We are impossible...[CHAENNIE]

By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

5.1K 222 165

There is no right or wrong choice, there is only a choice and its consequences. If the main value of human li... More

We're friends, right?
Notes of nutmeg
Broken doll
Our little world
Adding colors
Quiet love
A fly in the ointment
Stay with me[M]
Family ties
What does love mean?
A sense of calm

Eyes like yours

401 11 4
By i4i-Vpd-hEE-LWu

First I will fall in love with the very thought of him, then with the plus sign of the test, a pod with arms and legs, and then with a chubby little man sticking his feet in his mouth

Jennie's POV

A quiet park, not crowded today, a person walking a dog will rarely pass, or a child will ride a scooter. The weather is wonderful, the clear blue sky without a single cloud, the body is enveloped in the warmth of the sun's rays, which are so pleasantly warm. I like spring. Once I walked here alone or together with Jongin, but those times have now faded like old photos, and today it will be marked by bright colors, among which the delicate pink cherry color stands out, which creates some kind of almost fabulous atmosphere.

I'm wearing a long white dress that my parents gave me on my birthday, and sandals with low heels are in color for it. The same clean and bright image as the time of the year itself, in which I found myself. During this period, life is especially boiling, everything wakes up from hibernation, and I am with it. What is the reason for my being in the park? She is called by a beautiful long word Roseanne, my blonde sun, which warms even better than the heavenly body. It was she who called me here, and my intuition already feels why, I remember the passage when I wished for a ring on my finger, like Jisoo's.

Here's Chaeyoung, she's wearing high-waisted black jeans and a light blue sweatshirt with a cute print, she complains that she's still cold, and worries that I dressed so lightly. But in fact, I am warm from this day and her love. The April breeze is playing with the blonde hair of the beloved, and when she finishes wailing, she smiles, embracing me in her arms. It's so good to be so close to her, her pale neck smells of barely noticeable perfume, but it's so nice that I fall into this veil, feeling as if the whole world has been put on pause, and there are just the two of us.

-Okay, okay, there will still be time to cuddle.

To my disappointment, Park stepped back a little, letting me out, and then sighed when I pouted. Nevertheless, soon I was overwhelmed with boundless happiness, because my intuition did not let me down. Rose took out a small box lined with black velvet from her small shoulder bag, it seems, guided by my favorite color, and then held it out to me and opened it, presenting a silver ring with a small blue sapphire. That's it, without getting down on one knee and fiery speeches. And this is not necessary, I already know perfectly well how much she loves me, and I am convinced of it every day.

- Kim Jennie, will you become my wife?

I know the answer to this question, I don't even need to think about it, but it still excites. And also this ring, probably spent a lot of money on it. God, calm down! This is not the most important thing right now. She's waiting, waiting for you to say, so don't hesitate, otherwise you'll ruin everything that you've already lived.

-Yes.- I finally say, while a smile blooms on my lips.- Yes, I will.

In the next moment, Chaeyoung hastily pulled a ring on the ring finger of my left hand, and then embraced me. I, feeling hot drops falling on my shoulder, began to stroke my beloved on the back, calming her. Of course, she was crying with happiness, but I think it makes it better to smile, so I was very glad when Rose, moving away, gave me a huge smile, which made her eyes narrow sweetly. My small heels made up for the difference in height a little, and I clung to Park's lips, kissing her gently.

-So you're moving?

A little over a year later, I look at Rose's upset face in the living room of our apartment, she moved in with me about six months ago. Jisoo and Lisa are sitting with us at a low table, and Yumiko is playing with Hank, who has already turned from a puppy into a small, but adult dog. Friends recently informed us that they were moving to America, so we decided to have a farewell get-together. It's sad, of course, but it will really be easier for them there, they won't have to hide anymore, and then, Lalisa got such a lucrative offer.

-Honey, don't worry.- I put my arm around Park's shoulders, then looked at my friends with a slight smile.- It will be lonely without you, but still, you will be able to get married there, and Lisa will have the opportunity to become Yumiko's documented second mom.

-Yes, we also took this into account when deciding.- Manoban nodded at me.- She will be able to tell her friends, but here she does not even have the opportunity to invite anyone to visit, questions will arise.

-You're right.- Rose said, leaning on me.- In general, we ourselves are thinking that it would be nice to move to Australia. We want to get married too.

-What about the kids?- Jisoo asked.

Her words made me look inside myself. I wanted to, really wanted to for a long time. There was money, there were children's things in the locker that my aunt gave me, and there was also just a huge supply of love that I wanted to share with someone else. In addition, there was a girl next to me, in whom I was absolutely sure, she did not give me cause for concern, responsible and kind. But still, my desire could frighten her, would she bear such a load?

-Jennie wants them.- Rose suddenly said, and I stared at her in surprise.- Well, you keep children's things, in the mall you stare at the windows with tiny clothes or toys. And this is not just an interest, you are watching with such loving eyes after couples with children who walk there.

-Do you want children?- Emboldened, I asked the question.

-When we move to Australia, we will settle down, then we can discuss it. In general, I would be very glad if there was someone as cute as you.- Park smiled, making me blush, and then left a warm kiss on my temple.- Only... you will give birth.

