
By Ayanokoji-Kyun

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(Ayanokoji x Kushida Although romance is not a prominent aspect of the story) Instead of emotionless koji who... More

V1 - Chapter 1: Façade
V1 - Chapter 2.1: First Day Part 2
V1 - Chapter 3: Popularity Boost
V1 - Chapter 4: Club Fair
V1 - Chapter 5: Swimming
V1 - Chapter 6: Investigation
V1 - Chapter 7: Surprise Test
V1 - Chapter 8: May 1st
V1 - Chapter 9: Failed Threat
V1 - Chapter 10: Study Buddies
V1 - Chapter 11: Work
V1 - Chapter 12: Mid-Terms
V1 - Chapter 13: Arisu Sakayanagi
V1 - Chapter 14: Plan NM
V1 - Chapter 15: Clash of the Horikitas
SS: Horikita Suzune
V1 - Chapter 16: One Step Ahead
V1 - Chapter 17: Trial Day
V1: Chapter 18 - The New Class C

V1 - Chapter 2: The First Day

3.4K 116 62
By Ayanokoji-Kyun

I, and many others, seemed to notice the old lady, potentially in her 80s, stumble into the bus, a walking stick in hand. She weakly searched the packed vehicle for a seat but ceased to find one.

I glanced over at the girl beside me, nodding. To allow my girlfriend to sit down, I humbly offered her my seat whilst I stood up instead of her.

To quickly get recognized in the eyes of the students that were already on the bus, Kikyou called out to the old lady, "Excuse me, miss, you can have my seat!" She exclaimed happily, and loudly to attract the attention of those around her.

I smiled at the old lady and proceeded to help her into the seat whilst Kikyou stood up beside me gripping the same pole as I.

We could've very well caused a commotion by speaking to the blonde-haired male in our school uniform sitting in a priority seat but decided that that would have been an annoyance to the surrounding people.

Once the bus had stopped in front of the prestigious school, Kikyou and I walked off of it, hand in hand, attracting more attention than on the bus.

"Lucky bastard..."

"It should be me standing next to that beauty!"

"It's always the damn Ikemen..."

Of course, it was known to Kikyou and me that she was beautiful. If anything, she was an angel to those around her. She had every asset if you know what I mean.

Walking through the school hand in hand had already established the closeness of our relationship to those who witnessed it.

"She's so lucky..."

"I wish I was her, he's so handsome and dreamy~..."

"Why can't I have what she has?!!"

I was also a good-looking man. I had the body, hair, looks, and most of all, I had a charming smile. I don't have a big ego, it's just facts of course. I would never put on a narcissistic front like the blonde-haired man on the bus who was filing his already deemed perfect nails and checking himself out in the mirror.

Perhaps Kikyou and I would become the stereotypical Barbie and Ken couple that most dream of becoming at this school. That's not guaranteed of course, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a high probability of it happening.

The teachers around us pointed and gave directions to where the school entrance ceremony was to happen. I allowed Kikyou to go on ahead without me and I explored the school.

To my amusement, there were cameras littered everywhere, not a single room and hallway didn't have at least 4 cameras watching students' every move. Suspicious from the get-go.

I entered my classroom for a moment to check which seat was mine and Kikyous, disappointingly, we weren't seated beside each other.

Finishing my observation of the school, I made my way to the entrance ceremony just in time and was greeted by Kikyou.

"What did you do?" She asked, leaning into my shoulder, and resting her head.

"You'll find out later in the day," I replied.

She silenced herself and began to pay attention to the ceremony, which might I add, was extremely boring.

Now, for the observation of the students.

In this school, the classes were lettered A through to D. In normal standards, there would be no meaning behind this and classes would get switched up every year but because this is a government-established school there was no way this didn't have some significance.

