The Ceaseless Virtue

By ChiMormoYasha

2.4K 104 60

Jaune Arc, weak, scraggly, and overall unimpressive these sorts of views weren't new not by any means all his... More

1. A reaction channel in the abyss?
2. Damn you stop unsuppressing my memories.
4. Dragoness uses her fists to destroy flexible man (Gone wrong!!)
5. The Knight, The Fool and The Rabbit

3. I guess writing erotica sometimes pays off.

421 21 4
By ChiMormoYasha





[The Game]

All rights of RWBY and other content such as pictures or references do not belong to me they are owned by there respected creators.


Jaune POV

1st Year Dorms


Waking up after that late night talk with Pyrrha was a bit of a task with Noras complaints about the alarm I had and with how tired I felt getting out of bed was a bit of a challenge as the warm and comfy bed sheets shielded me from the cold morning air, but nether the less the constant alarm emitting from my scroll was to much and I reluctantly swung my legs over the side, sat up and gripped my scroll.

Looking at the time there was about two hours left till the first period with Professor Port so I turn towards my still drowsy team and encourage them to get dressed, I then take my uniform and leave to the bathroom first having a quick shower and brushing my teeth I get my uniform on I look at the notification I had ignored earlier.

[Due to resting on a comfortable surface all Hp and Ap has been fully restored and any negative buffs have been removed.]

Sweeping away the white screen I exited the bathroom and sat on my bed just going on my scroll as I watched the rest of my team go in one after another, after Ren was the final one out I glanced at the time and saw that we had some to spare so standing back up I instructed them to just wait a minute while I went to get something.

Around 10 minutes later I left the cafeteria with a small bundle of meals today was the fist day and I couldn't lead my team on an empty stomach, arriving at the dorm room I gave out each of there breakfasts a small stack of pancakes for Nora, a small platter of mooncakes for Ren and a bowl of yogurt with some granola and fruit for Pyrrha even as they all ate I could still feel some confusion coming them seeing me without a plate.

"I already ate." I answered "had a piece of toast on the walk back."

Nodding they just turned back to their food sitting back down I started some small talk and I just waited for them all to be done watching smiles dance across each of there faces as we chatted about yesterday and what might happen today. 

[Through your continued kindness the [Bond] between the player and 'Pyrrha' has deepened]

[Through your continued kindness the [Bond] between the player and 'Nora' has deepened]

[Through your continued kindness the [Bond] between the player and 'Lian' has deepened]

[The [Bond] between 'Lian' and the player has evolved from [Acquittance] to [Friend] CHA has increased by 1]

After a bit they all had finished there breakfasts and we all decided to make a head start towards the first lesson getting our supplies and heading out of the door I heard the loud noise of a whistle from team RWBYs dorm.

'I guess they're all up now' I thought 'that means we've got some time to get to lesson.'

I smiled walking past there dorm I could hear the muffled conversation they were having and the cluttering of items.


Making it to professor Ports lesson we had around 20 minutes to spare so heading towards my seat and sitting down I took out my notebook and pen, looking around at the few student that where here it made me realise this was actually the first time I had seen this room sure I had seen it numerous of times before but that was through the screen I never got to experience the actual feeling of being in a classroom like this.

Looking from poster to poster I examined the different grimm explained across the walls taking my pen into my hand I started to write down the different weak p[points and strategies for the Grimm I could see I know this stuff will be taught to us but I need a better understanding as I'm still behind from the rest of my class even with the visons there wasn't a lot of explained to do with the Grimm's weaknesses.

as I got around half way through my second page of writing the familiar 'Ding' alerted me to the systems new message. 

[Through continued actions the Player has gained the [Skill:][Beginners literature] [LV 1]]

[Past experience will be added]

[The [Skill:][Beginners literature] has levelled up!]

[The [Skill:][Beginners literature] has levelled up!]

[The [Skill:][Beginners literature] has levelled up!]

[The [Skill:][Beginners literature] has levelled up!]

[The [Skill:][Beginners literat-

This went on for quite a while actually the continues dinging giving me a small headache but after around a minute it finally stopped.

[All past experience has been added]

[Congratulations through a vast amount of experience the [Skill:][Masterful Literature][LV MAX] has been acquired!]  

[Due to an outstanding achievement the [Title][Author] has been acquired]

'....Huh??..' I thought 'Wait what the..'

