Xiaolumi S6: Dame De Lac

By Otaku_AriaSnow

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"Holy dove be thine wings. The heavens weep, my king as they defame you, shame you...'A crown of thorns upon... More

Prologue: The Sin I Must Atone
The Cheshire & Queen of Hearts
The King's Arkhe
Of Sovereign Tears & Knightly Oaths
A Show Called Murder
A/N: A Sincere Thank You[600 Follows]
The Cruel Heart Queen
Tempt Not The Mistress of Fate
The Ones They Left Behind
The Judges of Hades
Amhrán Na Farraige
May Hope Warm Your Hearth
A Gentle Request
What Is Your Name, Lady Fate?
I Know Your Name
Special Chapter: The Howl of Garm
Come Away Little Lambs To The Water
Ragnarök's Quaking
So Did Beauty Tame The Savage Beast
When The Just Are Mercy Needing
In This Twisted Plot I Was Destined For
Hope Is A Burning Fire In The Dark
Of Morgan Le Fay & The Knightly King
Are You Friend Or Foe!?
Butterfly Hymns On Aeonic Winds
Tears of Sunlight, A Moonlight Wish
Gentle Vespers Clear As The Springs
A Lover's Vow
A Christmas Star
I Have Two Wolves Inside Me (Solis)
A/N: Q&A And Fun Extras
Bonus Chapter: Herald of Fire

Spina di Rosula

323 9 7
By Otaku_AriaSnow

N/A: Xiaolumi meet a rather unique and some would say eccentric woman named Navia. Whom lends them a hand with Lyney and Lynette's trial; Ganyu makes a discovery about Vesperus's Yaksha half as the moonless night arrives.


Well this got a great deal out of control didn't it? What should have been a fun and relaxed night out with her beloved brave to see their new friends' performance had just become a bloody disaster. Emphasis on the bloody cause that poor man had been squished flatter than one of Sara's egg rolls!! That had been a nasty sight to behold for many. Some had screamed and dramatically fainted, others left confused, and some had lost their dinner. Xiao and Lumine seemed unfazed, well not too badly at least. Poor Lyney and Lynette however you could see it in their eyes and the bristling of his sister's lashing tail; They had been very confused and shaken.

Charges of murder had been pressed against the twins, unjustly so in their eyes. And yet it felt like the twins were scared and hiding something they weren't ready to talk about. It hadn't escaped their notice but they were not sure and thus had not pried as they went around investigating. Paimon up to her usual shenanigans which had caused Xiao to get a deadpan expression and Lumine to giggle. 

"Thank you so much."thanked Lynette.

"I won't let you down, promise."assured Lumine.

"Lumine's pretty used to this sort of thing. I am even getting used to all the harlequinade nonsense we keep finding ourselves in somehow."assured Xiao.

"Yeah, just leave it to us."agreed Paimon.

"Lumine, im'm going back min ped- with Neuvillette."stated Xiao calmly.

Lyney and Lynette looked briefly confused by the odd language but Lumine smiled as she watched him vanish in mist. She had taken notice the mist was gaining an astral starry gleam to it very slowly. "What did he say just now? I made out a few words but not all of them."Lyney wondered.

"He said he was going to go speak with Neuvillette. I presume it's due to the fact we won't be allowed to leave and we don't have his medicine the Goddess of Wisdom created for him on hand."Lumine explained. "So I'm assuming he's asking if he'll be permitted to get it or have somebody go to our temporary residence in the Elton Trench."

"Is he ill? I noticed earlier today he was acting strangely."whispered Lynette.

"Yes and no. I-It's hard to explain but it's damage done from a difficult past and surviving not just the archon war but the Cataclysm too. Best way I can describe it is that he's suffered a lot but it's not my place to give his past, it's my husband's right and I'll respect that. If he ever decides to tell anybody that is his freedom and choice to make."Lumine stated bluntly. But to her surprise there was understanding sparking in their eyes, especially Lyney's violet eyes at her words. Seemed she had hit a chord that hit home for the twin performers.

"Understandable, everyone has things they would rather stay in the past..."nodded Lynette.

"Speaking of which since we are going to be investigating, Paimon has a quick question for you. Where did Lynette go during the performance?"Paimon urged.

"I actually want to know too. It'd help us investigate and rule out any variables if we have your alliabies."agreed Lumine with post haste. Paimon usually was not the sharpest tool in the armory but even Lumine knew she had her rare moments and this was one of those moments.

"Ah, well I'm afraid that would involve some trade secrets as magicians–!?"Lynette was quick to cut her brother off with a smack of her tail, her ears perked to the side. "Sister?"

"We're way past that right now brother. The secrets behind our magic tricks are beyond saving now or did you forget we're both murder suspects?"reminded Lynette. "Nyyyaaa....Father's going to have a fit."

"I suppose you're right..."sighed Lyney. So Lyney went on to explain how the trick worked and what Lynette had been doing during the show. So after getting their accounts the duo went back for another look at the scene of the crime. Sure enough Xiao was already there speaking with a melusine garde who handed him the bottle of the green colored elixir before storing it away in his own dimensional storage for a bit later. Her beloved Alatus soon rejoined them after she and Paimon finished up their questioning.

