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By JaxAnd

347 20 0

๐“†‰โ‹†๏ฝกหšโ‹†โ€ ๐Ÿš "This summer is not what I thought it would be." "And all because we grew a pair of tits." A st... More

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16 1 0
By JaxAnd




"Ugh, this shit is so ass." Okalani said as she walked o to the beach with the boys following behind her. Keanu rolled his eyes while Steven groaned.

"Why do you complain so much?" Keanu asked the girl as they all made a stop at the beginning of where the sand began.

"Yeah, we just got here. Our feet haven't even hit the same yet." Steven said as he pointed to the ground, where her feet stood at the very corner of the concrete that didn't hit sand. Looking down, the girl saw what he meant and then took one step over, get sandals immediately grappling sand. She then looked back up at the boys before continuing. "Ugh, this place is so lame." She groaned as threw her head back. She then looked back at the four boys to see them giving her annoyed looks. "Happy?" She asked sarcastically, giving them a fake smile.

"Why are you complaining anyway?" Conrad asked, his tone low as he gazed at the girl with lazy eyes. Okalani looked over at the boy, internally questioning his odd demeanor before answering him.

"I was fine until I realized that I was the only girl the second I got into the car with you lousy losers." She said, turning her lip up in disgust as she looked all the boys up and down. Their heads jerked back at her words, catching an unnecessary stray bullet.

Not paying their hurt looks any mind, Okalani sighed as she looked back at all the people partying around the fire. "I should have convinced U'li to come. I can't have fun without my girls." She said sadly.

"U'li's not a party girl." Steven said dismissively, stuffing his hands into his pockets. His casual tone caused Conrad to glare over at the boy with a slight look in his eye. Keanu also glanced at him upon his words, his eyebrow twitching in question.

Okalani turned back to the boy at his words, a light smile on her face. "She could learn to be. I mean, she is doing the deb thing after all." She shrugged.

"She said she'll think about it, she didn't agree." Conrad told the girl, walker closer to the beach, wanting the conversation to be over. Okalni followed the boy with her eyes as she passed her. She slightly smirked as she looked at the back of his head, having fun at seeing his reaction.

"U'liani might not be as young as Belly but she's still growing." Okalani said, causing the boy to pause and turn to face her. She started at him before looking back at the other boys who were now following Conrad. "She's a new girl now. A new, smart, talented, insanely beautiful, girl." She said as she walked closer to them. Her eyes drifted from Conrad's lazy eyes to Steven brown lively ones. There was a long moment of silence as they all though about the situation. U'li was really growing before their eyes, evolving into a new person.

"She's still our same U'li." Steven said, breaking the silence. "She just looks a little different." He shrugged before walking away, causing the other boys to follow, before breaking off into the crowd. Conrad hesitated to leave, looking the younger girl in the eyes before turning to disappear into the crowd.

Okalani sighed once they were all gone, soft glint in her eyes as placed a hand over her heart. "Oh how I love manipulating men." She smiled before walking into the crowd to a new sense of excitement.

But that excitement didn't last long, however, seeing that she knew no one here besides the people she came with. The girl sighed before deciding to take a seat beside the cooler and watch as other people mingle. Not in a weird way, but in a 'making eye contact might start conversation' type of way.

And that's exactly what happened. After a few minutes is looking around as she sipped her water and glanced down her her phone every now and then, she fought the eyes of a girl. She had light brown skin with a very round face and almond eyes. She was in the middle of a group of people, which just so happened to be next to Okalani.

The girl couldn't really hear what was being said but they caught eyes a few times and next thing she knew there was this muscular light-skinned guy walking her way.

"Hey." He called to Catherine the girl's attention as he came closer. "Me and my friends were wondering if you liked to have a drink with us." He said, pointing over to the group of teens. Okalani followed his finger to see some of them look away when she looked but the girl in the middle continued to watch and even waved when she caught the girls eye.

Okalani gave her back a small wave before looking back up at the guy in front of her. "And what if I told you I don't drink?" She asked sarcastically, a smirk starting to make its way upon her lips. Lani loved banter.

The guy let out a dry laugh before responding. "Then what are you doing here? Waiting for us to hold hands and sing a camp fire song?" He asked, tilting his head as he looked down at the girl. Okalani blinked up at him, sort of surprised that he returned her banter.

