The Deaf Mutant

By wolffie_03

219K 4.9K 1K

Y/n is a new Avenger, but she has her differences. She is deaf, Completely deaf she uses ASL to communicate... More

Author notes
Loki return
I guess she does have a voice
Overheated I think?
Loki's room
The sickness
Our little secret
Her Snuggle Buddy
Loki's New Beginning
Trust me love
No Promises
Good Night My Child
Scars Are Forever
Does It Look Bad
1k reads
Blue Button
No Ordinary Mortal
It's Cute
Girls Day Out
Secret room
Author's Bestie's😱😏😜
Come On Prince
Do They Know
Trip Down Memory Lane
Time you know...
I Can Braid It If You Like
Our Little Avenger
Did I Kill Anyone
You can speak
I'm Not Going To Die
See No Evil-Hear No Evil
I'm not a good person
I Should Choke You With This
She Wasn't Alone

Possibilities Of Tomorrow

382 10 10
By wolffie_03

Chapter 35

"So explain to me again what we are doing tomorrow so I have an understanding,"

"In the spirit of Christmas cheer or something like that, Tony has set up for the Avengers to go visit terminally ill kids in the hospital," she says while walking out in her newly designed suit

"So the team wants me... to go see... dying children" Loki repeats

"Yes what is so hard to understand," grabbing her boots she sat on the floor and began to lace them up

"But wouldn't they be afraid I scare them, what if I scare them to death?"

"Loki the kids are dying, I'm sure at this point they are afraid of nothing, are you afraid of dying children," she says while taking her hair down and quickly braiding it.

"Of Course not,"

"It looks good if you come, like your way of making amends for your past mistakes," she says while finishing off the last braid

"I guess,"

"What's wrong," she asks him while standing up from off the floor

"I don't know," walking towards him she stops when they are in front of each other

"Are you afraid of what they think,"

"No, I'm not afraid of what those humans think, I am a god," he scoffs

"Well if you are afraid, that's okay," she says while glancing at him

"Screw what the world thinks, I think your a pretty great," a small smile tugs at his lips as he looks at her.

"New suit," he says as he glances at her

"Yeah after the whole bleeding out on my bathroom floor I think it was best I made a few changes, I think the biggest change was the mask over the eyes," she says while picking up her cape.

"The inside layer of your cape is green now," he says while trying to hide his smile, trying his best to assume he wasn't the reason she changed the color to green.

"Small reminder of home," she says while attaching the cape with a smile

"Why the mask over your lower face,"

"I just feel like if I look at a person and the only thing covered is their eyes, I would probably be able to guess who they are, it's like wearing glasses, and the only time I don't wear them is when I am fighting crime, now yes some people are stupid enough to fall for that but not everyone, and I rather not take that chance."

"Well, it looks wonderful,"

"Thanks, I shouldn't be out too late I can stop by your room when I get back,"

"Okay, Thor went back to Asgard to talk to our father, so he won't be here to bother me all night," a knocking on the window pulled them away from their conversation, opening the huge window she let him in.

"Ready to go," he says while stepping in

"As always," she says while fixing her mask.

"Cool new suit,"

"Small upgrades,"
"Be safe you too," Loki says while they begin leaving out the window

"We will Mr. Loki sir," Peter says while jumping off the edge, looking back she smiles under the mask while standing on the edge of the railing. The cold air blew gently against her suit, embracing the cold as she let out a small breath.

"Bye Lo," falling backwards she follows Peter to the rooftop.

"So you and Loki," he says while sitting on the edge looking out for crime,

"There is no me and Loki, what about you and Mj,"

"Wow low blow, me and her are talking,"

"As maybe a potential relationship,"

"No seems more like friends," he says sadly

"Dude, just ask her I can see you like her, and I'm pretty sure she can see it as well,"

"It's not that easy," he says

"I assure you she likes you just ask her out,"

"I don't know, what about you and Loki I saw the way he looked at you before we left,"

"What no, were just friends,"

"I'm pretty sure friends don't look at each other like that," he says while swinging his feet


"Look, he looks at you how I look at MJ when she's not looking, he is down bad," slightly laughing at his statement she shakes her head.

"I don't know,"

"Do you like him," Peter asked, looking at him she didn't say anything

"It's a simple question,"

"Yes I like him, I value his opinion, I value his thoughts, I value his feelings, he's polite and charming and what's not to love, I mean he's even a prince,"

"Okay, so what's stopping you,"

"I thought we were talking about you and MJ,"

"You didn't answer the question, what's stopping you,"

"I don't want to lose him, I don't want to open myself to those kinds of emotions that I know I'm going to have to feel and lose him," she says while looking at the thousands of buildings in front of them.