I was quite flabbergasted really what had causes this sudden boost in my new skill it only took a few seconds for me to really think about it though, sighing I thought back to my time during my earlier pubescent days where I took out all my emotions and 'urges' out on a small book series I made over the course of a few years one day one of my sisters had found it and showed to to my mother who gave my a bit of a thrashing.

But now that I think about it after reading it my mother took it to one of her friends where it was praised for is lore and character growth so after a bit of persuading and talking it was edited and published under a pen name.

'I think we agreed on 'Ninja's of Love' as its official title.' I pondered 'oh well, but what does this skill and title do?'

[[Skill:][Masterful Literature](Passive)[LV MAX]: Allows the Player to write at an accelerated pace (currently set at 10x faster)]

[[Title] [Author]{Rare}: Through dedication and time your written work has become publicly published and bought, gives the player +10 to INT and WIS. [Can be evolved]]



Understanding the differences that where made the stat increase made both my 'INT' and 'WIS' my highest stats right now, but the sound of professor Port entering the room stole my attention as I watched him walk to his desk and begin calling out names.

As he called out names in my head I was waiting for the main arrivals to appear actually I was thinking I bet I can count down the exact second they get here as I have seen this so many times before so why not so as he called out the next name I started counting 10..9..8..

3..2..1.. and just then team RWBY burst through the doors, I watched as they stumbled past each other to get to the remaining seats as I held a small smirk as seeing this in person was much better then from the previous screen.

Finally making it to there seats professor Port standing in the middle of the class room floor he began talking.  

"Monsters...Demons." He began "Prowlers of the night, yes the creatures of Grimm have many names."

"But I merely refer to them as prey!" Port said in a joyous tone. "HAha...haha."

As he laughed at his own joke he woke up Ruby who was resting on her left arm as no one laughed along he stopped laughing pre maturely to the sound of crickets.

"Ah.. and you will too upon graduating from this prestigious academy." Port continued trying to get back on track. "Now as I was saying, Vale as well as the other three kingdoms are safe havens in an other wise treacherous world." 

He continued talking and to be honest I started drowning his voice out after hearing this speech at least a thousand times before it was hard for me to want to hear it again so as he continued I look to behind him where the diagrams of five different Grimm.

'Well' I thought 'Might as well do something to pass the time.'

And so I did turning my page I started drawing out the first one I could see clearly that being of a Beowolf as I drew out the beowolf's head doing a simple sketch I thought it would be helpful to have this draw next to all notes for the Grimm but as I had just finished the top half of the Beowolf I got another notification. 

[Through continued actions the Player has gained the [Skill:][Beginners illustration] [LV 1]]

[Past experience will be added]

'uh oh' I thought already knowing where this was going.

[The [Skill:][Beginners illustration] has levelled up!]

[The [Skill:][Beginners illustration] has levelled up!]

[The [Skill:][Beginners illustra-

I decided to just let the 'Skill' keep doing its thing as I waited for it to end this time it was a shorter time then the last 'Skill' but it was still annoying having to deal with the constant pinging noise.

[All past experience has been added]

[Congratulations through a vast amount of experience the [Skill:][Skilful illustration][LV 29] has been acquired!]

[[Skill:][Skilful illustration](Passive)[LV 29]: Allows the Player to draw at an accelerated pace (currently set at 6x faster)]

Looking at the two different 'Skills' I had now acquired I looked back down to my previous sketch and could see a multitude of ways to change it so rubbing out my sketch I looked behind the professor and began drawing out and writing all the information I could visibly see.

After only a few minutes I was already done not only had I managed to copy every thing down from the five diagrams I also had managed to add some of my own understanding and knowledge of the different Grimm these two skills were amazing I could just imagine how they could help me keep track of different things if I could do it this fast.

I was brought out of my moment of self amazement to another student shouting something agreeing to what ever Port had said I believe if I'm correct that Weiss's breaking point should be soon.

And you know what I was correct as Port told us his tale of a 'young' and 'handsome' hunter obviously it was all a glorification of his own events he had through his years but I will admit there was a few bits of actual helpful lessons and skills told in his story that I don't think many picked up on.

But as I was listening to his story I also watched as Ruby consistently seemed to unintentionally annoy Weiss more and more, from making crude drawings of Port to balancing an apple on top of her book on top of her pencil to falling asleep again and her picking her nose seemed to be the be a breaking point as I saw Weiss getting angrier and angrier.

"so" Port interrupted "who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits."

Weiss's hand shot up immediately "I do sir!" she almost seemed to shout.

"Well then... let's find out" Port said pointing towards a caged Grimm next to him "Step forward and face your opponent."