"Yes actually but I want to change the song, instead of the a camp fire song, I was think more of a Kumbaya type of vibe." She continued, bringing her hand up to tap her chin. "You got a guitar?" She asked him cashing a smile to crack onto his lips. She couldn't help but smile back, finding the guy extremely attractive and his banter was amazing.

What more could a girl ask for? She thought.

"So, what do you really want, some type of orgy?" She spat out,shooting a quick glance to the group he came from. The guy did the same before looking back her way.

"You're funny, but a little too young for me. I'm actually here cause a few of my folks have been eyeing you but non of them had the balls to speak. A wing man, if you will." The guys smirked. "So you coming or not?" He asked. He quirked a brow in question as he looked down at the girl. Okalani playfully sighed before standing to her feet, dusting off her bottom.

"I mean, If you insist." She joked, rolling her eyes. The boy smirked before shaking his head as he walked ahead of the girl. "Do you have a sister though?" The guy asked, looking back at the back. "I wasn't joking about that." He said.

Okalani chuckled as they got closer to the group. "I do actually but she's a tough but to crack." She said as they stopped in front of the group while she crossed her arms.

The dark haired boy smirked, looking down at the shorter girl. "I'd be more than happy to." He said, plopping back down in his spot next to the girl in the center.

"You don't even know what she looks like." Okalni said, still standing before the group, trying to ignore the eyes the vote into her skin for now.

"If she looks anything like you, I'd be okay." He shrugged before giving the girl a quick wink. He then turned to talk to a thief guy beside him while Okalani rolled her eyes. And now that, that situation was over, she could turn her focus to the people looking at her.

She looked over to the girl in the center, who was already looking at her with sultry eyes. She then glanced next to her to see an east asian girl and and a light skinned boy. She made eye contact with them and they sent her small smiles. She returned them before looking back at the center girl.

"So you don't think this whole ordeal is kinda creepy?" Okalani spoke up first as she took a seat in front of the group, her back facing the fire. She looked between the three of them as she waited for a response.

"You came over here, didn't it?" The center girl smirked as she looked Okalani in her eyes.

"Ok, fair." The girl nodded with a shrug, knowing this complete stranger was correct. "And who are you guys?" She asked, looking between them all. The center smiled before speaking.

"I'm Bobbie. That's Judas." She said, gesturing to the darker skinned boy. "That's Mila. And that creep that lured you ever here is Elias." She said as she pointed to the boy behind her who seemed to be flirting with some girl. She then leaned forward, raking her her right hand to cup the side of her mouth. "The rest of these perked are kinda irrelevant." She said in a voice that was nothing of a whisper at all. Okalani chuckled as the girl, Bobbie, leaned back j to her regular position.

"I'm Okalani." She sod unenthusiastically. It wants that she wasn't interested in the conversation, it was that she's hated introducing herself. People tended to always have questions about her name and her background that she didn't really like talking about. Especially since...

"Woah, that a beautiful name. What does it mean if you don't mind me asking." Judas chimed in, looking at the girl expectantly. Okalani offered the boy a small smile, trying to hide her annoyance and pain behind it.

"It, uh, it supposedly means heaven. At least, that's what my dad says." She said with a nonchalant shrug. "I'm Polynesian and Black."

Her words caused Bobbie to smile widely. "I'm Filipino and Black." She said before holding out her fist, which Okalani immediately bumped with hers with a small smile.

"So, do you visit Cousins often?" Judas asked, cutting between whatever small moment the girls just had. Okalani looked his way as he took a sip of his beer and nodded her head. "Yeah, I've been coming here since I was a baby." She told him.

"How come I've never seen you around? A beauty can't just be looked over." He said, staring into the girls eyes intensely as he unconsciously licked his lips. Okalani stared at the boy, trying to assess if he was throwing signals her way or if he was just being normal.

"Uh, this is my first time back in two years." She said as she looked down at the water bottle in her hands, playing with the paper that was peeling from the bottle due to the condensation wearing at the adhesive. She knew what was coming next.

"Why?" Mila spoke up for the first time, causing Okalani's eyes to snap away from her bottle to her. She but the inside of her cheeks to calm herself down before answering, not wanting her voice to show her emotions. It was still a very hard situation for her to talk about. The loss of her mother crushed her, because what child could live without their mom. And the way her father acted, it was almost like he was dead too. Letting out a sigh, she looked down at her half full water bottle.