"If I ask MJ out will you tell Loki how you feel," Looking at him she takes a deep breath

"Fine, if you go on a date with MJ I will tell him how I feel,"

After stopping a few robberies and muggings Peter and Y/n sit on the roof of a tall building looking at the clouded sky.

"I can't believe he hit me," she says while holding her face

"Well, at least we weren't shot or stabbed this time,"

"I guess that's a plus, you staying at the tower tonight," she asked while looking at him

"Yeah, I told May I was working late for Tony but I will be back home tomorrow morning," he says

The sound of the crackle of thunder erupted around them, she jumped as the vibration shook her body,

"Looks like it's going to rain," Peter says, looking over at his partner looking at her stiff body.

"Are you okay," he asked but she didn't respond, the echoes of thunder left chills on her skin.

"Mutant, are you okay," he asks again while shaking her softly. Slowly nodding her head she jumped again when thunder sounded around them.

"Let's get back to the tower," standing up on the roof he looks at her, slightly worried.

"I don't think I should fly," she says, taking a step forward, she wraps her arms around him as he steps on the edge of the building.

"Hold on tight," he says while reaching out his arm and swinging from building to building, landing on the small balcony she lets him go and opens the window to her room.

"Are you sure you're okay, you were shaking the entire time on the way back," he says while taking off his mask. Nodding her head she takes deep breaths.

"Okay, want me to take you to Natasha or Clint," he questioned

"No there on a mission,"

"Okay, just come on," he says while taking her hand and leading her out of her room, knocking on Loki's door he waits for an answer, but there is no answer. Knocking on the door again he waits.

"It's fine, I can just go to my room and go to sleep," she protested

"You're obviously not going to tell me what's wrong, I'm not going to leave you by yourself," Knocking on the door again it swings open, Peter sees Loki with wet hair looking down slightly confused.

"Yes," Loki sighed

"Talk to him," Peter says while pushing her towards him, she watches as she leans into his chest.

"What happened to her,"

"I don't know we were talking and then she just froze, she won't tell me what's wrong, Clint and Natasha are out on a mission so I brought her here," Looking at him he nods his head in understanding.

"Alright, thanks Peter,"

"Goodnight mister Loki sir," he says while walking down the hall to his room. Closing the door he looks down at the girl who just stood there with her head in his chest. Wrapping his arms around her he sighs.

"Alright what's wrong," shaking her head no she doesn't move

"I Can't help unless you tell me,"

"It's stupid,"

"I'm sure it's not," he disagrees, the sound of thunder makes her squeeze her eyes closed, Looking down at her he takes a deep breath.

"Are you afraid of the thunder," he asks hesitantly

"I am afraid of nothing," she answers as lightning flashes outside and thunder crashes she clenches her fists.

"Alright, go change out of your suit," he says while walking into his closet walking back out he hands her shirt.

Walking into the bathroom she closes the door behind her, quickly taking off her suit she puts the shirt on top of her compression shorts, neatly placing the suit on the sink she walks out.

Sitting on the couch that faced the window Loki sat beside her.
"I used to be afraid of thunderstorms, I would be so scared my mother would have to sit with me all night so I didn't cry in my sleep. To this day I still don't like them but I don't fear them as much." he started

"When I started learning magic my mother would create a field that kept out sound, she would do this during thunderstorms as well," Looking up at him she listened to every word he said attempting to ignore her slightly shaking hands.

"I have learned to find the beauty in the storm," he says while creating a force field, she watched lighting flash but she didn't hear thunder, or feel it.

"I feel it, I feel the sound shake me. It makes me feel powerless, and I hate feeling like that," she says while watching the crackle of lightning dance around in the sky. Leaning her head against him she watches the sky until she no longer can keep her eyes open.

Placing her on the bed he covers her with a blanket and sits beside her, opening a book he gets lost in the words on the page.


Opening her eyes she looks at him as he reads his book, looking at the window she notices the raindrops falling from the sky.

'Where you awake all night,'

"I told you, I don't sleep during thunderstorms," he says while closing his book and placing it on the bookshelf.

