Her Eyes 5

By UrbanQueen

146K 9.4K 35.8K

The cartel life is done for some but only at its peak for others. With the feud between the Hunter siblings a... More

1 - "I Do?"
2 - "Party Over"
3 - "IED"
4 - "Forever Mr. Lotus, A Baby & A Cub, And Voyeurism"
5 - "Someone I Know"
6 - "Requited Love"
7 - "Last Business Meeting"
8 - "Dallas"
9 - "Hide And Seek"
10 - "Sneaking Out Of School"
11 - "Whore"
12 - "Tick-Tock"
13 - "Lifeline"
14 - "Slip of The Tongue"
15 - "In The Knick Of Time"
16 - "Adopt"
17 - "Mental Breakdown"
18 - "Practice What You Preach"
19 - "Tired"
20 - "Nigga"
21 - "Translations"
22 - "Juvie"
23 - "Withdrawals"
24 - "Delusional"
25 - "Snuff"
26 - "Domino Effect"
28 - "Cousins"
29 - "Hunting West"
30 - "Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide"
31 - "Smoke and Mirrors"
32 - "The Royals"
33 - "Sentencing"
34 - "Dizzy"
35 - "Where's Egypt Marshall?"
36 - "Eloping"
37 - "Epilogue"

27 - "Catatonia"

3.6K 258 756
By UrbanQueen

What everyone thought was Lotus being unresponsive due to shock and depression; turned out to be something much more serious. It was a week now and he still hadn't moved, literally. Realizing something was seriously wrong, Ember called in a private doctor. She told the specialist Lotus didn't get up to go to the bathroom, didn't eat, shower or even blink. His gaze had been fixated on the wall for days and days and days.

Performing an assessment, the doctor found that he had lost the ability to speak, didn't move, was in a permanent stupor and gazing off into space twenty-four seven. So it was confirmed by the doctor that Lotus was suffering from catatonia. It was a disorder that made a person unable to react to the world around them.

Catatonia was usually caused by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or mental illnesses alike. But in Lotus's case, his own had been caused by trauma. His brain had went through shock and from then he'd been unresponsive. His eyes vacant, his body immobile.

Unless someone physically made him do something, he was like a statue.

Noelle laid in front of Lotus and he behind her, the two in a spooning position. He had his arm around her hip, but Noelle was the one who put it there. Her, Ember, Dalton and Bonnie often took turns helping to take care of him. Noelle constantly stayed with him in the bed because she had to do a lot of intimate things for him.

Lotus didn't even move to pee. It seemed as if he was in his own world. So Noelle every two to three hours would have to take him to the connecting bathroom to urinate. She literally had to hold his dick for him and make him piss. She had to shower him as well; as he didn't move to do that either. She even brushed his teeth. 

The family needed Noelle for things like that. Because the female staff was much older and they didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable asking them to take care of Lotus in that way. The issue was Noelle wouldn't be able to do this forever. It's only been five days, but she had her own life. 

Eventually she'd have to go back to work, back to her own house. They'd probably have to hire someone to pick up where she left off. 

Lotus was stuck staring at the wall. People walked in and out his room all day, spoke to him, talked to him, touched him and all he could do was lay there. But he knew when Bonnie and his brother came in the room. And that Noelle laid in the bed with him everyday. And that for the past five nights his mother slept in a rocking chair in the room with him. He was aware of his surroundings, he just couldn't do anything about it. 

Ember knocked in case Noelle was getting Lotus dressed, but when Noelle told her to come in, she entered the room with Magdalene. The maid carried a tray with hot tomato soup.

"Lotus, it's time to eat." Ember said. It'd been five days and he hadn't eaten a thing. She figured he didn't have the will to chew, so she had the chef make something he could just swallow.

Noelle got out the bed and the two women helped him sit up. Ember sat on the bed next to Lotus and dipped the spoon in the thick red paste. Parsley was at the top for decoration. Ember blew it to cool it down and put it against his lips. His eyes stared straight ahead, his lips closed. He seemed to be in a different world, it was the saddest thing anyone had ever seen.

"Lotus," Ember softened her voice. "You have to eat honey."

Noelle stood by the headboard and just watched, biting her fingernail. Ember tried to feed him for the next five minutes, but getting nothing, she returned the full bowl of soup to Magdalene and thanked her with a sad smile.

The estate had never had a silence like this. Lotus and Ty'kerah hadn't made a sound. The two parents stayed in their rooms respectively. It was the first time house staff was literally getting paid to do nothing, because there was hardly anything to do. They just stayed out the way and stayed quiet. Helping out when they were asked by Ember or Dalton to do something.

Ember stroked Lotus's head, her eyes becoming misty. Noelle went to the bathroom to release her bladder, which gave the mother a moment of privacy with her son. By time Noelle resurfaced Ember was gone. Noelle laid back down and repositioned herself under Lotus and put his arm back over her. 