"Family issues." She said with a shrug before tossing her water bottle down next to het and leaning down with a sigh. "I think I'll take that drink right about now." The girl said, looking around to the cooler. She was about to get up to get one when a hand came into her line of sight was bender her a beer bottle. She rolled the hands arm all the way up to it's face to see Bobbie.

"Dont worry, it's completely unopened and sealed. I don't play those types of games." She said, shaking the bottle for the girl to take.

Okalani took the bottle from the girls hands and popped it open with her bare hands before taking a few huge swigs. They others looked at her shocked as she downed nearly half the bottle. When she came back down, she placed her face into her elbow as she let out a burp.

"I really shouldn't be drinking this, I have work tomorrow." She said as she leaned back into one hand and looked at the bottle that the other hand held. Bobbie scoffed at her words in agreement, tipping her bottle to the girl. "You and me both, girl." She said before taking a huge sigh of her own beverage.

"Where do you work, if you don't mind me asking." Judas asked hesitantly, nothing wanting to sound like a creep and this was his way of getting to know the new girl. Okalani squinted her eyes at the boy before pointing her finger at him.

"Ya know, I usually wouldn't tell just any stranger this piece of information but since I feel like it, I'm just gonna blame it on the alcohol and deal with the consequences later." She said before taking another. "I'm gonna be a caddy girl at the country club." She said, causing Bobbie to almost choke on her beer since she was mid sip.

The girl wiped her mouth as the group looked at her in concern. "Wait, you're gonna be a caddy girl?" Bobbie asked, her cool demeanor completely changing.

Okalni started at the girl in concern at the attitude flip before nodding slowly. "Yeah." She said.

"So are me and Mila." The girl answered as she gestured between her and her friend, who now sported a smile.

"Wait, so you're the Waterhouse girl? I saw your name on the schedule sheet for our caddy pair ups." Mila spoke up, causing Okalani to nod her head before taking another sip of her beer. She could see this conversation leading into the fame of her last name but she didn't really think these kids knew who her mother was.

"You're related to Leimomi Waterhouse? The famous fashion designer?" Elias chimed in from behind Bobbie, turning around from his previous conversation. Bobbie glared at the boy behind her before giving him an elbow to the stomach. Okalani just have them a tight lipped smile with the nod of her head. She then downed the rest of her beer before discarding the glass bottle down next to her and belching into her arm. "I'd like another on of those." She said, looking over at Elias.

As he was handing her another bottle, the sound of collective ooh's caught their attention. The girl turned around to see some girl in a pink dress laying down in the sand. As she stood up, dusting off any sand from her body was wen Okalani realized who the girl was. "Belly?" She asked her self out loud, aging the attention of the others.

"You know her? Cause she just ate shit." Judas said as his eyes flickered from the girl in the distance to the one in front of him. Okalani turned back to the group before nodding her head. "Uh, yeah. That's my best friend." She said as she got up in a hurry. "I'll be back." She didn't even give the group enough time to say anything else before she was waking towards her friend.

"Who are you?" She heard Belly asking the girl that sat in front of Conrad as she walked closer.

"Nicole. Conrad and I went to the deb hall together last summer." The girl answered as she looked between Belly and the new girl that walked up.

"It was after you guys left to take Steven to look at colleges." Conrad finished.

"I thought you said that deb balls are bullshit and all debs are sheep?" Belly spat at the boy as she crossed her arms. Okalani walked closer to the scene, Belly catching the girls movement out of the corner of her right eye. Okalani looked at Conrad with a raised brow and crossed her arms as well, remembering the words he said at the dinner table. The boy glanced between the girls before letting out a nervous chuckle. "I didn't..." The boy said as he looked back at the girl in front of him.

"And you're an asshole." Belly yelled at him with Okalani nodding in agreement. More words probably would have been shared between the two if it weren't for Jeremiah jogging over to the girls with his infamous smirk.

"Belly! You came." The boy said with a smile before looking at the other girl. "Great, we can all hang out, you guys." He said as she stood between the girls and putting his arms around both their shoulders. Steven, who was getting closer to them with a girl by his side shook his head. "I'm about to take her home." He said, grabbing his sister's arm.

