Nobody to Somebody

By ReachForTheSkye443

388 14 2

A girl leaving everything behind to start afresh. She has a 4.0 GPA and an IQ score of 257. She lost her pare... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Sequel update

Chapter 2

26 2 0
By ReachForTheSkye443

I admired the campus. The grass was green, although it had some frosted tips because of the cold, which makes it even better. There was a bricked pathway leading to the main hall.

The building I was approaching was huge. It was also beautiful and I appreciate the architecture of this place. I was guessing that the building I'm approaching is the school and the other bigger buildings are the dormitories.

I walked along the pathway made by the grass. There were shrubs and bushes made alongside the grey bricked pathway. The bushes along the sides contained some berries, some of which were blueberries, blackberries but not strawberries. I felt alive, rich even to walk upon this path, the path to success, literally.I saw students walking, some chatting, some giggling, and some studying. I also couldn't wait to make some friends.

When I got there, I pushed the doors open to my future. That was a little dramatic and unnecessary. I saw students walking up and down the stairs. Freshman everywhere at once, looking for assistance. You could easily spot a new college student by their uneasiness or excitement, some maybe looking mischievous, seeing the possibilities of being away from home, or glad that you are finally away from home.

I'm here for one reason, which is the last one. To get away from New York, away from Aunt Serena, away from the bad memories that once haunted me.

Beyond all that chaos, I looked for a desk that had someone who could assist me.

I walked towards the brunette haired lady to ask for some directions. There was no line of students who were waiting to check in which dorm they were staying in.

She was busy with her phone one hand, and the other was tapping the desk impatiently. She had pink fading into white nails.

I walked up to her to get a closer look at her face. She had pale skin, lips that were covered with red lipstick, lightly blushed cheeks. She looked like she was in her early twenties.

"Hello. I'm looking for some assistance." I politely called out.

She looked up, and her face morphed into disgust and confusion. She looked at me like I was some creature that didn't belong here. She looked at me the same way my grandparents did everything we came for Thanksgiving, which is not a good look at all.

"Umm, we don't have food, so you'll have to come back later." She stated, faking sincerity.

"What makes you think I want food?" I asked, looking at her stormy blue eyes.

"Umm..." She trailed off.

"Oh, is it because I'm black?" I asked. I know not to jump to any conclusions, but my dear sister seemed to have ripped that mindset when she acts the way she does.

She looked almost embarrassed or angry even. Why? I've gotten through this many times. People in this world are really racist especially in America. Apparently, color matters to them. Skin type, seriously? Grow up.

"Please excuse me." She abruptly walked away. That was suspicious. All I did was ask her a question.

I leaned on the table and I saw her phone was open. She was receiving a transaction.

I rotated the phone so it could face me. $20 000? Woah, I've never even received a 1000 bucks. Not even 100 dollars. $20000 might not seem like much to other people, but to me, it is like a million dollars. I do not like money at all. It is the root of all corruption and evil. It is an addiction. Once you get some, you will start coming back for more and more. Sadly, in this world, we do need money, some of us more than others.

She came back, and she snatched her phone as if she were hiding something. It is probably something to do with the $20 000.

"What the hell we're you doing with my phone?" She screeched, roughly grabbing my wrist, her nails digging into my skin.

"Nothing." My face keeping a neutral expression.

I wanted to check the time, but I came across a message on your phone, and it was in my peripheral vision, so I could not stop it. Can I?

"What'd you see, little girl?" She asked, tightening her grip.

"Based on my calculations and the type of clothing you wear, " I scanned her clothes. "You could pass to be my age." I finished, pulling my hand away from hers.

"What do you want?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"I want the keys to my dorm room." I stated, rubbing my sore wrist.

"Oh, this isn't your local community college, maybe your at the wrong college." She said, and I remained calm. The amount of disrespect this lady has is indisputable. She does not even ask why I am here? Or how could I afford this. She continues and continues like it is a normal thing to say to a person.

It was my turn now. I grabbed her hand, and I tightened my grip so much that red liquid dripped from her forearm to my fingertips. I don't know how much strength I possess, and that scares me.

"Check the damn system on the computer and ask for my damn name so we could both proceed with our days." I gritted out.

"N-name?" She stuttered, and she almost looked scared.

"Kyla." I nonchalantly said.

"Oh, you're on the west wing." She said, her tone evident of realization.

"That wasn't hard, was it?" I asked, taking the keys from her.

She rolled her eyes, and I returned the same action.

"Bitch." I heard her mutter under her breath.


I ignored her, and I proceeded to walk outside the building and on the way back to campus. I'll find the directions, somehow.

As I was looking at thr lavender lillies and who could forget the 'forget me not'? I forgot how freezing it was and I didn't have a jacket on me and it was so cold. I think my hair caught frostbite from the stiffness of it's movement.

I walked in the same pathway, and I bumped into a girl who had a suitcase too.

She had beautiful brown hair, and her brown eyes were twinkling with excitement as if it were a child embarking on her first adventure. Her enthusiastic nature also made me want to smile, almost.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy." She sheepishly said as she picked up her suitcase.

I nodded, and I was about to proceed to the dorm, but she asked me something.

"What your name? I'm new here." She stated, excitedly.

Okay stranger?

"My name is Kyla. I'm also new here." I stated.

"Oh I'm Willow." She said enthusiastically, her hair getting to her face because of the window.