Noelle realized she must've eventually fell asleep, because when she awoke it was to Ember standing over her in pajamas. Was it nightfall already? Noelle tried to look over her shoulder and saw Lotus staring right at her—he wasn't really looking at her, just past her. 

"Okay. You can go with Ty'kerah now." Ember whispered. 

Ember usually stayed with Lotus at night and Noelle slept with Ty'kerah at night since she didn't really have as much support as Lotus did. Gia still hadn't returned from her relative's house.

Noelle yawned and covered her mouth, when she was done she looked at Ember. "I can sleep in here tonight if you want. Give you some time to get a full night's rest." 

"No. You can't do everything, he's my son. I need to be here for him." Ember replied. Noelle detected the bite in her tone when she said 'her son'. Ember smiled. "I'll sleep here with him like I've been doing every night."

Noelle nodded and attempted to get out the bed. Lotus's arm tightened around her. Noelle's head snapped downward as she looked at her midsection. She felt like her eyes were playing tricks on her.

She looked over her shoulder but he was in that same hazy state. Eyes vacant. Noelle tried to get up again but his arm clutched her. Mouth ajar, Noelle looked up at Ember who obviously didn't notice, because she was looking at Noelle with a look of impatience like 'well, get up!'.

"H-he won't let me. I'm trying, he's holding me." Noelle announced, her accent thick.

Noelle removed the silk sheet from over them so Ember could see. She attempted to get up and both of them witnessed him tighten his hold on her. It was his first reaction to anything for five days. Catatonic patients had the ability to react to things, but rarely did. This was obviously a rare moment of his.

He obviously didn't want her to go. But it meant his reaction was in response to what he heard. Both ladies looked at each other, aware he was choosing Noelle over his mother. Both were surprised and completely lost on why.

Ember looked at her son's face but he was deep in his trance. Something must've triggered him to react just now, she was lost and hurt why he rather Noelle. A woman he just met than her company. 

Ember cleared her throat and gave a bitter smile. "Fine. For tonight I suppose it's okay."

She turned and walked out the room, closing the door behind herself. As soon as Ember left, Noelle turned so they were facing each other, his hand still around her waist. She analyzed Lotus's lips, his eyes, his hair, everything. 

"Hey..." She whispered, brushing her thumb over his bottom lip. "Lotus look at me, talk to me."

He didn't break out of it. The doctor said catatonia could last for days, weeks, months or even years. In Lotus's case since it'd only been five days the doctor said he would give it two weeks. If he was still like this he would treat him with Lorazepam. Medication the specialist ensured would produced immediate results and more than likely cure him. He just didn't want to medicate him so fast if it was something he could break out of himself. 

"Why don't you want your mother here with you, baby? Talk to me." Noelle probed, softly.

Lotus didn't want her in the room because when Gene was alive, her nor Dalton had ever made an effort to get to know him. They treated him like he was an outsider. Like he wasn't family. They hadn't shown him nearly the same amount of enthusiasm they had shown Lisa's daughter when she was introduced to the family. So now that Gene was dead, he felt his mother trying to take care of him was guilt. Trying to compensate for missing out on Gene's life. He didn't want her help now.

Noelle sighed, heart pounding like she was expecting a response. But she knew better. She kissed his cheek and closed her eyes, eventually falling asleep.


The next day Cilia and White Locus were greeted at the front door by Penny. White Locus had three shooters behind them, but when Penny told them Lotus has been unresponsive for days, basically comatose; they chose to leave the hired guns outside since it seemed Lotus wasn't on that type of time. Still, Locus was strapped just in case.

Cilia rushed up the grand staircase and into the master bedroom, followed by White Locus a minute later who strolled in, 30 Montaigne BU Black Butterfly sunglasses by Dior on her face. White Locus had her hair done up in a high bun, a long nude brown dress hugging her body.

Cilia was more causal in baggy sweatpants and a white crop top. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was makeup-less. The guilt of the whole ordeal was eating her up. 

Lotus was on his side facing the wall. Cilia walked up cautiously, staring at him. She thought the maid had been exaggerating when she gave them a description of Lotus's current state. But it was no joke, he laid there seeming to be completely oblivious to everything going on around him.

"Lo?" Cilia whispered, testing it out. If he heard her voice she knew he would react. But she got nothing. That made her feel worse than if he would've been pacing back and forth shouting threats. Cilia sat on the bed next to him. She placed a hand on his cheek. "Lotus, it's Cilia."

No answer.

Cilia looked at White Locus who began to approach slowly as well. She stood several feet away. So in case he lunged for her she would have enough space to back up and put a few hot ones in his chest. 

Locus bent down in his line of sight so he would see her, but he never blinked. Surely he would never have her in his house if he was cognitive. It's been forever since she last set foot in here. Three years exactly. Not since she came here because she was panicked about Ty'kerah taking her case to indict her over Mabel.

White Locus stood to her actual height. "Yup, he's out of it. Guess he is catatonic."

