Sigrid the Haughty

By Renrutor_64

79 0 0

Sigrid is a young Goddess who dreams of becoming a Valkyrie. But, she must train with the Valkyries in the Ci... More

Inside the Wall
First Day

Always Be Kind

16 0 0
By Renrutor_64

"You remember everything I told you, correct?" Iðunn asked her daughter for the thousandth time.

Sigrid couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Yes, of course, Mom!"

"Hey, now," Iðunn's eyes flashed, "that's another thing. Don't be a smartass."

"I'll always keep my attitude in check, I swear." Sigrid smiled to ease her mother's mind, but it wasn't working.

Iðunn pulled her in for another embrace and squeezed tight, "I'm going to miss you..."

Sig's heart broke, "I'll miss you too, Mother. I will always return. And y'know you can come to visit me."

"I like the sound of you returning to me." Iðunn released her and looked her right in the eyes, "Do you have everything? Your gear? Your clothes? You will need to bring every outfit for every occasion, you know. Casual, dinner party, hot days, cold days-"

"Mom, there are no cold days in Asgard," Sigrid interrupted, "and yes, I've packed for every occasion. Even that dress you made me for special occasions."

Her mother gasped, "The blue one with gold trim?"

"Yes, that one!" Sigrid nodded.

Iðunn looked excited, "Oh, my daughter will be the prettiest girl there!"

"I think you mean woman," a disembodied voice said.

Iðunn and Sig looked over to see Brünhild approach them. They were both very happy to see her. "Don't let anyone take advantage of you, Sig."

"Oh, yeah!" Iðunn was reminded, "Who knows what those creeps could do to you!"

Brünhild laughed, "I'm more worried about them!" She slapped Sigrid across the arm playfully. "My girl could kill an ant from 100 kilometers!"

This made Iðunn finally laugh since she's been back from her talk with Odin. Brünhild always knew how to make her feel better. But at that moment, a raven dark as night flew above them and landed on a nearby apple tree branch. It set there waiting patiently.

Everyone's smile fell. It was time to say goodbye.

Brünhild was the first to speak. She kneeled in front of Sigrid so they were at eye level. "It was an honor to train you, little sister."

Sig was going to get emotional now. She gave Brünhild a big hug and said, "Thank you for everything you taught me, Brün!"

"Thank you, my dear. For taking my advice and counsel." Brünhild said, choking up.

Sigrid let go of Brünhild and walked over to her mother, tears welling in her green eyes. They said no words, for they've already been said. Iðunn simply held out her arms to her, and she rushed into them. One last hug.

Iðunn spoke softly into her ears, "You will always be my daughter. Always remember that. Don't let anyone tell you who you are or that you don't belong. Only you can decide who you are."

Sigrid took her words to heart and made sure to remember everything. She let go of her mother and walked away. Come along now, my lady, Huginn told her.

Sigrid walked over to Huginn and said to him, "I'm ready." And with that, the bird flew in circles around her, multiplying into hundreds, completely enveloping her to where she could only see glowing yellow eyes and pitch-black darkness.

When the ravens finally disappeared and her eyes adjusted, she saw that she was in the middle of a city. There were tiny huts and houses all around her. Nothing she'd ever seen before. The huts were worn down and old from the looks of it. The cobblestone streets were overgrown with grass, the sandy pathways blowing in every direction, and there were strange pale blue soldiers infecting the provinces.

She felt eyes looming over her shoulder and turned to see an average-looking man with gray balding hair and a beard. He wore an eyepatch over his right eye and carried a walking cane. Surely, this wasn't the infamous All-Father, was it?

"Hello, Sigrid. I'm so glad I finally get to meet you." His voice was very calm and collected as if trying to seem as harmless as possible.

Mother told her to beware of Odin at all times and to never let her guard down around him, but she must be kind because he was not a very forgiving man. "All-Father! So nice to meet you, too, sir."

The All-Father smiled very warmly, "The pleasure is all mine, my dear." Sigrid politely held out her hand to him. He gently grasped it and placed his other hand over both of theirs. Something her mother said he always did with women. She guesses he's more touchy with them.

"Welcome to the beautiful City of Asgard!" he said proudly, "I built every stone in this place, every blade of grass I planted myself." He led her towards the giant home that seemed to be the heart of the entire city. "This is the Great Lodge. This is where every Aesir God has lived and will continue to live. This was the first building I created in this city, the oldest of its kind, and it still stands to this day."

Sigrid felt her eyes rolling but stopped herself. She must keep her attitude in line. "You have some incredible craftmanship, All-Father. The building is wonderful."

"Of course," Odin scoffed, "You're mother asked me to not have you live here among the other Gods. Overprotective, if you ask me."

