Bound in Darkness

By RichardandRobin

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"Bound in Darkness" is a twist of events based on the episodes "Apprentice - Part 1" and "Apprentice - Part 2... More

Ghosts of Yesterday
The Fire Within
Veiled Wounds

Abyss of Despair

19 0 0
By RichardandRobin

In the half-light of the moon, Richard looked like the shadow he had become. The anger he held for his captor was nothing but a shield for pain--like a cornered soldier randomly throwing out grenades, scared for his life.



The emotional and psychological pain Robin had and would endure left invisible scars, yet they could be traced by the gentlest of touch. He knew deep down that if he had to keep up this facade for much longer, that it would break him. Dick knew there was too much below deck not to shatter his carefully laid floor when it came to.

His grief came in waves, little ones, at first, and then they became unbelievably strong he felt so swept away. They came on at such random moments, replacing his anger, his fear, his, what Slade would consider, excitement or thrill.

The weight of his despair settled heavily upon Robin's shoulders, engulfing him in a flame of profound dejection and defeat. Every fiber of his being felt burdened with the weight of his actions, and the consequences of his choices. He had willingly embraced the darkness, believing he could control it, only to discover that it held him captive.

As he moved through the desolate city, Robin's footsteps felt sluggish and heavy. It was as if his body was mimicking the weariness that had settled deep within his soul. His once confident and resolute demeanor had become shattered. There was no longer a spring in his step or a spark in his eyes. There was anger, of course, that seemed to trickle out from time to time. Though, the only thing that truly remained was the haunting emptiness that seemed to grow with every passing moment.

In the darkness of the night, the city's broken skyline loomed overhead, as if it were a grim reminder of his failures. The once vibrant and bustling metropolis was seemingly in ruins, a reflection of the destruction he had unwittingly brought upon it. Richard was unable to shake the overwhelming feeling of responsibility for the pain and suffering he had become a part of.

Every new interaction with Slade served as yet another bitter reminder of his own powerlessness over the situation. How had he been such an idiot? How had he let his friends, his family, get in harm's way? He replayed every decision he made, ever misstep, and every moment of weakness that had led them to this dire situation. The realization that he had played a pivotal role in leading his closest friends into this nightmarish predicament weighed heavily on his conscience. Dick blamed himself for every misfortune, berating himself for not being strong enough to prevent their plight.

Though he hadn't worked for Slade for more than a month, the memories of his former life taunted him. Teasing him with glimpses of what once was and what could have been, had he not been a complete and utter imbecile. In the depths of his dejection, he questioned whether there was any way to redeem himself. If escape was an option, would there be any reconciliation for what he let happen? All because his emotions blinded him to the point of stupidity. It felt, in that moment, as though the darkness had become a part of him. Some permanent stain on his soul that he would never be able to wash away, no matter the outcome of his apprenticeship.

"Robin--" Slade's cold voice shattered Richard's train of thought. "Are you listening to me? You pathetic nitwit." His voice continued to echo through the earpiece. Robin took hold of his ear, wincing in pain from the sudden loud shrieking. "Get me that device." Wilson demanded.

Richard's heart pounded in his chest; each beat an echo of the turmoil raging within him. He stood at odds with his own convictions; torn between loyalty to his own friends, and the demands of his malevolent master. Every step he took towards the building ahead of him felt like betrayal, yet he was compelled to press on by the insidious influence of Slade's whispers.

As the Titans appeared before him, he saw their faces twist with concern. The thought of hurting them sent a sharp pang through his chest, but in no way would he defy Slade's commands. His eyes darted between each member of the team, desperately wishing to convey his internal struggle without revealing the truth of Slade's manipulation, as he was sworn to secrecy.

Sworn to never speak to his friends again.

Starfire stepped forward, her voice laced with worry. "Robin, what has happened to you?" She made note of his attire. "Please--talk to us."

He couldn't respond. His hands clenched into fists as he tried to suppress the dark influence that guided his actions.

"You're not yourself, Robin. We don't want to fight you." Raven spoke as calmly as the situation would allow. The air thickened with tension as the battle of the Titans unfolded. Robin skillfully evaded their attacks, his movements fluid and precise. He refused to cause them harm, but Slade's menacing presence lingered in the back of his mind. Or, rather, his ear.

The Tamaranian flew towards him. "Robin, please, we can help you." Her eyes were teary.

He blocked her attack, his heart aching at the pain he was causing them. Yet, Slade's threat hung over him like a dark cloud.

"Rob," Cyborg stepped forward, "whatever it is that's going on, we can talk about it."

Without another word, Stone was knocked onto his back with a quick blow to his chest from Richard's foot.

"I guess he doesn't want to talk." Beast Boy murmured. They knew it was unlike him to be this way, but why was the question; and, unfortunately for them, they had yet to receive an answer.

Raven extended her hand in an attempt to immobilize him gently with her powers. "You don't have to do this, Robin." Despite his desire to accept their help, the fear of losing what he would consider family paralyzed him. Slade had been playing with the balance of life and death, and that wasn't something Dick was willing to risk. He broke free from Raven's hold by tossing a blinding apparatus towards the group that momentarily stunned them. Just long enough for him to be released.

