By myloudwy

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𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗬 𝗜 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘𝗗 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | outer banks ❝I live in a Taylor Swift's world.❞ 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡, the onl... More

𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈, i miss you, i'm sorry
𝟬𝟬𝟬, eden blair winslow
𝟬𝟬𝟭, dream summer
𝟬𝟬𝟮, pretty girls don't cry
𝟬𝟬𝟯, love made me crazy
𝟬𝟬𝟰, the beginning of everything
𝟬𝟬𝟱, life is hell
𝟬𝟬𝟲, old friends, new start
𝟬𝟬𝟳, just a lost girl
𝟬𝟬𝟴, the in-between
𝟬𝟬𝟵, not dead just confused
𝟬𝟭𝟬, she couldn't let him go
𝟬𝟭𝟭, nothing is perfect for eternity
𝟬𝟭𝟮, when we were young
𝟬𝟭𝟯, lost in the labyrith of my mind
𝟬𝟭𝟰, lonely in her white dress
𝟬𝟭𝟲, confessions under water
𝟬𝟭𝟳, the real behind the fake
𝟬𝟭𝟴, opening up to the stars
𝟬𝟭𝟵, girlhood
𝟬𝟮𝟬, when everything go down
𝟬𝟮𝟭, the beauty of danger
𝟬𝟮𝟮, the truth right in her face
𝟬𝟮𝟯, it only keeps going worse
𝟬𝟮𝟰, the runaway
𝟬𝟮𝟱, the ghost of a cop
𝟬𝟮𝟲, can you believe me for once?
𝟬𝟮𝟳, i'll be a fugitive for you
𝟬𝟮𝟴, deny just prove your love
𝟬𝟮𝟵, whenever you go, I'll go

𝟬𝟭𝟱, the mask of secrets

1.8K 65 19
By myloudwy

₊˚ ୨ ♡ ୧ ˚₊ — the mask of secrets

IF YOU COULD ASK EDEN HOW SHE felt at that exact moment as she ran through the forest in her white dress that made waves as she moved, with Sarah Cameron by her side, she would surely have said : nothing. She felt herself sinking into a black hole, her feet were only two thin branches of a tree that clung to each other so as not to let go once and for all. Her eyes stung as if thousands of eyelashes were circulating in them. It was Sarah who came to find her fifteen minutes after she disappeared. Then when she entered the bathroom where Eden was sitting two seconds ago, instead she found Eden in front of the mirror arranging her flower crown which kept falling. The blonde didn't ask any questions and only told her friend that it was almost midnight.

She had seen nothing. Sarah had only entered a bathroom which was now haunted by Eden's dried tears on the floor. It was just a transparent illusion flying through the air to take refuge in her even more secure stone body. When she turned back to Sarah, she pointed to her crown with a discouraged smile. Not a word after dared to place on her lips. She left them closed while the sweet blonde behind her arranged her crown. Every second she feared that her mother would resurface and make a scene in front of Sarah. Her hands were an earthquake clinging to the sink, until they came out of this abnormally small room according to Eden's thoughts which saw her getting smaller every minute.

And as she ran through the woods hearing the cracking braches, the birds communicating with each other, and the moon resting above the sea, she had no idea what she must be feeling. All feelings have a different meaning at each specific moment in life. She didn't want to feel the pain because that would mean she was loose, but tears forming themselves in the corner of her eyes. She didn't want to think about her cowardice, because she wanted to think of herself as strong as her heart was. Eden didn't want to feel anything anymore, so she just let the wind take her where it wanted her to go. And strangely, she was going through the forest to find him who took her under the stars this evening.

          Eden was only sure of one thing now: she was never going to be enough for anyone. Jer being just wasn't perfect, not lovable enough. She was strictly just what people wanted her to be. But if she wanted to be who she wanted to be, did she have the right or it would turn into a dark sin of her life? She never thought she would one day be so hurt on what people think. She used to be the one who didn't care what the person walking by her might wonder as she danced down the street, and now she's the one who buys every little remark about herself. Eden had nevertheless succeeded this evening in being a little more of herself, but it took too many steps to make everything swing again.