"Got what you needed?"he wondered.

"Some things here and there. I see Neuvillete got one of the melusine garde to go to the trench and get the medicine."hummed Lumine before turning into a slight pout. "I'm sorry this night ended up like this...and I-I was really looking forward to it too..."

"Shh...it's not your fault. Despite this tragedy, I am still happy you convinced me to go. It was a huge step for me, and though I am loath to admit it was difficult step....seeing your smile was worth it."he hummed, pulling her close. A soft purr in her ear as he kissed her on the forehead.

"Flatterer."teased Lumine playfully, kissing him back before taking his hand. "Come on lets step out into the lobby for a moment to go over this."


So quick as a whip the trio hurried out into the glare of the moonlight bleeding through the windows into the lobby. Taking a moment to fill him in on what they found and Xiao likewise putting what he had noticed due to his sharper senses. However they soon heard something, "Psstt!! Hey you!"The trio looked around swiftly for the source of the young woman's voice. "Yes you three, I'm over here!" Lumine, Xiao, and Paimon turned their gazes over where an elegantly dressed young female geo allogene in her early to mid twenties sat on the sofa at a coffee table. She wore a rather nice dress with blacks and bright yellows, her black hat adorned in black and yellow roses. With her were two male bodyguards, one a gentleman, dark indigo hair in a low ponytail and sunglasses. The other a much older gentleman likely in his fifties to maybe his sixties. The trio blinked as Lumine gestured towards herself and her husband and floating emergency biscuit. "Yes you three. Ciao~! I've been keeping an eye on you for quite a while now."

"Huh you mean us?"wondered Paimon slow to catch on as the bodyguards parted to let them come over.

"Sì, that is correct. If I am not mistaken you are also among those that desire to cut through the thorns in pursuit of the truth, no? And judging by your appearances, especially the gentleman with you, you're not from Fontaine."greeted the young geo allogene.

"That's correct. I'm Sumerian born nomad but am a Liyue native. While my wife doesn't belong to any nation being nomadic."hummed Xiao.

"As Xiao said you're right on the mora on that one but who are you exactly?"wondered Paimon.

A sly playful grin much like a vixen soon graced her face as she giggled, "Have you not heard of the Spina di Rosula Company? We're an independent investigation and intelligence agency stationed here in Fontaine. From mediating disputes to providing protection to helping solve mysteries, to solving conundrums—you name it, Spina di Rosula does it all. And I, Navia, have the esteemed honor of being its renowned president."

"Navia...Navia...Wait a minute you're the one the Navia Line is named after!!"gaped Lumine once it clicked in.

"The one and the same ehehe~!"Navia giggled. "Although the ones that play by our rules call me boss."

"Bonjour, I'm Silver, her attendant. A pleasure to meet you all."greeted the younger guard.

"And I'm Melus, the Demoiselle's butler. I take care of all of her daily needs and affairs."greeted Melus.

"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Lumine and this is my husband and traveling partner, Xiao, an adeptus from Liyue. This is my friend Paimon."introduced Lumine, gesturing to each of them. Navia was quite the interesting young woman, so full of cheer most of the time. She was also cunning as a fox as they went back to Lyney and Lynette to introduce their new helper in this case. The twins are more than thankful for the kind gesture as they continued their investigation.

Liyue, Guili Plains...


A huge resounding crash could be heard like a meteor falling that scared quite a few passing people and probably sent a lot of monsters running for the hills. The young almost black haired moon deity was just sitting here on one of the ruins' roof tops in the Guili Assembly after some training but one of his fits had forced him to stop as he and Ganyu had witnessed the scene. A Scene most bizarre as lying on the ground seeing dendro slimes swirl around her vision was his older twin sister.

"Don't tell me Rex Lapis sent her flying all the way from Minlin again...Isn't he being just a bit rough with her? She's only a few months old."fretted Ganyu.

"You're funny, Aunt Ganyu."chuckled Vesperus. "Oi how long are you going to make out with that grass sister sun?"quipped Vesperus.

"Peh peh! I got sand and dust where dirt shouldn't be aya!!"spat Solis as she kicked herself into the air to land on her feet with a bit of a wobble. Giving her ear a smack before dusting off her now very dusty blouse. Her wings she gave a double take and nothing was broken by some miracle. Ganyu could only gawk like some startled goat By now blood red vermillion adult feathers of various hues could be seen. The instinctive urge to want to flap them was growing by the day. Unfortunately it'd be a new moon tonight and her brother looked deathly pale.

"Funny one brother, just focus on yourself and stay inside and play chess or TCG or something or whatever it is you do with Uncle Bai."she huffed, cracking her knuckles and getting into a running crouch. Already the earth under her feet and hands had begun to give off steam and bubble as it melted at her touch. Her hair ignited almost into a glowing blaze like the sun as her eyes glowed gold. And like an electro seelie she was off faster than lightning her burning trail leaving a lush growth of fire colored lilies in her wake.

"And off she goes. She's getting better control—!?"Vesperus who couldn't finish has once again gone into a vicious coughing fit covering his mouth. Ganyu hurried to support him and take him back to Baizhu. Something the young lunar deity's parents had consented to prior.