Class A first. Looking at them, I'd say that they're all well-mannered and very education-enforced. They aren't rowdy, instead, they're paying utmost attention to the head of the school. There is a small handful of people that I'd pick out who show some significance. For example, there is a lilac-haired girl with a walking stick. Very short, loli-like. Despite looking inferior in her class, she shows smugness on her face with a smirk as if she'll lead it in the future. Whatever condition she has, it seems to not affect her prowess. A natural-born genius perhaps. Who knows?

Moving on to the class beside them, class B. Their attention on the head of the school wasn't much different to the latter class. From the group, I could also pick out some significant people who will probably affect the class. A strawberry-blonde-haired girl who seemed to radiate positive energy. She'll become a foe towards Kikyou in a popularity contest. Another in said class looked unlike the others, a man with violet-blueish hair and purple eyes. He seemed like a diligent person who behaved very seriously. It seems as though he is hiding some sort of ability. Perhaps he's trained in some sort of martial arts.

Now, for the next class: Class C. The attitude of this class was completely different to the others. The range of the type of people in their class differed vastly. There was one in particular who stood out. A shoulder-length magenta-haired boy wearing sunglasses with a smirk that seemed to just stay put on his face. A delinquent for sure. Between violence and non-violence, that man would definitely choose violence.

Last but not least; Class D. By means, this class was by far the worst. The majority were talking to each other and half of the male population of our class was staring at girls. Especially my girl. Nobody stood out to me and that's unsurprising due to the people in it.

From this observation, the chances of there being a class hierarchy were by no means little. In other words, class A would seem to be the best of the four whilst class D seemed to be the worst. I wonder what sets the people in the classes apart.

The ceremony ended and the majority of people started to head towards class whilst some others decided to explore the school. There were around 20 minutes until homeroom started so that's unsurprising.

Kikyou and I decided to go straight towards the classroom, this would give us the chance to talk to people first and befriend them.

We briefly nodded at each other and I headed towards the male population of the class and she went to the female.

" 'Sup!" I said, putting my hand up in a waving gesture and gently smacking one of the guy's backs, "I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka!" I said cheerfully, smiling.

"Sudo Ken." The red-headed boy replied. Judging by his forte, he seemed to be a strong person and he was tall. Basketball potentially?

"I'm Ike Kanji! Nice to meet you!" It was not nice to meet this person back, he was one of the handful eyeing up Kikyou and her body.

And so was the next person, "Yamauchi Haruki's the name!" He done a peace sign and grinned.

We talked about things that interested a 15-year-old boy such as manga, sports and anime. From our brief conversation, these boys were most definitely perverts. The least out of the three was Sudo. He was alright, although, from his mannerisms, he seemed to be on the aggressive side of the spectrum.

Once the class was settled in, the bell rang and everyone sat in their respective seats as the teacher walked in the room.

Every step she took lowered the atmosphere of the class, she had a condescending mood; as if she was looking down on us.

"I'm Sae Chabashira, your homeroom teacher." She started, "At this school, you will not change classes ever, unlike most schools where there's a change up every year, I'll be responsible for you guys straight 'til graduation. I'm looking forward to it." A cunning smirk formed on her face as if she was hiding something.

She began to hand out small rule books to each desk, "These are the rules. We have rather unique rules at this school. First, you must all live in the dorms, your contact with the outside world will be restricted, as well as your time away from campus." We were told this information before coming to this school, hence why we bid everyone farewell - not that I had anyone to bid farewell to.

"This school offers a wide variety of facilities. Anything you want, or need, can be found here, including leisure and entertainment."

There were indeed many things to entertain us. For example; karaoke, theatre rooms, cafés and even the littlest of things like boutiques. You can say that it made up a small town.

This is all undoubtedly very interesting, but the most interesting thing is was comes up next; the introduction of the S system.

"I will now hand out the student ID cards; it works like a credit card. You can buy anything from the shops or facilities on campus. However, be careful of the amount of points you use. There is nothing you can't buy at school. If it's on school grounds, it's purchasable."

The point system essentially replaced money. This way, people wouldn't be needed to carry around cash.

