You'll remember me

By pink_art

162K 7.1K 1K

Venice Theerapanyakul is the firstborn son of Vegas and Pete Theerapanyakul. He is the oldest of the children... More

Next Generation
1. New Journey
2. #VegasPete
3. My Chaotic Family
4. In The Past
5. The Beginning Of The Storm
6. Who are you?
7. Home Sweet Home
8. #KinnPorsche
9. It's Not My Place
10. The Necessary Evil
11. The Second Time
12. What A Mess I Got Myself Into?
12.5 Happy Birthday
13. Can I Kiss You?
14. The Punishment
15. In The Morning
16. Him And I
17. Security Guards
18. I Shouldn't Have Met You
19. I Miss You!
20. Catch Me If You Can
21. All I Want For Christmas Is You!
22. Again!
23. Gone!
24. The Past Will Haunt You Forever
25. Fear
26. Tell me your dark desires
It's not update!!!
27. In The End Of The Day
28. Its You!!!
29. His Last Hope
30. I Didn't Want To Do It.
31. But I Did It!
32. Sweet Melting
33. Chains Me Up
34. Advanced Games
35. The Fucking Valentine's Day
36. The Night Of Decisions!
37. I Want You!
38. Come Back Home!
39. First In Everything
40. I Care About You!
41. Temperature Of Love!
42. This Is The End!
You'll Remember Me Chapter 1
43. You Are The Pain In My Heart!
44. Breath Again
45. Let's Start Over
46. Old Wounds, New Scars!
47. New Me
49. New Page Of Our Life!
50. Just A Coincidence
51. The Truth
52. Back in Bangkok
53. Friends? I Don't Think So!
54. It's Our Destiny
55. You Belong With Me!
56. I Don't Know Why. I Just Love Him!
57. Don't Blame Me, Love Make Me Clazy!
58. Don't Do That To Me!
59. I Ruined You To Satisfy Myself
60. Are We A Boyfriends?

48. Fake Reality

1.3K 88 28
By pink_art


Sky and I catch each other's eyes as we settle on the tall stools in what I would describe as a rather westernized bar. The owner, a middle-aged woman, is thrilled by our visit and seems to know everyone since she energetically starts hugging and kissing the spouses of the Theerapanyakul family. Right after that, shots with dubious content are arranged in front of each of us.

- Cheеrs! - Porsche exclaims, and everyone except me and my brother raises their glasses and drinks. Then they clink their glasses on the counter, and everyone claps.

- Who are the new additions to the Porsche team? Introduce me. - the woman behind the bar says as she approaches us.

Porsche and Pete come and stand next to us.

- This is Natt's fiancé, Sky. - Porsche introduces him and puts his arm around his shoulders.

- Oh, my goodness - the woman makes a shocked expression. -Our boy is getting married? And you didn't tell me? - she pats Porsche on the shoulder and looks angry. - It feels like yesterday when he got together with Kinn, and now little Natt is getting married. How time flies - she says and extends her hand to Sky. - I'm Yok. Porsche's former employer and the owner of this bar.

- Sky. - my brother says, forcing a smile.

Fey leans towards me, observing the woman.

- I think her face might crack from all the plastic surgeries - she whispers, and I laugh.

She does look strange.

- Cutie - then she turns to me. - And what about this handsome one? - nodding towards me.

- This is Rain, Venice's boyfriend. - Mr. Pete says.

- Ex. - I quickly correct him. - We're no longer together.

- Ex - he repeats. - Currently, their relationship is in crisis.

- We're not in a crisis. We...

- I understand. Don't worry, boy. You've come to the right place. - the lady says and smiles at me in a way that's more frightening than comforting. - You have no idea how many times these boys have come here, shedding bitter tears, angry at their loved ones. But here, they find something they can't find anywhere else.

- What's that?

- Freedom. - she says and claps her hands. - Live and don't think about tomorrow. Be free here and now.

Everything erupts, the music drowns out the screams, and I grab the small glass and down its contents, determined to have fun tonight for the last time.

A little later, when everyone is comfortably drunk, we have a discussion about how one should not cheat, and how if you are from the Theerapanyakul family, they can easily bury you somewhere and never find you again.

- I'm telling you - Mr. Porsche stands up straight and speaks a bit unsteadily. - They don't deserve us. We're better off without them.

- I support that - Pete chimes in, looking at his glass with a wandering gaze.

The slightly crazy uncle of Venice stands up, leaning on the bar with one hand, and points at Fey's father with the other, looking angry but actually looking comical.

- Can you imagine what your husband can do while we're away? I swear on my children and my Gucci bag, I'll kill him. - he says, pointing into space.

