The unpredictable Avenger

By PiratePhox4

233K 5.6K 2.8K

Follow the story of one young y/n tennyson. As he goes through the struggle of being a normal kid, and superh... More

and than there were 10
The Avengers(1)
The Avengers(2)
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Captain America: the winter soldier(2)
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793 21 14
By PiratePhox4

The Tennyson Romanoff family was having a peaceful drive through the city of new York. Shuri was staying with nakia, and their nephew, which y/n had gotten used to calling him "lil' T'challa". In the passenger was zed, drinking a smoothie. Suddenly, a car drives by them, nearing hitting them.

Y/n: "Student drivers!!"

The car then bumps into a parked car, before continuing on. Zed gruffs.

Y/n: "your right zed.. that isn't a joyride"

Y/n passes the wheel to zed, before transforming into Big chill.

Big chill: "I wanted XLR8. But big chill is good too"

Y/n phased through the RV, as zed drove after them, with y/n flying at them from above. Eventually, they get to a bridge, but the car suddenly swerves to the left, and goes flying off. Y/n dives into the water below, then flew out, creating a ramp of ice for the car to safely slide down. But y/n flies back down, and grabs the back end of the car, and pulls it into a stop. Thankfully it did right as it got at the bottom of the ramp.

The driver and his friend got out the car, both turning to y/n.

Man1: "whoa.. y/n Tennyson! I can't believe it!"

Man2: "can we get your autograph?"

Y/n doesn't say a word, and instead, stepped towards the car, and started biting into it like it was food. One of the guys tried to stop him, but y/n turned to them, and gave an animalistic growl, before flying off, just as zed arrived in the rust bucket 2, confused at the sight of no y/n...


The next morning, y/n had awoken in the RV, with zed asleep peacefully in her bed. Shuri was also in the bed, also still Asleep. Carefully, y/n got up, and went to get ready. Getting dressed, and brushing his teeth. But then, he felt something in his mouth. Reaching in, he pulled out a piece of metal.

Y/n: "the hell..? Where'd this come from?"

Y/n walked out the bathroom, seeing shuri and zed groaning awake. Y/n walked over, and sat down on the bed, holding out the piece of metal, with both shuri and zed looking confused.

Shuri: "what's that..?"

Y/n: "don't know. Found it in my teeth"

Shuri: "think something is going wrong?"

Zed gruffs.

Y/n: "probably has something to do with zed finding me in the middle of nowhere..."

Shuri: "what happened?"

Y/n: "someone's car breaks stopped working. So I transformed into big Chill, and... Blacked out"

Shuri: "perhaps we could follow you?"

Y/n: "what do you mean?"

Shuri: "transform, and we'll follow you"

Y/n nods, and stands up.

Y/n: "alright then. Let's get to the bottom of this"

Y/n shuffles off the RV, as shuri and zed quickly got to the front. Shuri in the driver's seat, zed in the passenger seat. Y/n stands in front of them, and nods. Then, transforms into a recently obtained transformation, dubbed TenTen, which y/n got from a bounty hunter named SixSix. However, he immediately changes into big chill, and flies away.

Shuri: "that's not supposed to happen.."

Shuri starts up the rust bucket 2, and chases after y/n. They followed him to a burger place, where y/n lands, and casually walks closer. He goes up to a buzzer, and starts to lightly smack it. A female worker walks around the corner, unaware of the alien.

Worker: "Here's your or-"

Finally noticing big chill, the work screams in surprise, and flings the tray she was holding onto the air. Big chill looks up, and in seconds, ate the metal tray. Big chill then dug his teeth into the buzzer, ripping it off entirely, and swallows it whole. He then strolls over to a customer of the open area burger joint, who noticed big chill in a reflection of his glass. The customer turns around, but big chill glares.

Big chill: "Scram"

The customer ran away, as big chill started munching onto the metal pole. Then, he blew frost air over the rest of the poles, and roof, as it froze, and fell apart, giving big chill easier chunks to eat. He then flew up to the top, and ate the entire head of the statue, before flying off again.

Meanwhile, in the RV, shuri and zed stared in awe at the situation. But they both shook it off, before chasing after y/n again.

However, when they turned the corner, big chill turns intangible, and flies through a wall. Shuri grunts, as zed stared at the wall.



It was the next day. Y/n was in the plumbers base, walking around in the kitchen, digging through the fridge.

Y/n: "come on.. come on... ah-ha!!"

Y/n stepped away from fridge, pulling out a jar of pickles. He opens it up, and started eating.

Rook: "magister!"

Y/n: "sup rook? Want a pickle?"

Rook looked at the pickles oddly, before shaking his head.

Rook: "no thank you..."

Y/n: "More for me"

Rook: "magister, please focus. There is a situation"

Y/n: "mm. Lead the way"

And so he did. Rook led y/n up to the main computer room, which had multiple plumbers running around.

Rook: "there has been many strange readings-"

Rook is interrupted by y/n, eating yet another pickle.

Rook: "...the readings are in a form of energy that we can not-"

Once again interrupted, rook glances at y/n, who finished another pickle.

Rook: "we are unable to translate the Readings-"

Then, he's interrupted again from y/n drinking the the juice in the jar.