Cilia felt terrible. Her lips trembled but she pulled them in, telling herself not to cry. She stared at his empty brown eyes, gently rubbing the top of his head. Eventually she put her head down on top of his and just stayed like that, grieving with him. White Locus stood against the wall, arms crossed as she stared at the two of them. 

She couldn't remember a time she's ever seen Lotus so defeated. Not even when their father died. It...bothered her. Or maybe it was jealousy. Jealousy that someone else was able to cause him misery. This back and forth thing was their game, someone else didn't have a right to fuck with her prey. 

White Locus's eyes went to the connecting bathroom door when it opened. Noelle had heard the voices but didn't recognize them so had stayed silent in the bathroom. She had on a terry cloth robe, fresh out the shower. She shyly stepped into the room and both White Locus and Cilia stared at her.

"Hello. I'm Noelle. A friend of Lotus's. We've been talking for quiet some time and I stay over to assist him with the bathroom and things of that nature." Noelle felt so awkward.

Cilia remembered her face from the party. 

"Assist him with the bathroom? So he shits on himself?" Locus asked, eyebrow raised.

Noelle nodded sadly. "Your mother helps him with that. When he breaks out of it, I know it will most likely embarrass him that I was doing it. It'll embarrass him that his mother was doing it. But maybe better her than me in case of an ego thing. You must be his twin sisters. I remember your faces from the party. You two are beautiful."

"Thank you." Cilia said, softening up immediately. The woman was gorgeous, maybe the prettiest one Lotus has been with so far. 

"How long have you been here?" White Locus questioned. 

"Five days." 

"You can leave." Locus said.

Cilia looked at Locus but Locus kept her eyes on the African woman.

"But I—" Noelle started to say.

"I assume you have a home, apartment, roommate? Whatever your situation is, you have other things to attend too, no? You can't be here forever, are you not missing out on your job's paychecks being here?"

She was, but she was using her time off to help her pay for it. She was being paid with leave. Noelle was about to open her mouth and explain that she took time off, but White Locus beat her to it.

"You may go home, he'll be taken care of." White Locus dug in her purse and pulled out a small wad of cash. It amounted to $3100. "Take this as compensation for the days you spent taking care of my brother. However much this is, I'm sure it'll do for your time here."

It felt so weird addressing Lotus as her brother. She hadn't used the word in so long it felt taboo to say. Cilia looked at her sister, mouth ajar. She couldn't believe Locus was being nice. The woman she knew would've barked and threatened Noelle's life for no reason. 

Noelle stood there looking like she still wasn't fully processing the information. Cilia knew how her sister got and the nice demeanor would most likely stop in two seconds. Cilia took the money from Locus and made Noelle take it from her.

"Sweetie," Cilia looked at the woman, giving her an urging looking. "It's okay, get dressed and go home. Go relax, take a nice long sleep and be to yourself for a while. If Lotus snaps out of...this, before you see him again, we'll be sure to tell him you were right here with him every step of the way. Of course you're welcome to come back any time, but just take a few days to get your own affairs in order."

Noelle couldn't really argue with that. She did have her own life and it was strenuous taking care of Lotus. She couldn't go back to work because she had already taken the week off. So she figured she would take the rest of those days to catch up on proper sleep and relax herself, then come back some time later.

Noelle nodded and returned to the bathroom.

When the girl closed the door behind her, Cilia was smiling at her sister, mouth open like she just heard a juicy secret. "That was nice of you! You spoke so sweetly, offered her money and everything. I think this is so beautiful you're coming to take care of—"

"I am not taking care of him. I'm simply keeping her away from cartel affairs. She's been here too long, she might know too much. She could be snooping around his office while he's just laying here like it's the damn mannequin challenge."

Cilia knew that was not the case, Locus cared. But she said nothing else about it. Cilia's phone buzzed and she grabbed it out her pocket. It was Allele. She figured he wanted to know what was going on, see if she got there yet.

Cilia excused herself out the room and took the call in the hallway. White Locus glanced at her brother as he laid there rigid. She couldn't believe he was reduced to a pile of nothing. Just laying here withering away. She looked at the doorway Cilia went out of then back at Lotus. She inched closer. She felt bad, but the other part of her couldn't help but show it's ugly head.

Look at you. She thought, watching his vacant eyes and still body. Locus couldn't help but feel a little good inside. Not because of what happened to Gene; but because he hated her so much but in the end, she hadn't been the one to inflict the biggest blow. It'd been his own daughter he cut her off over. White Locus could only bet he wished Egypt would've blown her brains out with that same gun he choked her for, for putting in the girl's hands. The same two bitches you wanted nothing to do with me over. Now you're laying here basically brain dead from shock and heartbreak.

White Locus finally approached the bed but looked at the doorway again. Cilia was still on her call. The queenpin looked down at Lotus. Hesitantly, she reached down and mushed his forehead. He didn't move. She could kill him with that .38 in her handbag right now if she wanted.

But she wouldn't.