Sigrid felt annoyance and anger flare up inside her, but she pushed it down. Odin continued, "My ex-wife was also an overprotective mother... and look where that got her."

"Really, sir," Sig said, "I don't mind living on my own. My mother probably knew I would feel overwhelmed living among others when I've only lived with her."

"Well, I suppose you're right." Odin agreed, "Whatever makes you feel most comfortable, Sigrid, will be granted to you."

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it." Sig was more interested in exploring this new city. She thought up an excuse and said, "Will you please show me the rest of your beautiful city?"

"Ah, yes, eager to explore your new home." Odin finally let go of her hand and walked down the sandy pathway toward the huts. He directed his cane towards a large black building surrounded by drunken soldiers with glowing purple eyes. "That building right there is Black Thunder. It's a place full of my strongest soldiers looking to get the edge off. You can drink mead and get into bar fights. You should have no business in there."

He continued down the path for some time. As they walked, many of the Asgardians scurried outside their houses to stare at her. They whispered among themselves but Sigrid could only make out a few words. Jötunn, Goddess, daughter, myth, and Iðunn. Sig gripped the strap of her satchel and kept her eyes on the ground. "This is Gladsheim, where every citizen of Asgard lives. This will be where you will be living."

Odin didn't stay too long and kept moving. He led her up a hill towards a bridge that looked down upon a training yard. She saw many of these pale soldiers with purple eyes practicing combat and swinging their swords at each other. "This is the training grounds. I'm sure you will be spending most of your time here."

There, she saw her first real Valkyries in the flesh. No offense, Brünhild, she thought to herself.

She couldn't hold in her excitement. She had been dreaming of only Valkyries since the day the Vanir attacked Asgard. And now, her dreams actually seemed to be coming true.

Odin chuckled, "Would you like to meet them?"

Sig smiled. She practically jumped off the balcony, "Would that be too much trouble?"

Odin shook his head, "Of course not! You are a Goddess, Sigrid. They will honor and respect you."

Odin waved his hand to get the two Valkyrie's attention. They flew over to them and Sigrid almost had a heart attack. "Yes, All-Father?" They spoke in sync.

"This is Sigrid. She is the new recruit in your army." Odin shadowed her with attention proudly. "She is the daughter of Iðunn and she's looking for your guidance in training."

The Valkyries bowed to her as if she was royalty. They spoke as if they shared one voice, "It is an honor to serve you, Goddess Sigrid. The Valkyrie with orange wings and red armor said, "My name is Hrist."

The Valkyrie with green wings and matching armor said, in her own voice, "My name is Mist."

Sigrid's smile was shining bright. "It's great to meet you two. I am looking forward to training and learning from you."

Odin tutted, "So formal, you all. Well, you'll have time to get to know each other later. You two are dismissed."

"Yes, All-Father." Hrist and Mist spoke simultaneously once more and fled from the balcony. "You'll have to excuse the new Valkyrie Queen, Gná. She is busy keeping order in Valhalla." Odin moved on, walking away from the training grounds and over to the enormous Wall.

"This is Hrimthur's Wall but you probably already know that. No one goes outside the Wall, except for you and your mother of course." Odin patted the Wall's solid stone, "Built by the Giant himself, Hrimthur. The bastard disguised himself as a regular builder who promised to build the Gods a wall to protect them from invaders. He couldn't make his quota, and revealed his true identity... which cost him his life."

Odin didn't have to say the obvious. Sigrid knew Thor, the Giant-killer, killed Hrimthur. "Wow. It's very... magnificent."

Odin stared at Sigrid, his face serious. "Look, Sigrid... I know you must be feeling uncomfortable around us, particularly me. And that might be your mother's doing. But, I want you to know that you and I are not that different." Odin paused, watching her reaction, "We are both part-Giant. Hel, even Thor is part-Giant. Our Aesir blood runs strong in our veins. And the powers of the Giants, I hate to admit, are extremely valuable. We are the epitome of the most powerful Gods in all the realm. And you are one of us. I hope you will learn that you belong here during your stay."

Sigrid was speechless. She thought of many responses in her head but couldn't decide which one to say. Instead, she just nodded. "All right. I will show you to your new home." Odin said, shuffling down the hills of the city. Sigrid followed close by twiddling with her hair. The Asgardians were still staring at her. They do not see a "new" God every day, after all. Or maybe it is because they never have heard of her before? Or that she was raised outside the Wall in the country? Or that she is a Jötunn?

Sigrid would have to ignore them if she was going to live here. Their stares and whispers would hopefully stop once she has stayed here longer.

Odin stopped in front of an oval-shaped hut with a circular door frame and oval windows. Nature had grown along the roof and wrapped around the walls. It sat close to the Lodge but was far enough into the city. "This will be your home."