"Robin..." Starfire, holding out a glowing hand ahead of her to stop the new villain from escaping, spoke to him with the same cadence she always had. "You are my best friend." Her voice trembled. "I cannot be in a world where we must fight."

Richard's eyes softened for just a moment.

"If you are truly evil," her head began to drop alongside her arm, the glowing hand returning to normal. "Then go ahead. Do what you must."

Robin had her in his sights, and she was just far enough away that he couldn't hold her close to him to apologize. But her words touched off his own inner conflict, and after a tense moment, he de-energized his own blaster and lowered his arm.

"Starfire--" his voice caught in his throat. He had to protect them. He had to let them know that no matter what, he wasn't evil. He wasn't like Slade.  A shrill squeal of feedback came through his earpiece and his hand clasped his ear in pain.

"Robin!" Slade exclaimed. "I gave you an order." Within moments, flashes of red light played across, one after another, on the young woman ahead of him. Starfire's being changed to an orange-glowing, red-flecked silhouette. She floated just out of range, groaning in agony. Unable to move, besides painful twitching and flailing, Starfire began to fall.

Richard inched towards her, extended his arms to her, catching her just before she was to hit the ground.

"Star..." He whispered, observing her features that now had an orange-red glow to them. Not long after, Robin looked to the others to find them in the same fashion--collapsed and in unbearable pain.

"Stop!" Robin begged. "Please stop!" His heart shattered at the sight of his friends in searing pain. This is what his compliance bought him. Agony and suffering, but, for once, he was not suffering alone. His incompetence had come at the expense of those closest to him.

"You can't do this! Stop it!" No matter how much Robin pleaded, his friends' agony seemed endless.

"Attack, Robin." Slade demanded. "It's the only way to save them. Attack them with everything you've got." The weapon on his wrist he had been trying not to use the entire fight was the only thing that could stop them from suffering.

"Robin..." Starfire spoke as Richard had gently placed her onto the ground, pointing his blaster at her once more.

"I'm sorry." Robin's voice, barely audible, was the last thing she recalled before a blinding red light was shot in her direction.

"That's my boy." Richard could feel the smile underneath Slade's mask forming. His blood ran cold. Those words sent a shiver down his spine.

The possessive tone with which Slade claimed him, stoked the embers of rebellion burning within Robin's soul.

My boy... The words repeated like a haunting refrain. Each utterance grated Robin's nerves. The echoes were a constant reminder that he was nothing more than a pawn in Slade's twisted game. Fury surged through him, yet it was tightly restrained by the knowledge that Slade's nanobots lurked within his friends' bodies, ready to deliver death at any future sign of disobedience. Richard clenched his fists, nails digging into his palms as he fought to keep his emotions in check.

Beneath the anger simmered a sense of distress. Another realization that he was trapped--bound by the strings of a puppeteer who reveled in his suffering. The weight of his helplessness pressed down on him like a suffocating darkness he had never before felt.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to punch and kick and throw anything and everything around him. He wanted nothing more than to defy Slade. But he was trapped, unable to voice the anger and frustration consuming him. The words 'my boy' would forever serve as a reminder that he was Slade's puppet; forced to dance to the tune of a malevolent master.

After the fight had dissipated and the Titans were knocked unconscious, Robin returned to face the puppet master once more. As he stepped into the dimly lit room, the oppressive aura of his tormentor chilled his body to the core. Slade regarded him with cold, calculating eyes, and Robin could only assume that his lips had curled into a menacing smile.

"Ah, my boy," Slade's voice dripped with condescension, emphasizing the possessive 'my' that fueled Robin's growing anger. "Glad to see that you've got what I wanted." As the man approached him, his jaw and fists clenched, determined to not show any form of weakness in front of his captor.

"You can't keep this up forever." Robin's voice was laced with defiance.

"Oh, but I can." Slade's smile widened. "Though, your act of disrespect should be addressed first." Without warning, Slade's hand shot out, gripping Robin's throat tightly. "Disobedience has consequences, Robin." He spat.

The pressure was suffocating, and Richard struggled to breathe. Though he tried to get a grip to release the pressure on his neck, Slade's strength was overwhelming.

"I control you, remember?" He hissed, his grip tightening with every passing second. "You are mine and you will obey." Slade released his hold, allowing Dick to stumble back, his breathing labored. "You should be grateful, my boy. I'm giving you a purpose. A direction in life."

"I have a purpose." Robin's eyes burned with anger. "And it isn't to be your little puppet, Slade." Before another word could escape his lips, Slade's hand struck him with a swift, precise blow. The force of it sent him staggering, and he tasted the metallic tang of blood in his mouth. It wasn't the physical pain that stung him the most; rather the realization that he was trapped in this endless cycle of submission and punishment. His body tensed in anticipation of what was to come next. While Richard never fully disobeyed Slade before, he knew damn well what the man was capable of, and the fear of what to come left him breathless.

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