She touched his cheek with her index finger. Eyes meeting the empty doorway one more time and seeing it empty, Locus finally gave in and cupped his chin, rubbing her thumb across his face. It was a soft and caring caress. She felt goosebumps on her arms. He had soft skin, it was warm. He also had a shower recently as well, she could smell the body wash on him. 

Locus didn't like this. The insensate position he was in physically and mentally. Sure him being like this kept him off her ass; but she felt how she'd felt before. No one else had a right to make him feel this way. This was her prey, her target, her brother.

Cilia walked back in the room and White Locus took a few steps back. Cilia eyed her suspiciously and walked over to see what her sister had done, but when she realized Lotus was fine; she gave her the once over.

"What?" Cilia asked. Wondering what she was doing to him. 

"Nothing. I'm staying here tonight." White Locus said. 

"You too?" Cilia asked. This reminded her of the time her, White Locus and Iris all slept in the same bed at Locus's house. 

"Yes...I don't know why, but I think I may feel bad for him." 

Cilia figured it was because she had Roselyn. Had she not she would've thought he was crazy for allowing someone to reduce him to this state. But she had a child now so she knew where his pain was coming from. 

Cilia didn't tease or make fun. Locus cared and that was good. Lotus needed all the family he could have right now supporting him.

Ember and Dalton walked into the room and Cilia greeted Dalton with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She didn't bother to look Ember's way and Ember ignored her as well. 

"White Locus can you help with the funeral arrangements?" Ember asked.

"Not my thing, ask Cilia." The queenpin said, staring off into space as her mind began to churn with ideas.

"I asked you." Ember said, annoyed. 

"Locus don't call my name." Cilia replied. 

"I'm serious...split the work if you two don't want to talk. But I have work of my own to do."

Ember left the room, she'd do it on her own. She didn't want Cilia's miserable ass anywhere near her.

Locus looked down at Lotus again. "First task, finding his two whores."

"I doubt he has the energy to do that right now, Lo." Cilia said.

"I know, I'll do it for him. Since he's all weak and pathetic right now and I have a pinch of human decency in me left for him; I'll drag his two pieces of pathetic scum out for him and handle them myself."


"Oh and Cilia, I'm gonna tell you once." White Locus pulled the sunglasses off her face and allowed her sister to see her eyes. A deep sea green and marble brown battled to be the dominate color, yellow peppering the edges of her irises. "If you attempt to step in what is going to be a very short lived search for your friend Lisa and your whore niece, you will be treated like you're them. Do I make myself clear?"   

Cilia didn't like the threat but she knew when her sister was not playing. Knew she couldn't beat a cartel. Knew that as close as they were, this was still a very dangerous woman who could flip a switch at the drop of a dime. 

"I will not step in anything, Locus."

"Thank you." She said giving her a fake smirk. She put the sunglasses back on and sighed, walking away from Lotus.

She was going to find a guest room to rest tonight. Then she would start her manhunt for Lisa and Egypt.


The next day, Cilia was back home. Her arms around Allele's waist and the side of her face against his chest as they stood in the kitchen in silence.

She told him everything that was happening with Lotus. From how he was suffering from catatonia, to Locus even feeling bad for him and that her sister had also stayed over last night, too. Cilia told him how the guilt wouldn't allow her to stay another night though. So here she was right back home the next day.

Allele couldn't imagine Lotus out of all people in a state like that. It was weird, for someone of his caliber, the way he carried himself, someone of his personality. But grief could do that to anyone. 

Allele kissed the top of Cilia's head and told her everything would be okay. Cilia let go of him, nodded her head and composed herself.

She then went into the living room to check on the boys. They were going to therapy today. Allele was taking them this morning and she would stay home with Casi. They were gonna start school soon and going to Pre-K fresh off a trauma was probably not smart. At least giving them a chance to talk about it and express themselves was better for them once they started school.

Allele took the toasted raisin bagel out the toaster and began spreading cream cheese on it. The kids had eaten cereal minutes ago and were now waiting for Allele to eat his quick breakfast. It was a busy day today.

The house was dead silent. Also because it was 6:30am in the morning the children were groggy. The three brothers laid on the carpet, bored. Casi was running from brother to brother trying to walk on them thinking it was a game.

"Guys get off the carpet with your clean clothes. Come on now." Cilia reprimanded, softly.

Alix and Phenix got up but Jaxon was still laying there.

"Jaxon." Cilia said sternly. "Get up, you heard me the first time." 

He sat up, sitting Indian style instead. But his face was blank, just playing with a string from the carpet. Cilia quickly remembered she was being harsh. They'd all been pretty shaken up these last few days. He was probably in his head thinking about the incident. 

Her and Allele made eye contact and she cleared her throat and looked back at her son, putting a smile on her face. "When you guys come back we can bake cupcakes. I'll go out and get everything today, so by time you guys come back it'll be ready."

Phenix perked up and Alix nodded too, his eyes showing he was happy with that. Jaxon didn't respond.