Willow. A tree or shrub of temperate climates, which typically has narrow leaves, bears Catkins, and grows near water.

Or, in simple terms, it means a willow tree representing elegance and / or grace.

"Are you enrolling here?" I asked, adjusting my backpack.

"Aren't you freezing? Here, I carry extra coats." She completely ignored my question.

"Oh, thank you, Willow." I said in appreciation.

"You're very much welcome." She winked and walked in the direction I came back from. She kind of reminds me of Daisy. The character from a Disney show.

She was an inch taller than me, meaning she's like 5'8. She had fair skin and adorable brown eyes, and her cheeks were so elegant. She also had pink plump lips. She looks like she could be in the cover of vogue.

I wore her coat. It was brown and matched with my outfit perfectly. It was also warm.

I proceeded to campus, and hopefully, this could be the beginning of a new friendship.


I got to my dorm, and it was still plain, waiting to be decorated with most of Sky and a hint of Kyla.

The dorm consisted of a kitchen, bathroom, and the bedroom we entered in. There was even a study desk facing the wall.

The walls were a shade of pale blue. The bedroom consisted of two beds, both with white duvets. They provided blankets for us, but seeing how afraid I am of the cold, I brought some of my own.

We had two individual closets. Obviously, I'm taking the side, which is equivalent to my bed. The bathroom had a shower, and toilet and a basin. They were all the colors of white.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better. The kitchen was a little more spacious. There were some necessities that could last for what... a week?

This is wrong. When I got offered a scholarship, there should've been more food. I don't think it could be a problem for Sky, but for me, it is a huge problem. Or maybe I'm being dramatic.

I have a huge appetite and Sky well, a little less appetite than me.

I turned on the kettle so I could make tea. While it was boiling, I decided to unpack and put some of my things on my side. A photo of mom and dad on the nightstand, and I neatly folded the small amounts of clothes I have in the closet.

I realized that I need to find Willow tomorrow to give her her jacket and thank her.

I took a shower, the one thing I wanted to do since I've arrived her. I loved the water droplets on me. They felt so good.

I also wore my pj's in the bathroom mostly because it's cold and there isn't any heater.

I braided my wet hair. Its an afro so i have to braid it so it doesn't shrink. I wore my worn-out red and black plaid pj's and the worn-out sneakers I was wearing. Sadly, I have no slippers.

When I came out, I saw a guy and Sky making out like savages. It hasn't been a day, and she already has a boy. How, surprising.

The worst part was that they were on my bed. I was a girl who valued their own space so seeing them do their digusting stuff that could possibly spread germs makes me me cringe.

Before I was about awkwardly cough, Sky knocked over the framed of mom and dad's wedding. The one thing I value most in life.

I ran over and got on my knees. It was cracked, but the picture was safe.

"Holy shit! Am I seeing double?" The guy looked between Sky and I.

Any nimrod would've figured out that we're twins.

"We are twins." Sky said, and for some reason, I was happy that she acknowledged that we're twins.

I was also mad. How could she? She knows I value that picture more than anything in the world.

"If you don't mind, Kyla, we're busy." She stated, her chocolate eyes piercing into mine. Like Maleficent's green eyes staring into my soul.

I might seem like the person who doesn't care about anyone or who isn't really scared by anyone.

Which is true, but there is Sky. She's my twin. We were together in the womb, so she's the other half of me.

"On my bed." I said quietly.

She didn't seem to hear me, so I guess I'm switching beds.

She was making out with a blond guy who had Hazel eyes. He certainly did have style, though. I could see he had muscles.

I went to the kitchen to make the food I've been craving. I was going to cook pasta.

I like cooking. Momma taught me when I was about thirteen, and I was glad she taught me this early. From that year forward, I helped her cook and not brag. Our food was to die for.

I hummed some tune while drinking because I didn't have a phone, and I know that'll I need a phone in order to pass and get the hell out of here.

There were some spices, so I decided to mix it up, making an explosion of flavor. In which I added to the meat.

"What is that smell?" The blond haired doofus asked, coming in the kitchen.

"Food." I nonchalantly said.

"Can I taste?" He asked, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"No." I harshly said because they made out in my bed and who knows what else they did looking at his state.

"What's going on here?" Sky asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"I'm cooking, but your boyfriend here wants my food." I said in a calm tone, cutting the onions and peppers.

"Please." He asked, looking a puppy who wants his bone.

"No." I said, irritated. I barely know the dude.

"Oh, come on. No one ever says no to this adorable face." He pouted, and he almost made me smile with that pout.

"There's a first time for everything, and besides, I could never give someone who made out in my bed my home cooked meals." I stirred as the aroma of the food became strong and tempting.

"Okay. I'm sorry." He said sincerely.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I was already annoyed with this guy, so I'll just give him the food and go to sleep after I eat.

I plated for him.

"Cheese?" I asked.

"Yes fucking please!" He grabbed the dish from my arms.

I looked in the fridge for some cheese, which I should've had before I offered it to him.

Unfortunately there was no cheese and there wouldn't be anytime soon.

"This is soooo good." He moaned in satisfaction.

"Yeah, whatever." Sky rolled her eyes.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to sleep, it's late." I stated.

"Oh. Thank you for the delicious food." He even licked the plates like a dog.

"Help yourself to some more." I waved him off. I finished drinking my tea.

I got into bed, drifted onto sleep.

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