"Well was the book good at least,"

"Yeah, it helped pass the time,"

"You won't be cranky will you,"
"I will be fine,"

"We should probably get dressed,"

"I can get dressed in less than 10 seconds the only one we need to worry about is you,"

"Whatever," staring at the ceiling she takes a deep breath enjoying the silence and the peace, she has learned to enjoy moments like this while living in the Avengers tower. Things can go from one to Bruce hulking out and throwing Stark out of the window real fast.

Rolling out of bed she lands on the floor Loki quickly looks off the side of the bed at her.

"Are you alright,"

"Had to make sure I was completely awake,"

'There are other ways of doing that than throwing yourself on the floor,"

"I wouldn't say I threw myself on the floor, more like I let gravity take the lead on this one," getting up she walks out of the room closing the door behind her, walking to her door she stops when she sees Natasha walking out of her room in her suit. 

Neither of them says anything, they just stare at each other, Natasha gives her a slightly surprised look. opening the door to her room she blinked at her they both slowly walked their separate ways without losing eye contact until she was completely in her room shutting the door behind herself.

Stepping out of the shower she wrapped herself in a towel, wiping the fog off the mirror she looked at her wet hair, all the strands were white now. Walking into her closet she put on black compression shorts and a tank top.

Remembering where her suit, hearing aids, and phone are she rolls her eyes, putting on socks she walks to Loki's room, knocking on the door she waits for it to open.

As the door opens she looks up at him.

"Forgot something,"

"You know exactly what I forgot," walking into the room she walks into the bathroom puts back on her suit, and walks out of the bathroom with her cape in her hand she looks at Loki who is still reading, placing the cape on the chair she walks over to the desk beside him and places the hearing aids in her ear and turns them on.

"Your hair," he says while looking at her

"Yep, I think I'll tell everyone at school if they ask that I bleached it,"

"That's a lot of bleach," he says while closing his book and putting it to the side.

"Natasha saw me walk out of your room and was the most awkward experience ever,"

"Did she say anything?"


"That's odd," he says while thinking about it.

"Thank you for last night, I don't think I could have done it alone,"

"Oh I did nothing, all I did was tell you something about myself and put up the field you did the rest." Looking at him, she smiles, remembering the conversation she and Peter had last night about not wanting to feel those feelings she tries to shove them back down.

"You stayed, that's all that mattered to me."

"We should probably go eat before it's time for us to leave," opening the door he waits for her, grabbing her cloak she hurries out of the room and toward the elevator.

"You should probably get dressed," she says as the elevator's doors close, with a flash of green light his clothes transform into his Asgardian clothing, similar to Thors but different in colors and style.

"That has to be cheating somehow,"

"Work smarter not harder darling," as the elevator doors open they walk out towards the chatter of the team.

"I'm so tired,"

"Well should have gone to bed early," Sam says

"Well some of us were saving lives, and not just in our dreams," Clint says while placing his bow down.

"Tony where is Peper," Steve asked

"Out on a business trip, handling finances or something like that,"

"Sure she not cheating on you," Sam says with a devilish smirk

"Sam how is your lady friend...oh wait she doesn't exist,"

"Wanna know something else that no longer exists, your parents,"

"Low blow Sam," Clint comments

"Could care less... hey Sam did daddy ever come back home with the milk," Tony says while pouring himself another cup of coffee.

"Alright boys that's enough," Natasha says, grabbing two bowls y/n and Loki try to stay silent despite the ongoing conversation.

"Yeah seriously we are about to go see dying kids and you guys are talking about dead parents," Steve says in a worried tone.

"Not me I'm going to go serve the homeless with some old army buddies,"

"Can you grab the honey nut Cheerios," she whispers to Loki as they both reach for two different cereal boxes. Getting to their bowls they switch boxes and pour the cereal into the bowl.

"You guys have to be on your best behavior,"

"I can't believe I had to say that to a group of adults," Natasha mumbles to herself

"Don't worry I love kids, I wouldn't want to traumatize them anymore," everyone looked at Tony confused.

"I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I truly do like kids," he says to assure the group. Pouring milk into both bowls she walks away to put the milk in the refrigerator while Loki grabs spoons.

"You two are oddly quiet," Sam points out as they begin eating their cereal.

"Nope just trying to enjoy my food,"

"Probably because I caught her sneaking out of Loki's room this morning," Natasha signs to Clint whose eyes went wide.

"You what," he repeats.

"No sneaking just walking like a normal human being,"

"Wait what did I miss? I wasn't paying attention," Tony says while looking up catching Clint's expression.