"Do you wanna bake cupcakes with mommy Jaxon?"

He nodded his head but he couldn't hide the sullenly on his face. Cilia twisted her lips to the side but didn't have anything else more to say. 

"Where are we going today?" Phenix questioned.

"You'll see when we get there." Allele said, eyeing them to make sure they had their sweaters on.

He knew buildings like that could sometimes be cold. "You guys are gonna talk to someone today."

"Talk? About what?" Alix asked, looking at his dad.

"About some stuff." 

He didn't want to tell them now and have them shut down before they even left the house. Allele finished eating and looked at his watch. He realized if they left now they would still be over an hour early, so he let them know they could chill out for a while.

The kids' decided to watch cartoons in the living room for the time being. Allele walked up behind Cilia who was standing by the sofa, watching the kids. He kissed her neck and without turning to look at him she placed a hand on his cheek.

"They'll be okay." He told her. "Don't worry."

"Hopefully." She said. She turned around to face him, wiping some crumbs from his bagel off his face. "Will we be okay?"

"Yes, but we have work to do. Both of us. When I bring them back home from therapy we can start talking about some things. We don't have to though if you don't want. Like I said, it's a lot going on right now and we can save the topic of us for another day. Whatever you want to do."

Cilia nodded. "I would like that. I think we should talk about us."

Allele nodded and she kissed him. Lightly at first, then she nipped his bottom lip and they smiled at each other. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and they locked tongues in a heated kiss. 

His hands travelled into her robe, holding onto her bare hips to pull her closer to him. They weren't thinking about sex after Gene's death. It would be weird to go back to that so soon, especially with everyone so traumatized by the situation. But the two weren't apposed to some kissing and light touching. 

"Ahem." A firm, startling male voice made Cilia jump and made Allele's eyes darken at the intrusion. He instinctively started to push Cilia behind him until they both realized it was Breeze. 

Allele's aggressive stare didn't go away. Jaxon was standing on top his plastic stool, door open, holding the doorknob. It's what the boys used to help them brush their teeth at the sink or reach something in the fridge.

Cilia's heart was pounding. She immediately backed away from Allele, instinctively gripping her robe tight to her neck even though it was already secured. Allele's eyes were intense and angry. He couldn't even yell or be mad, Jaxon was the one who opened the door and Breeze was still standing behind the threshold. So technically he hadn't stepped into the house. Cilia could feel the tension like hot air in the middle of August.

None of the adult brothers said anything, so she went over to where Jaxon was and swiped him off the stool, using her feet to slid the plastic object away from the door. She held him on her hip.

"Jaxon mommy told you do not answer the door."

"But I tell you and daddy someone knock and you don't listen to me." He mumbled.

Cilia knew it was because they were busy making out that they didn't hear him. 

"Then you come and touch me next time. You don't answer the door, do you understand me? I told you about strangers." 

"But it's just uncle Dion."

"Jaxon, what did I say?" Cilia said a little louder than she meant. She was aware he wasn't in the best spirits right now, but he was always trying to get the last word. He was very stubborn.

He frowned but didn't say anything.

Cilia looked at Breeze. "H-hey Dion, what brings you by?" Her cheeks were flushed and she was sure he could tell she was embarrassed. 

Without warning Jaxon leapt out of her arms to get to his uncle. Breeze caught him quick before he fell. He was upset with his mom, he rested his head on Dion's shoulder and the uncle rubbed his back, letting his dimples come out.

"Hey Superhero, how's it going?" He asked rhetorically. He looked at Cilia. "Can I come in?"

Cilia looked behind her at Allele. There was no expression on his face, indicating he had nothing to say. Cilia knew she couldn't send him away, he was here to check on the kids, on them. So right now wasn't about the brother's beef, it was about the kids.

"Sure." She mumbled, making a motion for him to step inside. She closed the door back and motioned to her getup. "Just came out the shower so...that's why I look a mess."

"No explanation needed. I just came by to check on you guys. See how everyone's doing after everything." His eyes lingered on his little brother at the last part.

Allele wasn't looking at him. He was looking at Cilia, instead. "I'll be in the car in the garage. Just tell the boys come to the garage when they're done."

Allele kissed her cheek and Breeze moved out his way as he walked passed. Neither brother looking at each other. They didn't exist to the other and Breeze wasn't about to chase the relationship anymore. They both did each other wrong and was over any relationship with the other.

Breeze was surprised Allele didn't kick him out, however. He looked at Cilia with a raised eyebrow, about to ask why he didn't tell him to leave, but Breeze figured it was a show of arrogance. Allele was showing despite how Breeze felt about Cilia he wasn't bothered by them being alone.

Breeze carried on with the conversation. "You okay, Cilia? I'm so sorry for your brother. How is he?" Breeze asked. He didn't like Lotus and didn't know what it was like to lose a child, but he could only imagine the pain was unfathomable. Especially with a child as young as that. 

