By CameronKiller535

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V1 Canon Side Story 01
V1 Canon Side Story 02
Quick Update


115 3 2
By CameronKiller535


In the sky, a military air fleet with the Atlas symbol on them are shown to be above Beacon Academy.

Ozpin and Glynda watch as they come to land from their office window.

Glynda: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.

Ozpin: Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. (as more aircrafts land) But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore.

He turns to look at his desk as a hollow-message reads: "Access Requested".

Ozpin: Come in.

The elevator doors slide open as General Ironwood enters the room.

Ironwood: (cordially) Ozpin!

Ozpin: (stands at attention) Hello, General.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. (shakes hands with Ozpin as Glynda walks up to them) It's been too long. And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met.

Glynda: Oh, James! (does a personable wave and drops all pleasantries) I'll be outside. (walks out)

Ironwood: Well, she hasn't changed a bit.

Ozpin: (turns to his desk) So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?

Ozpin: (picks up a kettle and pours out coffee into two cups) Headmasters don't typically travel with their students, for the Vytal Festival.

Ironwood: (clinks cups with Ozpin) Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year.

Ironwood: (takes out a canteen from inside his coat pocket and pours the content into his cup) Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up.

Ozpin: I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned. (sits and drinks his own coffee)

Ironwood: Well, concern is the reason why they're here.

Ozpin: I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult.

Ironwood: Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men.

Ozpin: (sets his drink mug down) We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression.

Ironwood: (does the same with his own cup) But if what Qrow said is true...

Ozpin: If what Qrow said is indeed true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal Festival. A period to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent.

Ironwood: I'm just being cautious.

Ozpin: As am I. Which is why we will continue our efforts to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can.

Ironwood: Believe me, I am. (walks away as he then stops at the elevator doors and looks back) But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your children can win a war? (exits)

Ozpin: I hope they never have to.

Meanwhile, Team RWBY(Y/N) and JNPR are all seen in the school library as Ruby and Yang are playing Remnant: The Game.

Ruby: Hmmmmm.... All right... All right! (points at her sister) Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!

Yang: (fist pumps) Bring it on!

Ruby: I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet! (slaps the card down as Yang feigns a look of shock) Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!

She proceeds to make noises like airplanes flying and bombing as she makes a bird with her hands.

Yang: (feigns indignance as she points at Ruby) You fiend!

Ruby: (motions to all her player pieces) And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn.

Her confident breaks once she hears Yang laugh.

Yang: (raises a card) Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card! (reveals it to Ruby)

Ruby: (visibly disturbed) Whaaat?!

Yang: Giant Nevermore! (slams it down) If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!

The attack is visually shown as a Nevermore flies over a valley of swords impaled in the field.

Ruby: (points at her sister) But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces! (as the imaginary Grimm flies back to sender)

Yang: That's just a chance I'm willing to take.

Both sisters glare at each other as all that could be heard is the triumphant shout of Yang.

Team JNPR are shown at the table beside them as Ren and Nora are studying while Nora sleeps.

Ruby: (defeated) Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!

Yang: Eh, most of them were probably androids.

Ruby: Goodbye my friends, you will be avenged.

Yang: Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!

Ruby: Bah!

Nora: (sleep talks) Oh. Have pancakes.

Yang: Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?

Pyrrha clears her throat and confiscates a comic book Jaune was reading, trading it for a textbook.

Ruby: Bah! Bah, I say!

Yang: I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!

As Pyrrha reads his comic, Jaune is hit with thrown player pieces.

Ruby: Have you no heart? (collapses on the table in defeat) Nooo!

Yang: Well, Weiss, it's your turn.

Weiss: I have... absolutely no idea on how to play.

Yang: (slides up beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder) Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.

Weiss: That sounds dumb.

Yang: (looks through her cards) See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh! (pulls up a card to show Weiss) Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet-

Ruby: (crying) Nooo!

Yang: -and put it in your hand!

Weiss: Okay.

Yang: (explains) And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!

Yang: (points at Weiss) Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war. (returns to her seat

Weiss: And that means...

Ruby: (still in tears) You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!