"What?" Jeremiah asked in disbelief, dropping his arms from the girls shoulder while Belly slapped his hand away from her arm.

"Yeah, we're leaving, are you kidding me." The boy said as he and Belly fought with their hands.

"Okay, Steven, chill out." Jeremiah said dismissively. "Come on. Go-go hang out with Shayla or something." He waved the boy off. Okalani looked over and watched as the girl tried to convince Steven to follow her.

"Come on." The girl said softly as she pulled the boys arm. Steven looked at them one more time. "Fine. But, just stay right here and don't talk to anybody." He told his sister sternly.

"Okay, alright, chill." Jeremiah said, pushing the boy away. Steven heard at them, his eyes pausing to look at the cold stare Okalani was giving before he decided to follow Shayla.

But before he could get far, Belly turned around and threw two middle fingers his way. "Fuck you!" She yelled after him. Okalani laughed at the girl before using her hand to scratch her forehead. This caught Belly's attention, causing the girl to look at her best friend's hands.

"Is that a beer?" She asked, looking down at the bottle before looking up at the girl. Okalani froze at her question, bring the bottle up to look at it.

"It is, isn't it?" She asked, looking between her friends with a nervous laugh. When they didn't laugh with her, she clears her throat before scratching the back of her neck. "You know what, I should probably go put this back since it's not open or anything like that and I don't drink." She rambled before rushing away from her friends. They both watched the girl leave with a shake of their heads.

She then walked back over to the group who were now talking amongst themselves. Seeing her come back caused them to throw smiles her way.

"So, what was all that about, Malibu Barbie?" Bobbie said as the girl sat back down in front of them with a tired sight. Okalani snickered at the nickname as she opened the beer she said she was gonna put back. "You're not the first person to call me that." She said before throwing her head back to take a large swig.

"Is that what your hot sister call you?" Elias asked with a smirk, that seemed to be permanent. "Speaking of your hot sister, I'd like to see a picture." He said, holding out his hand. Okalani rolled her eyes before pulling out her phone out of her bra. Elias dropped his smirk at her actions, dropping his hand in surprise.

"Oh I wasn't serious but if you insist." He shrugged as the girl handed the phone over to him. He froze as he started down at the phone. "Oh my..." He trailed off as he started down at the girls phone. It was a few second of silence before he cleared his throat and handed the girl her phone face. "I need to meet her immediately." He said in a serious tone. The others chuckled at his behavior before asking if they could see too.

She handed the phone to Bobbie, the others looking over her shoulder at the picture of her sister. It was a picture of the girl before she dyed her hair. She was sitting down with her knees to her chest as she looked at something behind the camera. "Wow, she's really pretty." Bobbie said with a nod of her head before handing the phone back to Okalani.

Said girl nodded her head, a smile on her face as she thought about her sister reaction if he were here right now. "Yeah, she's has our moms looks with our dads eyes." She said before putting the phone back in its personal pocket.

"So, who was that cute chick from earlier." Bobbie asked, bring back the conversation from earlier as she leaned back onto her hands.

"That's my best friend Belly. She's like my sister, I've known her my whole life." The girl smiled.

"Belly?" Elias asked in confusion after he gulped down the rest of his drink. "It's short for Isabel." She clarified. Judas and Mila nodded at her words, taking in the information.

"I like that, it's different." Mila said with a nod of her head and a small smile. There was a calm moment of silence between them all before Okalani decided to speak again.

"Do you guys know anything about being a debutante?" She looked up from the sand with a slow blink, that one beer starting to kick in. Bobbie nodded her head before she took a sip from her drink.

"Bobbie and I did it last year." Mila told the girl. "Are you doing it this year?" She asked, earning a nod from the girl.

"Yeah, I'm not sure. My aunt gave some invitations to my sisters and I. I don't know if they're going through with it." She said with a shrug.

"You should do it. Since me and Bobbie did it last year, we'll be big sisters this year." She said, earning a look of confusion from the girl, causing Mila to chuckle. "A big sister is an experienced debutante that helps out the new girls. Teaches them the ropes and all that crap." She said. "We can probably be your guy's big sister which would be super fun since we'll already be working together."