"It's hard, but I'm dealing with it. Lotus is not doing great, obviously. That little boy was his world. Casi didn't see anything that happened but the boys are not taking it well. They're actually going to therapy right now. Like literally in the next thirty minutes. It'll be their first day today."

"Great, great." Breeze nodded in approval. "I would've come over sooner but I wanted to give you guys some privacy." 

"Thank you." Cilia said. It was getting so quiet and awkward. 

Jaxon picked his head up and started playing with the v-shaped collar around Breeze's neck. "I wanna go to your house. I don't like my mommy."

"Don't say that bud, that's not nice. What did mommy do?"

"She always yell at me."

Breeze smirked, his diamond shaped dimple appearing. Jaxon could feel his mom's stare but ignored her, continuing to play with his uncle's shirt. Breeze ignored the little beef between the mom and son and went back to his conversation. 

"I really do feel bad for him." Breeze said. It was half the truth. He cared because an innocent child died and he felt bad about that. But Lotus generally as a person could kiss his ass. 


Cilia didn't know if he meant it or not but she took his sincerities. She looked at the boys, knowing their father was waiting on them.

"Okay guys, off to the garage. Daddy is waiting. You gotta go."

"Mommy I go?" Casi asked, running over to her and hugging her leg. She was in a pamper and a long sleeve shirt.

"No, you're gonna stay with mommy today."

"But I won go outside." She said as she looked up at her. "Mommy peas?" 

"No baby girl not right now. I'll take you out tomorrow." She rubbed the top of her head but Casi ran off, mad. Cilia looked at her sons. "Guys go, go."

The boys ran toward the entrance to the garage, saying their goodbyes to Dion as they passed by. Now leaving the two in-laws alone together. 

"Uh...I-I'm coming right back, let me go get dressed." Cilia told him.

Breeze nodded and helped himself to a seat on the couch.

Allele opened the front door and saw Breeze sitting next to Cilia, talking.

Breeze didn't miss the slight tick of his brother's jaw. Allele was obviously bothered he was still here, but didn't say anything. Cilia quickly excused herself from the conversation with Breeze to rush over to the boys.

"Hey babies, come give mommy a hug." She said getting low and opening her arms.

She looked at Allele to try and get some sort of feel for how things went. She noticed there was no particular look on their faces. She couldn't tell if the session was a hit or miss.

Allele shrugged and flipped his hand back and forth to say things went 'okay'. They talked about it but it's not like they spilled their heart out. They only answered questions when asked. And their answers were only a few words. They didn't get scared or shy away from a question but they didn't give answers in full sentences. 

"I'll tell you about it later." Allele said, referring to when Breeze left. 

"I should probably get going anyway, gotta get back home." Breeze stood to leave, ignoring the awkward silence. 

The kids already went scattering themselves all over the house, so he didn't have the chance to say bye to all of them. Breeze said his goodbyes to who was present and walked out the front door without acknowledging Allele.

"Okay guys, time to make cupcakes, go wash your hands!" Cilia yelled out. 

The kids ran to the bathroom to do the task their mother gave them. 

Allele approached Cilia. He stood on the opposite end of the island table, arms resting on top. "Hey. I got something I need you to do for me. And I really need you not to challenge me on this."

"Okay." Cilia said, giving him her full undivided attention.

"The day after the funeral for Gene, I booked five tickets to Disney World for the next two weeks. I need you and the kids to go down there."

"What?" Cilia said at the random request. "Why? At a time like now?"

"I think therapy is good, we can send them back. Just not right now. I just want them to get away from all of this for a while. I need you to take them for me."

It was such a random request. She got it, they've been through a lot and he wanted to send them somewhere they would be happy and their minds would be off of this. But it was out of the blue he booked it for two weeks specifically and already planned everything without telling her.

"I'm not trying to challenge you, Lil'. I understand what you're trying to do but right now? I can't leave Lotus for two weeks."

"Cilia, he will be fine without seeing you for a while. He's not even there in his own head right now. It's not like you're the first person he wants to see when he snaps out of it. Do this for me, ma. Please? Two weeks and come right back down."

Allele did want them to go away so the boys could get away from all the negativity. But honestly the real reason was he was going to use the time to hunt Tom down. It was a lot going on and Allele figured if he could get rid of one less problem, their plate would be a little cleaner. He just didn't want to tell her he was going after Tom, because he didn't know if he would be able to pull it off. So he didn't want to get her hopes up just to disappoint her. 

If he didn't get Tom, the trip to Orlando would look like he just wanted them away from everything. If he did get him, when she came back she would see what the real intent of sending them away was.

Cilia nodded her head, agreeing to his request. Allele smiled and went around the island table, grabbing her hips and repeatedly kissing her lips. 

"Thank you baby."

"Why aren't you coming?" Cilia questioned, slight attitude in her tone.

Allele couldn't even get frustrated, it was a valid question. They had all experienced Gene's death together, they had all been there. And they had both agreed it would be better to have the whole family together and yet he chose to exclude himself from the trip.   