-I actually wanted to.- I flicked my beloved's forehead with my finger, which she began to rub with her palm.

-God, you're so funny.- Lisa started laughing, and soon Yumiko picked her up, who, even if she didn't understand our conversation, just got infected with the spirit.

-Do you want to have a baby?- Jisoo asked me.

-Yes, I want to feel all this... pregnancy, childbirth. They say it forms an almost magical bond between mother and child.- I honestly admitted, but then sighed sadly.- It's just a pity that someone haven't come up with anything so that the child has Rosie's features, and not just mine. Of course, we can find a similar donor, but it's still not the same.

-Baby, maybe they'll come up with something before then.- My beloved supported me, putting her arm around my waist.- But even if the child looks just like you, I will still love him, because I love you very much.

A few months later, when we had already spent Jisoo, Lalisa and Yumiko in the USA and now communicated with them only through correspondence and video calls, in a conversation with Rose's parents we mentioned that we would like to move to Australia. After listening to us, they supported this idea and volunteered to help in any way they could, even offered to stay with them for the first time until we get a job and find housing. After talking to my beloved alone, we decided that we should start packing our bags and quit our jobs.

-We'll set up an office here, we can even buy you a piano if you want, and I'll work at the table.

It took six months before Rose and I were able to become independent and free again. No, life with Park's parents was not bad, but, nevertheless, they sometimes lost their heads and treated us like children, since we live in their house. And it was often difficult to retire for various intimate moments, or had to be too quiet. So when we finally managed to save up the necessary amount and buy, albeit a small one, but our own house, we were incredibly happy.

It was right there in Melbourne and was a ten-minute walk from the nearest beach, a two-story building, but small in width. From the rooms: a kitchen, a living-dining room, two bathrooms, a bedroom and a couple of empty rooms. I planned one for an office, and the second in my dreams has already become a nursery. At least now it was possible to think about it.

A few months ago, Rose and I got married, my parents and Jisoo came with Lisa and baby Yumiko, the friends themselves have not had time to do it yet, too immersed in work and the arrangement of a new house. Now I also had citizenship, so I don't have to worry about the fact that my visa will end soon and I need to extend it. The job was also stable, I managed to find a job as a realtor in a fairly large company, and Rose got a job teaching music at one of the private schools. In general, everything was going as well as possible, so it would be nice to start thinking about children.

But I had to postpone these thoughts for another year, because the work was absorbed in full, and the renovation of the house took a lot of time, and I worked hard on its interior, taking into account my tastes and the tastes of my wife. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung and I managed to visit America for the wedding of Jisoo and Lisa, even traveled a little around California, taking a well-deserved vacation. It was only when life got into a calmer channel that I decided to talk to Park about something that has been bothering me for a long time.

I postponed the birth of a child not only because of business, I also studied various resources all the time on the subject of how much technology had advanced, because I wanted us to have our genetically common child. Unfortunately, even those methods that have already been invented have not yet been adopted by the legislation of most countries as humane, and could also entail a high probability of fetal illness and mortality. So, we could only find a donor similar to Rose and do IVF.

-Baby, you're too thoughtful today. Something happened?

One evening Rose and I were sitting in the living room, I had my head on her shoulder, and she was reading Catherine Stockett's The Help aloud to me. But I was listening to her somehow in the background, all thinking about how much love there is in me, and that I want to share it with someone else besides my wife. No, it didn't mean that I would stop paying attention to Rose, just a little man would appear, whom we would take care of together. But I was still worried that my beloved might be afraid of such responsibility, or, which also often happens, she would decide that she did not want a child, because she would be jealous of me for him. However, whatever her reaction, we should talk.

-I want to have a baby, Rosie.- I said softly, looking up at the girl.- I really want to.

Park looks into my eyes, her pupils are dilated, it seems that my words caused surprise. The silence continues for too long, I was already afraid that my beloved does not share my desire, that she is afraid that she does not want to share me with someone else. What is going on in her head now?

-Okay.- Chaeyoung nods her head and a smile blooms on her lips.- I will be very happy if children's laughter is heard in our house. And I'm ready to take responsibility.

-Really?- Her answer, even the one I was waiting for, made me surprised, because I managed to come up with all possible negative reactions in my head.

-Yes.- She hugged me and kissed me on the forehead, after which she restored eye contact.- I love you, Jennie, and I think it would be cool to have someone like you. But...


-At first it would be better if you consult with doctors, undergo various examinations to reduce any risks. I want the pregnancy and childbirth to go well, and that both you and the baby are healthy.

-Of course, I will consult.- I smiled at Rose.- I also want everything to go as well as possible. It remains only to find a donor similar to you.

-Well, there is a Korean community here, so there may be options in the clinic's databases.- The girl began to reflect.- But if not, we will address them directly. I think there will be a guy who will not refuse to help us.

-Maybe one of your childhood friends?

-Hmm, you're right. I'll try to contact them.

-Rosie.- I drawled.

 -Yes?- Park looked into my eyes with a question.

-Thank you, I'm very glad that you agree.- I smiled and reached for my wife's lips.

