The Alpha Centauri Expedition

By doctorandrian

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In the 25th century, following the discovery of the ancient city of Atlantis in the Sunda Strait and the cons... More

Opening Page
1. Prologue: The Twenty-Fifth Century
2. The New City of Atlantis
3. The Palace of Awakening
4. The Valley of Grief
5. Antasena's Tomb
6. The Dimension Gate
7. The Interstellar Masterpiece
8. The Space Garden
9. Dilemma of the Heart
10. The Full Moon Stone
11. The Flight of Bimasakti
12. The Europa Tragedy
13. The Ganymede Calamity
14. Arjuna and Srikandi
15. Two Skies
16. Three Suns
18. The Celestial Belt
19. The Light Beyond the Horizon
20. The Divine Words
21. The First Touch
22. Epilogue: The Return of Bimasakti

17. The Orange Sky

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By doctorandrian

"Bimasakti Crew, this is the first encounter of humankind with living beings outside our solar system. This is a historic moment...," Mission Commander said again. Everyone remained silent, unable to speak because of what they were witnessing.


The New Year's Day of January 1, 2459, which was being celebrated on Earth, would also mark a new milestone for humanity. On the first day of 2459, the astronauts of Bimasakti would establish a historic moment as the first humans to set foot on a planet in another solar system, 490 years after Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. They would be the first to walk on the surface of a planet within the Alpha Centauri star system. This event was about to become a reality, no longer just a dream that humanity had cherished for thousands of years.

At eight in the morning, all the Bimasakti crew were seated in their respective chairs on the bridge, fully dressed in their spacesuits and astronaut helmets. The suits had to be worn as it was a standard procedure they had to follow for any orbital landing, even on Earth. At that moment, it was Captain Bagas and Lieutenant Azis who were in charge at the pilot and copilot seats. Rizki and Gayatri were seated behind them, along with other crew members not on duty. Everyone was filled with excitement to begin the historic landing, especially Gayatri. There was nothing she loved more than discovering new adventures in space. And this was an unimaginable new adventure. The images of the planet's surface she had seen yesterday left her in awe. It was a world she had never even fathomed before, and her desire to explore it felt unstoppable.

Dr. Sisca had reported that there was absolutely no intelligent life detected on Proxima Centauri b. The only life present on the planet was flora and fauna, or in other words, it was inhabited only by plants and animals. Since there were no intelligent beings living there, Bimasakti could land on the planet's surface without the need to hide. Captain Bagas had maneuvered Bimasakti out of orbit and entered the atmosphere. Bimasakti's anti-G engine worked to neutralize the gravity of Proxima Centauri b, which was eight percent stronger than Earth's gravity. As a result, Bimasakti smoothly entered the atmosphere without being pulled in by the planet's gravitational force. Then Captain Bagas began to fly Bimasakti along the oasis belt at an altitude of ten kilometers to find the best landing spot. From that altitude, the surface of the oasis belt appeared not much different from Earth. It had high mountains, valleys, forests, rivers, lakes, and seas. The winding rivers flowed into the sea, which extended to the dark side of the planet and froze there, resembling the frozen Arctic Ocean. The sky was adorned with white clouds that provided rain for the plants and animals on the land. After observing the surface of the oasis belt they were passing over, Commander ordered Captain Bagas to head towards a vast and open plain. They were still unaware of the potential threats on the planet's surface. Anything could happen. Attacks from wild animals, dangerous insect bites, toxic plants, quicksand, earthquakes, and who knew what else. There was still so much they didn't know about this planet.

Captain Bagas began to lower Bimasakti's altitude, approaching the surface of the oasis belt below. The spacecraft descended and penetrated through layers of white clouds. As they got closer to the surface, the view became clearer. All the crew members on the bridge couldn't take their eyes off the scenery displayed on their console screens. Now, the expanse of forests and vegetation below became more visible. However, the sight was unlike anything they were used to on Earth. The forests and vegetation on Proxima Centauri b were not covered in green foliage. Instead, they appeared in shades of purple, occasionally interspersed with yellow, red, blue, and green hues. The purple color seemed to dominate the landscape, much like green does on Earth. From that altitude, the forests and trees in the oasis belt looked like a beautiful tapestry with a purple hue. Gayatri thought to herself that the chlorophyll in the leaves here must be purple instead of green like on Earth, and there must be some unique natural conditions in the oasis belt that led to this phenomenon. She couldn't take her eyes off the breathtakingly beautiful purple tapestry before her.