"The points given will be automatically credited on the first of every month. Everyone should already have 100,000 points in their account. Before I forget to mention it; 1 point is the equivalent go 1¥."

Undoubtedly, everyone was shocked at the number of points they'd received. 100,000 is no small number for a high school student. Yet it seemed only a few were sceptical of it, myself included.



"This is like.. twenty times more than I usually get!"

"You're all surprised by the size of your allotment, aren't you? This school judges its students based on their merit alone. You've all shown immense value just getting into this school. We've allotted you what we think you're worth." She took a brief look around the class, "Any questions?" The tone of her voice sounded like she wanted people to ask questions as if there were a hidden meaning behind her words.

I raised my hand.

"You must be Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, what is your question?"

The whole class's line of sight shifted towards me as I was about to speak, "How many points would it be for me to switch seats with someone?" I questioned. For a moment there, I saw a small smile form on her face.

"15,000, although, you would have to have the permission of the other person before you do that." She replied.

You may be wondering, what was the point of my question? It was to see if anyone else would get the hint that when she meant absolutely anything, she meant it. Of course, judging by their reactions, they don't seem to get it at all.

"Alright! Thank you for the answer Sensei!" I thanked her, smiling slightly, causing the girls around me to hold their breath at my amazingness.

She shortly left the room and I noticed that a boy was about to get up to the front of the class so I quickly got there before he even managed to leave his seat, "Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?" I asked in a loud voice, gaining their attention fast.

"Since, as Sensei said, we're gonna be spending the next 3 years together, I suggest that we all introduce ourselves!" I smiled brightly at them, waiting for their agreement.

Of course, the majority of the class agreed with me whilst the minority kept quiet.

"Since I suggested, I guess I'll go first to ease everyone's nerves! My name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, feel free to call me whatever you want! I don't mind! I enjoy playing the piano and basketball and I hope you all get along with me. I wouldn't mind if you invited me along to do activities or anything. I can't wait to have fun with you all."  I continued to give them a warm smile that could melt the hearts of others.

"If that was satisfactory, should we start the introduction at the beginning of the class?" I said, motioning to the girl sitting in seat 1-A.

She seemed perplexed and nervous by my words. She tried clearing her mind and stood up awkwardly. In other words, she was flustered by me.

"M-my name i-is I-Inogashira K-ko..." Her mind went completely blank and she couldn't find an end meets to her words. Her face went pale in embarrassment.

"You don't need to rush it~." I calmly said, trying to ease her nerves. Others followed suit and tried calming her down with encouraging words.

Although my words were nice, they didn't seem to get through to her. I gave Kikyou a quick look and she immediately understood.

"It's alright to do it slowly, you don't need to rush through it." Oh, how her fake voice is so calming.

The girl took a deep breath before regaining her composure, "My name is... Inogashira Kokoro. My hobbies are sewing and knitting. Please take care of me."

Finally. Took her long enough.

The next person was one of the few I met earlier - one of the perverts.

He grinned and stood up proudly, "I'm Yamauchi Haruko! I was the baseball club's ace in middle school but because of an injury at the inter-high tournaments, I can't play anymore! Nice to meet ya!"

The class stifled laughs as you can't compete in the inter-high tournaments as a middle schooler so it was obvious he was telling a lie.

"Then I'm next right?" Ah, the voice I always love to hear, "My name is Kushida Kikyou! I want to get to know everyone and become their friend!" As do I, "After the introductions, please exchange contact info with me! During vacation and our free time, I want to create memories with everyone! So please invite me to any events!" She said back down after getting loud applause. I gave her a small thumbs-up.

She truly is a master at this.

The introductions had ended but a handful of people walked out, unwanting to introduce themselves, behaving like children. One of them included our anger issues boy Sudo Ken who kicked a desk over in retaliation to the introductions.

It seems as though the day went well with only the small mishap during the introductions.

What a lovely start to my new life, right?

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