So, in fact, it is better to take full advantage of what it does well before everything tips over to the black hole again. That's why, when she arrived in front of the Hawk's Nest, she didn't even hesitate to go upstairs accompanied by Sarah who was taking deep breaths, as if out of fear. While the two girls walked on the wooden steps which creaked and moved with each step placed on them, Eden let herself be directed by the voice of her head which played between a thousand paths.

"Hey, you know what, I'm. . ." Sarah stopped halfway, clinging to the wooden fence. Eden turned to her, her eyebrows furrowed. "Go on alone. Sounds like something more, like, personal?"

Eden shook her head. "S, you're into this now. You can come. Come on, hang on my arm if you're afraid of heights."

The blonde sneered, blinking as she looked down. "It's more the steps that freak me out."

The brunette and the blonde continued to climb the few remaining stairs, took two eighth notes and finally saw John B looking at the stars, still holding the straps of his bag while his hair was blowing in the wind. Sarah turned her chin towards Eden who had stopped short and was taking a breath. Sarah imagined something in love between the two depending on Eden's state. But that was a completely different reason. John B always knew how to notice when Yasmina had hit Eden. He just managed to see through her eyes, and read every moment that had happened. She was afraid that he would still manage to see it.

          "Hey, John B." Eden hummed on her lips, took a few steps forward. John B spun around, before dropping his bag on the floor. "Shouldn't you be in bed at this time?"

          He raised his eyebrows, offended. "So do you." She rolled her eyes as he smirked. He suddenly frowned when he saw a silhouette behind Eden. "Hi, Sarah." He said in a childish tone.

She whispered, "Hi. I have what you asked Eden to ask me." She took the plat map of Tannyhill out from behind her back, and placed it in the hands of John B who took it directly and judged it with his eyes. Eden scratched her cheek discreetly, looking around her. "It's that, right?"

          John B nodded, his eyes shifting slightly to the brunette who seemed confused by something other than a simple plat map. He stammered, "Uh, yeah. Thanks, Sarah. And. . . Well, welcome to this adventure, I guess."

          She looked down at John B's hand that appeared in front of her. She smiled gently before slipping her hand into his, squeezing it to mark the deal. "I guess it'll be interesting."

          He tilted his head to the side in agreement. "More than just your life as Kook anyway."

          She nodded. "Fair. Oh, and I'm sorry about everything that goes between Kooks and Pogues. I mean, I know that I'm just an unknown to you but. . . I don't know. You just seems to have fun and living your best life. So, I wanted to do the same."

          "Is that how Eden describes us?" He asked, looking at the girl who took off her crown and suddenly dropped it down the Hawk's Nest.

          Sarah shrugged, smiling. "That's how everyone describes you." He placed his lips in a proud arch.

          Eden sighed, then finally returned to the two who were talking to each other. One thing done, they expect well. She clung to Sarah's arm, drawing her gaze to her. "What the hell are we doing here? I want some ice cream."

          John B stared at her with his brown eyes, which she kept glancing away, letting them wander between the winds and the loud toner that beat in the sky. Eden put her head on Sarah's shoulder, closing her eyes as if she didn't give a damn.

          John B approached her, judging her by her facial features. "How many drinks did you have tonight?"

          "Just a few. I can handle it, John." His name clicked on Eden's lips which then sealed together, giving an arrogant smile. It wasn't hard to see that she was not good. John B saw it well, but yet he said nothing and made no gesture since a voice came to dispose in each of their ears.

          "I knew it, Sarah." The three innocent faces turned to a well-stuffed Topper who had red eyes and hair that fluttered in the wind. "You lied to me. You screwed up everything to join their sect."

          Eden took a step forward, but Sarah's hand made her retrace her steps. "Exactly, we are in a meeting between participants of the Pogue Sect. You have nothing to do here, Topper. Go away."