"This is way to many coincidences for one night." Okalani said, causing the group to laugh since she was clearly getting progressively more tipsy. Their laughter was cut through when they noticed voices getting louder. They followed the sound to see it was coming from the same place as earlier. Okalani sighed as she looked at Conrad arguing with some guy.

"Oh my fucking goodness can't this guy shit sit down somewhere." She said to herself before turning to the grip of friends. "I'll be back...probably." She said before standing up with a groan.

"Maybe you shouldn't intervene, looks like a fights about to break out." Judas said in a worried tone as he watched the guys get more aggressive with one another. The girl shook her head, waving him off politely.

"I can handle this, I think." She said, her words sort of slurred as she walked away, not paying attention to Elias's faint vice as he said " 'I think'?" In concern.

She walked into the situation at the same time as Belly, who got smacked in the face by some drunk loser. Seeing this, anger flooded her body and next thing she knew, she and Conrad were throwing punches at a guy a few inches taller than her. I r the middle of the fight, she got elbow in the stomach, causing her to topple over as she clutched the area.

She was groaning in pain error she felt soft hands touch her back. "Oh my God, are you okay?" The voice entered her ears, hearing that it was Judas. She nodded her head before another set of hands were on her shoulders.

"Yo, we gotta get out of here." Elias said as he pulled the girl up, looking at her in concern. She could see Bobbie and Mila in front of her with looks of worry of their face. But before they could progress into their next mode of action, police sites went off as they turned their lights on.

All the people at the beach immediately started running. Judas had Okalani's arms around his shoulder as he and his friends ran to his truck. He was about to put the girl into the back seat with the other girls when a voice startled him.

"Hey!" They yelled. He turned around in a hurry, scared it was the cops think he was kidnapping a drunk girl. He turned to see a dark skinned boy and some blonde guy walking up to him with rage in their eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The blonde guy asked first since he was ahead of the other guy.

"Look, I know this looks wrong but she was hanging out with me and my friends before the fight broke out and the cops came." Judas defended with the drunk girl still in his arms. "There's two semi-sober girls in the backseat, they can vouch for me." He said, wincing as soon as those words came out of his mouth. "I realize that sounds bad, but I didn't mean it like that." He tried to defend himself, his voice shaking in fear.

"Judas, it's fine. This is my brother and my-" Okalani started but was cut off my the blonde guy.

"Her boyfriend, Jeremiah, and I'd appreciate it if you let her go." He said hardly, caring the boy to let go of the girl. Jeremiah immediately put the girls arms around his neck, ignoring the stares Keanu and Okalani were giving him.

He scoffed as he looked Judas up and down before turning to leave with the girl in his arms. Okalni glanced over his shoulders, waving goody to Judas and her new friends that were watching out the window. They all gave her small waved back before Judas hopped into the driver seat and cranked the car.

Okalani groaned as she laid her head on Jeremiah's shoulders as he opened the backseat door to his car. He leaves his upper body in to lay the girl down. "Come on, scoot on in there." He said, raising the the girl up against the seat. He closed the door before she could topple over more, using it to catch her fall. "Stay right here while I go find Conrad, okay?" He said, placing his hand on the girls cheek and rubbing it with his thumb. Okalni just nodded her head, sleepy, drunk, and too in pain to argue. Jeremiah looked into her eyes for a second before leaving.

Keanu came over and tapped on the door, catching the tired girl's attention. "I have to hurry and return Aunt Nani's car before she has my head. I'll meet you guys at the Fisher's place." He said. Okalni nodded and he gave the girl a par on the head before heading off.

A few minutes later, Jeremiah was helping Conrad into the seat next to her while Belly and some guy stood outside the car and talked right next to her.

"Come on. Get into the car. Watch your head." Jeremiah said as he lightly pushed his brother into the back seat. "Leg, legs." He said, pushing the boys longs legs in.

"I know how to get into a car." Conrad slurred but all he was met with was a door slam.

"Belly, let's go, get in." Jeremiah said as he got into the drivers side, looking out the passenger side window at the girl.

"Cam can give me a ride home. Right, Cam?" The girl said, pointing to the boy in front of her.

"Yes, that's no problem." The boy said immediately, looking over at Jeremiah. Okalani pouted her lips in affection, finding the boy in front of her cute. In a dorky way.