After a few minutes Weiss had come back equipped with her battle gear and Myrtenaster she now stood on the classroom floor facing opposite to the caged Grimm professor Port stood next to the cage ready to open it.

"Go. Weiss!" Yang cheered flowed by Blake holding a red RWBY flag.

"Fight well!" Blake joined on still waving the flag.

"Yeah represent team RWBY!" Ruby excitedly said only for Weiss to turn to her "Ruby I'm trying to focus." Weiss scolded I thought it was a bit rude to only scold Ruby but that's what their relationship as partners is currently like I had to remind myself.

"oh..uh sorry." Ruby said in a saddened tone.

Taking the little time of their small well I could barely call it an argument but whatever it was I used this time to use my 'Skill' 'Observe' on Weiss.

 [Using [Skill:][Observe] on target 'Weiss']

[Weiss Schnee] [Lv 39]

[Race:] [Human]

[Title:] [Heiress],[Ice Princess],[Pale Snowflake],[Siren]

[Class:] [Dust Fencer]

[Status:] [None]

[Hp:] [3200/3200]

[Ap:] [1600/1600]








[[Class:] [Dust Fencer] Using your knowledge of Dust and the art of Fencing you have mastered these two things to create something new a product of your hard work and effort. {+10 SRT, +10 DEX, +10 INT}]

"Alright" Port said drawing my attention "Let the match. Begin!"

As he finished talking he swung down the axe blade of his weapon to the cages lock and it cause it to be sliced off and the cage door fell down and the Grimm growled so more, and just like I had thought a Boarbatusk can charging out of the cage strait towards Weiss but she skilfully dodged with roll but not before landing a strike.

Weiss stood back up facing the Boarbatusk as it turned and faced Weiss growling as it ready another charge attack, "haha.." Port began "wasn't expecting that were you?".

"Hang in there Weiss!' Ruby cheered as Weiss and the Boarbatusk charged at each other meeting head on and in their tussle Myrtenaster was caught between the tusk of the Boarbatusk, already knowing how this was going to play out not only now but what was to come from Ruby's constant callouts I had an intriguing thought.

I pondered if my 'skill' worked on people and inanimate objects I wonder if it'll work on things like the Grimm, deciding to test my theory I turn my head to the Boarbatusk and use 'Observe'.

  [Using [Skill:][Observe] on target 'Boarbatusk']




The three loud and red notifications that appeared in front of me startled me greatly as I jumped back a little from the sheer shock even in my 'viewings' I had never seen a screen like this what's happening?

[Target 'Boarbatusk' is neither classified as a 'Living' or a 'Item' so [Skill:][Observe] has been deactivated]

'well then' I thought ' that's quite disappointing but if that's the case does that mean that the Grimm aren't really 'alive'?' I pondered some more 'That...that adds some more context and layers to what they truly are then... when I had thought I knew some more answers only more questions popped up hey.'

Looking up from my desk I saw that the fight had just finished as Weiss kneeled on the ground breathing heavily as the Grimm next to her started to disintegrate, "Bravo bravo" Port congratulated "It appears as we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training."

Standing up Weiss placed Myrtenaster by her side "I'm afraid that's all we have time for today.' Port continued "Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and...stay vigilant class dismissed." When he had finished I watched as Weiss glared at Ruby and left the classroom Ruby following her shortly after. 

I quickly packed away my things and just told my team I was heading for the bathroom but instead I hurried to try and get to Ruby because after the argument these two would have Ozpin is going to step in and give Ruby some words of advice.

And that would be the beginning of Ruby's blind trust for him so I had to try and talk to her before him, walking down the hall I arrived just around the corner of where I could hear Weiss and Ruby already mid argument.

"That's just it!" Weiss said "You've done nothing to earn your position, back in the forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so."

"Weiss" Ruby dejectedly asked "Where is this coming from?" looking Weiss in the eyes she continued "What happened to all the talk about working together, I thought you believed in acting as a team." 

"Not a team led by you." Weiss dolefully argued "I've studied and trained and quite frankly I deserve better, Ozpin made a mistake." and with that she turned and walked away as Ruby tried reaching out for her.

As she walked away I could see Ozpin walking towards us so I quickly turned the corner and stood behind Ruby tapping her on the shoulder to let her know I was there, she quickly turned around quite startled but calmed when she saw it was just me.

Ruby looked quite nervous her eyes refusing to meet mine as she just looked so defeated so with a sigh I decided to begin the conversation.