Tay immediately jumps up.

- You don't know what yours can do. - he retorts, and Thankhun is ready to pounce on him.

- Hold me back, or I'll kill him.

Everyone starts separating the two drunken guys.

- The same old story. - Fey rolls her eyes and leans her head on the counter. She's probably the only sober one among us.

- They seems like really close? - I say sarcastically, watching how Thankhun waves his arms uncontrollably.

- Absolutely. If you watch the beginning of a horror movie. - she jokes, and I laugh.

She traces invisible circles on the counter, but her gaze is somehow sad.

- Are you okay? - I ask.

- Yes. - she smiles. - I just want all this drama to end and leave us to live our lives.

- I can relate. Adults always make things more difficult than they are.

She nods in agreement, silently joining me.

- So? You and Venice? - she says and raises an eyebrow. I knew she'd pick up on the topic sooner or later.

- What about Venius and me?

- I've only been here for a few hours, but it feels like I know everything about you. No one talks about you in the house, but it's like you're everywhere. There's definitely something about you that the family liked. And Venice too.

- I don't know what they've told you, but everything between him and me is over. - I say, turning my face away as she looks at me intently.

Fey nods.

- He said the same, but I don't believe either of you.

- Believe whatever you want.

- Let me tell you something, Rain. I've known Venice since we were kids. But I've never seen the way he looked at you today.

I frown, and she smiles.

- How?

- It's like you're his entire world. Like there's no tomorrow. Believe me, someone who looks at you like that is not just a one-night fling. He loves you! - her words send shivers down my spine. My heart starts racing again. She puts her hand on my shoulder. - I don't know what happened between you two, but I advise you not to give up. It's not over, and it's evident from miles away. There's something else. Figure out what it is. - she takes a shot and downs it. - And don't worry about me. There's nothing between us. I want something completely forbidden. - she says, smiling sadly. We raise our glasses in a toast.

- You know, you're not that bad. - I tease her.

- Thanks, I try.


I guiltily look at my hands. I can't bring myself to look anyone in the eyes, especially knowing that I'm to blame for everything.

- I'm sorry. - I say apologetically and swallow painfully.

- We know, Venice. We forgave you after the first time. - says Pa Vegas and takes a sip of his whisky.

- Well, are we going to do something about it? - Natt asks.

- We will. - says Uncle Kinn.

- Do you even know where they are? - I chime in.

- We do. - says Uncle Kim. - At Yok's bar. They always go there.

- Well, then what are we waiting for?

- We're waiting for them to get drunk enough to forget why they were mad at us. - Pa Vegas says. It's so unlike him. Usually, he always wants to know where my mother is, with whom, what he's drinking, and how long he'll be out. Now, he's so calm, as if being in a bar is the safest time in the world. I knew the owner, Yok, briefly. She came to visit us a few times, always trying to seduce us. She was like a stray cat.

- Oh, no. My Sky. - Natt grumbles. - I don't want him to get drunk like my mother. - his father looks at him, and he rolls his eyes. - Nothing personal, but if Pa Porsche knows where to stop, then Sky definitely has something more to learn. We need to go and stop this madness.

Now that I think about it, Rain doesn't know how to drink either. When he's drunk, he doesn't know what he's doing or with whom.

I stand up.

- Let's go. We definitely need to do something.

- Just hope it's not too late – Pa Vegas mutters.

- And it's too late. - looking at the scene in the bar.

Everyone is already drunk. The bar is playing some awful music, but everyone is so drunk that they don't pay attention. The adults are dancing very strangely when they're drunk. I spot my mother in the center of the dance floor, partying with Uncle Porsche and Uncle Thankhun. Wonderful. The fabulous trio.

- I'm going to get your mother. - says Pa Vegas, and the others are back with their spouses, who are not happy that their fun is being interrupted. - Or what's left of him. Good luck.

He nods at me, and I now notice the people dancing on the bar. Rain and Fey are passionately dancing on the bar. I approach them some more. They are pressed tightly against each other. Both are sweaty, but they don't care. Rain's cheeks are red, and his hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat. My member twitches with desire. Damn, he's so sexy. Then I scowl. Why are they touching so much? Since when did they get so close?

Fey notices me first. She smiles broadly and whispers something in Rain's ear. He looks up, scanning around, and his eyes find mine. I take another step. And then I see something that makes my blood boil. Fey pulls him towards her and kisses him on the lips. Rain is so stunned that he just stands there and doesn't even try to pull away. Then I see Fey being roughly pulled away from the bar by Peach, who throws her over his shoulder. She laughs hysterically as he walks towards the exit. They pass by me, and she screams.