          Topper shook his head, annoyed with every word that disappeared from his lips. "You, I consider you to shut up. It's you who mixed up Sarah in all this. You're nothing but a filthy liar who manipulates everything she touches, Eden. You know that?"

"Oh, so first I'm a bitch and now I'm a liar? Choose your words for once, Topper." She slapped her angry face which floated on Sarah who didn't dare to speak. "She chose to be here."

Topper declined her sentence, starting to stammer again. "No. It's all because of you. You obviously couldn't be the only Kook who wanders between the other side. You had to have Sarah as your accomplice, huh? A little bitch duo. You've always been that anyway, Eden."

"Topper, stop, man!" John B intervened, putting his arm in front of Eden. She looked at him with distaste, not wanting him to get into a fight again, seeing how it ended last time. "Just walk home, man."

"You stop, man. You don't wanna do this right now." Topper argued, pushing him back on Eden. John B clenched his jaw, keeping his composure once more. "Tell him to back off, 'cause I'm about to beat your fucking ass—"

John B took a step forward, grabbing Topper by the shirt. "Walk, Topper. Go home. Go home right now."

"You know what I'm gonna do, John B? I'm about to drown you like your old man." Topper pointed out, "You want this?"

John B got angry, pushing him away from the two girls. "Quit it. Just go home."

The boy with blonde hair that went in all directions finally looked at Sarah. "Hey, let's talk."

Eden landed in front of the blonde. "She does not want to."

The Routledge boy pushed Topper away again, causing him to roll his eyes in rage. "I asked for your opinion?" He hissed at Eden and John B, and then a second later his hands went to the brunet's chest, pushing him over the wooden barrier.

Slow motion settled in Eden's head as her body let go for Sarah's protection, and turned to the wooden branches that hung just a millimeter away as others took time to fall alongside John B. Routledge who had arms trying to grab something to come to the surface. Her eyes only held two empty spaces that welcomed a nightmare. Her hands went to the wooden rail. Her mouth half open as her air sent out cold breaths. She heard Sarah scream at Topper, but it was only small echoes as her legs were already turning, pushing them out of her way.

Eden took the end of her dress, then her feet went down the wooden steps which gave way to the beach afterwards. She swallowed hard as her eyelashes blinked nonstop as if hoping it was all a bad dream.

She rushed towards the body of John B who was lying on the cold sand of the cool night, falling to his knees. Her hands went straight to his face which seemed to vibrate or it was probably her hands that currently had butterflies wandering around there. Her breathing became quick and breathless as she tried to form one word, but everything was just a melody along the way that couldn't find the right words. Hot tears came to rest in the corner of her eyes as she let her hands touch John B's face.

She whispered in a trembling, fearful voice, "John B, can you open your eyes, please? Just give me a sign. Something, come on." Nothing but closed eyes and little breaths showed on his face. Eden pinched her lower lip. "Come on, idiot. I'm not going to give you mouth-to-mouth. Wake up." Her soft hand lightly but surely stroked his cheek. She wiped her eyes, seeing only blur. "Someone help! Please, somebody help me!" The words screamed in Eden's mouth, before she heard footsteps running towards her. Sarah remained standing, staring at John B's body in shock. She put her hand on Eden's back who was still looking at him with uncertainty and fear.

          She couldn't lose him. It was a strange feeling, but her chest had the impression of beating and calling the name of John B. It revealed itself to the eyes of the stars and to Sarah who had never seen her cry before.

          Eden grumbled, brushing his hair from his forehead. "Make an effort, pretty boy. Open your goddamn eyes and look at me, I'll let you do it without saying anything."

          "Eden! What happened?" The voice of a Pope coming running towards her with JJ and Kiara behind him, made her jumped. He seemed out of breath as his words entered Eden's head late.

          JJ opened his eyes wide, approaching the body of John B. "Sarah, what happened here?" He asked her, seeing Eden who couldn't speak.