As Bimasakti descended lower, the true nature of the environment in the oasis belt of Proxima Centauri b began to reveal itself. Days there seemed like eternal twilight. Sunlight perpetually glowed on the horizon, resembling a perpetual sunset on Earth or the moments just before sunrise, even though the sun there would never rise. In the oasis belt, the Proxima Centauri sun was never visible. Only its light could be seen, illuminating the landscape from the horizon. The sky was always tinged with shades of orange, reminiscent of a perpetual sunset or sunrise on Earth. The waters of rivers, lakes, and seas also reflected the orange hue from the sky. The orange sky, purple forests, and foliage in shades of yellow, red, and blue, along with the reflections in the rivers and lakes, made the oasis belt of Proxima Centauri b look like a breathtakingly beautiful painting. All of this made Gayatri even more eager to experience it up close. She wanted to know what it was like to be in a world filled with vibrant colors and devoid of nighttime. However, as Bimasakti approached the surface, the quantum radar detected a group of flying objects below them. That made Gayatri and the rest of the crew wake up from the enchantment of the natural scenery they saw and immediately prepare to face any threats that might occur. The marines quickly deployed the four laser cannons for defense. Bimasakti's AI automatically went to work to identify the objects based on all the sensor data it received. In an instant, the AI completed its analysis and provided a report. It turned out to be the first encounter of humankind with beings from beyond the Sun's solar system. The encounter that happened much sooner than they had anticipated.

"The flying objects are identified as animals or birds within a radius of one hundred kilometers. Population count is 6,342. Maximum physical size is 3.9 meters. Maximum flying speed is 128 kilometers per hour," the AI's report was heard. That meant there were flying animals or birds below them within a one-hundred-kilometer radius around Bimasakti. Among them were some that were very large, almost four meters in size. They were incredibly large flying creatures or birds, capable of flying at high speeds, exceeding one hundred kilometers per hour. Soon, Bimasakti would reach the altitude where these animals were flying. And it would be the first encounter with living beings in Alpha Centauri. Gayatri observed her console screen with tension, waiting for the images of these flying creatures to appear. Shortly afterward, the quantum camera successfully captured the first image of the creatures. What appeared on the console screen left Gayatri and the rest of the crew in awe. The creatures seemed to fly calmly, flapping their wide wings in an organized manner. Unlike Earth's birds, they had no feathers. Their entire bodies were covered in yellowish-white skin. Their long, protruding wings resembled thick, expanding layers of skin. They had a long snout and two yellow eyes on their heads. Unlike Earth's birds, these creatures had four strong legs, as if they were also terrestrial beings. Through the windows of the bridge, some of these creatures were seen flapping their wings in the distance.

"Mashallah...," Mission Commander's voice was heard through the transducer. He too was amazed by what he saw.

"Bimasakti Crew, this is the first encounter of humankind with living beings outside our solar system. This is a historic moment...," Mission Commander said again. Everyone remained silent, unable to speak because of what they were witnessing.

"Science team, please provide an initial analysis of these creatures," Mission Commander ordered. Dr. Paul de Hoop, an astrobiologist, quickly responded.

"Mission Commander, these creatures resemble flying animals from the prehistoric era on Earth. It's possible that these are evolved mammals. Their large legs suggest that they also live on land. From the shape of their snout, it's likely they are herbivores that feed on plants on land. However, it's not ruled out that they could also be predators," he explained.

"Thank you, Doctor Paul. This shows that we need to be very cautious when we land later. There must be many other dangerous creatures down there," said Mission Commander. Captain Bagas continued to lower Bimasakti's altitude. Shortly after, images of other species of flying animals began to appear on the console screen. The closer they got to the surface, the more diverse flying creatures were captured by the quantum camera. All of the crew members were fixated on what they were seeing. Through the windows of the bridge, several different species could be seen flying freely. They varied in size and shape, but almost all of them shared common features, namely featherless, four-legged, and with yellowish-white skin.