"No, you're not gonna get in a car with a guy you just met." Jeremiah told her. Hearing his words, the guy instantly tried to introduce himself.

"I'm Cam-Cameron." He said, holding his hand out for Jeremiah to shake. All the blonde boy did was look at Cam confused, totally ignoring his hand. "You're name is Cam Cameron?" He asked, giving the boy an incredibly confused look.

"No, it-its's just Cam." He said nervously.

"Hi Cam." Okalani said in a slurred tone, her head leaning on the spot where the window emerges from. The boy looked over at her with a small smile and a wave, causing the girl to smile. Jeremiah looked back at her with a glare while Conrad rolled his eyes.

"But we actually, we know each other." He started. Looking back over at Belly. "Seventh grade. Latin Convention. So, like, we're not total strangers." He said. Okalani squinted her eyes from her position against the open window door.

Real dorky. She thought

"Okay. No offense, but no." Jeremiah scoffed with a laugh, "Belly, get in the car."

"Just get in the car." Conrad groaned from behind Jeremiah, wanting this whole things to be over.

"Uh, you should probably go." Cam said, looking back over at Belly, who had a sad smile on her face. "But, um, the whaling boat that I intern on, i-it leaves at dawn every morning from the piers." He said, his hands nervously fiddling with his pockets as he spoke. "I was wondering if you would, uh, want to come?" He said, nervously glancing over at the boys in the car who were giving in glares.

"Uh, yeah, yes, sure." Belly laughed. "I mean, how else will you get you hoodie back, right?" She said. Okalani frowned her eyes brows at the girls words, wondering why she couldn't just give it back now. Then the realization hit at the she was probably flirting with the boy.

They both laughed together while staring at one another. Belly then leaned forward, pressing her lips against his. They shared a quick kiss before it they broke apart. They shared their byes before Belly hopped into the front seat, waving at the boy.

Once he was gone, Okalani leaned up in her seat and around Belly's so she could see the girls face. "Omg, Belly Bean he was a cutie." She said, her voice chiller and low, but her blinks were still slow. Belly looked at the girl with warm cheeks before laughing a little.

"I told you about that nickname." She said as she rolled her eyes. "And are you drunk, Lani Pop?" Belly said, using her old nickname, making Okalni laugh.

"No, I promised aunt Nani I wouldn't. Let's just pretend you didn't see that drink I had earlier." The girl said before leaning closer and planting a kiss on the girls cheek. Belly yelled in surprise while Okalani leaned back in her seat. Jeremiah then started the car and began driving off. He didn't even get twenty feet though before stepping on the breaks. "Fuck, Steven!" He yelled before ripping off his seat belt and turning to Belly. "Watch those two, I'll be right back." He said before jumping out of the car.

They all sat in silence as they waited in the boys to come back. Okalani leaned her head against the door of the car with her eyes closed, feeling the salty breeze hit her face. She was enjoying the silence and could have gone to sleep if it wasn't for the sound of movement and Conrad's voice.

"Your hairs like a litte kids the way it's always so messy." He said, causing the girl to furrow her brows and open one eyes to see he was playing with Belly's over the seat.

There was no words exchanged between the two, the girl in the front seat not saying anything to his odd observation.

"Belly." Conrad stared but was cut off by knocks on the keep door. Okalani followed the sound to see an officer outside of Conrad's door, looking at the three of them. And it seemed that she sobered up instantly, no longer feeling tired.

"Have you kids been drinking?" She asked.

Okalani sighed with a shake of her head before looking over at Conrad deciding to get her words out now. "Incase anything happen, I just want you to know that you're very odd." She said before leaning back into her seat.


"Officers, thank you. It won't happen again, I can promise you that much." Nani said as she and Laurel stood in front of two police officers at the front door after they had dropped off the kids.

"Tell Ms.Fisher the chief wants to set up a tee time when he gets back in town." Once officer said.

"Absolutely." Laurel assured with a nod of her head. "Sorry again for all the trouble." She said before moving to open the door for them to leave. "Have a good night, Officers." Nani said as smiled and waved them goodbye.

Once the door was closed, she and Laurel turned back to all the teens that left earlier, plus Belly, with disappointment clear on their faces.

"How could you guys so so irresponsible?" Laurel asked them.

"Mom, it wasn't a big deal. All right? Seriously, the cops were just looking to break up the bonfire." Steven stepped forward, trying to calm the woman down.