          "To— Topper shoved him. He needs help right now." She let it be known, pointing at him while remaining close to Eden.

          "JJ, do something! Call someone, I don't know." Eden got angry with herself, not raising her eyes towards the blond so that he wouldn't see the tears lit by the moon which made her shine despite her sadness.

JJ ordered Pope to go and call someone while he stayed at Eden's side who was still holding John B's hot cheeks in her hands. The blond put a reassuring hand on Eden's shoulder covered with the fabric of her white dress, hoping in return for comforting eyes from her, but nothing appeared. She remained focused on the being who had been most present for the past two weeks.

Kiara let her tear filled eyes wander between the blonde and the brunette in front of her. She in turn hoped for a sign from Eden, but also nothing.

It was just soft grunts coming out of John B's mouth, and the whispers that Eden hummed under everyone's ears. She just wanted to wake him up like he had managed to do all his years for her. If she could do that, she could at least prove to herself that she had done something good for him after this year of being a bitch. But. . . Could she wake him up? Could she really offer the ray of sunshine he saw in her?

No signs could prove it to him. Eden just had to wait for him to dare to open his chocolate eyes and give her a smirk.


          SHE WAS GOING LET GO BY THE WIND, and now she was being dragged along by hope and the feeling of implosion that bombarded her heart every second. Her fingers found their way to her lips, gnawing on them a little as she watched the line go up and down each time, stressing her out like crazy. The hundred paces had been multiplied by five, and she was soon getting to six as she shuffled through the ward. Her hand brushed under her hair, still frizzy from last night, so many times that it felt a little greasy, as she let out loud sighs from her rock-dry throat.

          Fred Barrow, sitting in a chair in the waiting room moving his leg up and down. Eden had called him when they took John B to the hospital. She wanted to call her mother, but memories of last night came rushing through her thoughts and she opted to call Yasmina's savior. And there he was, in flesh and blood. Fred sat there, hands in his pockets waiting for a doctor to come and inform them that the brunet opened his eyes.

          Eden hated the feeling that was suffocating her. Worry was reserved for the people she cared most about, John B wasn't one of them so she just didn't understand why this bothered her so much. But her hands that moved unintentionally, and her teeth clenching her cheeks as they bit them showed that she really cared about him. She groaned to herself, removing her hand from her mouth and dropping her arms to her sides, moving to Fred's left. Her leg began to jump up and down on its own, making Eden place her hands on it.

          Fred looked away slightly at her, smirking. He settled himself nicely, clearing his throat. "He'll wake up soon. Stop stressing."

          Eden nodded, giving the impression of not giving a damn. "Cool, cool, cool. For you, I mean. You won't have to look for another guy for the boat."

          An awfully quiet silence fell between them, hearing only the nurses talking and patients walking in and out of the hospital with either a smile or a sad face. Eden blinked, looking at each person who passed in front of her. It was like the police station. A hellish wait to find out the truth, and end up destroyed afterwards. But Eden knew it wasn't going to end on a bad note, John B was fine, but she couldn't wait any longer.

          She sighed, getting up from her chair. "I. . . I'm going to go into the room. It's long. And you don't talk. I'd rather talk to someone unconscious."

          Fred frowned, watching her walk away. He threw his arms up in the air, exclaiming, "I just don't have a topic to talk about."

          "That's it, annoying." She joked ( not really ) before entering room 302, her eyes falling on John B first, and then on the sun rising right in front of her through the window.

          She was like an angel, standing in front the light of her life. Still in her white dress from the night behind, she awkwardly turned her head towards the brunet with his eyes closed. She knew that this last night would now change everything. But really, change everything.

          "Still waiting for me to look at you, huh? I'm looking right now." John B mouthed weakly, a groan escaping mid-sentence. Eden moved again to the right to place her wondering eyes on his face covered with a downright proud crooked smile. "I heard you. You told me you'll le—"

          Eden approached him, slapping his forehead. "You jerk. I thought you were dead, asshole." She hastened to say, letting her angry but happy eyes mingled with his which only seemed to stare at the features of her face which creased at her strong expression. "You always have to get my attention somehow, right?"