"Do you trust me?"

"With my life." Cilia replied, instantaneously. 

Allele wouldn't lie, the quickness and the certainty she answered with sent chills down his spine. "With my life." He mocked. He then looked her in the face, silent as he studied her. Even at my wits end wit' her I can never really be at my end with her. The hold she got on me...shit is crazy, Allele thought. 

He kissed her passionately, wiping her lips with his thumb when he was done. "So then give me two weeks and all your questions will be answered. You could do that for me?"

"Yes." She whispered. 

"Thank you."

Egypt laid on the hardwood floor in the living room of her apartment. The ankle monitor on her left foot was big, clunky and uncomfortable. She'd been on house arrest for a week and didn't know how she was suppose to deal with this until her case went to court.

Being that she was a minor, she couldn't be held more than seventy-two hours without a court hearing. But since she was deemed a "special case", she was taken to the judge the day after the crime. The judge ordered temporary house arrest until her fact-finding hearing. A fact finding hearing was the same as a criminal trial, but without a jury. 

In two months Egypt would be back in court for her verdict. The judge would then decide if she would need supervision, treatment or be placed in the department of social services.She most likely wouldn't be imprisoned.

Egypt knew her name was all over the United States right now, she was even in rap songs. But everyone was treating her like an exotic animal. She wasn't a monster, she made a mistake.

She was scared herself. She couldn't believe this was real. She'd been waiting all week for someone to walk in the room with cameras and tell her this was all a prank. That the gun was fake and Gene was okay. 

Hearing the blast, seeing Gene get hit, watching blood leak out of his head as he laid there dead, none of it seemed real to her. It was an accident. She never meant to pull the trigger.

The mother and daughter hadn't shared much words for the past week. Lisa had been constantly obsessing over her next move. Because she was only eleven, Egypt most likely wouldn't be tried as an adult or go to prison. But she knew that put her daughter in grave danger.

After what she did, to get off the hook with the punishment the courts was giving her would enrage any parent. Even she would be furious had someone gotten away with going to a foster home or simply getting rehabilitation for murdering her child. They were now a walking target for the Hunter cartel and although Lisa did think her daughter deserved to be punished for what she did; she didn't think it should be by death. And she knew that's exactly what the cartel had planned for them.

Lisa seemed to be in a trance, watching the ankle monitor on Egypt's left ankle. Egypt would be given a certain amount of distance before it alerted her probation officer she wasn't in the area assigned to her.   

We have to leave, doesn't matter if she's on house arrest. He'll kill us. Lisa thought to herself. Everyday that passed was a higher chance of them being killed here. Of course Lisa was scared to get caught fleeing with a child who the state now deemed a juvenile delinquent. She would be imprisoned, lose custody of Egypt and would be charged with a plethora of things. But the police didn't want to help. No one was sitting outside her door to protect her and her daughter. And she was way less scared of the police than she was of Lotus Hunter. 

Raisin, the cat appeared from behind a couch. He ran up to Egypt meowing, tail wiggling, but Egypt ignored him. 

Lisa startled Egypt and the cat when she suddenly took off running, flying up the stairs. Egypt jumped, sitting up as she looked at the empty staircase.   

"Mommy?" Egypt whispered, but she was long gone up the stairs. 

Egypt put her head back down, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. She was curled up in a ball. She wanted to talk to her grandma, to her aunt Cilia, even to Lotus. She was sorry, she never meant to kill Gene. She didn't think that the gun was loaded. She was just being silly and didn't expect it to fire for real.

Raisin came back over and began to sniff her face. He watched her, wondering why she was just laying there. He attempted to bite her out of irritation. He wanted some snacks and she was ignoring him. She jutted her elbow in an attempt to shoo the cat out her face, but instead jammed the remote next to her.

It turned the television on that happened to be on a news station and she watched as the newscaster discussed the murder of Gene. They mentioned Rome who apparently had also been arrested for bringing the gun and allegedly being an accomplice.

Egypt's throat constricted. She had told investigator Nancy that Rome told her to fire the weapon. She knew it was a shitty thing to do. But she was scared and didn't want to go to prison. And it was Rome that brought the gun with him. He been to juvenile hall several times before. What would be another charge to someone who was use to living there basically?

She listened as the newscaster told everyone about the situation. About the baby dying on the scene, how she—his sister, was the one who shot him. That police were investigating the motive and after telling America the story, the news anchor put in her two cents about the crime being shocking and sad.

"Get the hell up!" Lisa barked, back downstairs. 

Egypt jumped up. She sat up and looked at her mother who had several large garbage bags she was fetching to the door. Egypt stood not wanting her to speak again.

"You have five seconds to go grab some snacks from the kitchen and put your shoes on."

Egypt did as she was told, grabbing some random stuff. Some were things she didn't even eat but she was confused on what was going on so she just grabbed anything. She made it to the front door as Lisa was opening it.

