but he wasn't just having it . And now he was stomping towards you in anger . By his looks , it felt like he wanted to kill you again and he would have succeeded in killing you again if his brother hadn't had come inbetween you and him and saved you.

" Elden don't dare to question my decision...From now on she will be living with us so try to be respectful to her "

" But brother — 

" Elden"

One cold glare from Glidan was enough to shut up, your raging ex boyfriend. He angrily huffed . But Glidan ignored him and turned to you .

" You must be tired after the surgery cherry ,  let me take you to your new room "

He softly said, totally different from the harsh tone he used with his brother. You nodded, feeling uncomfortable and scared of Elden . With a smile on his lips , he gently grabbed your right wrist and begun escorting you upstairs. You let yourself getting dragged by him totally ignoring the glare and angry look , your ex boyfriend was throwing you at .


He opened a door to luxurious room before assisting you in . You stared around with mouth agape . You couldn't believe that such a expensive room is where now you will be living. 

Suddenly you heard a chuckle. You turned your head sideways to see Glidan chuckling.

" Even your surprised look is also cute "

You flinched a little when you were abruptly hugged from behind. 

Glidan snaked his arm around your waist, before resting his head on your shoulders. You were uncomfortable by the sudden closeness but you didn't dare to refute the position you were in .

" Did you like your new room ? "

" Yes...it's very nice ." You softly replied.

" I am glad . I designed it according to your aesthetics... By the way aren't you going to check your closet ? "

He frowned when you didn't move to check the closet .

" What's the problem cherry aren't you going to check what's in the closet ?"

" You are still hugging me . How can I move "

"Ohh" he let you go when realisation hit him . He unwrapped his arms , letting you freely move . As wished by him you went and opened the closet, only to star stuck by the items in it . All the dresses and accessories in it were from brands which your dreamed to buy . You pulled out a dress to check the size. Your mouth fell apart. All of them were your size . But one thing struck you . You turned around to him with confusion coating your face and asked...

" How did you know my size ? "

" I know everything about you cherry "

Totally not creepy (note the sarcasm) .

" Now freshen up . I will cook your favourite dinner , you must be hungry ."

He walked to you before softly cupping your face and placing a kiss on your forehead.

" Get ready and come downstairs" And then he left the room . Leaving behind you stunned.


After an uncomfortable dinner with your ex boyfriend who once killed you and his brother who suddenly changed his behaviour towards you , you were trying to sleep on your new bed when you heard the door creaking open.

You frowned. Panick started kicking in you when your eyes took notice of the time – It was passed midnight, everyone is more likely to be asleep so who was trying to break into your room ? Thief ? Ghost ? Even though you were scared, you were ready to take action against them . But you were too slow in your action. The said person swiftly overpowered before pinning you down to the bed .

" It had been good if you were dead . Cheaters like you don't deserve to live . First time my brother saved you but next time I will make sure that no one will be able to find a single piece of your body "

Your eyes widened. It was none other than your ex boyfriend who tried to kill you . You were extremely scared. You didn't want to die again. That's when adrenaline kicked in you .

You kicked his stomach, making him groan . Taking advantage of the situation, you shoved him off you before running towards the door. But before you could even touch the door , you were pulled back by him and slammed into the wall . He grabbed your neck and pulled out a iron cutter ,out of nowhere.

You panicked seeing the cutter inching towards you. Out of horror you prepared yourself for it but nothing happened. Instead his force on you was gone.  After you opened your eyes you took notice of your surrounding which was once dark but now all lights have been turned on . And Glidan was beating the sh!t out of Elden.

" Brot-her w-hy a-re you doi-ng this ? " Elden stuttered out in his broken voice while being rained with kicks and punches.

" Because She Is The Love Of My Life "

" WHAT!!!! " You and Elden , both were shock Gildan's revelation.

" B-but brot-ther s-she is a c-cheater , didn't you say it yourself ? "

" That Was A Freaking Lie !!! A part of my plan to break you both apart. I produced fake proofs in order for you both to break up . But who knew your idiotic self will kill her....kill my first and last love of life . But thank goodness my determination to have her as mine was too strong to let her die . I saved her and brought her back to my house, hoping to live a peaceful life with her . BUT YOU HAD TO INTERFERE. Not only that you also tried to hurt her . You don't deserve to live "

Glidan pulled out a gun from God knows where , and shot all the 6 bullets in Elden . Killing your ex-boyfriend under your shocked gaze. 

You snapped out of trance when Glidan turned around, facing you with blood stained face . You were terrified. You tried to runaway. But when you were midway , your body suddenly froze ,refusing to move any further.

" You can't runaway from me cherry . Your control is in my hands " He walked towards you slowly while playing with the green button in his left hand .

You could smell the gunpowder when he carassed your right check with the gun . Your breath hitched and tears begun rolling down.

" Accept your faith as my girlfriend. Because I own you . I saved you . I control you . You can't escape me cherry nor I will let you . "


Sorry for not updating for long . I had some personal issues and it will take time to solve it.So I may be irregular in update.

In the meantime you can check out my newwork - Night CANDLE

It's first five chapters are and will only be available in the scrollstack.


You can find the link in my profile or comment section or on conversation.

If nothing works go to scrollstack and search IrisWillow will be directed to my profile where you can read it.

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