          "Shit. You cracked me, pretty girl." He groaned under his short breath, aching all over.

          Eden rolled her eyes, shaking her head in despair. "Falling out of Hawk's Nest is something. But ending up with a concussion and a broken wrist just to get my attention is less fun, John B."

He turned his head towards his arm, finding a large blue cast covering up to the elbow. His lips curved down, seeing the seriousness of the matter. "Whoa."

Eden looked him in the eyes, smirking despite her efforts. "Do you want my opinion?" He declined the offer, but she continued, "That was kinda cool what you did."

He arched his eyebrows, blinking. "Protecting you?"

Eden giggled in disbelief. "Nah. I could have done it alone, and finished without a broken arm." John B rolled his eyes, standing up with the help of his right arm. She watched him do it, then admitted, "For saying nothing about it."

His eyes froze in a deep silence, letting them fall on Eden's cheek which wandered between pink and red. He knew what she was talking about, and she knew he knew. She found out last night when John B looked inquiringly at Eden who was discreetly ( not enough ) scratching her cheek. It was her reflex every time her mother dared to hit her, and unfortunately, he knew it. Only, she hoped that he had forgotten this miserable memory of Eden after a fight with the demon.

What annoyed Eden more than anything was that her enemy once again knew that her mother had hit her again. Between enemies, the goal is always to prove who is the best, the bravest, the strongest. Always being better. Knowing that John B knew about this, it was like she had just lost the game with him. He had managed to see her face, removed the mask. He had just moved to another level, he continued to move forward while Eden still didn't know anything about his life since they became enemies. This was especially what annoyed her and frightened her. The fear that he will discover the whole truth, and. . . He was starting to find it. The pieces of the puzzle came together slowly but easily. John B revealed her true heart to everyone.

He didn't say anything, because usually, whenever this happened when Eden was younger, he just had to take her in his arms and bring her a Kinder Buennos and everything would be okay. But there, the situation was very different. Eden was a very fragile stone that he didn't know whether or not he could give advice, or just say sorry without her taking it the wrong way. And, he didn't have any Kinder Buennos on him at the moment. But he will find something, he always finds something.

"I need to get outta here. DCS is gonna find me, I can't risk th—" John B spoke hoarsely, his head spinning a little as he tried to stand up.

Luckily, Eden placed her hand on his chest pushing him back onto his hospital bed, confiding, "Actually, an old man has a stupid proposition for you." He looked at her in pure confusion as she displayed a smile that was not happy, but rather lazy, without being able to display the right smile for that.

John B looked away from her, stopping them on Fred who was standing with his hands in his pockets in the doorway. He took steps forward, humming, "Hasn't she told you yet?"

Eden sighed, looking at neither of them. John B kept his mouth ajar, stuttering words, "I— I'm going to come work on the boat after I get out, sir. You can count—"

Fred shook his head, putting his hand on his shoulder. "Relax, John. Eden told me about your problems with DCS. I spoke with Sheriff Peterkin, I've offered to be your legal guardian. You are a good, young man, and I trust Eden on who we bring into the house." She played with her rings on her finger, while John B looked at her with a questioning look in disbelief. "So the choice is yours, John. I offer you a roof over your head and no more DCS. Sounds good?" Fred concluded, while the Routledge boy remained speechless.

He looked for Eden's eyes, but she let hers hover above the floor. John B wanted to see the agreement in her face, he needed to know how she got away with it. But nothing could prove to him since she remained clinging to the white floor, knowing full well that he was looking at her with intensity.

So he found himself saying that, "Sure, yeah. Uh. . . Sounds good. Thank you, Mr. Barrow."