"We're never coming back here. Last night you entered adulthood. So I'll be an adult about this with you. We have to leave because your father will kill you. We're going on the run."

Egypt's heart skipped a beat. She watched Lisa drop to her knees, then took this silver metal thing to her ankle monitor. It was a bolt cutter, she was trying to break it.

"Can I bring Raisin?" Egypt asked. She didn't want the cat to starve to death in the house. 

Lisa ignored her, focusing on trying to snap the monitor. If the police tracked them outside their limited radius they would be brought right back. Which would make them sitting ducks for Lotus. After three minutes Lisa snapped the machine and it hit the floor with a thud. She stood and grabbed the bags, racing to the Range Rover to put them inside.

Egypt was right behind her and opened the back door, tossing the snacks inside. But she ran back in the house before her mother could protest and snatched up her cat and the huge bag of cat food and raced back out the house. Lisa started the car, she had one more stop to make and then they would disappear into thin air. 


Yana finished up on her last client and gave her a weak smile as she ran her fingers through her hair. "All done babe."

"Yes bitch! You killed it!" The older Hispanic woman said, bouncing her curls from side to side. She got a silk press with curls on her shoulder length hair.

Getting up, the woman dug in her purse and paid the fee plus tip. Yana took it with a polite smile, but the lady could see the sadness in her eyes. "You okay boo?"

"Yeah. Just don't feel well today."

An hour ago Lisa had texted her and asked her to meet at a motel. She only booked the room for an hour because she couldn't stay long. She asked Yana to meet there because she needed all the physical cash Yana had on her. In exchange, Lisa would wire over the same amount but electronically to Yana's account. Between emergency money she kept in her house and the money she had at the salon Yana had $8,000. 

Lisa wired the money to her which would take a little over a month for Yana to receive since it was a large sum. The two ladies were meeting so Yana could give Lisa the same amount in cash.

After the client left, Yana didn't bother to sweep up the shop. She locked up and left, crying the whole time there. She would never see her best friend again. The turn of events had been so crazy these last few days. 

Yana pulled up to the motel knowing the room number and everything. She did the special knock and Lisa opened the door. Yana slipped into the room and shut the door behind her. 

Her and Lisa rocked back and forth in a tight hug. When Egypt saw her mom's best friend, she ran off the bed and joined the hug. Her eyes were shut tight and her face was hot. She was so scared. "I didn't mean it." She cried, the painful sound coming from deep in her stomach. "I don't wanna die."

The three cried. Cried for the mistakes Egypt made, cried for Gene, cried for this being the last time they would see each other and cried for what the future might bring them.

 Eventually Lisa pulled away, wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry girl but we have to go." 

Yana's hands were trembling as she reached for the two thick envelopes in each back pocket.

 She gave them to Lisa. "Four grand in each one." She said. Her eyes were so red.

Lisa  sniffled and wiped her best friend's red eyes, "We'll be okay." She said. She didn't know that, but she wanted to reassure her. "Tell my mother and my sister I love them and I'll try to keep in touch when I feel it's safe."

Yana nodded, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hand. She looked down at Egypt and stooped down, giving her a hug. There was no sense in kicking her while she was down. 

"Be good for your mom and listen. You hear me?"

Egypt nodded profusely and Yana stood again, staring at her best friend for a few more seconds before they hugged again and Yana turned to leave out. 

"I love you Lisa."

"I love you too Yana."

Yana closed the door behind her and sniffled, fixing herself up in the hall before she walked past the front desk.

Yana pulled up in front the house, parked and found the house key under the mat where Bonnie said he put it. She opened the front door, thinking he would be at Lotus's house but was surprised he wasn't.

The house smelled of strong weed, the lights were off and Essence by WizKid featuring Tems was playing on low. Bonnie didn't even like African music like that, but he messed with this song. 

The two had recently entered a relationship. It was nothing like how it was when they first started dating. Bonnie was actually a decent guy. A decent boyfriend, at least. They even stopped being so rough in sex. 

She came and flopped down on the couch next to him and started crying. He looked at her but didn't make a move to ask her what was wrong. He figured when she was ready to talk she would, so he kept quiet.

Yana would never tell him she went to see Lisa. That was her friend and Lotus was his. Even though Bonnie was her man now, she doubted his loyalty to her ran deeper than it did for Lotus. At least not yet, they didn't know each other that well for him to have any significant love for her. So she knew if she told him she saw Lisa that would only be reported back to Lotus.

"They won't stop playing the freaking news story." Yana said, putting the blame on that. It was true, Gene was trending all over the place, every second of the day; so she put the reason for her tears on that. 

"I know."

"And I can't even change the channel because my stupid clients keep wanting to watch it." She sniffled. 

"I know." 

Yana leaned further into him, resting her head on his chest. Bonnie wrapped his arm around her. 

"I don't want them to die." She sniffled.

She waited for another consoling I know, but this time Bonnie didn't say anything.

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