- Come on, stud, it's your turn. - and shows me the middle finger.

This girl is crazy.

I look back at Rain. I take another step and stand right beneath him. He has stopped dancing and is looking into my eyes. Without realizing what I'm doing, I spread my arms and smile. He bites his lower lip and jumps. I manage to catch him, of course. My hands wrap tightly around his waist, and he laughs in my ear.

- What are you doing here? - he asks slowly, and his breath, smelling of vodka, hits my lips.

- I came to take you home. - I say simply. - You're really drunk. How much did you drink?

He frowns, loosening his grip, and I help him steady himself on his feet.

- It's fun here. I want to dance. Dance with me. - he insists, pressing himself against me and placing his head on my shoulder. I freeze in place. I never thought this would happen again after everything I put him through.

- I don't dance. - I reply.

He looks at me and smiles drunkenly.

- You used to dance. On my birthday.

- Rаin...

- I know. We're not together. - he interrupts, placing a finger on my lips. - But today is my day. Today, I'll do whatever I want. Just today. So, either dance with me or leave and don't spoil my mood. - he declares, unyielding to any refusal. He gazes into my eyes, but I remain silent.

He pulls his hands away and starts to turn around, but I grab him.

- You did want to dance. - I say, and he smiles widely. He clings to me like a second skin, and together we sway to some dreadful ballad.

After some time, when the bar is empty and everyone has left, I sit on the wooden stool, leaning against the wall, and Rаin lies in my lap. Despite the enormous amount of alcohol he consumed, I'm relieved that he hasn't had a seizure so far.

- Do you know that every star has a doppelgänger? Like a soulmate - he says, extending his hand upward. I glance up at the fluorescent lamps on the ceiling and smile.

- That's nonsense. - I laugh, twirling a strand of his black hair.

- It's not nonsense. I read it somewhere. - he protests, and I nod, silently agreeing.

I don't want to argue. I like how he is now, calm and carefree. It's amazing what alcohol can do to people. Rain gazes into my eyes, so deeply that it penetrates my soul.

- What changed, Venice? What happened? - he suddenly asks, and the hand that was caressing his hair freezes in place. - Why did it turn out this way?

I remain silent. I don't know what to tell him. What should I answer? What's the right response?

- It had to happen this way. - I say, and he stands up.

- No. - he says.

Now he's better and ready for a fight. He sits opposite me with his legs crossed.

- Why don't you love me? - he accuses, pointing his finger at my face. - If you loved me, you wouldn't have left me. - he sighs hopelessly. His gaze suddenly turns sad, and he looks at my lips, moistening his own with his tongue.

- Can I kiss you? - he asks and leans in. He slightly opens his mouth, and I close my eyes, anticipating his lips to meet mine. But nothing happens. When I open my eyes, he has pulled away.

- I want to go. It's not fun anymore. - he says, struggling to get off the stool. I'm quicker than him, and I jump up, catching him in my arms.

He doesn't protest and allows me to carry him, and he falls asleep in my embrace. A car is waiting outside, and we get in. I can't take him back to his place in this condition, so I instruct the driver to take us to mansion. Once we arrive, I carry him in my arms to my room. Fortunately, everyone else seems to be asleep, and I didn't encounter anyone in the corridor.

- Have we arrived? - he asks when I close the door to the room. I lay him down on the bed and try to get up, but he holds me tightly.

- No. – he protest.

- I'll just get you some water - I say, trying to stand up.

- No.

He pushes me back onto the bed and climbs on top of me. This is getting worse.

- Rain, don't. You're drunk.

- Shut up. Just for once, shut up and let me do it. - he says, takes off my shirt, then his.

He gets up and takes off his pants, he takes off everything. He's naked in front of me and I'm looking down at him. I hadn't seen his body in months, I hadn't touched it, but it felt like years. He was thin, but still as handsome as a porcelain doll. I don't know why, maybe because of the alcohol or because I was a selfish animal or because I missed him so much. But I let him do whatever he wants. By the time I'm fascinated to watch his body, he's already taken off all my clothes and sits me down again.

- I know it's over. You don't want to say it, and I'll never forgive you. But let's be together tonight. Just you and me. Just let me have you tonight. Just for me. One last time. Please. One last time. - his voice is so desperate. He gave up on me. He left me in the past, like I did, like I wanted to. And even though I feel the huge cheek in my chest that won't let me breathe, I continue to torment us.

- Yes. - I whisper and rise. I bury my head in the curve of his neck.

His body jumps as if electrocuted by pleasure. I suck the skin on his neck and it turns red. I keep leaving red spots everywhere, not caring that they may be visible tomorrow.