There was a series of examinations and consultations with doctors. Fortunately, no one revealed anything dangerous and gave the go-ahead for pregnancy, so Rose and I soon started looking for a donor. Already in the clinic's database, we found a good candidate: an Australian of Korean origin, leads a healthy lifestyle, good intellectual abilities. We also met with him personally in order to make sure of the choice, he turned out to have a rather pleasant voice, and his facial features were quite close to those of my wife. That's why we settled on this guy.

The most anxious expectation is when you are waiting for someone to tell him the wonderful news. It seems that time is going well too slowly. I'm lying on the bed and looking at a recently made test, where two stripes are burning bright red. There is no limit to joy, because this is the third attempt, the last two failed, and I was very upset then, even cried several times. Now I was experiencing incredible happiness, and I so wanted Rose to come as soon as possible to tell her the good news. As soon as the sound of the door opening reached me, I rushed into the corridor, where my wife stared at me in surprise, taking off her shoes.

-Rose, sit down.- I asked, patting the low stool with my hand, and Park obeyed me.

-What is it, baby?- She asked excitedly.

I took the test from behind my back, where I hid it, and handed it to my beloved, who took it and for the first few seconds just tried to understand, and then I saw the corners of her lips diverge in a smile, exposing beautiful teeth.

-You're pregnant!- She exclaimed joyfully, looking up at me.


-God, I'm so glad!

Rose jumped up from the stool and hugged me, covering my face with kisses, I laughed and was embarrassed, hugging the girl in response, and then rose up on her toes and kissed me on the lips, to which I immediately received an answer. After a very short time, we notified the parents on both sides and Jisoo and Lisa. Everyone sincerely congratulated us, and my beloved and I felt the happiest.

Pregnancy passed quietly, even brought pleasure, until the seventh month of pregnancy I continued to work actively, I was not tormented by toxicosis and pain, and in the evenings Rose and I lay on the bed, she kissed my growing belly, talked to the baby and seemed to be waiting for his birth even more than I was. Her parents also helped us, mine promised to visit as soon as a grandson or granddaughter was born. Actually, we asked for ultrasound not to tell us the sex of the child, so as not to immediately impose any expectations on him. My wife and I may have been quite free in this regard, but we were afraid that some deep stereotypes might play. The nursery was decorated in neutral tones, clothes and toys were bought of the same plan, and as soon as the baby grows up, we will redo it to suit his or her tastes. Regarding the name, we decided that if there is a boy, we will call him Jihwan, and if it is a girl, then Areum.

Childbirth, of course, is not the most pleasant event, but I am grateful to heaven that they passed relatively quickly and were not accompanied by severe pain. The only thing is that we were in the prenatal room for a long time, because we arrived almost after the first contractions. But it wasn't so scary, Rose was next to me, between contractions she gave me a drink, then did a massage, then we watched some movies together, and even though I was tired, I was in a good mood. During the birth itself, my beloved was also there, and I am very grateful to her for this, because she encouraged me and said that I would succeed, although the thought crept into my head that I would give up now, not so much from pain as from fatigue. But along with the first cry of our baby came the long-awaited relief.

-You did it, Jennie.- Chaeyoung smiled brightly at me, and then turned her gaze to the baby, who was being held in the hands of a doctor.

-It's a boy.- He said.

I felt very happy, but fatigue still took over, it plunged into twilight, and the images of people scurrying around mixed up, soon disappearing altogether. I only heard Rose's agitated appeals to the staff before losing consciousness.

I don't know how long I was out, but I woke up already in the ward, there was an IV in my hand, and Rose was dozing in the chair next to me. I smiled, she was tired too, but... where's the baby? As if he had heard my thoughts, he began to cry, and I noticed a transfer bed at the window, I wanted to get up to him, but there was still weakness in my body. Fortunately, crying woke Park, she came to her senses for a few seconds, then noticed that I had already woken up, smiled at me and went to the crib. I adjusted the pillow and raised myself up a little, taking a semi-sitting position while she was carrying the baby, and then put it on my chest.

He was beautiful, so tiny and vulnerable, I wanted to take care of him, there was already a light black fuzz on his head, and his eyes were cat-shaped, the color was something between brown and black. But most of all I felt love for the idea that this is our son with Rose, who has plump cheeks and a pleasant baby smell.

-Welcome to the family, Jihwan.- I smiled at him, and the baby looked at me with his still stupid gaze.

-He has your eyes.- Chaeyoung said, and I began to study my son, looking for similarities between us.

-Yes. - I agreed after, and sobs were heard nearby, and I stared at Park in bewilderment.- Hey, why are you crying?

-These are tears of happiness.- The beloved waved away.- I'm so glad I have you, and I'm so proud of you. Thank you. He's just gorgeous.

-Thank you.- I stretched out my free hand to her palm and squeezed it lightly, smiling.- You were there for the whole pregnancy and childbirth, so it was much easier for me to cope. I love you, Rosie.

-I love you too.- She clung to my lips and kissed me, then bent down to the baby and lightly kissed him on the forehead.- And I love you, Jihwan.

The end<33333

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