Weiss: (laughs evilly) Yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage all your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!

Yang: Trap card. (shows the card)

Weiss: Huh?

Yang: (shuffles the pieces on the board as Weiss' pieces vanish in a puff of smoke) Your armies have been destroyed.

Weiss: (slumps in her chair, cries and whines) I hate this game of emotions we play!

With that, Ruby hops into Weiss' lap in an attempt to comfort her defeated teammate.

Ruby: Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!

Weiss: Shut up! (hugs Ruby) Don't touch me!

Yang: Alright (Y/N), you're up!

(Y/N): Ok. I'm supposed to draw a card, right?

Yang: Yep. Not that it'll do much for you.

(Y/N): (draws a card) Is this ok? (places her hand down on the table)

Yang: (looks down at her cards as her eyes widen in shock) No way!

Yang: (as the cards are revealed) You drew all five pieces of the unstoppable Wyvern!

(Y/N): (with a confused smile) What does it do?

Yang: (in utter defeat) It automatically wins you the match.

(Y/N): Really?

Ruby/Weiss: (embraces (Y/N)) You avenged us!

(Y/N): (confused) Huh?

Yang: I'll have my revenge!

(Y/N): I don't think I like this game all that much.

Yang: Blake, you ready to join in for the next round?

Blake: Oh, um, sorry, what am I doing?

Yang: You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the Kingdoms of Remnant!

Blake: Right.

Jaune: (approaches the table) Hey! Can I play?

Ruby: Sorry Jaune, the new round already started.

Weiss: Besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess.

Yang: Uhh, you attacked your own naval fleet two turns ago.

Weiss: Hmph.

Jaune: Bring it on then, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told numerous times that I am a natural born leader!

Weiss: By who? Your mother?

Jaune: A-And Pyrrha! (Y/N) too!

Pyrrha: (waves) Hello again!

(Y/N): Just keep up the effort to improve.

Jaune: (with both hands folded) Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!

Weiss: I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!

Jaune: Why not? You've trusted me with way more important stuff before. I mean, you told us all that Blake is secretly a Fa-

He doesn't say it aloud as Pyrrha darts over and slaps a hand over his mouth.

Pyrrha: (fast-talks) Fun-loving person, whom we all admire and respect.

Jaune: (nervously) Hehe. 

Everyone looks nervously at Blake who's obviously annoyed that her secret is out.

Jaune: Right. That. Ladies, enjoy your battle. (bows and returns to his seat with Pyrrha)

With that settled, Sun and Neptune enter the room.

Sun: (with a peace sign) 'Sup losers.

Ruby: Hey Sun!

Sun: Ruby, Yang, (Y/N), Blake... Ice Queen.

Weiss: Why does everyone keep calling me that?

Sun: I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.

Neptune: Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?

Ren: (throws his arms up) Thank you!

Nora: (pops her head up) Pancakes!

Sun: Shut up. Don't be a nerd.

Neptune: (shakes a finger at Sun) Geh, geh, geh, geh! "Intellectual", okay? Thank you. (waves) I'm Neptune.

Weiss: So Neptune, where are you from?

Neptune: Haven. (approaches Weiss) And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel.

Weiss: Um, I'm Weiss.

Jaune: Are you kidding me!?

Neptune: Pleasure to meet you.

Sun: (to Blake) I never took you as the board game playing type.

Blake: (shoves Sun aside and leaves the room as she speaks) Right, well, I think I'm done playing actually. I'll see you guys later.

Nora: (shrugs) Women.

In the dormitory, Blake sits with her knees folded to her chest on her bed as her memories from the aftermath of the dock battle echoes in her mind.



Ozpin: Well, this has certainly been an eventful evening.

Blake: Hmph.

Ozpin: I'm sure that after a full night of thwarting attempted robbery, you probably just want to go home and take a nap. But, I was hoping that maybe we could have a chance to talk.

Blake: Of course.

Ozpin: Wonderful. As you know, in order to enroll at my academy, students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam.

Ozpin: Most applicants spend years of preparation training at one of the many combat schools around the world. You are one of the few that did not. And you passed the exam with flying colors.