"Are you guys-"

"Sam don't even finish that question," Y/n says quickly

"Quick to answer what do you have to hide," Clint says

"Nothing to hide, we just talked,"

"With your mouths," Tony says, flashing a devilish smirk finally catching on.

"What else am I going to talk with, my toes,"

"You know some people are into that nowadays," Sam says

"I think I might puke," Natasha says while looking at her coffee

"First Tony and his shrine of us and now with the accusations, should I call for a lawyer," She says playfully

"You have a shrine of them," Natasha says with a not-surprised look on her face

"That's creepy man," Clint says

"Won't be at their wedding," Loki glanced at her while holding his bowl

"Did you just say wedding," Bruce says while walking into the kitchen area

"She is barely eighteen,"

"There is no proof that they are even dating,"

"Yeah, I think it's time for us to make our leave,"

"I agree," she says while turning to look at him

"I see proof every time they stand next to each other," Sam laughs at the comment

"Teenage love how cute,"

Wrapping an arm around her they both take a step back holding their bowls

"Can we go back to the fact that Tony has a shrine of them," Clint says still creeped out

Looking at the team she waits as the feeling of her body floating and being tossed around takes over.

"Look at that, you scared them off," Natasha says while walking away from the group


Walking into the room the sight of the kids made the team smile.

"Mom, look it's the Avengers," a little girl says while running up and grabbing onto y/n's leg, glancing down at the child she smiles, hugging the child back.

"Wow, Miss. Widow, you are way cooler in person," the sight of the happy kids warmed the team's hearts. Some of the kids wore masks, others were still attached to IV poles.

"Who are you," the kid asked while looking up

"Loki, what is your name child," y/n watched the interaction from afar as he kneeled at the child's level.

"I'm Raven, I have never seen you before,"

"Let's just say I'm a new addition," he says smiling, the kid gives the man one last glance before running off. Loki looked back at y/n who gave him the best sympathetic look she could muster from behind her mask. Something tapping him made him turn his attention back to in front of him.

"This is my favorite book, could you read it to me,"

"Of course," he says while smiling, taking his hand as she leads him towards the bean bags and small chairs. Loki began reading to her and the other children who soon gathered around to listen.

"Are you really deaf," an older child asked silently, smiling under her mask as she nodded her head.

Tony was playing a game of chess with one of the kids while Natasha and Clint were playing duck duck goose. In the heat of the moment, they begin to forget who they are, letting the worries of the world slowly fade away. No worrying about Hydra or saving the world. In this moment the smiles on their faces were more than enough.


Getting back into the car, y/n takes off her mask pulling her hood down.

"That was very interesting," Loki says as Clint and Natasha get in the car.

"It's so cold," Clint says while waiting to turn on the car.

"Well maybe if you add sleeves to your suit you wouldn't be complaining." Rolling his eyes he places his hands in front of the vent as warm air begins to come out.

"It's not that cold," Loki says while glancing out the window

"You in the back seat don't get to complain about the weather at all this season, y/n and her powers you and..." he paused thinking to himself

"And whatever you are," he says, slightly resentful for their immunity to the cold.

"I like the cold," y/n says while smiling

"We know," Natasha says while driving. The feeling of a buzz in her pocket pulls her attention away from the window. Noticing new messages from the group chat she opens it and begins to read.

Guys Christmas Eve party at my house?- Spider


I would have to ask my dad but I'm in-Mj

For sure, let me make sure I'm not working and ask my parents, but sounds fun-y/n


Stark internship, but I don't think he will mind-y/n

Can you check for me as well-Spider

Of Course-y/n

Are we doing a gift exchange- Mj

Don't have to but I have already gotten your gifts soo-Peter

What about May-y/n

We are having an early Christmas because she has to work Christmas day,-Spider

Oh sorry man-Ned

No, it's okay, I told her I don't mind. I still get to spend Christmas with her just one day earlier- Spider

My dad said yes-Mj

Awesome!!!- spider

"Hey Nat," she asks while looking up from her phone

"Yes," she says glancing at the rearview mirror to look at her

"Peter invited me and some friends to a Christmas Eve party, can I go," she asks in a soft voice. Glancing back at her, Clint looks her over.

"Oh Goodness, she is begging,"

"Am not just asking my parental guardian if I can hang out with some friends," Clint scoffs at her response, glancing at Natasha as he watches her as she waits for a response.

"Who going to be there,"

"Peter, MJ, and Ned,"

"Where is it,"

"Peters house,"

"I don't know," Natasha says while pulling into the parking garage at the tower.