Currently Bimasakti was above a vast plain and began to descend to its surface. The plain was covered with a kind of purple-colored grass that stretched as far as the eye could see. Bimasakti stopped a few centimeters above the grass and remained floating there without touching it. Throughout the mission, all of Bimasakti's engines remained active, and the anti-G engine continuously neutralized the gravity so that Bimasakti stayed afloat and never touched the surface or any object wherever it landed. The expansive grassy plain was surrounded by forests and hills. All sensors were working, scanning the environment around the plain. The quantum camera continuously displayed images around Bimasakti, extending to the edge of the forests and hills. The quantum radar also scanned in all directions to monitor any objects in its vicinity. The life sensor started detecting populations of animals in the distance. The four laser cannons had been readied by the marines to protect Bimasakti from potential attacks by animals and other creatures. Those were exciting yet tense moments for all Bimasakti's crew. They were thrilled to see what lay on the planet's terrain, but their hearts were also filled with tension as no one knew what would happen out there. After a moment, the voice of Mission Commander broke the silence on the bridge.

"Alhamdulillah wa syukurillah, praise belongs to Allah and all thanks to Allah, we have landed on Proxima Centauri b. This is a historic landing for humankind, and it has happened by the permission of Allah," said Mission Commander. Then he continued.

"We will proceed with the ground expedition according to the established procedures. Navigator and Science Team, please report the environmental analysis," he ordered.

"Roger, Commander. In this location, the quantum radar and life sensor have not detected any animals or moving objects within a one-kilometer radius. So, this location is safe for landing," replied Lieutenant Eva, the navigator on duty.

"Commander, the level of radiation from Proxima Centauri is currently low and safe for humans. In this oasis belt, we are protected from Proxima Centauri's radiation. However, later, if we conduct an expedition to the sunlit side, we must be cautious about the superflares that could occur at any moment," said Dr. Sisca. Then Dr. Carlo added.

"Commander, the oxygen level is 20 percent, nitrogen 79 percent, and there are no other harmful substances in significant amounts. The air pressure is at 0.9 atmospheres. So, the air quality is suitable for human respiration. The weather is also calm," he explained.

"Thank you, Science Team. Because all the environmental data support it, we will proceed with the first landing on the surface of this planet. I have the honor from the Space Force to do this. According to the established plan, I will step outside Bimasakti, and if everything goes well, I will open the helmet to try breathing in the planet's atmosphere for the first time. After that, I will return to Bimasakti to check my body condition in AIMED. If everything is fine, the rest of the crew can descend to the surface," said Mission Commander. Then, he released the nano-velcro and stood up from his seat to prepare for the first landing. Commander and Deputy Commander followed him down to the spacecraft's foyer on the first level of Bimasakti. Rizki, Gayatri, and the other non-duty crew members also didn't want to miss the moment. They moved to the foyer to witness the historic event.

Shortly after, they all gathered at the spacecraft's foyer. Four marine personnel were also present. After Mission Commander descended from the spacecraft and was outside, the android marine, Sergeant Bima, would accompany him. He would guard and protect Mission Commander in case of any dangerous situation.

"Alright, I will proceed with the first human landing on Proxima Centauri b," said Mission Commander, as he opened the airlock compartment door and entered. The airlock door closed behind him, leaving him alone in the compartment.

"Navigator, report the status outside," he commanded through the microphone.

"Mission Commander, the outside condition is safe. You may proceed with the first landing," replied Lieutenant Eva from the bridge. Mission Commander paused for a moment, then ordered the AI to open the door.

"Bimasakti, open the door," he said. The door slid aside and opened wide. Now, the landscape of Proxima Centauri b lay directly before Mission Commander, with its purple grassland and orange sky welcoming him outside the door.

"Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...," Mission Commander uttered the basmalah, seeking Allah's blessing and guidance, before taking a step down the stairs that extended from the door to the purple grassland. However, he paused in the middle of the stairs and said a few words.

"With the permission of Allah Azza Wa Jalla, the Almighty and Most Glorious, we have arrived at this place to open a new chapter for the civilization of humankind... Hasbunallah wanikmal wakil nikmal maula wanikman nasir, Allah is sufficient for us, the best Protector and the best Helper... La haula wala quwwata illa billah, there is no power and no strength except with Allah...," he said. Then, he continued his steps until the end of the stairs and set foot on the purple grass. It was a historic footprint for humankind, occurring on Wednesday, January 1, 2459, at 10:16. After that, he walked a few more steps forward and prostrated on the grass. It was a gesture of gratitude as God had granted them a safe arrival. At that moment, humankind had opened a new chapter in which interstellar travel was no longer a mere dream. This was the beginning of a new civilization for humankind, where they were no longer confined within their own solar system but could journey to billions of other stars in the universe.