Y/n: "damn. All out. Someone make sure to get some more pickles please?"

Rook: "can you please focus magister?"

Y/n: "I am focusing. Just... Eating simultaneously"

Rook glared.

Y/n: "alright! Fine. I'll go talk to blukic and driba to see what they can cook up. Maybe shuri's there"

Y/n walked up, leaving a slightly frustrated rook.

After a bit of walking, y/n heads into the galvan lab, which thankfully, had shuri inside.

Y/n: "hey Sweetheart"

Shuri: "y/n!"

She got up, and ran towards him, giving one another a hug.

Shuri: "I was beginning to worry"

Y/n: "I'm a little worried, too.."

Shuri: "after you disappeared.. where did you go?"

Y/n: "I don't remember... What happened?"

Shuri: "a list that I'll sum up. You ate metal"

Y/n: "ow"

Shuri: "you don't remember anything?"

Y/n: "I just remember waking
up in a ditch this morning... But this feeling..."

Shuri: "what is it?"

Y/n: "I had this.. weird feeling a while ago, where I felt like I wasn't in control. But I could still see.. but here, I can't see anything. Nor do I remember.."

Shuri: "whatever it is. We'll find out what it is"

Y/n smiles, but his eyes are suddenly glazed over, as he stood straight, and suddenly transformed into big chill, and flew through the plumbers base, and up to the surface.

Shuri: "uh-oh..."

Meanwhile, big chill had flown into a metal facility, and was ripping apart steel beams, and swallowing them whole. The police then arrived, but were confused at the sight.

Officer: "What is that thing?"

Big chill: "Stay out of my way"

Officer: "That's not how it works,
freak. Come down here and surrender,
or there's gonna be trouble!"

Big chill: "I warned you"

Big chill sent a wave of a breath, which froze the officers, who still had their heads exposed.

Now uninterrupted, big chill floats up to a vat of molten iron, and chugs most of it down, before flying off again.

He flies off to the middle of nowhere, and lands next to a large crater, and starts spitting back up the molten iron into it.

On the road on the way towards y/ns location, was the rust bucket 2, which had shuri, zed, and rook inside.

Shuri: "there he is!"

The RV pulls over, as the three run out of it, and move over to the edge of the crater, and saw a large chunk of metal.

Rook: "that is... Unsettling"

Shuri: "y/n!"

The three slide down the crater, and approach.

Big chill: "Go away!"

Zed snarfs, as big chill did so back. Big chill then charged at zed, who didn't change, and instead, tackled him right back.

Rook then aimed his proto-tool at the chunk, but big chill tackles him off course, before flying back to the chunk.

Shuri: "We're here to help!"

Big chill: "I don't want any help!"

Big chill once again charged, this time at shuri. But rook shot a net at big chill, trapping him.

Big chill: "Let me out!!"

Shuri and zed, taking the chance, ran up to the chunk.

Big chill: "Stay away from there!!"

Forcing himself, big chill ripped the net off of himself, but another shot from rook knocked big chill out.

Shuri: "whatever is happening is because of this... Zed"

Zed nods, and jumps up, changing into downgrade, and lands on the top, and smashed a paw into the chunk, when she's suddenly covered in Green goo. Zed snarls agitated, as rook and shuri walk up behind her. Suddenly, from the goo, blue bubbles formed, and started floating in the air. Many more began to float up.

When suddenly, one of them formed... Into a baby necrofriggian.

Shuri: "what..?"

Rook: "of course! Necrofriggian's are asexual, and give birth every other thousand years or so. Magister was just in the cycle"

Shuri: "I... See..."

All the others began to hatch, and form into their true selves. One of them floats in front of zed, and smiles, before sitting on her head.

They then all flew over to the awakening big chill, who looked in awe, and glee at the sight of his children. One by one, they each said their hellos, and their goodbyes, before flying away.

When they were all gone, big chill gained his composure, and returns to y/n. Who looked around confused.

Y/n: "what just happened...?"

The others walk down towards him.

Shuri: "you perhaps want to sit down..."

But before he did, zed barks, as they all looked towards her, seeing one of the babies still sitting on her head.

Y/n: "is that-"

Rook: "you're child. Yes. Happy Father's day magister"

Shuri: "we're parents early..."

Y/n looked between rook and shuri, before walking up to zed, and picking up the baby necrofriggian. He then smiled, and held it in his arms.

Y/n: "well, I guess we could start early-"

Rook: "actually. There were thirteen other-"

Y/n: "-we could start early with one"

Y/n smiled, and pets the head of his and shuri's child, which y/n noticed tuffs of blueish white fur.

Shuri: "what will we name them?"

Y/n: "name..? Hmm"

Y/n stared at his child, before smiling.

Y/n: "her name will be glacier"

Rook: "actually, necrofriggian's do not have genders-"

Y/n: "rook, I know the gender of my own child. Besides, she's not entirely necrofriggian"

Rook: "it isn't?"

Y/n: "I've been talking with azmuth, the omnitrix uses my own DNA to fill out any gaps"

Shuri: "so that means, biologically speaking-"

Y/n: "this little one, and the others, are all tennysons"

Y/n raised the baby up, and set her on his head.

Y/n: "welcome to the world glacier!"


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