"Please," y/n begs

"Now she begging," Clint points out

"Shut up Clint," Getting out of the car she waits for Nat at the front of the car.

"Hey Kid," Tony says while walking up to her

"Hey Tony," glancing up from his phone he looks at her

"What's wrong,"

"Natasha won't let me go to a party,"
"I didn't say no,"

"You didn't say yes either," Clint says while closing the door to the passenger side.

"My exact words were I will think about it," Tony looked at her puzzled

"What exactly is going on,"
"She asked if she could go to a Christmas Eve party,"

"Who will be there," he asked standing beside Natasha and looking at her

"Ned, Mj, and Peter,"
"Oh Peter is a good kid, and I highly doubt they would drink, Peter gets tipsy just from drinking coffee," y/n gave Tony a blank look, Natasha let out a long sigh

"If I let you go, you will be back at the tower right after,"

"Yes ma'am," y/n responds

"She is seventeen, and a lot more responsible than I was at that age,"

"Tony a lot of seventeen-year-olds are more responsible than you were," Natasha says

"I doubt that," he mumbles
"You can go," Natasha says

"But no super-heroing unless truly necessary" Tony adds

"Thank you," she says while hugging Nat and then Tony


"Loki get up," she says while shoving his shoulder

"I don't feel like it," he mumbles

"Loki come on we are going to be late," she says

"I don't have to go,"

"Oh but you do, according to Tony and Steve everyone has to go," she says while taking his pillow

"Hey," he says in protest

"It will be fun," she says smiling, grunting as he turns over in the bed placing another pillow over his face. Dropping the pillow in defeat she sighs

"Where are we going,"

"Ice skating," she says

"Ice skating," he repeats

"Yes it's like walking and dancing but on ice," Moving his pillow off his face he looks at her.

"Fine," he says while sitting up

"Thank goodness," she mumbled


Walking into the Ice rink they patiently waited and grabbed a pair from the worker. After Loki finally figured out what size would best fit him the team all went to take a seat together and put on the skates.

Once her skates were on her feet she began to quickly lace them up with ease. Looking over at Loki she lets out a small sigh as she watches him struggle with tying the skates. Once both of her skates were tied she kneeled in front of him and tied his skates.

"I almost had it," she mumbled Natasha who was seated beside him and looked at the stake.

"No, Loki you were not even close," rolling his eyes he scoffed at her response.

Tapping his leg she stood up, his gaze shifted down to the neatly tied skates.

Standing up he slightly stumbles, grabbing a hold of y/n's arm to steady himself.

"I do not like this,"

"Come on your not even on the ice yet," Clint says with a small smile

"Precisely," As the rest of the team finished they removed the guards and walked towards the ice. Everyone was dressed in hoodies and sweatpants, to keep warm and also hoped to not get spotted by anyone in public.

"If anyone asks, you're my assistant," Tony says in a low voice while placing his shades on her face.

"But Technically I am,"

"Good work kid," he says while stepping on the ice. Steve carefully followed behind holding his arms out wobbling on the ice.

"Steve, you have never been skating before," Natasha asked while stepping on the ice with Clint following closely behind her.

"It's been over fifty years, give me a second it's like mussel memory right?" he questioned, unsure of himself.

"Yeah totally," Sam answers.

Stepping on the Ice y/n turned around waiting for Loki to follow, he looked at the ice and the children falling and happily skating.

"Are you sure this is safe,"

"When have you ever cared about safety," she signs, reaching a hand out to him as he slowly steps on the ice. Slowly she used her skate to move them both forward out of the way.

"What now,"

"Now, you skate," Tony says while circling them. Rolling his eyes at him he lets out a sigh,

"Help," Steve says quietly while frantically moving his arms around in the air in hopes of not falling.

"It's really easy if you don't think about it too much, good posture and march,"


"March like this," she says while letting him go and giving him a demonstration. Putting a nice amount of distance between them she turns to look at him.

"Now come to me," Loki glanced down at the skates and then back at her.

"What if I fall," he signs

"You got it, not too fast," slowly Loki began to march toward her,

"See how hard was that,"

Taking his hand they slowly skated around the rink to help him get used to the skates, every so often correcting him and showing him things along the way.

"See it's easy,"

"I would still like to disagree,"

"Loki you're doing very well, told you it's like dancing,"

"This is not exactly like dancing,"

"I beg to differ,"

"Darling you are amazing at everything, but this is not dancing,"

"Yes is,"

"I don't doubt that you can't dance on ice, but this is like like learning how to walk again,"

"Maybe it was hard at first when I learned,"

"How about I show you dancing another time," Smiling at him she nodded her head.