As he rose from the prostration, Sergeant Bima already stood firmly behind him, ready to ensure his safety. For a moment, Mission Commander stood there, gazing at the surroundings.

"What I see from here is truly extraordinary. This is a remarkably beautiful and unparalleled landscape. I have never seen such a breathtaking view," he spoke through the microphone.

"Now, I will open my helmet and try to breathe in the atmosphere of this planet for the first time," he continued.

"Bismillah...," he uttered. With a combination of touches on a small panel attached to his wrist, he released the lock of the helmet he was wearing. There was a faint click sound and a gentle hiss of oxygen escaping from the helmet's seal at the neck of his spacesuit. Then, he removed the helmet from his head, and instantly, he felt the cool breeze touching his face. It was the first touch of air from Proxima Centauri b that he experienced. Slowly, he attempted to take a breath, and the air filled his lungs. To his surprise, there was no discomfort, and he started breathing normally. It turned out that he could breathe comfortably in that atmosphere. He barely noticed any difference compared to breathing on Earth. He continued to breathe for a few more moments until he was certain that everything felt normal. Then, he reported his findings to the crew of Bimasakti.

"I have removed the helmet and breathed the air on this planet. I did not feel any difficulty or strangeness. I can breathe comfortably, and I do not sense any difference compared to breathing on Earth. Now, I will return to Bimasakti to check my condition in AIMED," said Mission Commander. Then, he walked back up the stairs of Bimasakti, followed by Sergeant Bima behind him. Inside the spacecraft, Dr. Amalia immediately took him to the clinic and asked him to lie inside the AIMED chamber. Dr. Amalia activated AIMED and conducted a comprehensive examination of Mission Commander's condition. Within ten minutes, AIMED had completed its task.

"The Commander's overall condition remains the same as before. No changes or abnormalities detected. So, it can be concluded that the air here is suitable for humans," Dr. Amalia reported.

"Alhamdulillah... Thank you, doctor," said Mission Commander.

Afterward, Mission Commander returned to the bridge and invited the Bimasakti crew to join him in experiencing their first moments in the open environment of the planet. Hearing this, Gayatri was filled with joy. It was what she had been eagerly waiting for. She could hardly contain her excitement to stand on the surface of the planet and breathe its air. The crew had already removed their helmets and gathered at the spacecraft's foyer. They remained vigilant, aware of the potential threats from creatures on the planet. Thus, five marines, including Sergeant Bima, descended first with their weapons fully equipped to secure the area around the spacecraft. Then, Commander followed, accompanied by Deputy Commander, Rizki, Gayatri, and the rest of the crew. With a whispered basmalah, Gayatri followed behind Rizki and descended the spacecraft's stairs.

"Subhaanallaah, wal hamdulillaah, wa laa ilaaha illallaah, wallaahu akbar," a zikir phrase escaped her lips, expressing her gratitude to Allah as she stepped onto the purple grass. She deeply inhaled the air, feeling its cool and refreshing essence fill her lungs. It was pure air, untainted by any pollution. Taking a few steps, she noticed that her movements felt slightly heavier than on Earth, as the gravity here was eight percent stronger. Then her eyes began to gaze at the surrounding scenery. Mission Commander's words had not been an exaggeration. This place was incredibly beautiful, unlike any other she had ever seen. She noticed that Rizki was also captivated by what he saw. The grass beneath her feet was purple and had round leaves like lavender petals. In the distance, the forest exuded a purple hue, while the scattered plants on the grassland displayed a myriad of colors - yellow, red, blue, and green - all forming a breathtaking display. And the most captivating thing was the orange sky above. The source of light in the oasis belt was the sunlight shining from the horizon, resembling the twilight of a day on Earth. It was an eternal twilight, never shifting or changing. The orange glow painted the sky, illuminating the entire expanse of the oasis belt. The same hue painted the land, hills, and mountains that were illuminated in the distance. The white clouds in the sky refracted the orange light, adding to the beauty of the natural panorama. Yet, in the opposite direction, away from the sunlit horizon, the sunlight gradually faded, growing darker at the edge. There lay the boundary of the beautiful oasis belt. Beyond that boundary was the planet's dark side, a world entirely different, frozen and engulfed in darkness. Gayatri couldn't contain her eagerness to explore the planet further. Her excitement grew as she couldn't wait to explore this planet. She wanted to discover everything that awaited her here.