Odin opened the door and gestured her inside. The house was only big enough for one person. The front door opened up to a small living room, followed by a tiny sitting area with bookshelves along the walls. The kitchen was round, wrapping alongside the round walls, with a circular island, and many windows. There was a spiral staircase leading up to a balcony, bedroom, and bathroom. There was a small desk and chair looking outside the window. It was good enough for Sigrid, and she could always add more personal touches.

She met Odin outside, who was waiting patiently, "I'm sorry it's so small but it is all I can offer."

"No, it's perfect! I love it." Sigrid assured him.

Odin smiled at that, "Well, I am pleased to hear that." He began to walk away, "I will give you some time to settle in. Welcome again, Sigrid. My home is your home."

"Thank you, sir-" she was interrupted by Huginn flying around him to be teleported somewhere else.

Sigrid let out an exasperated sigh, finally able to breathe again. Her things were placed outside her home, much to her surprise. Huginn must have traveled back to her mother's and brought them here. Sig will also need to get used to this new Aesir magic.

She began to carry her things into the house, but before she could open the door, someone's hand had shut it in front of her face. Sigrid looked up to see an Aesir God right before her eyes.

"So... you are the mythical daughter of the Apple Goddess? The one who thinks herself too superior to be under the same roof as the Aesir?"

Sigrid was at a loss for words. Her mother did not warn her of this God. He seemed strikingly familiar to her, though. Perhaps she has read of him in one of her mother's journals?

"Um, hello?" Sigrid asked. He had a very stereotypical handsome face that looked like it was chiseled by a stone mason. He had a five o'clock shadow and blonde hair with braids tied into one small ponytail. His piercing purple-glowing eyes stared her down with much annoyance.

"Tell me, princess. You would rather live in this hovel among the common people rather than the most powerful Gods in all the realms?" His voice was striking, making his mockery of her even more annoying.

"No, I've just only lived among-"

"I don't care about your fruitless explanation," he interrupted, with a wave of his hand, "I can already tell it will be absurd."

Sigrid was already fed up with this guy. He was being extremely rude to someone he just met. She wanted to tell him off, but her mother's voice echoed in her head. Always be kind, my flower. Do not make enemies.

Sigrid sighed, "I am sorry if I hurt your feelings by not-"

He cut her off again, "No. My feelings could not be hurt by a tiny Half-Breed... who I didn't believe really existed until today."

"Well," Sig's frustration was growing, "if you didn't really get your feelings hurt, you wouldn't have made such a big deal about it the moment you saw me."

Sigrid slipped past him and entered the house. She set her things on the floor, but the mocking God was still talking. "You don't know who I am, do you?"

"Uh, no," Sigrid said, really wishing this conversation would end.

Sigrid started unpacking as he stood in her doorway, refusing to step inside. He stood up taller and set his hands on his feminine hips, puffing up his chest as he spoke, "I am the Watchman of the Aesir, the Herald of Ragnarok-"

"Oh! You mean Heimdall!" she stated. Her head perked up, "The God with the horn."

Heimdall was clearly angry. His face twisted into a mean snarl. "The Gjallarhorn," he said through gritted teeth, "I watch over Asgard searching for the end of the world."

"So... you sit up on top of the Wall looking at the realms all day?" Sigrid walked up to the doorway that he was blocking trying to get past him.

His shoulders dropped and brought his hand to his forehead, "I see a striking resemblance between you and your mother." He said spitefully.

"Thank you," Sigrid attempted to push him out of her way but he swiftly avoided her touch. He stepped out of her way and allowed her to walk out of the house. She ignored him as he followed her to the remaining bags of her stuff. "Hey. You read minds, right?"

He didn't respond. He seemed too flabbergasted to say a witty response. "What am I thinking about now?" She asked, pointing towards her head.

Heimdall grunted, "You dare make a mockery of me?"

"Why? You did the same to me." Sigrid picked her bags up, but Heimdall knocked them out of her hands.

"I think I have more authority over a disrespectful, hick Half-Breed that has never accomplished anything in her life." He spoke loud and sternly, a few inches from her face.

Sigrid couldn't hold her anger any longer, "What is your problem?"

Heimdall smirked because he finally got her shaken. "You are my problem. Do you really think the All-Father will make you a Valkyrie? You're time here is pointless and you will only be wasting everyone's time."

Sigrid scooped up her things and tried to walk away, "Yeah? If the All-Father really thought that, then why am I here?"

Heimdall snarled once more, "Oh, you naive little Half-Breed... You'll find out soon enough. But in the meantime, I will be watching you."

"Shouldn't you be watching for Ragnarok?" she mocked, "And not someone so insignificant as myself?"

"You are so annoying!" Heimdall finally walked away and left her alone. Sigrid only hoped she would never see him again. 

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