"y/n you should show us something," Clint says while skating beside y/n as they skated at a good pace

"Why," she signs not letting go of Loki's hand

"Showoff to the team,"

"I'm a little rusty,"

"Come on please," Sam says joining the group

"Fine, one jump," she signs, still holding Loki's hand, with smiles on their face as Sam and Clint go back to the team. Looking up at Loki he nodes, letting go of his hand he skates towards the team to wait. The team looked at her waiting. Taking a deep breath, slowly she begins skating around the rink to gain speed, as she picks up speed. Skating past the team backwards she quickly shifts her body around jumping in the air and achieving a triple axel.

Once landing it she begins to skate back towards them.

"What isn't she good at," Sam says in amazement,

"Hearing" she signs smiling

"True," Clint agrees, giving him a look he smiles.

"Duty calls," Steve says while picking up his phone.

"We should probably go before someone recognizes us," Tony says, the team began separately making their way off the ice.

"So me and Peter have patrol tonight but after we can watch a movie," she signs as they skate, giving the team time to turn their skates in separately.

"Sounds good but are you sure," he says as they skate beside each other

"What do you mean,"

"Will you stay awake for the whole movie,"

"Probably not, but I will try," she signs with a smile painted on her face.

"Race you to the gate," he says while taking off, smiling as she begins to skate after him reaching the gate before him. Looking at his face she smiled, stepping off the ice they took a seat and began removing their skates.


"So the movie is called The Spirit of Love but the guy doesn't get the girl,"

"Loki," she says while grabbing the remote

"What they named the movie the spirit of love but he doesn't get the girl even though they are obviously a better fit."

"I am upset," he says

"Loki it's a movie," she tells him,

"Stop pouting, look there is another one if it makes you feel better,"

"Slightly, but how can you say you love her and then let her be with someone else,"

"Because he loved her, he did whatever made her happy, and at that moment that guy made her happy so he didn't ruin it for her, he put her before anything,"

"Even his feelings for her," he questions

"Yea guys do stupid things for love"

"Yeah we do," he agrees

"You have done something stupid for love, other than your occasional stupid ideas," Loki looks at her.

"What," she smirks

"Who do you love Loki," she asked quite curious about why he got so heated about the movie

"My mother," getting off the bed she looks at him

"You just agreed that guys do stupid things for love,"

"I did, I'm a guy," he says to her

"Okay let's rephrase the question,"

"Have you done something incredibly stupid for love,"

"Yes I have, and I would continue to do it because when you love someone nothing else matters,"

"Nothing," she questioned taking her seat back beside him, he looked her over.

"Nothing," he mumbled, staring into her eyes.

"What have you done for love," he questioned

"I don't know, I was a Hydra agent most my life we don't have the time to fall in love in there," she tells him

"But if I did, it would be a lot less Stupid than what you guys do."


"Thanks for helping me make the cookies," she says placing a lid over the container

"Hurry before you are late," Tony says

"I can have Happy drive you," he tells her

"No thanks," Quickly grabbing the container full of cookies she runs to the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Opening the door she runs to her room.

Grabbing a bag she carefully puts the gifts for Mj and Ned in the bag and one of Peters as well. Putting a Christmas-themed shirt in the bag she smiles.

"What am I forgetting," she says to herself. Glancing around the room she waits, looking down at her feet she sighs.

"Right, shoes," walking across the hall she knocks on Loki's door

"Come in," a voice called out from the other side

"Hey I think I left my boots in here," looking at him she ponders

"Where are you off to," she asks while grabbing her boots and slipping them on her feet.

"I need to go to Asgard but I will be back before morning," he states while fixing his clothes

"Thor going as well," lacing up her boots she attempts to hurry

"He is already there," getting up she looks at him with a crooked smile

"I should go, I'm going to be late,"

"See you in the morning," he says flashing her a small smile

"See you in the morning," walking out of his room she grabs her bag and double checks she has everything. Grabbing her cape she pulls the hood over head, using her powers she turns off the light to her room. Opening her window she steps out, closing the window behind her she falls using her powers she makes her way to Peter.

Landing on the fire escape she pushes the window up stepping into the dimly lit room she sighs closing the window behind her. As the light turned on she quickly turned around catching the sight of Peter holding a bat.