- You're so hot, baby boy. You're so handsome. - I say and I kiss him. His mouth is so warm, so sweet, and I take in his scent. I take his breath away, just for me. I want it all.

After I separate from him, he moans, and I slide my hand between us to his wet hole and slide two fingers into it. His back is bent back and he groans. His body seems to be taking a breath. I start moving them slowly and I kiss his chest. He is so close to me that it is difficult for me to move my fingers. He grabs my neck, plucks my hair and bites his lips, but the groan between them is like a whistle. I'm looking at his face. Rain is so beautiful when he is at the height of pleasure that I smile at my own stupidity. That in a few hours this beautiful creature will be gone and forget me. That everything between us will remain a beautiful memory.

- Venice. - he whines, and I take my fingers out of him. I slide them into his mouth and watch his eyes turn at the taste of his pleasure.

- Shit. - I swear. I grab him by the hips and lift him up a little. His mouth opens and he groans as he takes me in. We both moan. Shit, it's been too long.

Rain is breathing hard, looking me in the eye as he goes up and down again. Then one more time and one more time. He leans over and kisses me, his tongue wrapped around mine. He's taking control. I squeeze his thighs hard, and he starts to move faster. My own moan is tearing at my chest. Shit, that boy's gonna kill me. I watch him, I watch him bend his hips, I watch him moan when I hit his prostate, and I can't believe he's gonna leave me. It can't be.

- Rain, I have to tell you something. - I say out of breath. I can't be such a coward. I can't lose him. - Rain...

- Don't say anything. - he barely whispers. – I don't want to know anything anymore.

- Shit, that's not right. I lo...

- Shut up. - he's gagging me again. - Shut up, please. I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to know. Only...

His voice breaks, his head slowly falls on my shoulder, and he wraps his arms around my neck. Then he literally cries from the power of his orgasm. The white liquid is coming out of his head and sticking to my abdominal muscles. I watch him squint his eyes and keep moving at me, prolonging his orgasm. I follow him, pushing him hard, wrapping my arms around him and biting his neck hard. I can hear him screaming in pain, but I can't stop. I end up violently in his body, pouring myself to the last drop. We fall back into bed, breathless, powerless, waiting for sleep and the past to consume us.


I wake up alone when the sunrise is barely visible in the distance. My head is pounding, and I feel nauseous from the awful alcohol I drank last night. I get up slowly and turn away. Venice is sleeping peacefully next to me, and as I watch him, a huge void opens up inside me. It's all over. I know what I did last night. I know what I promised him. It was all for the last time. The kisses, the embraces, his hands on my body. It felt so real. For the first time, I felt so close to him. It wasn't just sex. It was surrender. He truly loved me last night, with all his being. It was a beautiful farewell. My eyes start to well up, so I get up and start getting dressed. I need to leave before he wakes up. I quickly put on my clothes and head towards the door, but I stop. I turn back to him. Should I not... just for a little while? I tiptoe to him and sit on the bed. I hope I don't wake him up. I raise my hand and gently caress his face with my fingertips.

- Venice Theerapanyakul. - I sigh deeply. - You were my first great love. With you, I experienced things I had never experienced before. I love you. I truly love you more than anything. Thank you for everything. Thank you for teaching me how to love. I am grateful for every second spent with you. But now, it's time to let you go and continue my life without you. - I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. A tear escapes and falls on his skin, but he doesn't wake up. - Goodbye, my beautiful boy. I will always keep you in my heart.

I get up and quickly leave the room before I hesitate. I wipe away my tears and walk down the Hall. Suddenly I'm stuck in place. I hear voices, moans, whining. My face is burning with embarrassment. There is only one open room on the right. I walk quietly and stop in front of her. The voices, or rather the groans, come from there. I know it's wrong, but curiosity gets the better of me, and I peek through the open door.

I gasp, but I quickly put my hand to my mouth. Right across from me, two naked bodies converge on the bed. Fay's on her knees, and Peach's behind her, squeezing her chest..

Fey notices me and smiles slightly despite her moans. I quickly close the door and squeeze my eyes shut. What shame. But then I smile. After all, there is happiness for them too. I leave quickly before stumbling upon anything else I shouldn't.

In the taxi on the way home, I decide to take the first step towards a new beginning. I dial his number and put the phone to my ear. He picks up on the first ring.

- I want us to meet.

And there, in the dark room, a boy was crying uncontrollably, realizing that he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

- Goodbye, baby boy.

Hello my beautiful Angels. Sorry for my late chapter. But i'm back. And here we go again. I have to admit that i little cry when i wrote the last words of Rain.  I hope you like it. Please vote and comment. Thank you!

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