Blake: I was raised outside the kingdoms. If you can't fight, you can't survive.

Ozpin: Well, you have most certainly survived, Blake. I admire your drive. And I am proud to run a school that accepts individuals from all walks of life. Rich, poor, Human...(sips coffee)...Faunus.

Blake glares at the Headmaster, who continues on.

Ozpin: Why do you wear that bow, Blake? Why hide who you are?

Blake: You may be willing to accept the Faunus, Professor Ozpin, but your species is not.

Ozpin: True, but we are continuing to take strides to lessen the divide.

Blake: With all due respect, you need to start taking some larger strides. Until then, I'd rather avoid any unnecessary attention. I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am.

Ozpin: And what are you?

Blake: I don't understand what you're asking.

Ozpin: How did you know the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight?

Blake: I didn't. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

Ozpin: You wouldn't have been the first. But what happened tonight was not an isolated incident.

Ozpin: I may be your headmaster, but I am also a Huntsman, and it is my sworn duty to protect this world from the forces that conspire against it.

Ozpin: Blake, are you sure there is nothing else you would like to tell me?

Blake: I'm sure.

Ozpin: Very well. Thank you for your time, Ms. Belladonna. (stands up and heads to the door as he turns back to Blake) If you ever need to talk to me. Please, don't hesitate to ask. (exits)


With the memory over, Blake hears the door open as WBY(Y/N) enter the room.

Yang: Ugh, we should have never let him play!

Ruby: You're just mad cuz' the new guy beat you! See, if you had just attacked when I told you none of this would have happened.

Blake approaches the door to leave.

Weiss: Stop. (points as Blake retracts her hand from the door knob) Lately you've been quiet, antisocial and moody!

Yang: Uh, have you met Blake?

Weiss: Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which quite frankly, is unacceptable!

Weiss: You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong!

Weiss: So, tell us Blake Belladonna, what is wrong?

Blake: (takes a moment) I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.

Ruby: (walks up to Blake) You're still thinking about Torchwick?

Blake: (rants) Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!

(Y/N): It has been pretty quiet since the docks.

Yang: Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it.

Blake: (retorts) Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!

Weiss: Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, apprehending criminals, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the four of you think that you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells!

Ruby: Uh, who?

Weiss: But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!

Ruby: Well yeah, but...

Weiss: We're not ready!

Blake: (shoots back) And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day.

Blake: (points towards the door) They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!

Ruby: Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly take down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye. (raises her hand)

Yang: (pumps her fist enthusiastically and points at Blake) Yes! I love it when you're feisty!

Weiss: Well, I suppose it could be fun.

Ruby: None of you said aye!

Blake: Alright then, we're in this together!

(Y/N): ...

Ruby: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): (serious) Can you promise me that we'll plan this carefully? One mistake could mean the end of all of us or any innocent people around us.

(Y/N): (fists clenched) I'll help out but only if you all promise me that.

Team RWBY contemplates this as they collectively nod to one another.

RWBY: We promise.

(Y/N): (returns to cheerful) Ok, then. Talk we you all later. 

She exits the room as RWBY share a worried look.

Ruby: Oh! I left my board game at the library!

Weiss: (facepalms) We're doomed.

Ruby: (runs out of the room and down the hallway) I'll be right back! (runs into someone as she falls to the floor) Oo-oof! Oh g-! (looks up) Sorry. Are you okay?

Emerald: I'm fine. (offers a hand up as she is shown to be in a school uniform alongside Cinder and Mercury) Just watch where you're going.

Ruby: Oh, right, sorry. (continues to speak as Emerald helps her up) Um, I'm Ruby! Are you new?

Cinder: (in an innocent tone) Visiting from Haven, actually.

Ruby: Ooh! Then you're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory.

Mercury: I guess we just got turned around.

Ruby: Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time. (as Emerald and Mercury walk past) Uh, your building is just east of here.

Cinder: Thank you. (walks past) Maybe we'll see you around.

Ruby: (waves) Yeah, maybe! Oh, uh, and welcome to Beacon!

Cinder: (smiles evilly) Thank you.


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