"Wait it's me," she says quickly pulling off the hood to reveal her face, his grip on the bat quickly loosened as he let out a breath of relief

"What were you doing claiming through my window," he says almost screaming

"Were you going to hit me with a bat,"

"Yes," he yelled pinching the bridge of his nose he put the bat on his bed

"You dressed in all black and climbing through my window," he states in a normal voice

"Sorry," she says placing her feet on the floor

"It's cool," he says, taking off her cloak she places it on his bed

"Steve and I made cookies," she says handing him the container

"You should probably change," taking the cookies he walks out of the room closing the door behind him. Taking off her black sweater she switched it out for her Christmas-themed one.

Grabbing her bag she walks out of the room, walking into the living room she smiles at the decoration and the effort Peter put into the party.

"Where should I put the gifts," she asked

"Under the tree," he says while putting candy into festive bowls. Placing the gifts under the tree she looks at the ornaments and the photos of May and Peter and some other guy.

"May helped me decorate," he says standing beside her. Reaching out to touch one of the ornaments that had a picture of them on it she stops.

"Who's that," she asks, pointing to the man in the photo with young Peter.

"That's my uncle, Ben, he died a few years ago," Peter says with a sad smile plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry," she says looking at him, looking at her he gives her a small smile.

"That shirt is really ugly," he says, finally taking a look at her.

"Not any better than yours,"  placing a hand over his chest acting hurt by the comment. The sound of knocking at the door pulls them out of their conversation, glancing at the door Peter smiles. Opening the door he smiles at the sight of MJ.

"Hey Parker," she says standing at the door, walking to the door she looks at Peter who looks almost in a trance, tapping his shoulder she signs.

"You going to let her in,"

"Right, sorry, come in," he says, stepping aside. Walking in, Peter takes the bags that had stuff for gingerbread houses to the kitchen.

"You can put gifts under the tree," he says from the kitchen.

"So how is Christmas break going," MJ asked y/n while sliding the gifts under the tree

"Okay I guess," Glancing at her she gives her an odd look

"What happened,"

"Nothing, this is my first Christmas and the team has done a really good job of giving me the full experience," she signs with a grateful expression written on her face

"What about you,"

"Well my dad has been working but he has tomorrow off,"

"Hey Peter," Ned says as Peter opens the door, letting him inside Peter smiles

"Hey Ned," MJ says, waving to Ned y/n gives him a small smile.

"Everyone here, let's get started," Peter says to the group.


"Wait don't look it's not finished," Peter whined while trying to shield his gingerbread man Looking over his shoulder y/n snickered.

"Is that Iron Man," she questioned taking a seat

"I said don't look," he says again

"MJ why is your gingerbread person missing limbs and bleeding red icing," Ned questioned a little horrified.

"Mine is realistic, see the gingerbread house is on fire," she says, piping flames onto the house.

"Morbid," Ned whispered to himself, glancing over to Peter, y/n watched him stare at her in amazement. Kicking him under the table he glares at her.

"Your drooling Romeo," she signs to him smirking looking back at his gingerbread house he tries his best to contain a smile. Making occasional conversation everyone enjoyed the time they were spending together, the sound of Christmas music playing in the background.

Knocking at the door caused everyone's head to turn.

"Pizza," Peter says

"I got it," y/n signs getting up from her chair.
"Order for Peter," the man says as she opens the door, looking at the man she stops. He had a smirk plastered on his face holding the pizza boxes, something about him seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember where. His stare burned holes into her, she noticed the small scar on his hand and a tattoo that was slightly hidden by his jacket. She wondered why he stared at her, his smirk slowly fading into nothing.

"Hey you okay," Peter asked standing beside her, snapping out of her daze she carefully took the box out of his hands giving him a small quick smile. Closing the door she sets the boxes on the counter in the kitchen.

"What was that about," he whispered

"Nothing," she responded, hesitantly dropping the topic Peter grabbed a few drinks and sat them on the coffee table. Sitting the pizza boxes down on the coffee table she glances at the time. Everyone gathered, grabbing a slice and taking a seat Peter sighed.

"I have to admit this is not a terrible way to spend Christmas Eve," MJ confessed nodding their head in agreement.

"Oh the gifts," Peter says, getting up, and moving by the Christmas tree. The three of them watched as excitement filled his eyes as he passed out everyone's gifts from under the tree.

"You first," MJ says gesturing to Ned. Picking up one of the gifts that was from MJ his brows drew together. Slowly wrapping the wrapper he examines the box.

"No way," he mumbled with a smile plastered on his face.

