The Willow's Diamond (on a br...

By Princess_Bookworm23

80.1K 2K 51

(Taking a break) Grace Fawn, named because of her beauty and grace, caught the eyes of many suitors. Gentle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 29

1.3K 50 1
By Princess_Bookworm23

(Sorry it took so long to post this chapter, I've been extremely with work and have not had time to write and edit, and I've been on a writers block a little bit)

Noon arrived quickly, and Grace could solely hope and pray everything was perfect as guests began to arrive; the quartet played as they strolled through the estate into the gardens.
A scene from a movie. It was beautiful.
"Grace, my dear, this is stunning," Violet striding towards Grace, delivering her a hug.
"Thank you, Violet," Grace blushed, skimming around, witnessing the guest chatter with drinks in hand.
"Where's Ashlynn and James?" Hyacinth popped out from behind her mother, looking around for the twins.
Grace chuckled, "Check by the biscuits and lemonade,"
"Thank you!" she yelled before running off.
"I better follow her to make sure they don't have too much sugar," Violet sighs, rolling her eyes.
"Might be a good idea," Grace laughs.
"Wow, you look lovely,"
"You don't look too bad yourself, Bridgerton," Grace spoke, driving Benedict to laugh and... blush?
"Where's the rest of the family?" looking behind him.
"El and Collin are with Penelope, Daph is with Simon and the baby, and Gregory is currently on house arrest," he laughed.
"Ah, by your mother, I presume?"
"That would be correct. Somebody thought it would be a good idea to put dye in tea and bath water. He would have gotten away with it, except someone got dye on their hands." Benedict said, laughing and rolling his eyes.
"So that's why Hyacinth's legs are a bit blue," Grace chuckled.
"She's not the only victim," Benedict spoke, bending down to his pant leg and lifting it to reveal a fair but noticeable tint of blue.
"Oh no," Grace laughed, covering
her mouth, trying not to cause a scene.
"Good thing you wear trousers then, isn't it?"
"Only out of the bedroom, yes," he winked.
"Benedict!" Grace whispered harshly, hitting him in the arm, forcing him to laugh.
"Do not tell Eloise; she has already asked how a woman comes to be with child," he whispered, causing Grace to gasp.
"She still does not know?" Grace replied as they began to stroll.
"Mother got flustered and still refused to explain,"
Grace sighed, "She's going to find out either by gossip or books," she spoke, picking up a glass of lemonade.
"Ah, that's right, that is how you found out, isn't it?" He chuckled, following her every step.
"You mean before I cornered you and asked for answers? Yes," she laughed, blushing slightly.
"Slightly traumatic, you know?"
Grace just shrugged, "Potentially, but in the end, I got what I wanted," she smirked.
"You did always find a way," he laughed, looking off.
People were chatting and drinking tea and lemonade with their sweets; Grace was about to say something to Benedict before she caught a glimpse of someone, causing her to choke on her drink.
*cough, cough* "Oh my god," she choked, "she came,"
"Who?" Benedict asked, looking around, confused.
"The Queen," she whispered as Her Majesty approached.
"Your Majesty," she bowed, "I'm so pleased you could make it," Grace smiled, feeling her heart getting all giddy.
"Lady Fawn, this looks," she paused, "charming," she smiled, holding her head high.
"Thank you, there are biscuits, sweets, and refreshments, as well as some outdoor games,"
"Outdoor games?" The Queen questioned.
"Yes. Mostly for the children but free for all to enjoy," Grace smiled.
The Queen stared, then spoke softly, "Do you have chess?" she smirked.
"Of course," Grace replied, pointing to a set nearby.

Everything was running smoothly, the music was a hit, along with the tea, lemonade, and sweets. It was flawless until Grace had a little reminder.
"So, what are you ladies wearing tonight?" Lady Cowper questioned, taking a sip of her tea.
"Tonight? Whatever do you mean?" Grace asks, baffled.
"The Queen's ball, the one where she announces who this season's diamond is going to be," she laughs, glancing at the other ladies.
"It must have slipped my mind, oh dear," Grace expressed, despising herself for letting it slip her mind.
"Well, we know who it's not going to be," Lady Cowper gossiped to the lady beside her, laughing.
Rather than allowing her mind to worry about the ball, Grace could not help but smile to herself. For she knows something they don't.
"What are you smiling about?" A lady next to Grace asked.
"Yes, Grace, what are you smiling about?" Cressida questioned, attempting to find another thing to make fun of.
"Nothing," she smiled, "I hope you ladies enjoy your time. Now if you excuse me, I must talk with other guests," taking her leave from that snotty cluster.
Grace sauntered over to Benedict, who conversed earlier with the devil, "Have a terrible time with Lady Cowper?" rolling her eyes, taking a sip of her drink.
"Quite the opposite, actually," he grinned.
Grace could not help but stare at him. Could he seriously be debating on courting that devil of a blonde? She's a damn witch.
"Please tell me you are joking. Please," looking at him like he lost his goddamn mind.
Benedict burst into laughter, "Of course not, that woman is a witch,"
A huge sigh of relief came out, "Oh, thank god, I thought I would have to hit you with one of the cooks' pans to knock some sense into you," she laughed.
"I'm appalled! I would never. Not to mention, she's incredibly rude to Eloise and Penelope,"
Grace could not help but roll her eyes, "She's rude to everyone, except suitors and higher people of the ton of course,"
"They are fake, it is clear to see," he sighed, skimming the guests in front of him.
"And yet, some of dumb enough to fall for it," Grace uttered, motioning to the suiter that was chatting to Cressida.
"I don't," Benedict replied, facing Grace with his ocean eyes, causing her heart and stomach to flutter? No, they've been friends since childhood, she can't fall for him. That would be too weird, right?
A voice snapped her out of her mind, "GRACE!"
"What?" She frantically said, looking around to see whom the voice belonged to, only to see her sister standing in front of her.
"I said your name three times, is everything alright?" Ashlynn expressed, looking at Grace oddly.
"Yes, What is it?"
"Huh? Oh, right, I was just going to say I saw Anthony in the garden with your journal, which I thought is weird because you always yell at us not to touch it. Oh, and we're running low on lemonade."
Grace's eyes widened, Anthony was here? That's surprising.
"Okay, thank you for making me aware. Can you go to the kitchen and let them know we are low on lemonade, Ash?"
"Will do," she said, skipping off to the house.
Benedict leaned in, "What are you going to do?"
"Simple, have some words with him," Grace grinned, stepping away and towards Violet's direction.

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