"Not a big deal?" Nani asked sarcastically.

"Yes." He responded.

"I would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, guys." Nani said as she looked between all of the kids. Steven stood before them, when got a whiff of something in the air, with a sniff, he chuckled at the familiar smell as he looked at his mom.

"Were you guys smoking tonight?" He asked to woman, causing her to pause at his question and also for the fact that they were now caught to.

"What?" The woman questioned her son.

"Where was U'li when all this was happening?" He continued.

"Keep you voice down, Susannah and U'li are asleep on the couch." Laurel yelled, causing Steven to look at her confused.

"I-I wasn't yelling, y-you were." He said.

"Just so you know, Aunt Nani, I-I didn't drink tonight.  Me and Keanu were the DD, I swear." Jeremiah randomly chimed in, stepping up from his space on the wall. Nani nodded at the boys words while Laurel looked at them with shame.

"You're the oldest, Conrad, what the hell's gotren into you?" Laurel asked the boy, who was sitting on an ottoman against the wall. The boy didn't have time respond before she was grilling into Belly.

"And when did you leave the house without telling anybody? And what in the world are you wearing?" Laurel shouted, getting progressively angrier. Nani had to put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from waking the sleep girls up.

And audible sound of question could be near from the living room, U'li sitting up from the couch and humming as if someone called her name. "Huh?" She said, half awake. All the bodies in the room froze, thinking they woke the girl up but the sound of her laying back onto the couch made those thoughts go away.

"It's Taylor's." Belly answered her previous question. "And why and I the only one who's not allowed to go out?"

"It's not that you're not allowed, Bells, it's that you should have told us that you were going. You lied to us." Nani told the girl softly, for the first time playing good cop in a parenting situation.

"How did you even get there?" Laurel asked.

"I walked." The girl shamefully admitted with a shrug. Her words caused Nani to sigh while Laurel closed her eyes as if she was about to have a heart attack.

"Jesus." She said desperately. "You know better than to walk that far down the beach alone late at night."

"Can you stop treating me like a kid?" Belly yelled back at the woman.

"If you wanna be treated like an adult, you need to act like one." She spat back.

"Well maybe you guys should too." Conrad spoke up, his voice low and his words slurred as he looked at the women. Laurel, shocked by his words, looked at the boy expectedly. "What does that mean?" She asked him but garnered no response as he just drunkenly shrugged s

"I hope you all realize this night could have ended a lot differently if your family wasn't your family." Nani told them, looking at each of them.

"We're sorry, Nani." Keanu chimed in for the first time, him and his sister have their heads down in the back, shamed to meet their aunts gaze. "Just..." Nani sighed, placing a hand on her forehead to help her incoming headache. "Go to bed, guys. Please." She said before turning to the kitchen to get herself a glass of wine.

The teens all departed, Jeremiah walking over and taking Lani's hand, pulling her up from the bench before walking upstairs with her. Conrad was about to get up and leave when Laurel stopped him before he could get too far. "I just don't understand what has gotten into you." She said, looking at the boy with disappointment in her eyes. Conrad started at the woman he considered another mother figure, sadness behind his eyes.

"Nothing...Nothings gotten into me." He said before waking last the woman, ignoring the way she called out his name as she walked into the living room. She he eased is way into the room to see the tv still on from movie night. He looked over at the couch to see his mom laying one way while U'liani laid the other way so their heads met in the middle on a pile of pillows. He grabbing a blanket from the table in front of them and draped it over his mother tucking her into the warm sheet.

He then took the blanket off the back of the couch and laid it over U'liani, making sure to tuck it under her chime because he knew she got really cold at night and she liked to be swaddled like a baby. He smiled a little at the thought. Watching the girl relax more at the warmth and get more comfortable as she snuggled up. He stared at the girl for a moment, watching she she went back into her dream, not even phased by the outside world.  He had the urge to kiss the girl's forehead like he used to but decided against it, especially after remembering the way their conversation ended earlier.

With a sigh and a shake of his head, the boy turned off the lamp and went to his room.


Jazzie Speaks!
Splitting these chapters up is insane, some are too long while others seems so short, idk how to spread theses out for your enjoyment. So let me know, fewer long chapters or many shorter chapters?

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