"Ruby" I began as she looked up at me "I overheard what Weiss had said." and with that she looked back down to her feet, "I'm sorry for that as that seemed quite personal for the two of you."

"But" I continued "as I already know what's going own I'm gonna add my own opinion to the mix." Ruby looked back up at me confusion in her eyes, "I can see where Weiss is coming from as she has been training for a very long time for that position but that doesn't give her the privilege to say what she did."

Before I could continue Ruby interpreted me "But isn't what she said correct though?" she said as I could see tears swelling in her eyes "did Ozpin make a mistake, should I really be a team leader?"

Sighing again and shaking my head I looked her in the eyes and continued "We don't know yet Ruby, it's been like what a day since you and me got our positions." putting my hand on her shoulder to comfort her "and if anything really you belong to be a leader more then me."

I almost laughed at the sheer shock on her face as she tried to say words but nothing came out so instead I just kept going "I mean come on Ruby I was there when you instructed your team against that Nevermore and I watched as you took lead sure I helped my team but just look at you Ruby Fifteen years old and you already have a rightful place here."

"Yeah there's going to be disputes and harsh words thrown around but that what makes a team, not just blindly listening to a leader but following a leader because you trust them even after they see the worst in you." Laughing slightly I looked back down at her and she was still just staring into my eyes soaking in all I was telling her "But honestly even if you do take my words to heart don't fully trust them, sometimes there going to be people you can't get to listen even after doing all the right steps, but Weiss.. Weiss I don't think is one of those people."

"You two are going to have some disagreements but that's just a given with how different you two are but that doesn't mean your going to be bad partners." sighing again I continued "Just give her some time Ruby every thing is new to all of us and it'll take some time for her to accept you for"

"so no I don't think Ozpin made a mistake in picking you as a leader and if he changes his mind, well I guess I might as well just give in my resignation letter then." finishing my sentence I just smile down at her it takes a few seconds of us just standing there but then she tackled into me almost knocking the wind out me but any complaints died on my tongue as she wrapped her thin arms around my stomach and silently wept.

Sighing once more I rested my hand atop her head and slow consoled her "hey" I started "rumours been going around that your some kind of 'Legend' at Grimm Fighters V and well I don't take kindly to my title being stolen" I chuckled this seemed to work as she stepped away with a smile of her own "oh yeah" Ruby said "we'll have to see about that won't we?"

"Yep" I continued "How about we head back and I'll show you why my sisters now hate going against me." I smugly said, "Sounds like a plan." Ruby continued her tears having dried now so I stood next to her and was about to start walking back to the dorms when we were interrupted.

"Before you go" Ozpin said causing me to turn towards him "a moment of your time please Mr Arc."

Turning me head to Ruby I told her to go ahead first and that I would soon follow, after she had left I turned once again to Ozpin anger had started to build in my heart as flashes of past worlds passed seeing the pain and grief caused by this one man and his complicated divorce.

[Due to heightened emotions the [Skill:][Gamers Mind] has been activated]

[Due to heightened emotions the [Skill:][Gamers Mind] has been activated]

After the 'Skill' had activated I could feel my self start to calm down as a looked at Ozpin he started to talk "I'm quite impressed Mr Arc, not only did you mange to not alert those two mid conversation but you also managed to calm Miss Rose's worries even if just by a smidge." he said a constant small smile on his face "And to have so much trust in another to even risk your hard fought place in this academy I do agree Mr Arc that neither yours nor Miss Rose's position as team leaders was a mistake."

"Professor Ozpin thank you for your kind words and I'll make sure to relay them to Ruby as-well if you please may I head back to my dorm." I said slightly bowing and oh Ohm I was just cringing on the inside of having to act nice with him, but luckily for me he seemed pleased with my response and nodded allowing me to turn and walk in the opposite direction towards the dorms.

After making sure he wasn't following and making a few more turns I let out a sigh of relief it was hard to listen to him talking with each word he said it felt like I was watching a snake lie through it's teeth but I will admit the slight undertone of annoyance in his voice when he said about how I helped Ruby stopping him from an opportunity to bring her a little bit close to his side I did almost want to laugh aloud but some how I managed to keep a strait face back then.

[Through your continued kindness the [Bond] between the player and 'Ruby' has deepened]

Continuing onward towards the First year dorms I smiled a little as I hoped Ruby was as good at that game as I had seen before.


{I hope you enjoyed the Next addition to The Ceaseless Virtue, Peace}


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