"You got me the LEGO Star Wars Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder 75341," almost yelling his eyes widen in excitement

" Ultimate Collector Series," Peter mumbled in awe

"Yeah," MJ says in a nonchalant tone

"I didn't know which one to get or which one you would like so.." she rambled

"Thank you," nodding her head he carefully placed the box down. Picking up a random gift Peter looked at who it was from and smiled. Glancing at y/n he opened the gift carefully and sighed.

Smiling at the hoodie tightened his grip around it as if it could walk away. "Thank you," winking at him, they watched MJ reach for her gift next.

Opening her gift her eyes widened. "Ah cool," she says, running her fingers over the cover of the sketchbook. Glancing at the packs of sketch pencils she attempts to hide her smile.

"Thanks, Parker," nodding towards her as he watched her admire the gift he smiled,

Picking up a gift y/n examined the wrapping. Opening it she smiles, looking at the framed picture of her and her friends. Glancing up at them she becomes even more grateful for having them in her life.

They continued opening gifts and laughing until there were no gifts left to open. Glancing at the clock Peter's eyes widened at the time.

"Hey it's getting kind of late," Peter says to them

"You're right," Mj agreed, looking at the time they sighed, not wanting the fun to end just yet. As they began cleaning up the blasted Christmas music, dancing and laughing, enjoying every minute they had left with each other.

"Hey it's snowing," Peter says looking out the window.

"Awesome," Ned yelled

Waving at the door y/n and Peter watch Ned and MJ walk away. Glancing at each other he smiles, closing the door as they walk towards his room.

"Merry Christmas," he says to her

"Merry Christmas Peter,"

"We should go," he says, tossing him a hoodie he catches it, reaching for her cloak she quickly puts it on.

"You think the team is asleep," she thought to herself as she grabbed her backpack.

"Well Tony is probably still awake because he waited till the last minute to wrap gifts, Thor and Loki depend if they are back from Asgard yet. Sam is most definitely asleep," she explains putting her backpack under her cloak.

"Today was fun," Y/n pointed out

"Totally doing this again next year," he says, slipping on black sweatpants over his Christmas-themed ones.

"What? It's snowing, I'm not leaving with just one layer," he says, putting on a toboggan.

"Is the door locked," Nodding his head he turns off his light. Opening his window he steps on the fire escape helping y/n out. Making sure the window is closed they look at each other putting their hoods over their heads. Peter sighed watching a puff of smoke leave his mouth, stepping off y/ns powers lifted her into the air. Shooting a web at one of the nearest buildings she watches Peter quickly swing through the air, following him they made their way to the tower so they could get out of the cold.

Sticking to the wall Peter waits for her, opening the window to her room she left unlocked; she flies in as her feet touch the ground she sighs. Stepping in, Peter quickly closed the window with a smile on his face.

Looking at the two boxes that sat on her bed she begins taking off her cloak

"What are they," He questions while struggling to take his hoodie off. Using her powers to turn on her light she looks at the boxes.

"Boxes," she says slowly walking toward her bed

"What that's crazy," Peter states sarcastically, glancing back at him she rolls her eyes.

"Oh there from Tony," she says looking at the note on both boxes, standing beside them they stared at the boxes.

"I think this one's yours," she says looking at it

"How do you know,"

"Because he drew a spider on it," she says, switching the boxes. Opening the boxes they see a matching set of pajamas.

"Socks," y/n says happily picking up the fuzzy socks that were black with snowflakes on them. Looking at his Peter smiled at the red, black, and blue socks with spiders on them.

"It's a onesie," she says, holding hers up, and grabbing her socks as she walks off to her closet to change.

Zipping up the onesie she smiles looking at her socks, walking out of the closet she sees Peter dancing around.

"Nice moves Parker," she says startling him

"Nice snowflakes," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"I know and the socks are so warm, not that I get cold but they are comfortable," she says, wiggling her feet around.

"Well I should get to bed," Peter says heading for the door

"Hey see you in the morning," she says watching him open the door to his room

"See you in the morning," closing their doors she made her way to her bed. She took out her hearing aids and sat them on the table beside her bed.

That night she went to bed so excited about the possibilities of tomorrow.

Word count:6969

Hello my Lovelies, I said I would be back. An early gift I hope you will enjoy...I hope you enjoyed the chapter, the next one is very exciting. Sorry about such a long wait, thank you for sticking around even after the wait. This chapter was supposed to be up ealier but I got the flu...anyways Love you all and see you in the next chapter...

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