An hour and a half later, after John B had the doctor's final advice, he found himself in the car with Eden and Fred at his side. Eden had decided to take a seat in the back, letting her arm fall in the afternoon wind which was placed on the side of Figure Eight. She felt so many different things with the arrival of John B in her house. The one she supposedly hated would now live with her. And it was all her fault. Because she was the one who called Fred in a panic, who told him about John B's mischief with the DCS. She was happy for him that he had escaped from DCS, but she was not happy that he was entering her place which she called the palace of the devil incarnate by himself. John B was going to have the right to see Eden's entire life.

And Eden was going to have the right to endure Yasmina being angry with her for bringing a former friend onto her land. She didn't even know how Fred managed to convince Yasmina, but he must have been good. In addition to what happened just before that, the mother must have been very upset. But who knows, Fred might have superpowers.

When the car suddenly stopped in front of Eden's house, she took a breath before putting her feet out of the car, ignoring John B who got out in turn with his bag on his shoulders. The white dress trailed in the well-mown grass, but Eden paid it no attention. She just wanted to go to her room, change and lie in bed for the rest of the day.

When she went to open the door of the house, Yasmina stood in front of her with a smile that was too hypocritical, so much so that everyone could guess that it was fake. Eden tried to pass, but her mother suddenly ran towards the boy and Fred, hanging Eden on the elbow at the same time. She turned, her eyebrows furrowing. "John B, welcome home."

He nodded uneasily. "Thank you, Mrs. Winslow."

Yasmina smiled, patting his shoulder not hurt before placing her eyes on Eden. "Follow her, she'll show you your room. Make yourself at home, sweetie."

Eden sighed in exasperated at the scene, then went to rush into the brightness of the house that welcomed her. John B followed her, climbing the steps of the stairs which formed a half-moon. She didn't say anything, the atmosphere was too intense, too weird between them. She left without saying a sentence and took refuge in her room, leaving John B to wander around in the middle of the large corridor.

Eden came out twenty minutes later dressed in a pair of pale blue short pants with a hole in the back pockets, complete with a short pink top. Her hair was tied with a white clip, while golden necklaces came to life around her neck. Her mascara and gloss were always so bright that she seemed to light up everything she could touch. A few strands of hair fell in front of her eyes, mingling with wet lips.

John B, who had remained seated in the corridor, had the Tannyhill plat map in his hands, but his eyes raised to Eden who was looking at him with laughter, but not at most laughing. She sighed, waving her hand towards him, "Come on, your room is right next to mine." He quickly put the map in his bag, moving next to her.

Eden slowly opened the door, revealing a room that was very basic and modern at the same time. The pale gray walls, a white bed base covered in a pale gray duvet with dozens of cushions stacked on top of each other. John B whistled, eyes widening. A window placed just in front of the bed gave a view of the swimming pool. He threw his cap on the bed, placed his bag on the floor without delicacy while Eden remained standing in the door frame, arms crossed.

"Pretty nice, isn't it?" She said, seeing John B roll onto his back on the bed, then falling to face Eden. She pressed her lips together in a slight smile, putting her hands in her back pockets.

"So, you saw my room. Can I see yours?" John B asked in a quiet and shy tone. She huffed, shaking her head. "Then it's not fair."

"There's just nothing to see in my room." She replies, shrugging her shoulders.

John B nodded thoughtfully before standing up. "Mh. How about you let me judge by myself." He said, walking past her. Her smile faded when she saw where he was heading.

Eden ran towards him, which made him run in turn. She just had time to place her hand on his wrist, but the door was already open, exposing the room filled of pink. She exhaled as he made his way unabashedly through Eden's room, looking at every detail he could find.

A shelf filled with books located above the bed, surrounded by small polaroids of Eden and a few Kooks friends, her father or her brother. Vinyls of Taylor Swift placed on the edge of the desk, as well as one of The Neighbourhood. John B moved mechanically between the four walls of the room, falling into secrets like a drop of water in a glass. Eden's life revealed itself to him alone. Memories, as well as quotes, were hung on the walls. It was so much more captivating than the small room she shared with Noah for fourteen years. There, all were expressed by her. A room is the reflection of our life, Eden put her whole life into that.