"Come on, I think you've done enough today."she soothed.

"Auntt Ganyu take me to that snowy mountain instead...p-please..."he wheezed, his eyes already starting to change to a deep cerulean blue like his grandfather's own.

"W-What!? You're joking right? Rex Lapis, Dr.Baizhu, and your parents would have my head taking you to Dragonspine!!!"protested the young half adeptus. However Vesperus's gaze did not falter and held the same stubborn streak in his draconic eyes. With a sigh she reluctantly relented and took the yaksha youngling into the bitter cold of the mountain and to her surprise his complexion instantly improved as he sat there on the frigid water. Was the Son of General Alatus...an ice nature spirit!? Amidst the falling snow his eyes opened briefly and it was like she was staring into the eyes of an owl and a Snezhnayan wolf.

It was getting rather late by the time they had finished seeing below stage. So far the only clues being some scattered clothes and a broken vase full of water. The only ways in and out was the ladder and a small vent according to the twins. At present the trio were gawking at the fact Navia and her escorts carried a table, cutlery, a portable stove, and baking supplies all in those magic pockets. Holy candied ginger how did they fit all that in those things without the dimensional storage perk nonhumans and allogenes had!?

Fast as can be they had witnessed Navia whip not only tea but an entire stacked platter of delicate Fontaine macarons. The girls' mouths were practically watering as they sat down. "Oooooo~!!! Macarons!!!"squeaked Lumine in delight.

"Oooohhhh~!!!! And Paimon thought they smelled good while still in the oven. Paimon's practically drooling!!"squealed Paimon in delight.

"Xiao won't you try?"urged Lumine gently trying offer him a plate. However Xiao didn't respond with his hand to head and he had this far off look in his eyes again. "Xiao?" No reply came, just a soft huff as her gaze turned to his hand. Discreetly she rolled down his glove to show the gem switching violently between golden hue to an abyssal blue. "Shit it's happening again."she thought, slipping her hand under his coat to pour more hydro pneuma into his body. It stung like a cicin out of the abyss but the small astral droplet formed was quickly absorbed.

"Hm? Is Xiao alright, Lumine? He looks white as a sheet."worried Navia.

"He'll be alright as long as he lies down for a bit."Lumine tried to reassure as she unbuttoned his coat and got Paimon to make room for him to lie down. He was still out of it but judging by the pitiful bird-like hiss he was back but very dizzy.

"Are you certain your husband is well?"wondered Gelus in equal worry.

It was Xiao that replied burying him in his Lumine's stomach with a rasp, "I-It'll pass...It's just a headache..." Lumine knew it was a partial truth. He was indeed in pain and most certainly was not going to be eating anything. Actually she hadn't seen him eat anything since the trip in the mirage. Not even when they had made camp before arriving here in Fontaine. What was not seen was that Xiao had also felt the sudden surge of pain from his beloved. While the girls talked as he lay here with her lap as a pillow he saw her hand shaking. Water burn marks covered her hands as they rapidly healed. 

Did her new powers unlocked hurt her like how he did himself due to his arts!? He couldn't stay awake; it had become increasingly difficult to do so the closer he was to finding his answer. The last thing to escape his failing senses was the light of dawn and the scent of flowers from above and below the waves graced his senses. A pair of lilac draconic eyes glowing in his mind's sight and a soft whisper, "Rest now Consort of Hē Archē, you're very close to the final sphere...rest star soon to be born...gather your strength and all the energy you crave, child." And Xiao found he could not ignore it nor deny it's gentle fatherly plea. The voice vanished as the silhouette cane in hand made its way to his station. "Let the trial for the murder of Cowell begin!"

To Be Continued...


A/N: You've seen Bakari here and there I'm sure but that is because somebody is messing around with the natural order of life and death. Vespy doesn't like that and his reach of influence has indeed grown. He can cross into Fontaine, Sumeru, Inazuma, and Monstandt if he desires when he spirit walks but his moon gaze reaches even farther. At present he is still training in Liyue but will soon head to Inazuma in October. Likewise his sister's influence has also grown and she will soon depart for Sumeru for the second phase of her training. Sadly you won't see them much but I'll occasionally let you see how they are doing. In the mean time I'll show you the twins Xiaolumi returns to...

Nalini WILL have her mask by the time the Fontaine chaos is over. As you can see it's a grinning/snarling beast. She's got sunflowers, lotuses, her lily flowers, and poppy flowers in her flower crown. Its very much an update from her old design. Bakari got his kimono styled in the Welkin colors but it has patterns of his yaksha tattoo on his sleeves and the side near the bottom. Still the same loose ponytail and gauntlet gloves. The earring containing Mochi the bunny is still there too. The dark starry sash is new and the bigger dark blue with the gold trim has a owl design if you look closely. 

This will be around winter if not late autumn so...9 to 10 months old, probably 11 months at latest in terms of chronical age. They all grown up...*sniffles* they grow up so fast. *hears a crash* I think that's Nalini getting her butt whooped by Zhongli-sensei I better make sure they don't destroy my office. I'll see you guys next chapter~!

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