Suddenly, the sound of azan, the call to prayer, broke the silence. Gayatri saw Rizki standing tall, facing the direction of Earth, solemnly reciting the azan. It was a tradition carried out by Muslim astronauts when they landed for the first time on a new planet or moon that had never been visited before. The first thing they did was to recite the azan to praise the greatness of God. The melodious and soulful sound of Rizki's recitation touched Gayatri's heart. She had heard Rizki recite the azan many times in the prayer room of Bimasakti, but this time, it felt different. It was the azan being recited for the first time on the surface of a planet in another solar system far away, four light-years from Earth. It was the first azan that proved the call to prayer to praise God's greatness knows no boundaries across interstellar space. And its first reciter was the man she loved, the man she longed to have as the imam of her life. Unbeknownst to her, tears welled up in Gayatri's eyes. When the recitation of the azan came to an end, Rizki noticed Gayatri's teary eyes and immediately approached her.

"Gaya, are you crying?" he asked. Gayatri shook her head.

"No, I'm just touched," she replied. In truth, she wanted to say how much she loved Rizki. And those tears were the outpouring of a love she couldn't contain. But she couldn't say it because the rest of the crew was with them at that moment.

After being sufficiently satisfied with their first experience in the open space of Proxima Centauri b's oasis belt, the crew members returned to Bimasakti. Mission Commander asked everyone to gather at the bridge to discuss the survey plan they would conduct.

"The objective of this mission is to gather as much data as possible from this planet without interacting with its inhabitants. We must not make contact with any of the beings here, except to collect a few samples to bring back to Earth. We are only allowed to use laser weapons in self-defense if we encounter any threats from the creatures here," Mission Commander stated. He paused for a moment before continuing.

"We will spend five days on this planet. The first three days will be dedicated entirely to the survey within the oasis belt. During the last two days, we will divide tasks to conduct surveys on both the bright side and dark side of this planet. As we know, surveying the bright side is particularly hazardous due to the unpredictable occurrence of superflares from Proxima Centauri. Therefore, I won't designate a pilot for flying the shuttle to that side. Instead, I invite anyone who is willing to volunteer," the Commander explained. He understood the immense danger involved in surveying the bright side due to superflares, and he didn't want to force anyone to take on that task. From the four Bimasakti pilots, he hoped that three male pilots among them would volunteer soon. However, what happened next was beyond his expectations.

"Roger, Mission Commander. I volunteer," came Gayatri's quick response before the other three pilots had a chance to speak. Mission Commander looked at her somewhat surprised. He didn't expect Gayatri to be the first to step forward.

"Are you sure, Lieutenant?" Mission Commander asked.

"Affirmative... I'm sure, Mission Commander," Gayatri replied.

"Excuse me, Mission Commander. For the survey on the bright side, let me take the task," Rizki's voice cut in, interrupting Gayatri's words. Hearing this, Gayatri turned to look at Rizki. She just realized that Rizki must be anxious because she volunteered for the mission to the bright side. Her strong adventurous instinct had led her to offer herself spontaneously. But if Rizki was the one going there, she would feel the same anxiety. For a moment, they exchanged glances without words, but their hearts seemed to express the desire to protect each other.

"Alright then, Rizki and Gayatri, both of you will take the mission to the bright side. Prepare the safety protocols thoroughly before heading there, and execute the task as quickly as possible," Mission Commander said.

"Understood, Mission Commander," they both replied. Since that moment, Gayatri no longer felt that the mission to the bright side was something worrisome. On the contrary, she became more enthusiastic because she would embark on the adventure with the person she loved. Meanwhile, Rizki accepted the task with conflicting emotions. Logically, he knew it was a highly dangerous mission. He had hoped it wouldn't be Gayatri volunteering for it. However, he understood that Gayatri's strong adventurous spirit would lead her to accept the challenge. He had to accept this reality and couldn't avoid it anymore because he was now completely in love with this girl. Amidst his worries about the dangers that awaited on the bright side, he also felt that nothing would make him happier than experiencing this adventure together with her. And now, he became even more convinced that his destiny was to be the protector of this extraordinary girl.

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