She went to sit on the bed while John B continued on his way, coming across the stuffed polar bear that was placed on the white dresser. He smiled, remembering that straight away. He took it in his hand, then turning to Eden, holding it against his chest.

He exclaimed, "I can't believe you still have it. It's been, like, ten years." She stood up slowly, rolling her eyes slightly. Eden arranged in front of John B, taking Potato from his hands. "Let me think. . . You still sleep with it thinking it's me by your side?"

          Eden made a disgusted mixed with amused face, giggling, "Ew, nooo! Get over yourself."

He raised his hands in the air, playing innocent. "I only say out loud what everyone's thinking."

          "What I think is that your ego is too heavy." Eden grumbled. He pretended to be shocked, placing his hand over his heart. "Yeah, I know. That hurts a lot."

          John B snorted, "Why you're saying that to me?" He said in a fake sad tone, playing it up.

          Eden placed her hand on his cheek, looking him straight in the eyes. "The truth hurts more when we try to avoid it. Believe me."

          John B remained silent, waiting for her to say more, but oddly enough she didn't say anything. He looked around a little more, still feeling Eden's cold hand coming into contact with the heat of his cheeks. Their gazes locked together, letting Eden let out a blocked breath. She didn't know what to do, she just wanted him to get away. She didn't want to do it, she couldn't. But he didn't move, which made her frustrated with herself for not being able to move away from his body. She only had to take one step back, but her feet were literally stuck in fresh cement.

          Eden swallowed hard, not saying a single word. Just the warmth of her breath could be heard. No sounds came out of John B's mouth either, he was completely frozen. He didn't understand what she was doing, he was just waiting for her to move.

          He didn't even take a breath, and breathed into her face the first thing that came to mind, "Your hands are so cold."

          This was enough to make Eden's hand move away. Or rather, her whole body which practically took two steps back. Her throat dry, she apologized, "Sorry."

          John B shook his head. Words clung to his throat on a rope that hung down to his heart. He wanted her cold hands to touch him. He wanted them on his cheeks, grabbing them towards her until their noses were touching in collision. No, he couldn't want that. He frowned, then passed close to Eden's body, brushing against her with his arm. She didn't look back, holding her teddy bear against her chest. If she looked at him, she knew she was going to say something stupid, so she just waited for him to leave.

"I'm going to go see the Pogues, are you coming?" He asked gently, an awkward feeling between them drawing him to say this to broaden the atmosphere.

She shook her head, still facing the wall and not facing him. "I'll stay here."

John B didn't take the time to respond, and left the room, closing the door behind him. Eden still in the room, let a breath finally be released from its prison and fly into the air. She laid down on her heart which was racing in her chest, dropping onto her soft bed, sinking into her comforter. Her hands came to rest on her face, closing her eyes. She had warned herself that she had to distance herself from him again, but it was almost impossible now that he was going to live in the same house as her. His body was like an element, it was calling to her in one way or another.

As much as she tried to avoid him, he knew exactly what he was doing when he looked at her with those eyes. Well. . . Did he really know?

When John B walked towards The Wreck to join his friends, he too had dozens of questions flying through his head. He didn't understand what was happening, he didn't know how to act anymore. There had been tension between them since they started seeing each other again, but he never thought it would be so difficult to act as if nothing had happened. And he knew it was wrong. John B was aware of what it felt like to fall in love with Eden Blair Winslow, but he wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

And what was wrong was them.


authors note: SHE TOUCHED HIS CHEEK OMFG THAT'S SO DKJQNSNDNNDNNSNAN sometimes i forget that this is my fanfic and im like— i wrote this?! proud self here :>

im so sorry for the wait. it's just that when i don't go to school i work and when i don't work im at my bsf. so i don't have time, but really thank you all for not putting pressure on me. it's really lovely of you 🤍

love u all :))

go see my tiktok if you wanna edit of my babies: myloudwy.wp !!

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